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Displaying results 361 - 390 of 671 in total
Conference Session
Technology Literacy for Engineering Students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Camille George, University of St. Thomas; Elise Amel, University of Saint Thomas; Christopher Greene, University of Saint Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Technological Literacy Constituent Committee
practice and refrigeration. Air-conditioning has altered ourarchitecture. Refrigeration has influenced our military practices easing the burden of desertwarfare. Our modern society could not function without refrigeration, yet few people eitherunderstand the technology behind refrigeration or examine its long-term sustainability. Ingeneral, few people discuss the additional amount of electricity that would have to be generatedto simply provide this technology to the four billion people in the world who currently have noaccess to it or what resources would be used to provide this extra power. Few people reflect onthe production and management issues of modern-day man-made refrigerants; a massive globalexpansion of devices containing toxic
Conference Session
How to Effectively Teach Using Teams
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Riddell, Rowan University; Eric Constans, Rowan University; Kevin Dahm, Rowan University; Jennifer Courtney, Rowan University; Roberta Harvey, Rowan University; Peter Mark Jansson, Rowan University; Paris von Lockette, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
discuss how CEE students at Rowan University are taughtdesign in a multidisciplinary, PBL environment, and to discuss how mechanics andcommunication are integrated into the design projects. Sophomore Engineering Clinic Iand II (SEC I and SEC II) are the innovations that allow this to be accomplished. SEC Iand SEC II afford the CEE students at Rowan University an integrated courseworkexperience for 1) learning and reinforcing material that is directly covered the CEEcurriculum, 2) gaining familiarity with material that is not explicitly covered in the CEEcurriculum, 3) developing formal communication skills, 4) developing into designers, and5) acquiring the so-called “soft skills” reflected in ABET 2000 A-K criteria.Sophomore curriculum for CEE
Conference Session
Cognitive and Motivational Issues in Student Performance I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joachim Walther, University of Queensland; David Radcliffe, University of Queensland
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
work. Secondly, as students they aresufficiently close to their educational experience so that they can give detailed accounts of theirexperiences at university. Additionally the reflexive component of the professional developmentcourse prepared these students for a deeper reflection of how the industry experience puts theirlearning at university into context.The protocol used for the focus groups is based on critical incident techniques35-38 to elicitinstances of accidental learning. Critical incidents are detailed accounts of real-worldexperiences of the participants. In the area of competency research critical incident techniqueswere shown to be more reliable than for example expert’s panel methods or respondents’opinions both of which are
Conference Session
FPD5 -- Placement & Early Success
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Papadopoulos; Karen Brucks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Eric Key, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ethan Munson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; K Vairavan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
degree in one of these disciplines from any institution(67.5%, reflecting the fact that 4 students left in good standing) and from any discipline at UWM(73.0%, reflecting the fact that 4 students have already changed majors out of the targeteddisciplines, and we estimate that about 3 others will do likewise). For comparison, the overallgraduation rate derived of entering freshman in CEAS is about 30%4, and is 52.9% for thecomparison group (50.0% for those initially enrolling in Calculus I or higher, and 55.3% forthose initially enrolling in College Algebra or Trigonometry).Thus, it is clear that the CSEMS Program has a positive effect on retention and graduation, evenwhen compared with performance of students of similar profile. We suspect that
Conference Session
Student Teams and Project-Based Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Huyck, Illinois Institute of Technology; Daniel Ferguson, Illinois Institute of Technology; Rachel Wasserman, Illinois Institute of Technology IPRO Program
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
young adults in alearning environment (e.g. college). Educators have long seen value in presenting ambiguous,real-life challenges to students to further the development of thinking and reflection.10 Severaldecades of research on similar learning processes designed to increase students’ depth ofunderstanding has provided a base of knowledge represented by five key elements: activelearning, frequent feedback from others also involved in the problem solving effort,collaboration, cognitive apprenticeship involving mentors, and practical application in tasks thathave real consequences.11 Since the IPRO program is designed to provide an experiential
Conference Session
Teaching Methods for the 21st Century: Part 2
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Savage, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
