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artificial lift (AL) systems. Artificial lift well candidates are thosecompleted in formations that have economically viable reserves and sufficient permeability for the fluids to move tothe wellbore but do not have sufficient reservoir drive to lift those fluids to the surface.2.3. Gas Lift modelGas lift is a method of artificial lift that uses an external source of high-pressure gas for supplementing formationgas to lift the well`s fluids. The principle of gas lift is that gas injected into the tubing reduces the density of thefluids in the tubing, and the bubbles have a “scrubbing” action on the liquids. Both factors act to lower the flowingbottom-hole pressure (BHP) at the bottom of the tubing. There are two basic types of a gas lift today
sustained and committed effort on the part of a variety of stakeholders, includingpolicy makers, teachers and researchers. While BDL teachers enact policy at the micro level[21], it is important that they are included in macro-level policy making that support flexiblelanguage practices for equitable participation of students classified as ELs. AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) EEC1814258 and EEC 2128479. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material do not necessarily reflect those of NSF.References[1] S. F. Reardon, E. Weathers, E. Fahle, H. Jang, and D. Kalogrides, "Is separate stillunequal? New
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by the assumption that if a person reasons on what they aretold it will lead to appropriate behaviour, as for example, with sex education in schools.The scholar-academic ideology is rooted in the disciplines and education is the initiation of astudent into a (the) discipline(s). This ideology is widely supported by academics and prevailsamong politicians both of whom wilfully ignore research to the contrary, particularly in thearea of learning, notwithstanding the debate about what it is that constitutes a discipline. It isin this context that the contentious attempt to define engineering education research as adiscipline [5] needs to be viewed. It seems to be thought that researchers will gain bothidentity and respect if it is considered to
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Paper ID #36777Innovative University-Based Regional WorkforceDevelopment ExperienceMatthew S. Anderson Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology Department Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN Professor Anderson's academic interests are in the field of Mechatronics, and he has completed up through Level 3 SMSCP training with Siemens. He has been a full-time faculty member at at Austin Peay State University since 2016 and is currently working towards obtaining tenure while serving as the Mechatronics concentration coordinator in the engineering technology department. Other research interests include Industry
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Paper ID #36958Cultivating the Ethical Identities of STEM Students ThroughEnhanced InternshipsMichelle Hughes Miller (University of South Florida)Elaine E Englehardt (Distinguished Professor of Ethics)Michael S Pritchard (professor emeritus)Susan LeFrancoisGrisselle CentenoKingsley A. Reeves (Associate Professor) Kingsley Reeves is an Associate Professor at the University of South Florida in the Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Department. His current research interests focus on the lean six sigma philosophy and applications of traditional industrial engineering methods to solve problems in the education
the role of impact angle and velocity in dynamic dropletspreading and associated particle positioning on surfaces via using WOLFRAMMATHEMATICA and LAMMPS software (Figure 3 and 4). Then, a class discussion isconducted to provide depth of understanding. Finally, students provide conclusions from whathas been discussed and found out from the simulation results.Figure 3: Simulation snapshots from WOLFRAM MATHEMATICA software that show theprogression of a droplet impact on a solid surface. (a) the droplet suspends above the gray substratebefore impact; (b) the initial impact of the droplet on the substrate; (c) The droplet spreads acrossthe substrate at later stage.Figure 4: Simulation snapshots of a Pb(l) droplet (red) suspended with two Cu(s
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). It is imperative that thisrotation sequence be used as it guarantees that a pitch angle of zero degrees will be parallel to thehorizon. Figure 1: Arbitrary and stability frame definitions [3]. The X-axis (XS) of the stability coordinate system is defined as the projection of the totalairplane velocity vector into the XZ-plane of the arbitrary body-fixed coordinate system (Figure1). The rest of the stability axes (YS, ZS) are defined as to complete an orthogonal basis for thestability frame. The two angles of interest between these two coordinate systems are angle-of-attack, α, and sideslip, β. The angle-of-attack is defined as the angle between X S and XB. Thesideslip angle is defined as the angle between
