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excellence in instruction. His additional research interests include water, and wastewater treatment, civil engineering infrastructure, and transportation engineering.Dr. Samuel C. Lieber, P.E., New Jersey Institute of Technology Samuel C. Lieber, PhD, PE is an Assistant Professor of Advanced Manufacturing in the Engineering Tech- nology Department and Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Dr. Lieberˆa C™s applied research iDr. Mohsen Azizi, New Jersey Institute of Technology Mohsen Azizi is an assistant professor in the School of Applied Engineering and Technology at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
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methods: Graph Network Simulator, Material Point Method, Lattice Boltzmann - Discrete Element coupling, and Lattice Element method. Krishna was awarded C. S. Desai Award for the best paper on constitutive modeling of geologic materials by the Indian Geotechnical Society. Krishna is Higher Education Fellow in the UK and is passionate about teaching and developing teaching strategies that improve equity and participation among students. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 WIP: Teaching geotechnical engineering through murder mysteries Krishna Kumar, Department of Civil, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, CockrellSchool of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
completion of the academic goals of the CivilEngineering curricula. It´s important that the students recognize this and the importance of theopportunity of experiencing these activities in challenging times.Keywords: Site visits, structural engineering, virtual labs, Tec21, Higher Education1 IntroductionIn March 2020, the initial period of world’s pandemic period, affected almost every humanactivity around the globe. House living, every job, family activities, and education amongmany others. Civil engineering students and professors were affected by not being in the sameclassroom simultaneously like almost every over major but one of the main activitiessuspended by these events were the construction site visits (CSV).Through many years, the
of states 3. Including a pictorial representation of the system with explicit notation for states and relationships 4. Listing assumptions 5. Using the assumptions to reduce the model to a solvable sub-model 6. Creating a mathematical representation of the sub-model 7. Implementing a solution to the mathematical representation 8. Interpreting the results of the solution 9. Conducting a sensitivity analysis of the solution 10. Describing the lesson/s learned in the overall exerciseGrading Rubric 1. Providing a narrative of the overall problem and identifying important states and relationships a. Less than 500 words total b. Identify 3-5 states c. Identify 5-10
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societies through gaining additional technical and professional knowledge andskills through continuing education offerings, networking with peers, and leadershipopportunities through participation in scholarly publishing, standards development, and thoughtleadership as part of a committee or other governance body (Hein, et al. 2016). Involvement inthese activities by members also advances the mission of a professional society.Despite these benefits, membership in professional societies has declined in recent years.Marketing General, Inc.’s (MGI) 2022 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report showedthat 38% of individual membership organizations reported a decline in membership over the pastyear. While this represents an improvement over 2021 when 48
complexity of thestakeholders, the evolving and interactive norms, and resources involved. These complexsystems can include local, state, and federal interdependencies and/or global interdependenciesthat require examination from a systemic and governance approach. These are common in areasof public planning, international affairs, and policymaking relying heavily on modeling thatemploys innovative methods for actual implementation. Figure 1. Engineering Systems, Bilen, S.,2020With the increasing rate of technological innovation and convergence among technologies andsystems—such as Industry 4.0; energy and communication systems; the digitalization of industrythrough automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
a power drill, and multi-toolSwiss knife were not included in Section III. Access to individual(s) with basic workshop skills isrequired for replicating the construction process described in this manuscript.Individual(s) trying to replicate the process described in this manuscript may face circumstantialor contextual problems that we did not encounter. Reasons for potential differences incircumstantial problems include i) changes in the operating environment, ii) workshop skill levelof involved personnel, and iii) variations in purchased material quality.Instructors for courses with a large enrollment size may have to divide their class into multiplesubgroups and schedule separate time slots for each subgroup. Which will ensure students in
