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Displaying results 121 - 150 of 1420 in total
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 6: Engineering in the Home
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter N. Knox, University of Vermont; Amber Simpson, State University of New York at Binghamton; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University-Bloomington
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
and aparent of two. His research focuses on how youth develop and maintain interest in STEMeducation across formal and informal learning contexts. As a parent, educator, and researcher hehas experienced multiple moments of failure in all of those roles and tried to make sense of theintersection of theories around learning through failure, experiences in supporting learnersthrough failure and seeing his children and other kids and parents experience failure, particularlyin STEM. These experiences and extensive self-reflection influenced his input on the design ofthis intervention and the interpretation of data produced.ResultsGuided by our research questions ‘How was failure perceived by participating families?’ and‘What was the subsequent
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nagash Antoine Clarke, University of Michigan; Joi-Lynn Mondisa, University of Michigan
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
by white men [5]. Given that white males have maintained a position ofdominance in STEM, they can use this privilege and power in addressing the concerns statedabove. In particular, white men can recognize, and act against inequity both in their classes, aswell as overall systemic inequity in STEM departments [4]. However, disruption of privilegecannot occur without continuous reflection on their whiteness, and significant engagement withpeers and students of color [17], [18]. There is a paucity of research reporting on the structuralinequity in STEM fields [5]. The goal of this paper is to explore how collaboration between aBlack and white scholar on an equity-focused research project can inform racial allyship in whitemen within the
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Huiming Fan, East China University of Science and Technology; Weijie GAO; Shi Siyi
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Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON)
history of engineers. At present, 30 textbooks reflecting the concept of greenengineering education have been revised and newly edited, covering variousdisciplines such as engineering, science, management and law.2. Construction of Green Engineering Courses ECUST has offered a series of courses related to green engineering. First,"Fundamentals of Enterprise EHS Risk Management" has been offered to allengineering undergraduates as a compulsory course. This course built by over fortycorporate alumni and university faculty was listed as a national-level MOOC in 2017.Taken by about 2,300 people each year, it has been listed as a required or electivecourse by 106 universities nationwide. Second, eight "Green Engineering" electivecourses have been
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Supporting Students To, Through, and Beyond Transitions
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Kostolansky, Tufts University; Kristen B Wendell, Tufts University; Nicole Alexandra Batrouny, Tufts University
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
. The interviewer asked open-endedfollow-up questions to prompt participants to reflect on these emotions, repeating this process forall eight contexts.We conducted and recorded hour-long interviews with 20 undergraduate students described inTable 1. We transcribed excerpts of interview recordings of four contexts: doing a problem setfor Mechanics 1 alone, doing a problem set for Mechanics 1 with friends, making something in amakerspace for yourself, and making something in a makerspace for Electronics 1. The firstauthor conducted line-by-line open coding [11] of three interview transcripts from a second-,third-, and fourth-year participant each, from which themes of emotional configurationsdeveloped organically. She shared the coded
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - GIFTS
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Krista M. Kecskemety, The Ohio State University; Benjamin Grier; Brooke Morin, The Ohio State University; Amy Kramer P.E., The Ohio State University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
on how students learnand included many practices useful for developing student learning; these included retrievalpractices, increasing sense of belonging & decreasing stereotype threat, metacognition & self-regulated learning, and transparency in teaching and learning. The workshop presentedresearch on these topics and provided time for faculty to brainstorm class changes based onthese ideas. The goal of this workshop was to communicate to all faculty teaching practicesbased on learning theories while also giving faculty time to reflect on their current practicesand propose course modifications.The course modifications focused on the first of a two-semester first-year engineeringsequence for honors designated students at The Ohio
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Best Of FPD
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
learning,perseverance, reflection, commitment [5] [25]. Despite the challenges, it is important forengineering programs (and faculty) to commit to doing this work as it is an essential componentof educating future engineers.Internal Motivation & Course Development ProcessWestern Washington University (WWU) is a public institution with approximately 15,000 full-time undergraduate students. The Engineering and Design Department (ENGD) at WWU hasfour undergraduate-only programs: Electrical & Computer Engineering (EECE), IndustrialDesign (ID), Manufacturing Engineering (MFGE), and Polymer Materials Engineering (PME).Students interested in majoring in engineering at WWU must formally apply to a program aftercompleting a series of prerequisite
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Selen Güler, University of Washington; Elizabeth Litzler, University of Washington; Cara Margherio, University of Washington; Julia M. Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Eva Andrijcic, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Sriram Mohan, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
