new winDSK6 module, calledCommFSK, which includes the following features: • generation of phase continuous and phase discontinuous FSK with adjustable data rate; • control of the modulated signal’s amplitude, center frequency, and frequency deviation; • source data selection from a pattern of alternating 0’s and 1’s, several PN-sequences, random data, all 0’s, all 1’s, ASCII text messages from keyboard, or data from files; • optional built-in or user-defined asynchronous communications protocol; • user defined FIR-based filtering of the resulting FSK signal; and, • full integration into the winDSK6 program. Page
,assembly language, and encoding. The nod4 architecture has an 8-bit data path and an 8-bitaddress bus. From the programmer’s point of view nod4 has the following CPU registers • A – accumulator • C – condition code register (Z,C,I) • S – stack pointer • X – index register • PC – program address counterThe A register is primarily for handling data. The C register contains the zero flag (Z),carry/borrow flag (C), and the interrupt enable flag (I). The stack pointer maintains the stackdata structure. The X register is a fairly general purpose index register. The program counter(PC) can be thought of as referring to the next instruction however due to pre-fetching has a twistdiscussed later, that the assembly language programmer is
evidenced by comparison ofpre- and post-test scores, have been documented in classes at Colorado School of Mines.1 Page 12.1503.2This tool is also designed to allow for differentiated learning, since the instructor can activatemore than one question at a time and each student can choose the question(s) to which they willrespond. Since it is web based, “just in time” (JiTT) polling is easily implemented.InkSurvey is available for free to the higher education community( and its use will be demonstrated during this presentation.Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyPen-based technologies like tablet PCs afford engineering
AC 2007-2711: TEACHING HARDWARE DESIGN OF FIXED-POINT DIGITALSIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMSDavid Anderson, Georgia Institute of TechnologyTyson Hall, Southern Adventist University Page 12.1360.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Session: 2711 Teaching Hardware Design of Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processing Systems David V. Anderson1 and Tyson S. Hall2 1 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332–0250, dva@ece.gatech.edu2 Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN 37315–0370,
student’s peer reviewed document, prepared for inventory Content—RDC RDC on the comment inventory sheets stands for Rhetorically-Driven Content analysis,corresponding to what many have called higher-order concerns.17 We teach the course with a Page 12.278.7rhetorical emphasis, by which we mean students are taught to evaluate communication by the degree towhich it successfully adapts to its rhetorical situation: its audience(s), genre (communication type),purpose, topic, and specific context (recognizing that communication does not occur ‘in a vacuum’).Rhetorically-driven content analysis, then, will comment, for example, on whether the
(S) or Number Multi Name of of (M) Major TabletPrimary School or Program of Students Course Software or Some Findings Regarding Student in theAuthor Research Firm Study in Study Study Activity Study University of Classroom increased student engagement and real-Anderson Washington CS 44 M Presenter time feedback from instructor DePauw DyKnow well received by students andBerque University CS 81 M DyKnow
Emirates University in Al-Ain, UAE where he helped set up an innovative introductory engineering curriculum. Dr. Tanyel received his B. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bo?aziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey in 1981, his M. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA in 1985 and his Ph. D. in biomedical engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA in 1990. Page 12.382.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Comparing the Walsh Domain to the Fourier Domain with a LabVIEW Based Communication Systems ToolkitAbstractAlthough the
acontinuous time filter component like a capacitor or inductor. For this low-pass filter the effectis seen in the step response. Given a step input value ws the steady state value for x can beapproximated by recognizing the familiar geometric power series. ∞ ws x s = ws ∑ K3n = = 16 ws (9) n =0 1 + K3Unlike floating point numbers where the details involving precision are handled by a processorin silent fashion, with fixed point numbers the designer is responsible. To assist in this regard,Figure 12 is the so-called plumbing diagram for the example first order low-pass
