the first workshop and collaboratively develop acoherent set of pilot projects to conduct over the summer. We will use the outcomes from theseprojects as a foundation to reach out to the broader engineering education community about theaffordances of secondary data analysis and best practices for conducting this type of work.Acknowledgement:This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantEEC-8060753.References[1] A. Johri, S. Yang, M. Vorvoreanu, and K. Madhavan, "Perceptions and Practices of Data Sharing in Engineering Education," Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 5, no. 2, p. n2, 2016.[2] L. Perrier, E. Blondal, and H. MacDonald, "The views, perspectives, and experiences of
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sets or interests that are best suited to their lab(s). • We are working on a compact that lays out expectations for both mentors and for mentees. For example, REU participants must attend all scheduled events. • REU participants will have more structured interactions with graduate students in our program through special panels and/or social events.References1. Seyhan, A.A. and C.J. Carini, Are innovation and new technologies in precision medicine paving a new era in patients centric care? 2019. 17(1): p. 114.2. Alexander, A., et al., Scanning the future of medical imaging. 2019. 16(4): p. 501-507.3. Asai, D.J. and C. Bauerle, From HHMI: Doubling down on diversity. 2016. 15(3): p. fe6.4. Page, S.E., The
employmentlandscape. The specific innovation involves providing as an alternative to the current practice (inCarnegie R1 and R2 institutions) of externally peer- reviewed publication(s), with an alternatecapstone requirement: the development of a patentable technology as the capstone event. Yet, theexternal peer-review aspect is preserved, thus maintaining the academic rigor of the PhD programs.These changes are being piloted and tested in a Pathways to Entrepreneurship (PAtENT)program, implemented in multiple STEM departments (Mechanical Engineering, CivilEngineering, Physics and Optical Science, and Chemistry) across the University of North Carolinaat Charlotte (UNCC). The PAtENT program has four overarching goals: 1) to develop an alternateroadmap for
community and having the opportunity to engagein mentoring activities with their peers and their mentors. Within the current study, it wasrecognized that mentees are excited to persist in their current STEM fields and look forward tograduating to pursue a STEM career.Funding Acknowledgement This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. 1912205. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References 1) Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 2) Bandura, A. (1997
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,Satisfaction with Instructional Materials , and Satisfaction with Research Mentorship on s 5-pointLikert scales (1~5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest). The complete survey items areincluded in the appendix.Table 1. Measurement Scales Scale (Category) # of Items Scale ML Knowledge 11 1~5: 1= Not at all informed, 5= Very (Information) informed ML Skill 8 1~5, 1 = Not Skillful at all, 5= Very Skillful Overall/General Skill 14 1~5, 1 = Not Skillful at all, 5= Very Skillful Confidence 7 1~5, 1= Not Confident at all, 5=Very
replacement cost. A fine is handed down to the user whodamaged or returned a kit with missing part(s). A replacement fee will be assessed for any kitthat is not returned. Those notes are listed under the loan policies on the inside cover of the kit.Another challenge is introducing new library staff to Arduino due to common turnover in theuser services (circulation) department. To resolve this, the engineering librarian hosts quarterlyworkshops for training new and interested library staff on Arduino kits. This workshop toucheson the checkout policy for the Arduino kits, when to replenish them, and navigating through theArduino libguide.ConclusionThe process of introducing Arduino Library Kits for checkout appears to be off to a great startwith
53: Where did you study abroad? How was this experience? Question 54: I participated in undergraduate research with a faculty member for at least one semester. Question 55: Please select all of the BME workshops you attended at least once. If one of the workshops was selected for Question 55: Free-text response: Question 56: Please share how the workshop(s) were or were not helpful to you so we can improve them. Are there other topics we should cover in workshops? Question 57: Did you use the ECAC’s services during your time as an undergraduate? If “Yes” is selected for
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Figure 10. It was clear that the tensile strengthis linearly proportional with the percentage infill of the specimen. area (m2) Figure 9 Sample tensile specimen datasheet for specimen XT95-1 Tough Force, strain, and stress data with blue data bars (left). Stress-Strain plot (top right). Elastic portion of the Stress-Strain plot (middle right). Modulus of elasticity (E) & ultimate tensile strength (S u). Figure 10 Ultimate Tensile Strength variation with percentage infill for PLA.2. Impact TestResults from the PLA tough specimens can be seen below in the form of a table and scatter plot.The scatter plot helps visually see the linear correlation between infill percentage and specimentoughness
isexpected to use transfer learning to customize one or more pre-trained neural networks fornew classes. The new network(s) should be able to distinguish at least two new classes thatare not included in the pre-trained networks. Heavy coding is not required for this project,but each student needs to learn how to collect their own database and write proper code tore-train the existing network using transfer learning.The deliverable of the project is a working image classifier that can work on Linux,Windows, or Mac OS. Each student also needs to prepare a final project report that includesthe motivation, the implementation details, the achieved goals and discovered issues, alongwith a 10-minutes PowerPoint presentation to explain their project in the
up from 29.9% adecade earlier in 2010. In 2000, one-third of people with at least a bachelor’s degree hadcompleted an advanced degree. By 2018, 37 percent had done so. The number of people withmaster’s degrees, then is roughly 13% of the current U. S. Population. The number of peoplewith professional degrees is roughly 1.2%, while the number of people with Doctorate degrees isclose to 2.2%Given this, what is the interest and likelihood of those with master’s degrees pursuing an onlineDoctor of Technology degree? And, demographically, who are those students?The Doctor of Technology (DTECH) program of this paper was nearly six and a half years in themaking. It began with a committee envisioning a degree concept through a yet to be
) is the error signal at the kth time step. r(k) represents the reference temperature, andy(k) is the measured temperature. u(k) is the controller output and DC represents the duty cycle.For this activity, students are asked to write a python function in the program that represents theon-off controller. The inputs of the function are the setpoint and the actual temperature output, pv.The function should return the controller output, op. Once the program is done, they can run theprogram and plot the on-off response of the heater. Fig. 5 shows the response of an on-offcontroller. The top figure shows the temperature response changes with a setpoint for 1200 s. Thedashed line represents the desired temperature output. The 2nd figure from the top
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