learner-centered pedagogies [4]. Through interactions, self-reflection, andcritical introspection, the participants contribute to the collective creation of knowledge [4].Research suggests that the resources movement actors gain access to might be closely related tothe structure of learning itself. For example, Cornfield and colleagues [5] find that activists of theNashville nonviolent civil rights movement relied on nonlinear and iterative processes ofcollective learning to design and implement action. Leaders of the Highlander Folk School, acritical center that trained and empowered many activists during the Civil Rights movement [11],relied on experts and guest speakers to deliver content to the participants, but they also usedtechniques such
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Technical Session 2: Assessing the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Curiosity, and Workplace Preparedness
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fatemeh Mozaffar; Cheng Chen, University of Georgia; Beshoy Morkos, University of Georgia; Jianfeng Ma
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
, students completed a photovoice reflection for one of the assignments(manufacturing lesson on corrosion and erosion) to reflect on the manufacturing survey. In thispaper, we present the survey assignment and photovoice reflection on corrosion and erosion,specifically, as it is traditionally considered a negative surface phenomenon. Thematic analysisof the photovoice reflections show that students are motivated to explore mechanisms forincreasing system value and identifying opportunities. Ultimately, findings suggest that the useof hands-on surveying assignments to compliment the traditional teaching methods used inmanufacturing classrooms can promote an entrepreneurial mindset when studying manufacturingcontent.1. Introduction Industry 4.0
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 4: Professional Preparation
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Kremer, Ohio University; Timothy Cyders; Cody Petitt; Kouree Chesser, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
intention is totransform the identity and mindset of the learners in our engineering programs from ‘student’ toengineer in training, or engineering apprentice.A key feature of pro-ops is that students take on professional roles in experiences intentionallydesigned to resemble a professional experience in all aspects, to differentiate them from justanother class project. We use immersion as a measure of the level of industry-like context, with ahigh level of immersion being required to qualify as a pro-op. The overarching goal of Pro-opeducation is to create a healthy professional culture (Pro-culture) within our engineeringprogram, where students engage in repeated professional experiences and tell stories about themthrough the reflective lens of
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 4: Engaging Authentic Engineering Practices
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Azizi Penn, Purdue University; Rachel E. Higbee, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Hillary E. Merzdorf, Texas A&M University; Siddika Selcen Guzey, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Morgan M Hynes, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Kerrie A Douglas, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Tamara J Moore, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
shown that learning activities that reinforce concepts help students understand thecontent they previously struggled to master [12]. This approach also improves theirunderstanding of concepts, the principles that link concepts, and the linking of concepts andprinciples to conditions and procedures for application [13]. It is critical to allow students torelate concepts to their application by providing realistic scenarios for students to solve usingtheir knowledge of STEM. Integrated STEM activities can foster self-regulated/self-directedlearning in several ways. One is by prompting students for explanations via guiding questions,which help students reflect upon and integrate the knowledge they require to solve the problem[14]. For the
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED): Best of Works in Progress
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Uri Feldman, Wentworth Institute; George D. Ricco, University of Indianapolis
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Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
maycapture and analyze one of their own physiological signals. Flash-labs are designed to takebetween 20-30 minutes in class, with about 60 minutes of follow up work to be completedoutside of class. Students execute the activities, then report on and discuss their findings withtheir classmates in small groups and through reports and reflective posts in their DSP-Portfolio.DSP-PortfolioOriginally, after completing each Flash-lab, students submitted their findings and observations asassignments onto the learning management system (LMS). However, this was limiting becauseonly the instructor got to review the assignments. To further enhance in-class collaboration andengagement, in the spring of 2022, DSP-portfolios were added for students to share their
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division 2 - Engagement in Practice Lightning Round: Equitable Engagement and Transformative Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Roneisha Wynette Worthy, Kennesaw State University; Amy Borello Gruss, Kennesaw State University
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Community Engagement Division (COMMENG)
research team to acquire hands-on models that professional studentorganizations could use as a tool to increase engagement. This factor was also studied toascertain any insights into how the models enhanced the experiences of the event. Collegestudents wrote reflections after their interactions. This paper shares how community-engagedactivities not only change attitudes and outreach self-efficacy in all students but also might becritical in self-efficacy and motivation for minority women engineering students.I. IntroductionKennesaw State University (KSU) is thriving with nearly 43,000 students on two metro Atlanta,Georgia campuses. The adoption of strategies like providing incentives, such as scholarships andfinancial aid, for minority