based on model transport equations for theturbulence kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (ε). The transport equations are based onassumptions that the flow is fully turbulent and the effect of the molecular viscosity is negligible.Transport Equations for the standard k-ε model ∂ µ (ρκ ) + ∇(ρκV ) = ∇ µ + t ∇k + Gk + Gb − ρε − YM + S k …..(3.a)∂t σk µ 2 ∂ (ρε ) + ∇(ρεV ) = ∇ µ + t ∇ε + C1ε ε (Gk + C3ε Gb ) − C 2ε ρ ε + S ε …..(3.b)∂t σk k k k2where the turbulent
International Conference and Exposition, Chicago, June 2006. 3. Willis, C.L., and Miertschin, S.L. (2004), “Tablet PCs as Instructional Tools or the Pen is Mighter than the Board”, SIGITE, Salt Lake City, Utah. 4. Jeschke, S., Knipping, L., Rojas, R., and Seiler, R. (2006), “Intelligent Chalk-Systems for Modern Page 12.1351.8 Teaching in Math, Science and Engineering”, ASEE International Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL.5. Lord, S., and Perry, L., (2006), “Tablet PC- is it Worth it? A Preliminary Comparison of Several Approaches to using Tablet PC in an Engineering Classroom”, ASEE
the Mathscript code generated by J-DSP for the design shown in Figure 5.The processing uses the Peak Picking block in J-DSP, which selects the highest components orfirst few components from the DFT coefficients based on the choice made. The reconstructedframes after peak picking can then be handled in LabVIEW to create output files with playbackfeatures. The model created in LabVIEW is illustrated in Figure 6. An assessment quiz was administered before (pre-quiz) and after (post-quiz) the hands-onlaboratory exercise. Some of the questions posed are itemized below:1. S is the frequency domain vector representation of the speech signal vector s. If S consists ofN components, which one of the following approaches, would result in better
, 2005 0.4 Fall, 2006 0.2 0 ho m e wo rk pro je c t pre s e nt a t io n o v e ra ll Figure 6. Student performance comparison in multiple course tasks in EE442.Nevertheless, we did face some challenges when implementing the CPBL model in the pilotcourses. As with any course re-design, it usually takes several iterations to “work out the kinks.”The biggest challenge is how to balance the instruction time and the time to do in-class projects.It is important that the in-class projects should not take too much instructional time. However
. Page 12.840.104.2.4 Determining Shift Points Given the discussion above, one can, in principle, use the nakedeye to read the shift points off the acceleration vs. speed curves shown in Figure 5. However, first gear (a) (b) acceleration (m/s 2 ) acceleration (m/s 2 ) second gear 6 6 third gear 4 fourth gear
. Additional thanks to MicroStrain, Inc. of Williston, Vermont forgenerously supporting a wide range of wireless sensor related activities at UVM.Bibliography1 J. Frolik and J. Zurn, “Evaluation of Tablet PCs for engineering instruction and content development,” ASEEComputers in Education Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, July-September 2005.2 J. Cimbala, R. Toto, M. Wharton and J. Wise, “One step beyond: lecturing with a Tablet PC,” 2006 ASEE AnnualConference, Chicago IL.3 S. Brophy and G. Walker, “Case study of the pedagogical impact of Tablet PCs as a presentation medium in large-scale engineering classrooms,” 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, Portland OR.4 J. Griffioen, W. Seales, J. Lumpp, “Teaching in realtime wireless classrooms,” Frontiers in Education
Figure 3: Template and model properties3.2. PIC Library The PIC Library is a custom library of Simulink blocks (in the form of s-functions) thatinterface with sensors and actuators connected to the PIC microcontroller. The following blocksare currently included in the PIC library: ADC, PinStateIn, PWM, and PinStateOut. Moreover,the library includes a block labeled IOBlock that is required in all user-designed Simulinkdiagrams to enable serial communication between the PIC microcontroller and Matlab.Hardware settings and parameter requirements of each block are detailed below. ADC Block (see Figure 4) configures the analog to digital conversion module of the PICmicrocontroller. Note that five of the six I/O pins of port A and three I/O pins of