3.4 3.7Scores: 1-Poor, 2-Fair, 3-Good, 4-Very Good, 5-ExcellentThe scores reflect the mean values for the entire class and indicate their level of confidencewith 1 being Poor and 5 Excellent at their ability to apply the design attributes tounstructured problems. In the areas of planning, idea generation, feasibility analysis anditeration it appears that both the freshman and juniors, who have experience with PBLdesign activities, feel more confident in their abilities. Overall the juniors, who have hadthe most experience with applying the design method, demonstrate the highest levels ofconfidence across all of the attributes.The survey data for the freshman cohort is still being analyzed to see if there are anystatistical
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Laboratory Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University; Timothy Hinds, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
towardsthe problem-solving goal.Engineering curricula have focused strongly on criterion (a) above to the detriment of the otheritems in the list. Indeed, many if not most engineering classes have focused on the first aspect of(a): a through grounding in the “basics” of a given discipline as “delivered” through lecture. Aslow but steady evolution of “content tyranny” to more and more reliance on “lecturing about”more and more material is a reflection of exploding amounts of knowledge in the engineeringdisciplines. Yet with ever more “knowledge to be imparted,” engineering students findthemselves with so many details to master that they often lose sight of the goal: effectiveproblem solving predicated on integrated understanding of technical
Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Sharon Jones, Lafayette College; Jaime Hernandez, Texas State University-San Marcos; Rebecca Bates, Minnesota State University-Mankato; Robin Adams, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Page 12.557.9Research MethodsThe quantitative portion of this study is in the form of a survey that incorporates the FelderLearning Style Inventory21, as well as basic demographic questions that include informationabout such things as the student’s GPA, major, parental education level, and length of time incollege. The learning style inventory results in four measures showing preferences betweenactive/reflective, sequential/global, visual/verbal and sensing/intuitive. The results of the surveywill be used to get an agglomerative measure of the learning style distributions that can becompared across different demographic factors. A subset of students who take the survey will beasked to give feedback on informational materials as well as to
Conference Session
Educational Software
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anthony Rynne, University of Limerick; William Gaughran, University of Limerick
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
create features, normally it isbetter to do so to avoid possible later model distortion. The 2D sketch is then turned into a 3Dsolid usually by an extrusion or a revolve process. As noted previously, sketches can also beturned into solid features through a sweep or loft process. Extrusions pull the sketch normalto the sketch plane, while a revolved feature rotates the sketch around an axis. Sweepingmoves the sketch along a path made up of straight or curved geometry, while lofting usesmultiple sketches to transition from one shape to another. Each sketch is linked to itsresulting feature. If the user goes and edits the sketch, the feature will update to reflect thechange. Normally each sketched feature will require its own sketch.When designing
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michele Wheatly, Wright State University; Nathan Klingbeil, Wright State University; Bor Jang, Wright State University; George Sehi, Sinclair Community College; Richard Jones, Sinclair Community College
will improve student success rates; and concurrent enrollment will prevent the need to rearrange introductory sequences, a process that would significantly disrupt departmental curricula.3. STEM departments will make curriculum adjustments reflecting the added program requirement. In most cases, this will be accomplished through addition of SM 101/ASE 101 to each departmental introductory course-sequence and reduction of allowed free-electives.The final planning component will be identification of 3 faculty members from the CDG (TierOne faculty) who will spend Summer quarter 2007 developing SM 101 course details, recruitingand training graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants (who also will staff the STEM HelpRoom), and
Conference Session
Teaching Methods for the 21st Century: Part 1
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Savage, California Polytechnic State University; Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University; Jonathan Stolk, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
broader impacts of engineering, enhances systems thinking, reflects sustainable engineeringpractices, and helps prepare students to make an impact in the global community. Project-basedlearning approaches that emphasize student learning rather than instructor teaching may be a keyto successful development of “global engineers.” Evaluations of project-based courses showincreases in student motivation, problem-solving ability, communication and teaming skills,knowledge retention, and capacity for self-directed learning. Despite these reported benefits,curriculum-wide implementations of project-based learning are rare, probably partly due to thetraditional emphasis on technical content acquisition in upper-level courses and a lack of clearmethods
Conference Session
Innovative Instruction Strategies in Calculus
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenna Carpenter, Louisiana Tech University; Ruth Ellen Hanna, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Divisions
