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NPSI. This increase was especially encouraging to the team of mentors. The students alsoincreased 17% in their interest in physics and attending PVAMU. The goals were to increasestudents' knowledge of the nuclear industry and increase their interest in STEM. These surveyresults indicate that the goals were met. DiscussionAccording to the students' responses in both groups, this initiative increased their interest in science.Significantly in physics, for the NPSI high school students and the young girls in the Day of Sciencegroup. It is interesting to note that some students wished for longer days for the NPSI event in 2021.It was five days long in 2020's NPSI virtual event.The mentoring team knew
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Paper ID #35818The Fast and Practical Approach to Effectively Securing a CloudComputing System with Today’s TechnologyMr. Emmanuel Sunday Kolawole Emmanuel S Kolawole is a PHD Student at Prairie View A&M University and currently working as a Net- work Security Engineer in one of the giant Semi-Conductor/IT Industries in USA. In his current role, he is responsible for planning, design and build security architectures. Emmanuel supervise the implemen- tation of network and computer security and ensuring compliance with corporate cyber security policies and procedures.He monitors cyber security requirements for local
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avaluable experience for their future jobs and this experience would introduce how the projects in theprofessional world would be. The list of the specific skills and tools that the students learned areSolidWorks® , Altium Designer® , Linux O/S (Operating System), and Python programming.Students are preparing the design review and the buoy system is in testing and in integration. After the successful completion of building this prototype and capstone project, the field testingand measurements are planned to be performed and it may expand its value and impact to thegeneral public and scientists in other fields of study. Summary and Conclusions The prototype of this floating buoy system will provide a method to
implement it in their design process. Overall, ifstudents can better understand the cost and time trade-offs of manufacturing processes, they arebetter equipped for their engineering careers in an industry setting since this understanding is a keyfactor in ensuring efficient design development.7 AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Mr. Thomas Gilman for his contributions in defining this work.References[1] Daly, S. R., Yilmaz, S., Christian, J. L., Seifert, C. M., and Gonzalez, R., 2012, “Design Heuristics in Engineering Concept Generation,” J. Eng. Educ., 101(4), pp. 601–629.[2] Viswanathan, Vimal K. and Linsey, Julie S., ”Design Fixation and Its Mitiga- tion: A Study on the Role of Expertise,” ASME
project has proven that designing, creating, and printing 3D molds using the TinkerCAD softwareand 3D printers is feasible. The new push system design will eliminate the granule removal issue seenin Prototype 2. The future goal is to scale up the current Prototype 3 design to produce more tabletswith a single mold. By creating the ideal prototype, the creation of tablets made from non-syntheticexcipients will be achieved and potentially allow tailoring of a new and effective drug formulations. References 1. Byrn, S., Futran, M., Thomas, H., Jayjock, E., Maron, N., Meyer, R.F., Myerson, A.S., Thien, M.P., and Trout, B.L. (2015). Achieving continuous manufacturing for final dosage formation
for all pins is identified, the pins can beconfigured as output pins by writing the word value to the GPIO_OUTPUT_EN memory address asshown in the sample code in Figure 2 (Lines 1-3).All of the obtained word values for all of the pins we used are defined in our source code filememorymap.inc as shown in Figure 3. This configuration file is also used to store the base address foraccessing the pins (GPIO_CTRL_ADDRESS), and the offsets used for enabling output(GPIO_OUPTUT_EN) and changing pin state (GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL) which are found in FE310-G002 manual5. This configuration file is included in all of our .S assembly files. 1 li t0, GPIO_CTRL_ADDRESS # Store into t0 GPIO BASE address 2 li t1, GPIO_PINS
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, would the sameapproach work? What difference(s) does one need to introduce to affect a solution? Figure 7. A square inscribed in a circle Proceedings of the 2022 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX Copyright ã 2022, American Society for Engineering Education Session XXXX 8 Two Sample Problems Demonstrating the RISTR ApproachTo illustrate our approach to enhancing metacognition, we begin with progressively introducingcomplexity into a problem. In the following we demonstrate this approach based on two
12achieving the Letter A, and why only two students in the control group achieved Letter B, and howpeer to peer interaction can impact results. These conclusions drawn and strategies presented allowstudents to develop fundamental engineering skills early on in their education with the intent ofcarrying them throughout their studies. Furthermore, if students can experience a more rewarding andsuccessful time in Engineering Design I and II courses while gaining valuable experience, they willbe more confident in their abilities and choices not only in the classroom but in their careers as well. References1. Richards, S., Retzlaff, L., Donndelinger, J., 2022, “Developing and Manufacturing Process
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Binomial theorem? To see how the Pascal’s triangle is related to binomial expansion, we write the coefficients of the expansions in a triangular array as follows: In this array, called Pascal’s triangle after Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662), each entry other than the 1’s is the sum of the closest pair of numbers in the line above it. The pattern continues forever. (a + b)6 = a6 + 6a5b + 15a4b2 + 20a3b3 + 15a2b4 + 6x1y5 + y6 6 6 6 6 6 = a6 + ( ) 𝑎5b1 + ( )a4b2 + ( )a3b3 + ( )a2b4 + ( )a1b5 + b6 1 2 3 4 5 Binomial Theorem
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Diagrams for Audio Recorded in Preschool Classroom Sathvik S. Datla, Prasanna V. Kothalkar, John H.L. HansenCenter for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS), Eric Jonsson School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA {sathvik.datla, prasanna.kothalkar, john.hansen}@utdallas.edu Dwight Irvin, Jay BuzhardtJuniper Gardens Children’s Project (JGCP), University of Kansas, 444 Minnesota Ave #300, Kansas City, KS 66101, USA {dwirvin, jaybuz}@ku.edu AbstractThe ability to assess conversational interactions creates a
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