µ 2 u( x , y ) = Uf ' ( η ), v(x, y) = U [ηf ' ( η ) − f ( η )] (14) 4 ρUx where η is defined in relation (10). Velocity profiles for various locations x are illustrated inFigure 6 showing the development of the boundary layer from the uniform flow for variablesρU/µ = 1x105m-1 and U = 0.1m/s. The boundary layer thickness δ is the locus of points wherethe horizontal velocity is 99% of the freestream velocity U and is µx δ =5 (15) Page 12.58.7
; Vagge, S. (1999). Maximizing constructivist learningfrom multimedia communications by minimizing cognitive load. Journal of EducationalPsychology, 91(4), 638–643.4. McCombs, B. L. (2000). Assessing the role of educational technology in the teaching andlearning process: A learner centered perspective. The Secretary Conference on EducationalTechnology 2000.5. Way Kuo, Assessment for US Engineering Programs, IEEE Transaction on Reliability, vol 55,March 2006, pp 1-67. F. Frankel, “Translating Science into Pictures: A Powerful Learning Tool,” Invention andImpact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, andMathematics (STEM) Education, AAAS Press, 2005, pp. 155-158.8. L. Cochran et al
curriculum. Overallthe work adds to knowledge of how best to train and teach PM, informs the debate on the bestpedagogical approaches, identifies modelling issues about how and where to start on themodelling journey, about how best to develop 3D modelling capabilities in users.Bibliography1. Bhavnani, S. K., John, B. E. & Fleming, U. (1999) The Strategic Use of CAD: An Empirically Inspired, Theory-Based Course. Proceedings of CHI 1999, May 15-20.2. Bhavnani, S. K. & John, B. E. (1996) Exploring the Unrealised Potential of Computer-Aided Drafting.3. Bhavnani, S. K. (2000) Designs Conducive to the Use of Efficient Strategies. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000.4. Hartman, N. W. (2004) Defining Expertise in the Use
research of affective learning in engineeringeducation.References[1] R. Picard, S. Papert, W. Bender, B. Blumberg, C. Breazeal, D. Cavallo, T. Machover, M. Resnick, D. Roy, and C. Strohecker (2004): Affective Learning – A Manifesto. BT Technology Journal, 22(4), 253-269.[2] V. DeBellis, and G. Goldin (2006): Affect and Meta-Affect in Mathematical Problem Solving: A Representational Perspective. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63(2), 131-147.[3] Hofer, B. K., & Pintrich, P. R. (Eds.). (2002). Personal epistemology. The psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing. Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates.[4] Bandura, A. Self-efficacy. In V. S. Ramachaudran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Behavior Vol. 4, pp. 71-81, 1994. New
AC 2007-1483: THE USE OF A COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE GLOBALCITIZENLupita Montoya, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Lupita D. Montoya is Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She earned her BS degree in Engineering from California State University, Northridge, her MS in Mechanical Engineering and her PhD in Environmental Engineering from Stanford University.Chris Moore, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Chris S. Moore is a Course Developer in the Distributed Education and Multimedia Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has served as
different recipe creations and Figures 4 and 5 depict two landscapes. As the reader can see,students chose their own recipe to customize and chose their own landscape to depict. Page 12.608.10Ingredients for 4.0 servings of Scrunchy Sweet and Sour Chicken:4.0 egg yolksSalt and Ground Black Pepper4.0 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cubedVegetable oilThe following is for the Sweet and sour sauce to top the chicken; it is tailored to the 4.0servings you requested1.0 Onion(s), sliced1.0 Small Red Pepper(s), cut into one inch pieces1.0 Small Orange Pepper(s), cut into one inch pieces1.0lb of Pacific Friend Pineapple cubes in natural juice1.0tbsp
2005 Annual Conference, 3620-03.4. Lawson, Barry G., Smirni, Evgenia, ”Multiple-queue Backfilling Scheduling with Priorities and Reservations for Parallel Systems” Department of Computer Science, College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795, USA5. Srinivasan, S., Kettimuthu, R., Subramani, V., and Sadayappan, P., “Characterization of backfilling strategies for parallel job scheduling”. IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, pages 514– Page 12.803.16 519, August 2002.6. Bode, Brett, Halstead, David M., Kendall, Ricky and Lei, Zhou “The Portable Batch Scheduler and the Maui
