theconsolidated experience of the engineering community in the United States and Brazil wereinspiring to us and the sources used are referred in the bibliography.The course was structured in modules. Module #1 discussed higher education as a new stage of astudent life, where individuals are supposed to become less like ‘pupils’ and more like ‘students’,reflecting on each other studying purposes and the need for an attitude shift in order to achievegreater effectiveness. They were also introduced to different personality types and to the effectthese have on cooperative activities, especially group study. The need to memorize and itsrelationship to reasoning, as well as using different memorizing processes or languages, was theobject of some practical
and 4010 Microprocessors. 4. ADF7010 Transmitter from Analog Devices. 5. Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors. Software Components 1. Lunar Pages website – Provided reliable and affordable web hosting services. 2. Programming in C – A general purpose, widely used language; and assembly languages – low-level language used in the writing of computer programs. 3. Matlab – Numerical computing environment and programming language. 4. Multisim – An electronic schematic capture and simulation program. 5. MySQL – A multithreaded, multi-user SQL database management system. 6. PHP – (Hypertext Preprocessor), a reflective
Lecture AssessmentMuch of the lecture is in preparation for the laboratory exercises, so in practice, student lab-oratory performance reflects student performance relative to the lecture material. However,lecture material is assessed independently using the following methods.Homework Assignments Fixed–point signal processing involves many concepts that students can practice through homework assignments. These include converting number formats includ- ing Q-format, evaluating filter scaling factors and stability, analyzing through-put and latency for specific structures, and designing and converting various structures such as distributed arithmetic filters.Pre-lab Assignments The pre-lab assignments directly assess and promote those
requires that students, in their senior year,synthesize their education of a whole person by reflecting on their humanitiesclasses, courses and experience in their area of specialization, and theirresponsibility to the world.To satisfy the university’s senior synthesis requirement, students in senior designare required to write a paper combining the humanities, scientific, social, ethicaland religious perspectives of their education. In this paper, the students examinetheir personal and intellectual development, their major field of study, and theirfuture. The paper focuses on the student's comprehension of the complexity ofthe world and how engineering can be used to approach real-world issues andproblems with humanity and sophistication.For
12.1130.4needs for highly technical and competent manufacturing engineers. This need continues1 and farsurpasses the ability of the remaining manufacturing engineering programs to provide competentgraduates. Table 3. Year manufacturing engineering programs started Year Manufacturing Program Started Number of Programs 1970-79 1 1980-89 5 1990-99 12 2000- 7As noted in Table 3, manufacturing engineering programs were developed across the UnitedStates in response to industrial needs. These needs directly reflected the industry needs
Langley.All the pre-service teachers enthusiastically participated in the workshop and wereexcited about introducing lessons based on the workshop in their future teaching careersin the K-12 system. This excitement was clearly evidenced in the creative lesson plansdeveloped and the feedback they provided. While most of the students developed lessonplans that integrated mathematics and technology standards with Lego Mindstorm basedactivities one of the institute participants ventured to develop sensor based roboticsactivity that integrated concepts from biology/biological sensor systems. Leaving asidethe “lesson plan development” assignment, the entire workshop was completed in oneafternoon (July 18), so there was little time left to reflect on the
student population diversity that reflects both in-state and out-of- state student ratios; and • Double the enrollment and graduation rate of Native American engineering students.The purpose of our National Minority Engineering Programs Advisory Board is to: • Be a support body that provides advice on engineering and corporate programs, employment needs & trends; • Participate as is reasonable in MEP programs and activities,; • Support program needs related to minority engineering student success; and • Help facilitate professional development and hiring of a diverse pool of our engineering students.Industry Interaction with our MEP office and students include: • Hosting student orientation visits; • Giving