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session #2: Global Engagement
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Schneider, University of Dayton; Corinne Mowrey, University of Dayton; Eric Janz P.E., University of Dayton; Erick S. Vasquez, University of Dayton; Homero Murzi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Matthew A. Witenstein, University of Dayton; Jeanne Holcomb, University of Dayton
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International Division (INTL)
theprocess of listening, learning and reflecting to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes andcommitments to engage across diverse groups in open, effective and socially responsible ways.Accordingly, this project adopts the three student learning outcomes for the UD International andIntercultural Leadership Certificate which identify that students will be able to 1. Explain how issues of social justice, power and privilege are shaped in a variety of contexts. 2. Use language and knowledge of other cultures effectively and appropriately to communicate, connect and build relationships with people in other cultural communities. 3. Express respect and thoughtful engagement with people across cultures.These outcomes focus on the
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 11: Project and Research-Based Learning Environments
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isaac Koduah Kumi, Old Dominion University; Stacie I Ringleb, Old Dominion University; Orlando M Ayala, Old Dominion University; Pilar Pazos, Old Dominion University; Francisco Cima, Old Dominion University; Krishnanand Kaipa, Old Dominion University; Min Jung Lee, Old Dominion University; Kristie Gutierrez, Old Dominion University; Jennifer Jill Kidd, Old Dominion University
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Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
were morecapable of quality work than the engineering students in the comparison group. Moreover,preliminary results showed a significant drop in scores for expecting quality and having relevantKSA during the peak of COVID during online instruction and performance of both projects,followed by a rise in mean scores during the return to in-person classes. Reflections fromavailable qualitative data were paired to help understand the quantitative data results further.IntroductionThe increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the modern work environment requires engineeringprofessionals to have the ability to communicate and collaborate with others within and outsidedisciplinary boundaries [1],[2]. Further, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mayari I. Serrano, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Natalia M. Rodriguez; Daniel Guberman; Jacqueline Callihan Linnes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
andtransdisciplinary course focused on engineering health equity. Using equity pedagogy, theinstructors aim to create a learning environment and learning objectives that will support studentsto become reflective and critical citizens that can help build a just society (McGee Banks andBanks, 1995). Moreover, a transdisciplinary framework with student-centered strategies toaddress social and structural determinants that influence health structures, systems, andtechnologies at an undergraduate level offers a holistic opportunity to explore complex globalproblems (Velez et al., 2022).Related WorkHealth equity courses have been implemented at the graduate level at the University of TexasAustin (Lanier et al., 2022), senior undergraduates and early graduate
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Callan E. Monette, Stanford University; Alexis Seymour, Stanford University; William T Yu, Stanford University; Leighton Terrance Wan, Stanford University; Andrew Sho Perley, Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering; Ross Daniel Venook, Stanford University
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Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
,” Commun. Teach., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 116–129, Oct. 2008, doi: 10.1080/17404620802382680.[10] J. Gilmore, M. A. Maher, D. F. Feldon, and B. Timmerman, “Exploration of factors related to the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduate teaching assistants’ teaching orientations,” Stud. High. Educ., vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1910–1928, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.1080/03075079.2013.806459.[11] M. Di Benedetti, S. Plumb, and S. B. M. Beck, “Effective use of peer teaching and self-reflection for the pedagogical training of graduate teaching assistants in engineering,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., pp. 1–16, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1080/03043797.2022.2054313.[12] J. Agarwal, G. Bucks, and T. J. Murphy, “A Literature
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division (EMD) Tech Session 2: Course-level strategies to positively impact student learning and experiences
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Lu, Texas A&M University; Behbood Zoghi, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management Division (EMD)
not only get to apply relevant technicalknowledge and leadership skills to real-world problem-solving processes, but also have theopportunity to demonstrate their ability to lead and execute fruitful changes in theirorganizations. It is a perfect testament to impactful academic-industry collaboration. Bothqualitative and quantitative data will be collected, including course and program evaluationsurveys, student reflections, to gauge the perception of learning outcomes and course2023 ASEE Engineering Management Division (EMD)effectiveness. Other institutions could use this course as a design template when offering similarproject-based courses.Keywords: Project-based learning, academic-industry collaboration, Capstone project, coursedesign
Conference Session
Power Engineering & Curriculum Innovations
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glenn J Bradford, University of Melbourne; Gavin Buskes, The University of Melbourne; Paul N Beuchat, The University of Melbourne
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