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Referencesrequired knowledge for students to design, model, and [1] Langdon D., McKittrick G., Beede D., Khan B., and Doms M. (2011), “STEM: Good Jobs Now and for the Future. ESA Issuecreate optical sensing security products, light Brief# 03-11,” US Department of Commerce.detection products, and products that use lasers. The [2] Fayer S., Lacey A., and Watson A. (2017) “STEMCCD or CMOS cameras are usually used to capture occupations: Past, present, and future,” Spotlight on Statistics,the mode information such as centroid and radius of a pp. 1-35
interviews. Prior studies have found differences among social groups in the likelihood ofexperiencing harassment, incivility, and microaggressions (Tinkler and Zhao, 2020;Konik and Cortina, 2008). For example, Wagner and Htun (2022)’s study of anengineering college finds that 50% of women say they have experienced genderharassment, compared to 40% of the sample overall. The same study finds thatrespondents identifying as Black and Asian are more likely than other respondentsto say they experienced racialized microaggressions in the past six months (Wagnerand Htun, 2022). Women faculty in the study are also far more likely than menfaculty to say their colleagues do not value their research and teaching, and also tosay they had received outside
different world countries and s ample examples taken from Ethiopia and the United States, which helps learners see and understand various methods to apply the same engineering concepts and skills across different global countries.Constructive feedback includes: - Inconsistent voice; in a few places the use of fast voice, and low in others - The need to improve or have animation in power point presentation - The need to show classroom tasks in turn rather than showing two activities on the same page - The comments to build-in more engaging activities and video savviness to aspects of the lesson that are fun for students.Future work and
Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Atlanta, Georgia, Jun. 2013, p. 23.313.1-23.313.20. doi: 10.18260/1-2--19327.[2] I. Cantador and J. M. Conde, Effects of competition in education: A case study in an e- learning environment. IADIS, 2010. Accessed: Oct. 14, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://repositorio.uam.es/handle/10486/665987[3] J. N. Berry, Dr. D. G. Leupp, C. S. D. Pinski, and S. Barrett, “Competition In Senior Design Projects,” in 1996 Annual Conference Proceedings, Washington, District of Columbia, Jun. 1996, p. 1.109.1-1.109.5. doi: 10.18260/1-2--5923.[4] B. Barry, K. Meyer, K. Arnett, and B. Spittka, “Competition-Based Learning Activities within Civil Engineering Education:,” in 2013 ASEE Annual Conference
it seems that this step can play a valuable role inhelping the user to learn from the experience, impacting future ethical decision-making.Business Frameworks While the behavioral and social sciences have endorsed various frameworks for ethicaldecision-making, these are not the only professional fields that are incorporating ethicaldecision-making frameworks into their training/curriculum. In response to the ethically tenuousbusiness practices that ushered during the recession in the late 2000’s, business programs arenow recognizing the need for a framework as well. Many ethical decision-making models forbusiness careers are not theory-tested, and research has found that their efficacy may beinfluenced by years of education, age, peer
mentors were provided a copy of Pfund et al.’s ‘EnteringFig. 2: Virtual orientation sessions were organized for participants of Clarkson University’s NSFREU Site on HPC (shown is the 2021 cohort along with site directors, mentors, and the ECEdepartment chair.TABLE II: Research Projects & Mentors for Clarkson University’s HPC REU site in Summers2020 & 2021 (two and seven projects respectively) Mentor & Affiliation Project Dr. A, Applied Mathematics Image Inpainting of EBSD Images with Large Areas Removed Dr. B, Electrical and Computer Engineering Thermal Simulation of a CPU Based on Model Order Reduction Dr. C, Electrical and Computer Engineering Data-Driven Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