address specific engineering problems devised first toelicit responses that reflect aspects of their engineering knowledge and skills, and second, toreveal how they apply this learning to engineering design practice. One of the problems given tostudents in the first year was a closed-ended question about the information they would need todesign a playground. Figure 1 contains the text of the question. You have been asked to design a playground. You have a limited amount of time and resources to gather information for your design. From the following list, please put a check mark next to the FIVE kinds of information you would MOST LIKELY NEED as you work on your design: - Availability of materials - Body proportions - Budget
regression after removing a data point.In this section the data and the problem definition are prepared in advance while the equationsare developed in a live demonstration.Analysis of the Two Regression ModelsThe parameters of the various models and the quality of fit indicators can be calculated withPolymath and MATLAB in a live demonstration. Partial results of this analysis are presented inFigure 2 and Table 10. The random distribution of the residuals in Figure 2 shows that the linearmodel represents the data adequately. However, the results in Table 10 show that the regressionmodel with the non-zero intercept is very unstable (ill-conditioned). The instability is reflected inthe values of the 95% confidence intervals all of which are larger
motivatingfellow students as employees, negotiating with suppliers, and financial decision-making.Controversial IssuesPerhaps the majority of discussion regarding the formation of HSE focused on a few issues,described in the following sub-sections. While some of these issues were anticipated, othersproved more controversial than originally expected.Bonuses and CompensationAdvisors and supervisors of student agencies at other universities warned that one of the mostdifficult issues would be formulating policies regarding bonuses and salaries for managers.Discussions reflected differing perspectives on the value of simplicity, flexibility, and incentives.The simplest alternative is to pay each manager a fixed percentage of profits of his/her enterpriseat
. c. Empathy: ability to feel what another person is feeling. d. They must know what it feels like not to understand. They must be creative, able to explain a concept by using stories, drawings, analogies, or metaphors. e. Be well organized, with good planning and preparation skills. Page 12.669.8 f. Be capable of reflecting on his/her performance. g. Whenever a new material is taught, allow for reviews by using sample exercises/questions to ensure if the student understands the material. h. Too much correcting, especially early in your relationship, may discourage the
70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70Difference +10 +9 +7 +12 +10 +8 +10 +5 +9 +5 +9 +19 +17 +16 Page 12.1314.11 Figure 1. Comparison of QuACO and COS Results for the Fall 2004 SemesterThe results indicate that all of the program outcomes are meeting the critical minimum of 70%.In general, however, students perform as well as or better than their own self-evaluation. It isdifficult to determine if this is a true self-reflection or if students are simply “hedging their bets.”Students seem to over-predict their abilities in outcomes (a) An
havepresented the framework of the model and use an example of student work to furtherdemonstrate how the model works. We also present a modified-jigsaw cooperative-learningapproach that is suitable for providing engineering laboratory experiences for large classes thatinvolve 100 or more students. A specific example of weekly laboratory assignments is alsopresented to demonstrate how the modified-jigsaw approach works. Student evaluations to ourwork are overwhelmingly positive.AcknowledgementsThis material is partially based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. 0536415. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
industrial concentrationstudents to fundamental manufacturing processes, primarily involving metals. Concepts,terminology, and technology, rather than analysis, are emphasized. Video footage of vintage andmodern manufacturing processes and equipment is incorporated into essentially every lectureperiod to help illustrate, and increase students’ comprehension of, the course material.Furthermore, multiple industrial tours are scheduled and conducted to get the students out in thefield to see, hear, occasionally smell, and subsequently reflect upon and report on real-worldmanufacturing processes, equipment, and enterprises. These two pedagogical aspects of thecourse are included specifically to address the needs of students who prefer visual and/or
Career Services personnel as well as engineering faculty to guarantee thatthe resumes would satisfy both technical and non-technical reviewers. Often in the past, studentswould seek out either Career Services staff or engineering faculty for informal resume critiques,but this exercise forced them to go through the process of seeking input from both, resulting inenhanced quality of the resumes created.In the first few weeks of class, students also identified and reflected upon their career goals forthe next year, the next five years, and beyond. The class discussed salaries to be expected,potential job options, possible benefits, opportunities for advancement, and lifelong learning.Students and faculty also spent time as a group discussing how to