correlate well. Students are permitted to take the ACT multiple times and usetheir highest score for placement. Because our state implemented high-stakes standardizedtesting seven years ago in the public school system for 3rd through 12th grades, many students arenow approaching the ACT with a substantial amount of long-term training and practice in takingstandardized tests. Therefore, we wanted to investigate whether or not the Math ACT score isstill a sufficiently accurate method of placement into Calculus I. In a preliminary study, weexamined whether or not the Math ACT accurately reflects student preparedness for calculus.This study looks at student performance on the initial ALEKS assessment and total hours spentusing ALEKS during the term to
Conference Session
Cognitive and Motivational Issues in Student Performance II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Froyd, Texas A&M University; Larissa Pchenitchnaia, Texas A&M University; Debra Fowler, Texas A&M University; Nancy Simpson, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
literature revealed numerous and varying conceptions of what constitutedsystems thinking. However, very few instances were found in which authors depictedexpectations in terms that conformed to requirements for learning outcomes.Constructing a preliminary set of learning outcomes might advance conversations aboutexpanding the role of systems thinking in undergraduate engineering education. Aframework for learning outcomes was developed by combining the CDIO Syllabus29 withthe six levels of learning in the revised Bloom’s taxonomy40. Using this framework, theauthors developed a preliminary set of learning outcomes. It is the intent of the authors,that the set of learning outcomes will stimulate additional reflection and conversationabout how students
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for International Practice
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Parkinson, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
countries.To further emphasize this point, consider the following three quotes from, respectively, WilliamWulf, president of National Academy of Engineering; Duane Abata, president of ASEE, and KenKohrs, former vice president of Ford Motor Company: “…engineering is now practiced in a global, holistic business context, and engineers mustdesign under constraints that reflect that context. In the future, understanding other cultures,speaking other languages, and communicating with people from marketing and finance will bejust as fundamental to the practice of engineering as physics and calculus.”2 “Outsourcing is affecting engineering and all the facets that encompass engineering, includingresearch, design, marketing and service…This is a major
Conference Session
Product Innovation And Entrepreneurship
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Johnson, Valparaiso University; Kathleen Sevener, Valparaiso University; Doug Tougaw, Valparaiso University; Jeffrey Will, Valparaiso University
fellow student with whom they just don’t get along, they can also make thatknown to the instructors. By the second week of the class, instructors make the team assignmentsso that each team can get started as soon as possible.All members of the team are expected to contribute equally to the conceptual design, theconstruction and testing of the prototype, and the documentation of the final results of theproject.4 Extensive communication is required, including individual and team presentations,written proposals and final reports, and creation of a team video and a team poster.The multidisciplinary nature of the teams involved in these projects has provided many benefitsfor our students, as reflected in the observations of teams at other
Conference Session
Experiences in Teaching Energy Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Slobodan Petrovic, Arizona State University; Lakshmi Munukutla, Arizona State University; John Robertson, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
for overcoming the lack of fundamental knowledge of electrochemistry for thosestudents with little or rudimentary understanding of electrochemical principles while notsacrificing the ultimate outcomes of course, which are to provide practical, industry ready skills.These methods introduce equally challenging concept of designing an engineering course withultimate integral quality expressed through a complete, interconnected understanding of theoverall main objectives rather than fragmented knowledge acceptance typical for students withnot well defined foundations. The paper also reflects the experience from working with limitedstudent population and can only claim qualitative importance and informative character. As thealternative energy
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Teachers – I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Sullivan, The College of New Jersey; Stephen O'Brien, The College of New Jersey; John Karsnitz, The College of New Jersey
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
understand the basic operation of the technological world that surrounds them. ‚ provide the opportunity for students to develop and apply problem-solving skills to problems that have no unique solution. ‚ emphasize the importance of team work. ‚ emphasize creativity. ‚ emphasize hands-on skills by allowing students to create tangible objects. ‚ challenge and instruct the students to synthesize their previous learning in order to formulate problem solutions. This obviously includes the “appropriate” math and science. ‚ challenge students to move outside their comfort zones (except – of course – in the case of the use of such items as power tools). ‚ continuously modify their programs to reflect the changes
Conference Session