. Wilkerson, M., Griswold, W.G., & Simon, B. (2005). “Ubiquitous Presenter: Increasing Student Access andControl in a Digital Lecturing Environment.” SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.8. Berque, D. (2006). “An evaluation of a broad deployment of DyKnow software to support note taking andinteraction using pen-based computers.” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 21: 6, 204-216. Availableonline at Page 12.1552.119. Enriquez, A.G., Gunawardena, A., Kowalski, F., Kowalski, S., Millard, D.L., & Vanides, J. (2006). "Innovationsin Engineering
usually limited by theacquisition rate of the data acquisition card and the computing power of the PC, the basicfunctionality can compare with that of more expensive equipment. This lower speed ofoperation and basic functionality is adequate for educational laboratory exercises.In this case, the novel VSA system provides a user interface that has much of the basicfunctionality of standard hardware VSA’s, but with the limitation that bandwidth is constrainedby the 1.25 MSa/s sampling rate of the DAQ. The system provides real-time plots of I/Qconstellation as well as signal spectrum displays. The user interface is described as well asexample laboratory experiments, where students get hands-on experience with a variety ofsignals including BPSK, QPSK
classroom environment, which allows for learning of concepts not easilygrasped in a traditional lecture setting.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Arizona Space Grant for the fundingof student work on the project.Bibliography1. Gere, J. and Timoshenko, S. Mechanics of Materials, Second Edition. Boston, MA: PWS Publishers, 1984.2. Gere, J. Mechanics of Materials, Sixth Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson, 2004.3. Mosterman, P.J., Dorlandt, M., Campbell, J.O., Burow, C., Bouw, R., Brodersen, A.J., and Bourne, J.R. “VirtualEngineering Laboratories: Design and Experiments,” Journal of Engineering Education, July 1994, pp. 279-285.4. Feisel, L.D. and Rosa, A.J. “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering
with solving problemsPerceived Engagement…the section was engaging…I got to practice solving problems…I was focused on solving problems Page 12.884.16…I solved problems instead of being shown or told the answerPerceived Learning…I learned to solve different types of problems…I learned the material thoroughly…I learned useful techniques for solving problems…I was able to see where I went wrong with my problem solving procedures…the discussion helped uncover what I didn’t knowBibliography1. C.P. Fulford and S. Zhang, “Perceptions of interaction: The critical predictor in distance education”, American Journal of Distance Education
plant model is assumed (see Equation 1) for the transferfunction from applied voltage (Va) to motor speed (y), and data from a step response is used toselect the poles and system gain. As only 3 parameters must be estimated (2 poles and a DCgain), students generally find the poles through trial and error after calculating the gain fromsteady-state values. y K ? 1 Va s - as - b 2Gathering the open-loop response data is a good exercise as the motor system’s control law mustbe modified to create the step input in voltage—the open-loop control law is that the
analysis software for K-college" proceedings of the ASEE Annual conference and exhibition, session 2320, 2000.6. Rogers, C. and Portsmore, M., "Data acquisition in the dorm room: teaching experimentation techniques using LEGO materials" proceedings of the ASEE Annual conference and exhibition, session 2366, 2001.7. Brockman, J., Batill, S., Renaud, J., Kantor, J., Kirkner, D., Kogge, P., and Stevenson, R., "Development of a multidisciplinary engineering design laboratory at the University of Notre Dame" proceedings of the ASEE Annual conference and exhibition, 1996.8. Levien, K.L. and Rochefort, W.E. "Lessons with LEGO - engaging students in chemical engineering course" proceedings of the ASEE Annual conference and
be modified todynamically detect the number of registers to update.Acknowledgments This work was funded in part by a new faculty grant from the University of St. Thomas in St.Paul, Minnesota. The author would also like to thank the students in the QMCS 110, QMCS 200,and QMCS 300 courses for their suggestions and feedback regarding the Spreadsheet CPU.Bibliography Burnett, M., Atwood, J., Walpole Djang, R., Reichwein, J., Gottfried, H., and Yang, S. 2001. Forms/3: A first- order visual language to explore the boundaries of the spreadsheet paradigm. J. Funct. Program. 11, 2 (Mar. 2001), 155-206. Englander, Irv, The Architecture of Computer Hardware and Software Systems: An Information Technology Approach, 2003: John Wiley &