student learning and immediate feedback on student performance. Research on learning theoryhas long shown that immediate feedback is an effective tool in increasing learning efficiency11.For the case study at hand, the effect of immediate feedback is reflected by the trend thatstudents in the fall 2005 class had highest improvement on quiz and homework scores. As aresult of solving problems in class with instructor’s guidance, the fall 2005 students not onlylearned material but gained confidence on the material such that they were more successful incompleting homework assignments and were better prepared for quizzes. Consequently, thecompletion and submission rates of homework assignments for the fall 2005 were observed to bemuch higher compared
for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, USA.31 Kimmel, H., Burr-Alexander, L.E., and Bloom, J., “Engineering Design Competitions: A Motivating & Learning Experience”, International Conference on Engineering Education, October 16-21, 2004, Gainesville, Florida.32 Somers, L. and Callan, S., “An Examination of Science and Mathematic Competitions”, National Science Foundation Grant Report, June 1999.This paper is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ESI-0554405. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
. We make the followingobservations from Fig. 1: • Organization was noticeably improved; this could probably be attributed to the fact that all assignments in this sample were laboratory reports were apparently created using standardized guides or templates. • Neither author noted much change in the quality of the content of laboratory reports. This is somewhat surprising, given the expectation that students at this level would be adapting to the idiom of their professional communities of discourse. A possible explanation is that wide discrepancies in participants’ writing samples were noted, and this range of responses was reflected in the overall rating. • Evaluations of mechanics showed problems
. They feared that studentlearning is difficult to stimulate in evening classes because almost 90 percent of these studentsheld a full-time job. Their comments were well taken because PowerPoint presentations can bemisused. As mentioned by Estes et al., PowerPoint presentations may incorporate more materialthan the students are able to absorb, provide an inflexible structure that can hide spontaneity, andcause passivity 4.The author valued the comments from other faculty but did not want to be pressured tocompletely change his teaching style to adapt to the CCNY norms of teaching. The fact of thematter is that people have different learning styles that are reflected in different academicstrengths, weaknesses, skills, and interest5. In this paper
, and Cocking’s5 text HowPeople Learn (HPL) provides a framework for such learning environments. This frameworkemphasizes the importance of not only centering on the formalism of the knowledge to belearned, but also on factors centering on the learner, how they learn the specific content,assessments (both formative and summative) and issues of community (e.g. in undergraduateeducation this could include the classroom, department, university and specific profession)The general instructional design principles governing problem-based learning are: • Provide a context for knowing (conditions of when and how to use the knowledge) • Encourage reflection, refine and reapplication of knowledge • Continual test of knowledge (formative assessment
-alone software product and not as a web-basedapplication. Additionally, this data shows that decreasing the time delays inherent to a networkor software application does not improve learning in a proportional manner. From a cost-benefitspoint of view, only changes that result in the near-elimination of network delays to levels lessthan 60 ms are worthwhile. Page 12.1241.9Students’ subjective comprehension are harder to model than either objective comprehension orenjoyment ratings, possibly because a student’s self-confidence is more a function of personalitytraits rather than reflective of the learning experience. The graph is, therefore
it. They are being heldresponsible for coming to class every time and participating in class. They would much rather befree to skip class when they want to and get the notes off the web or from a friend. With the firstclass I taught using clickers, this was a major issue and was reflected in the end-of-termevaluations. In the conclusions section, I will describe how I tried to deal with that with mysecond class.The final disadvantage, that I have found is that it takes time to develop good questions andmultiple choice responses for use in class. The numeric format of the clickers only allows asingle number to be entered, so numeric problems must be structured to allow the students toenter the numbers in a reasonable format (e.g., rather than