for teaching highly technical concepts. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Considerations for Software-defined Radio Use within a Project-based Learning SubjectAbstractIn this paper we reflect on the use of software-defined radio (SDR) within a project-basedlearning (PBL) subject at the master’s level that incorporates a semester-long wirelesscommunication design project. PBL as a pedagogy is an important tool for addressing disparitiesexisting between the capabilities with which engineering students graduate and those demandedby employers. Ideally, it enables ‘dual impact’ activities in which both technical and professionalskills can be developed concurrently
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 1: Course Design
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rea Lavi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cong Cong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Yuan Lai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Justin A. Lavallee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Gregory L. Long Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Nathan Melenbrink, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Amitava 'Babi' Mitra, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
learning (CBL) is a student-centered pedagogical approach that makes use of specificoccasions or ‘cases’ to contextualize the learning of discipline-specific knowledge. CBLoriginated in professional education, specifically in medicine, business, and law [21] and hassince also been applied in science and engineering education [e.g., 22,23].CBL helps students develop conceptual understanding and thinking skills as they work throughand reflect on the process of solving cases [21]. Working on cases in groups can also facilitatethe development of students' interpersonal skills [21,24]. Implementations of CBL vary by thedegree of student autonomy (control) over their learning, from lecture-based on the low end toproblem-based on the high end of student
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cassandra Puletapuai, Colorado State University; Daniel Birmingham, Colorado State University
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
colonnades of oppression.Critical consciousness seeks to share power with those who are socially, historically, andpolitically oppressed in ways that they not only recognize but challenge unjust systems. Developing critical consciousness cannot be based solely on training or competence [5].As Freire argues, “to affirm that men and women are persons and as persons should be free, andyet to do nothing tangible to make this affirmation as reality, is a farce” [15, p. 50]. Thus,altering the conditions students of Color find in STEM requires reflection, engagement, andaction toward social justice goals from those with power. By establishing a criticalconsciousness as the foundation, allies can effectively work toward multicultural competency.These
Conference Session
Ocean & Marine Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maija A. Benitz, Roger Williams University
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Ocean and Marine Division (OMED)
engineeringdevelopment issues relevant to any region. Further, this work explores the efficacy of this newpedagogical approach in meeting learning outcomes related to engineering ethics by analyzingstudent reflections following their participation in the role-playing exercise. Qualitative analysisof student work demonstrates deep engagement with the material, growth in performing research,and strengthened communication skills. Lastly, suggestions for improving the ethics role-playingactivity and corresponding assignments are provided.IntroductionEstablishing and strengthening undergraduates’ appreciation for the complexities and importanceof engineering ethics is a persistent need and challenge for engineering educators. Finding waysto instill an understanding
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Idalis Villanueva Alarcón, University of Florida; Laura Melissa Cruz Castro, University of Florida; John Alexander Mendoza-Garcia, University of Florida; Edward Latorre-Navarro, University of Florida; Diego Alvarado, University of Florida; Lilianny Virguez, University of Florida
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Faculty Development Division (FDD)
mentoring practicesAbstractThis full research paper discusses the experiences of five Latiné/x faculty in engineering andwhat motivated them towards developing equity-minded educational practices for theirundergraduate students. The five faculty participants provided written reflections on how theirlife and professional experiences have informed said practices. From a social constructionismparadigm and using narrative inquiry methodology, a combination of in vivo and descriptivecoding (first cycle) followed by emergent and focused coding (second cycle) were used by thefirst three authors to generate a codebook. The theoretical frameworks of Community CulturalWealth, LatCrit, and Hidden Curriculum guided the data analysis and interpretation
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Inventive Thinking & Student Beliefs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cayla Ritz, Rowan University; Jeffrey Stransky, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University; Emily Dringenberg, The Ohio State University; Elif Miskioglu, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
that do not directly reflect our espoused beliefs [14]. We can,however, better predict our future behaviors by engaging in self-reflection related to our previousbehaviors, thus helping to build awareness for future judgements [15]. Due to the inherentcomplexity associated with judgements in a process safety setting, a lack of awareness maycause engineering practitioners to behave outside of their typical set of beliefs, sometimesresulting in poor or uninformed judgements.We are studying chemical engineering students to understand how their beliefs and behaviorscompare in the context of process safety judgements and how they react to any differences sothat we can prepare students to acknowledge the inherent complexity of how they
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 9: Lessons Learned from Engineering Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ann M. Gansemer-Topf; Shan Jiang, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Yiqi Liang, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Dong Chen, The University of Arizona
