pump for waterflow, operating the CFHX to monitor and collect measured data, and safely shutting down. The datais stored as a Microsoft Excel file, which can be accessed by student users directly or remotely onthe computer by sharing via a cloud or storage drive.The specific laboratory assignment related to CFHX instructed an input of water flow set at 4 L/min.The air flow setting at a flow rate of 0.1 m3/s. Temperature and pressure initial conditions for air andwater used in the calculations are listed in Table 1. The data tables found in the Appendix can beused to perform the heat transfer analysis including calculation of heat duties, log mean temperaturedifference (LMTD), overall heat transfer coefficient, and heat exchanger effectiveness
Docs (onelink for each group), was used to provide an answer check in one module. Students wererequired to enter their numerical answer into the yellow cell. A secret code was produced whenthe correct answer was entered, which was then reported to the instructor. The secret code wasconcealed in Excel by using a password protected, hidden cell. We're sorry, please Enter your answer in the yellow cell (kg/s): try again Figure 5. Excel answer check4. Develop a set of instructions that outlines resources and the timeline. The complete set of instructions is presented in the Appendix. Briefly, we divided the
the specific subdisciplinestaught (e.g., engineering specific to waterways, or specific to public health) will be principallydriven by the demonstrated needs specific to each military branch. Further, as existentialenvironmental threats (e.g., climate change) increasingly impact national security, we predictthat environmental engineering topics taught at each military college will morph to address thesespecific needs. 2022 ASEE National ConferenceReferences [1] Jewell, T. K., Griggs, Jr, F. E., & Ressler, S. J. (2001). Early Engineering Education in the United States Prior to 1850. In International Engineering History and Heritage: Improving Bridges to ASCE's 150th Anniversary (pp. 335-353
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more meaningful technical assessment for reviewers. These learnings canbe incorporated into any program whether remote or in-person and have allowed us to improvethe student outcomes of the course.References [1] ABET. "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs 2020-2021." Cycle., https://www.abet.org/accreditation/accreditation-criteria/criteria-for-accrediting- engineering-programs-2020-2021/. [2] McKenzie, Larry J., Michael S. Trevisan, Denny C. Davis, and Steven W. Beyerlein. 2004. "Capstone Design Courses and Assessment: A National Study.". [3] Howe S, Goldberg J. Engineering capstone design education: Current practices, emerging trends, and successful strategies. In: Design education today. 2019. [4
Columbia in Canada in 2013. He then briefly worked in R&D sector of Schlumberger Denmark A/S. Dr. Alba then started his career as Assistant Professor at the Engineering Technology Department of the University of Houston in 2015, promoted to the Associate Professor rank in 2021. His research area include fluid mechanics, rheology, as well as particulate and multiphase flows. Dr. Alba has received numerous research funding from industry as well as federal agencies such as National Science Foundation, published over 50 peer-reviewed publications in his field, and served as reviewer for over 20 fluid-mechanics related journals. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022
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Pérez and Guillermo Cotto, who created content for this course. We also thank the GES video editors and the graphic designers who made this project possible. Finally, we want to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments.8. References 1. Dirección General de Evaluación e Investigación Educativa - Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala, " Comunicado de prensa Digeduca No. 5 – 2019. Ministerio de Educación presenta los resultados de la evaluación Graduandos 2019", 2019. 2. S. Twombly and W. N. Grubb, “Honored but invisible: An inside look at teaching in community colleges”, J. Higher Educ., vol. 72, no. 3, p. 379, 2001, doi: 10.2307/2649341. 3. P. Attewell, D. Lavin, T. Domina, and T. Levey, “New evidence
performance.4. Lessons LearnedDedicated Work-based Experiences Coordinator (WBEC): A full-time WBEC was hired tofacilitate the interactions between faculty, students, career services, human resources, andindustry employers and mentors. This person needed to have support from the administrativeleader(s) to negotiate institutional barriers to change as they implemented new processes tointentionally serve students via paid internships and externships. The more trusted connectionsat their institution, the easier it becomes to efficiently navigate institutional or organizationalbarriers and forge new directions. This will take time especially if the WBEC is a new position.It is really important for the WBEC to be an advocate for the students, value their
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ability to make a significant effect in a short time. Age and time since graduationrequirements on the academy place some restrictions on academy membership. The increase ofwomen students in engineering in the 1970’s and 1980’s will allow for some of these women, forexample, to meet the requirements for the academy in the near future. It might be worth furtherexamining the eligibility rules for the academy, but this is a next step. Work to diversity theacademy by changing eligibility rules or adding new categories is an ongoing process. Thesecretary for the Academy was aware of the diversity issue in the Academy. She had alreadyconsidered alternative approaches and suggested the “Young Alumni” as an approach to addressthis issue. As noted
Associated Press, October 11, 2021. [Online] Available: https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-technology-business-china-russia- c9a698542ed95bfa49f9cee0e96ef9a6 [Accessed Feb. 11, 2022].2. 117th Congress, USA, S.1917 – K-12 Cybersecurity Act of 2021. October 8, 2021.3. Executive Order 13800 (May 11, 2017), Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure. Available via the Federal Register, Vol. 82, No. 93, May 2016, 2017.4. The National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE). [Online] Available: https://www.nist.gov/itl/applied-cybersecurity/nice, [Accessed Feb. 14, 2022].5. R. Vogel, “Closing the Cybersecurity Skills Gap,” Salus Journal 4