Manufacturing Education Curriculum I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Anderson, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
will select the initial curriculum modules to address.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0603221. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.Bibliography1. Faux, Jeff, The Aerospace Sector as a National Asset, Testimony before The Commission on the Future of theUnited States Aerospace Industry, May 14, 20022. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing,http://www.bls.gov3. Sietzen, Frank, The State of Aerospace, State by State, Aerospace America, May 20034. Press release, aerospace Industries
Conference Session
Design Methodolgy
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugh Jack, Grand Valley State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
peer evaluation form shown in appendix B is used for junior level mechanical and productdesign and manufacturing engineering students. Similar forms are used for other upper levelcourses including senior project. The peer evaluation is normally administered the first time in themiddle of the semester. At that time it allows the instructor to assess the team culture on an indi-vidual basis, and it allows the students to reflectively consider the team. The second and last timethe peer evaluation is used is at the conclusion of the project. These are used to adjust individualstudent grades.As expect, the numerical values on the form are the least important indicator. The best indicator ofperformance is the comments and the question “would you
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Sullivan, The College of New Jersey; Stephen O'Brien, The College of New Jersey
work.Another observation was that the student’s design process focused on a single problem –picking up the ball – before considering all aspects of the challenge. Consequently ,almost every team found that they were unable to negotiate the ramp when it was placedin the game area a day and a half before the competition.These are all areas that need to be addressed in future design activities and the lessonslearned from this project are being reviewed as the technology education curriculum isrevised to reflect a more analytically based pre-engineering focus. Page 12.748.7High School FVC TeamsThe 2006 FIRST Vex Challenge was called “Hangin’ Around” and it required
Conference Session
K-12 Engineering Outreach Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Rodriguez, Western Michigan University; Tycho Fredericks, Western Michigan University; Steven Butt, Western Michigan University; Luis Rodriguez, University of Wisconsin - Waukesha
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
about the design process, data collection from potential customers, and tasks toaccomplish their goals that result in the manufacture of their prototype. Recognizing thatstudents need to occasionally take a break from the intensive product design process, theinstructors have also included “design challenges” that allow students to puzzle over achallenging problem for a short period of time (the teams in this challenges are different from theDesign teams). For the residential programs, time is allocated for the students to interact witheach other in peer evening group sessions in order to reflect on the activities of the day, address Page
Conference Session
Engineering in Middle Schools
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry Richards, University of Virginia; Christine Schnittka, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
result in actually testing their ETK in a middle school class. When a middle schoolteacher feels the team is ready, they go into the classroom. The first version of each ETKis always taught by the team that developed it. They are accompanied by one or moreobservers, and the classroom teacher is present during the lessons. We ask each teacher toprovide comments and reactions on the use of the ETK in their class, and to suggest waysto improve it. We also ask whether any problems might arise in using the ETK. Finallywe want to know if the teacher feels he or she could use the ETK without our teampresent.Members of the design team also reflect on how they think the field test went. Based onall this feedback, the team prepares the next version of
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marilyn Barger, University of South Florida; Michael Lesiecki, Maricopa Community College; Robert Simington, Intel; Mariano Carreras, SMC-IT; Richard Gilbert, University of South Florida; Natalia Sandburg, University of South Florida; Andrew Hoff, University of South Florida
technician workforce with the skills andknowledge to be successful in the future will not be trivial. The exponential change intechnology related tools for all of us has increased our ability to be productive. Futuresuccessful technicians will have high levels of software, troubleshooting, problemsolving, and knowledge access skills. That, in addition to the variety of skills they havetoday will surely lead to higher levels of innovation, job satisfaction and furtherrevolution in our technology industries.A final observation reflects well on the initial development plan, i.e. the trends anddirections anticipated over four years ago and the need for education and training in thisarea are even more valid today. Industries are continuing on the course
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Walsh, California Polytechnic State University; Stacey Breitenbach, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