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Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
-surveys that focused on thequestion, "What influence did the course have on students’ knowledge and application of PMskills?”Course OverviewThe GAPS course (MSE 580x), Introduction of Project Management for Thesis Research, aimsto improve graduate STEM students' efficiency in completing their thesis research and projectsby adapting the PM skills and concepts. This one-credit, satisfactory-fail semester-long course isoffered once a week for 50 - 80 minutes. Students learn PM processes such as Work Break DownStructure and Critical Path and tools like the Project Charter and Gantt Charts. Although thecourse's primary focus is PM skills, throughout the semester, students have the opportunity todevelop other skills such as communication, reflective
Conference Session
Global Roles and Societal Responsibilities of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eunjeong Ma, Pohang University of Science and Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
silenced and highlighted inthe process of shaping hybrid pedagogies and engineering by reflecting on and assessing thenature of “hybridity,” “innovation,” and “design” in engineering education. Introduction During the late 2000s, the South Korean government identified the need to prioritizescience and technology policy in the university sector, specifically in the area of informationand communication technologies, with the aim of developing global leaders. A concerningissue of a "crisis in science and engineering fields" was identified, whereby many youngstudents were disinclined to pursue science and technology careers. In response, thegovernment initiated an effort to attract talented young
Conference Session
COED: Grading Systems
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carlos Rojas, San Jose State University; Gina M. Quan, San Jose State University
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Computers in Education Division (COED)
card. Of the 83 students in the course,the number of completed surveys ranged from 12 to 18 participants, and we had 69 completesurveys throughout the semester. Rojas did not have access to the survey data until the end ofthe semester, but Quan occasionally shared broad patterns as formative feedback during thesemester.To capture the instructor's perspectives on the course as well as how the implementation ofmastery grading shifted over time, Rojas engaged in regular reflective journaling. We alsocollected documents and artifacts associated with the course including emails to and fromstudents which discussed mastery grading and syllabi from the focal semester and previoussemesters. We also viewed student course evaluations administered by the
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Technical Session 4: Curriculum and Programmatic Effects
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keilin Jahnke, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
-minute lesson to teach a small peer group about the content of an episode of the NPR How I BuiltThis podcast through a brief lecture, engaging activity, and a discussion or quiz as a means ofassessment. This activity exposes students to the paths that various innovators took in theirentrepreneurial journeys to demystify the process of innovation and provide inspiration throughstorytelling.The third primary assessment mechanism is an individual innovation map and synthesis. Theobjective of this assignment is to provide a formal means for students to reflect on potential nextsteps in their entrepreneurial journey after the course ends and synthesize their understanding ofthe entrepreneurial mindset and their role as an innovation leader. Students
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chrysanthe Preza, The University of Memphis; Stephanie S Ivey, The University of Memphis; Craig O. Stewart, University of Memphis
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
engineeringbackgrounds, as well their hands-on research experience and working on a paper. However,many students felt there was not enough time in the course for research and writing. Othernegative experiences included feeling they did not understand the purpose of assignments on thecourse learning management system and other team members were not contributing. At thebeginning of the semester, assignments focused on ethics, teaming, how to do a literature reviewand document research, and other preliminary topics. Students wanted to dive right into theresearch rather than completing training and pre-research activities. Additionally, journalassignments requested that students reflect on their experiences weekly. Engineering students arenot accustomed to
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martell Bell, The University of Iowa; Rachel Vitali, The University of Iowa; Jae-eun Russell
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Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED)
science calculations and design considerations. We hypothesize that theprocess of reflection and iteration inherent to hackathon competitions will strengthen theparticipant groups’ perceived EJ skills. Finally, engineering leadership (EL) skills relate to theleadership style(s) used by individuals to lead groups of engineers to achieve a common goal. Aneffective leader exercises influence at interpersonal, team, and organizational levels, whilesimultaneously building strong relationships. We hypothesize that in the absence of a well-structured project, the need to delegate tasks among team members and develop solutionsquickly will increase the perceived EL abilities of participant groups.To frame this study, we will use the Buck Institute of
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Holistic Program Topics
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Venktesh Pandey, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Maranda McBride, North Carolina A&T State University (CoE); Hyoshin Park
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
and Professional Field Trips Development Leadership team of campus org Objective: Create a Case competitions stackable-units digital Complete LinkedIn and badge program Handshake profiles Research Read and reflect on transportation careers & certifications