NSF PIs who participated in the study and who took the time to complete our survey in the midst of a global pandemic. References[1] United Nations Children’s Fund, “UNICEF global COVID-19 final report,” Mar. 2021. Accessed on Feb. 07, 2022. [Online]. Available: chrome- extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/https://www.unicef.org/media/96151/file/ Corrigendum-UNICEF-Final-2020-Global-Covid-19-Situation-Report-Feb-Dec-2020.pdf[2] S. Cheryan and H. R. Markus, “Masculine defaults: Identifying and mitigating hidden cultural biases,” Psychological Review, vol. 127, no. 6, pp. 1-31, Aug. 2020. [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rev0000209[3] J. L. Malisch et al., “Opinion: In the wake of COVID-19, academia
responsibilities and she had little time to dedicate to incorporatinginformation literacy standards into her position. A review of the literature would have beenbeneficial to the librarian, as she now realizes in hindsight.Regarding information literacy specifically for engineering students, there are many beneficialstudies that examine information literacy in a student’s first year at a college or university thatcan be found in conference proceedings such as Hensel, Brown, and Strife’s description of WestVirginia University [11] or Hall et al.’s of Louisiana Tech University [12]. Both studiesreinforce the idea of information literacy as an integral component to teaching engineeringstudents. Additionally, Fosmire’s article provides a view of how
],[35].Qualitative Findings - Open-Ended Definitions of HC Amongst Students:As with the quantitative results, open-ended responses to this question (see Table 1) weregrouped by the different types of institutions. Regardless of institutional type comparisons (e.g.,HSIs versus HSI public or private) or self-identified gender, there were four common themesidentified: (a) Confirmation of Existence of HC; (b) Attribution of HC to Cognitive Elements; (c)Attribution of HC to Socio-Humanistic Elements; and (d) Refusal of Existence of HC. Thesethemes were then integrated to HCA responses to identify the predominant assumption(s) (Table1) that the students ascribed to in their definitions. This integration is presented in the discussionsection.(a
, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, “Undergraduate engineering curriculum: The ultimate design challenge,” Bridge, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 16-23, June 2013.[2] S. M. Ndethiu, “Meta-cognition and graduate tributes' development: Engineering student's reflections on their strengths, weaknesses and strategies,” Int. J. Arts Sci., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 329-337, Jan. 2018.[3] J. A. Turns, B. Sattler, K. Yasuhara, J. L. Borgford-Parnell, and C. J. Atman, (2014). “Integrating reflection into engineering education,” in Proc. ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo., (Indianapolis
strategies for collegeteaching and learning success.” The importance of physical demonstrations for teaching thebehavior of materials was emphasized in several National Educators’ Workshops held in the1990’s and early 2000’s, which were sponsored in part by the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA).Over the years instructors who teach strength of materials classes (mechanics of materials, solidmechanics) have used various types of simple classroom demonstrations and active learningexercises to help students visualize the physical behavior of materials and structural membersrelated to key concepts in the course. As will be explained later in this paper, thesedemonstrations and active learning exercises have utilized different types of
the Future of Innovation in Society in ASU’s College of Global Futures. She practices Socio-technical Integration Research as an embedded social scientist who collaboratively works with technologists (STEM students, STEM faculty, and Tech Companies) to increase reflexive learning during technology development and implementation to pro-actively consider the impact of technology decisions on local communities and society at large. This work creates spaces and processes to explore technology innovation and its consequences in an open, inclusive and timely way.Laurie S. Miller McNeill (Director of Institutional Advancement )Mara LopezJuan R Rodriguez (Professor)Sarah Belknap (Instructor Of Mathematics)Elaine L. Craft
-based): Advanced Fossil-Fired Steam Power Plants (power plant visit; Rankine cycle; reheat cycles; flue gas desulphurization; carbon emissions from burning coal, oil, or gas; communication of project via an ePortfolio [16]) Mini-Project 4 (individual): Thermodynamics and Achieving the UN’s SDGs (student- chosen project topic pertaining to novel energy-related technology/ies – with a strong thermodynamics slant – or action/s that can be adopted to significantly reduce US greenhouse gas emissions; communication of project via high-impact fact sheet) Appendix B provides the structure of a typical thermodynamics mini-project, whichincludes a series of contextualized analytical, design, and reflection