understanding their basis, their capability ortheir inherent limitations. Neither of these situations is optimal, engineers must become moreaware of the implications of their work, and societal leaders and citizens must become moretechnology - literate. It is critical that higher education reflect these complexities and providethese connections.It is almost too fashionable to point out the shortcomings in American education. However,whether the investigator is concerned with engineering education, science and mathematicseducation or education in the liberal arts, it is critical to recognize that our traditional academicstructure does not provide proper motivation for comprehensive learning that is appropriate for
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Greene, University of Saint Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
well-known lessons. For example, see Chickering1.Also, the Learning Pyramid from the National Training Laboratories, Bethel, ME emphasizes theimportance of hands-on experimentation.Guidelines for Course DevelopmentThe major results, somewhat obvious after the fact, were reflected in the objectives used inredesigning the course. These are:• A hands-on exercise in Matlab, Simulink or Excel should be included as part of class sessions.• Attempts should be made to have the exercise done BEFORE the material is explained. In this way, these were used to motivate the material rather than demonstrate the material after the fact.• Frequent opportunities for questions, discussions and interactions on the material should be
Conference Session
Software Engineering Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Sebern, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Mark Hornick, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
estimates (in minutes) foreach assigned team member, as shown in Figure 2. Each task is then assigned a starting andending week, relative to the current development cycle; this permits the system to generate aworkload summary by week and team member, to facilitate load balancing within the team andacross the cycle. The development schedule can take into account external dependencies; inFigure 2, for example, weeks 3 and 4 correspond to a holiday break period when no work isplanned (though some may actually be done). Figure 2. LEIA Schedule PlanLEIA supports tracking of team and individual progress, as shown in the effort report of Figure3. The time values reflect only “task time”, not total time spent on the
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for International Practice
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeed Khan, Kansas State University-Salina; Beverlee Kissick, Kansas State University-Salina
Tagged Divisions
should fear globalization unless we This statement on reflection was considered confusing and will not be a part of further analysis 32 41 prepare for it. X X 9. The Nike-Apple iPod product would not X X X X X 86 87 be suited for poorer countries. 10. Experiencing music of another culture can help us in business dealings with that X X X 32 68 particular culture
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Tricks of the Trade I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
vary widely among institutions and programs.1 Generallyspeaking, a student is not allowed to substitute independent study for more than two courses.Many programs allow only one course (e.g., 3 semester hours or 4 quarter hours) of independentstudy. Others have per-semester limits (e.g., one course worth) and per-degree limits (e.g., twocourses). The limit tends to be lower for master’s students, reflecting the lower number of creditsrequired for the degree. For undergraduates, some institutions are quite a bit more permissive;some allow more hours, but stipulate that they do not count toward the major. Others requirethem to be counted as free electives. Occasionally there is a process by which a student mayapply to have the independent study
Conference Session
Engineering in Middle Schools
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ibrahim Zeid, Northeastern University; Randal August, Northeastern University; Ronald Perry, Northeastern University; Emanuel Mason, Northeastern University; Jannon Farkis, Northeastern University; Marta Hersek, Northeastern University; Morgan Hynes, TechBoston; Haruna Tada, TechBoston; Felicia Vargas, TechBoston
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
assessment methods include recording anecdotal observations, using achecklist during class, looking at in-class work, and assessing final projects. With the exceptionof the final presentation, most are informal and formative assessments done with the goal ofgauging progress and determining next steps.Professional Development EvaluationWe evaluate the teachers’ professional development component of the project in three categories:Evaluation of Course, Evaluation of Training Activities, and Personal Reflection. The totalnumber of evaluation questions is 10. Here are sample questions; on a scale of 1 – 4, with 1being the lowest scale value, teachers gave he following scores: Rate your knowledge of course content prior to taking it: 1.8 Rate
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Pitts, Oklahoma State University; Patrick Teague, Oklahoma State University; Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University; Charles Bunting, Oklahoma State University; Sohum Sohoni, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
providestatistically significant outcomes. We ask for your participation in this study.The authors acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation through awardNSF0530588. Mr. Pitts and Mr. Teague would like to acknowledge support from a NationalScience Foundation REU award (NSF0631565) which enabled them to conduct the researchpresented in this paper. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. Page 12.588.8Bibliography1. Cheville, Alan, et al. Engineering Students for the 21st Century. 2006. 3 Dec 2006. .2