- coursesprograms-in-two-year-colleges• Undergraduate Degree Programs: • https://www.mastersindatascience.org/specialties/bachelor-degrees-in-data-science/ • https://ryanswanstrom.com/colleges/ • https://www.datasciencedegreeprograms.net/rankings/affordable-bachelors/ • https://blog.collegevine.com/the-list-of-all-u-s-colleges-with-a-data-science-major/ • https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/computer-science/data-analytics-science College ranking data used in this study was derived from the U.S. News college rankingdata available in the U.S. News website (https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges?int=top_nav_Colleges). An analysis of the U.S. News college ranking website wasconducted to identify which of the 136 colleges
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M 21.0 14.0 7.0 66.7 66.0 2.5 1.0 4.7 O 97.0 90.0 7.0 92.8 89.7 2.4 1.0 6.0 P 14.0 12.0 2.0 85.7 78.0 3.8 0.9 10.6 Q 141.0 127.0 14.0 90.1 85.0 2.6 0.9 5.7 R 75.0 54.0 21.0 72.0 60.0 3.2 0.8 4.4 S 61.0 53.0 8.0 86.9 80.0 4.4 0.9 10.5 T 10.0 9.0 1.0 90.0 90.0 3.6 1.0 9.5 U 8.0 8.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3.3 1.0
exchanges by academic year.Several institutions that Clemson has partnered with over the years are also Global E3 members.The Global E3 membership has been the catalyst for some of these programs, sometimesinitiating because of discussions between university representatives during Global E3 events.Further, Global E3 membership has occurred through discussions between bilateral partnersabout the program and the advantages that membership could bring beyond just the bilateral.Global E3 works alongside bilateral agreements and does not compete. A stated goal of theprogram is to facilitate other agreements between or among member schools, and such programsare encouraged. The Global E3’s focus is student mobility via exchange. It works through
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interested in working with organizers to scale the program should contact the authors formore information.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2037807, 2037788, 2037797. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation. The authors thank the program participants for sharing theirexperiences and the mentors and coaches who support the program. The authors also thank theproject advisory board members Rocio Chavela, Bev Watford, and Darryl Williams for theirguidance on the project.References[1] Hojat, M., Gonnella, J. S., & Caelleigh, A. S
and Suzanne Lord Endowment at Penn State Abington, ArcelorMittal, theBarbara Bogue Enrichment Endowment for Women in Engineering, the Guion Bluford AlumniLeadership Endowment for the Multicultural Engineering Program, Boeing, Bosch Rexroth, theGetz Endowment at Penn State Altoona, Lockheed Martin, the Lucier Endowment, the LubrizolEndowment, the Multicultural Engineering Program (MEP) Support Endowment, the NationalSociety for Black Engineers Program Endowment, and the Pifer Endowment at Penn StateBerks. References[1] M. Ashley, K. M. Cooper, J. M. Cala and S. E. Brownell, “Building better bridges into STEM: A synthesis of 25 years of literature on STEM summer bridge programs,” CBE—Life Sciences
skills they will need as entrepreneurial engineers. The documentation included in thePME complements other planning documents like Gantt charts and peer evaluation tools such asCATME. With students’ evaluating one another’s individual reports, faculty’s time spentassessing these documents is minimized. Alumni report this model successfully prepared themfor their working lives, even more so than their technical courses.References[1] (Reference Companion Paper)[2] M. Simard, “Project Management Implementation in a Capstone Design Course,” AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2021.[3] N. E. El-Atky, and S. Bakrania, “Student Perceptions of Project Management and TeamCulture Within Capstone Projects,” American Society for
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inclusive one: from “sorry you are not good enough for us” to “how can Isupport you so that you can make it” [1]. All the above (and more), brought us to abandon therigid 1980’s lecture style for a hybrid model, with mini-lectures and in-class group work. Thisplan required a full redesign of all the material, and it was a combined effort with thecontribution of several of our faculty. Anyway, just adapting the material would have beenirrelevant if we had not realized that we needed a new learning environment for our students.The Rise of UTAsOur typical class size is about 50. In-class activities are based on 1) group work among students,2) interaction between students and the instructor. Since one instructor cannot reach out to allgroups (about 10
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choose their VCE but must document their choice in a team agreement at thebeginning of the semester. In addition, the same survey as the spring 2021 study will beadministered at the beginning and end of the semester to all the students. The subsequent studywill investigate the qualities of a VCE that participants find the most effective for facilitatingcollaboration and organization in a first-year engineering project team.References [1] ABET, "abet.org," [Online]. Available: https://www.abet.org/accreditation/accreditation-criteria/criteria-for-accrediting- engineering-programs-2022-2023/#GC3. [2] S. Williams van Rooij, "Scaffolding project-based learning with the project management
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reasonable.Teaming6. The private team “space” we accessed in Microsoft Teams provided an excellent environment for my partner(s) and I to function as a team despite our differing physical locations.Overall Evaluation10. A synchronous Electric Machines lab accessed via VMware Horizon, powered by LVSIM-EMS, and shared within Microsoft Teams presents an attractive remote lab environment for self-isolating or commuting students. Figure 5: Survey Questions with Likert Scale Responses Response StatisticsStatement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Mean Std P-value 1 3 3 1 10 12 29 3.86
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