software was better than theirown program to complete the project and understand the concepts, and whether or not it shouldbe given to the students in the future semesters. The results from this evaluation were promisingwith a score of 4.47 and 4.24 respectively (with “1” as worst and “5” as best) for these questionsand the same was reflected in the quality of reports submitted by the students. It was noted thateven the weak students in the class had minimal mistakes in the solution which supports the Page 12.1285.6underlying concept behind the development of this software
/journal/2003/mills_treagust03.pdf6 Moesby, E. "Presentation to the Study Board at Victoria University”, July 18th, 20067 Moesby, E., “Reflections on making a change towards Project Oriented and Problem-Based Learning, (POPBL)”, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 2004 UICEE, Vol.3, No.2, 2004. Page 12.1452.14
beginning of the semesterTeams of four students are formed within the first three weeks of semester. In the first session,students learned about the available projects through descriptions and videos; a plant visitfollowed in the second week. To create healthy competition among teams and to ensure high-quality projects, teams were set up according to the characteristics of the members. Using thestudents’ academic record, teams’ average grade point average (GPA) were equal or very close.Also, an online questionnaire, developed by Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman at NorthCarolina State University, was used to evaluate students’ learning style and strategies [7]. On thisquestionnaire, a person’s learning style, such as active and reflective, sensing
that in the USA the female retention rate in CS programs is not very high; aconsiderable number of women change their mind about having a career in CS soon afterentering the program. When setting up the study, we were curious about the female retention ratein CS programs in Armenia. That information is even more interesting now, in the light of abovepresented data.Through interviews with university administrators, we established that in Armenia changingone’s major is an extremely rare act; apparently, in the soviet educational system the procedureof changing a major is so complicated that it is hardly ever practiced. Therefore, there is noofficial data reflecting student satisfaction with their major. Nevertheless, our survey results shed
possible high school GPA to matching bridgestudents. Additionally, students for the control cohort are matched to reflect the relativedistribution of College of Engineering and University Studies students: a more accuraterepresentation of the overall group. It should be pointed out that University Studies students forthe control cohort were those that indicated engineering as their first choice of major but weredeferred to US.A pre- and post-program survey was administered online at the start of the program and sixweeks into the fall semester to gauge student feedback. Students are asked to evaluate theirbridge experience in relation with their current semester.Results and discussionA demographic summary of STEP Bridge participants for the first
Page 12.404.2below.Consideration of customer needs in design: Customer-oriented product development is becomingmore and more important due to globalization, increased competitiveness, rapid technologicalchange and discriminating customers2. As a part of the product development process,engineering design should reflect the results of a multifunctional team’s work on identifyingtechnical design characteristics based on gathering and understanding customer expectations. Forexample, a product may not meet customer requirements if the marketing division in a companydoes not work as a team with the product development division. This may result in low profitssince the target customer’s needs are not incorporated to the design adequately.Risk and
draft versions of the teaching award were sent in advance to all Section membersto allow time for review and reflective thought. Both alternatives are included in the Appendix.The first alternative would recognize faculty members who have demonstrated exceptionalcontributions to engineering or engineering technology education through outstanding classroomperformance. This award is targeted at more experienced faculty. The second alternative wouldrecognize new faculty (less than five years of teaching experience) who has demonstratedexcellence in the classroom. The basic purpose of alternative two was to promote moreparticipation and involvement by junior faculty at the annual Section conference. Respondentswere asked if there is a need for a
knowledge to make some judgment on the quality of their solutions.4. Model Documentation: A written, deliverable product should be produced at the end of theMEA. This is typically in the form of a memo to the company, but could also be in the form of acomputer program, algorithm, or even a physical product. Their documentation helps students toreview and reflect upon the development of their model, and allows the instructor to examine thestudents’ conceptual understanding of the material and their problem solving strategies.5. Generalizability: The solutions to the model should be readily usable to the client – thisrequires that the product memo be clear, well-written, and easy to implement. A strong MEAalso requires the solution to be readily