, anddissemination) with three distinct objectives.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1234567.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] A. Febrian and O. Lawanto, “Do Computer Science Students Understand Their Programming Task? –A Case Study of Solving the Josephus Variant Problem,” Int. Educ. Stud., vol. 11, no. 12, 2018.[2] T. Garcia, and R. R. Pintrich, "Regulating motivation and cognition in the classroom: The role of self- schemas and self-regulatory strategies," in Self-regulation of learning and performance
curriculum can meet the market needs, and decide on priorities to offer internal and/or external training and/or certificationSkill portal flow chartImplementation phases:Phase one: the authors have designed a survey to test the importance and the need for a widerange of certificates. Current students, alumni, faculty, employees, and employers weresurveyed.Survey design:Survey was very simple and has only three main question to determine the role the person isholding, the certificates he/she has, and the relevancy of the certificates he/she has.Survey questions:Q1: Which role(s) below describe yourself? - Selected Choice: 1) Current WCU student 2) Alum who has had one year experience 3) Faculty and/or staff 4) Employer 5
from our perspective is that the criticalevents identified as participants may not seem important, urgent, or critical from a faculty memberperspective, but are highly impactful from the student perspective. Therefore, stakeholders(faculty advisors, grad chairs, administrators) handling graduate student issues should be sensitiveof the positionality of the graduate students.Publications:Zerbe, E., Sallai, G., Shanachilubwa, K., & Berdanier, C. G. P. (2022). Engineering graduatestudents’ critical events as catalysts of attrition. Journal of Engineering Education.https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20481O’Brien, S. and Berdanier, C. G. P. (2022). How ‘returner’ and ‘direct-pathway’ graduate students’experiences may lead to attrition from doctoral
correction capacitor bank and a three-phase load. The wind turbinemodel uses a lookup table to compute the turbine output torque as a function of its speed (Figure4).The simulation is run at a wind speed of 10 m/s. This example illustrates the startup and thesteady-state operation of the wind turbine/induction generator system. The speed of rotation ofthe induction machine is above 1 pu indicating operation in generator mode (Figure 5). Figures6 and 7 show that the output power is 200 kW and the output three-phase voltages areapproximately 450 Vpeak. Students can vary the wind speed, the power factor correctioncapacitor value and the load. Figure 4: Wind-turbine driven induction generator model Figure 5
to the mentoring aspect of student-professor relationships. For faculty mentors, we willask to describe, in addition to their research projects, their expectations from ERSP scholars andhow they work with undergraduate students. For students, we will add questions about student –mentor relationships to the reflection prompts.AcknowledgementsThe adoption of ERSP at UIC was enabled by a larger project supported by an NSF Grant(#1821501). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] M. Barrow, S. Thomas, and C. Alvarado, “Ersp: A structured cs research program for early- college students
. She currently serves as a Department Editor for one of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)’s journals, Mathematics Teachers: Learning and Teacher PK-12 in its Ear to the Ground Department. She served as the president of the Graduate Student Education Council at Purdue University (2012-2013) and a director of mathematical modeling summer camps and after-school programs (2018-2020).JOSE DAVID DE LEON ALEJANDRO, University of FloridaDr. Chonika C Coleman-King, University of Florida Dr. Chonika Coleman-King is currently Assistant Professor of Teachers, Schools, and Society at the University of Florida where she also serves as the Coordinator for Curriculum and Research of the new equity-centered
related survey items). Valuing Diversity is represented by the twoprimary factors of Serving Customers Better (VL-S) and Fulfilling a Greater Purpose (VL-F). Ahigh score on VL-S would indicate that the computing student believed customers could bebetter served if diversity is valued. A high score on VL-F would indicate the computing studentperceived valuing diversity aligned with a strong inward desire for purpose and fairness in theirwork. Furthermore, the Enacting Inclusive Behaviors construct is represented by the two primaryfactors of Promoting Healthy Behaviors (BH-P) and challenging discriminatory behaviors (BH-C). A high score on BH-P would indicate the engineering student would take measures to ensureevery team member was included and
Paper ID #37261Board 293: First Cohort Experiences During an International ResearchExperiences for Undergraduates Program Focused on Fractional-OrderCircuits and SystemsDr. Todd Freeborn, The University of Alabama Todd Freeborn, PhD, is an associate professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- ing at The University of Alabama. He has been supported by the NSF through the REU, IRES, IUSE, and S-STEM programs. As part of this support, he has coordinated REU Sites for engineering students to explore renewable resources and speech pathology, coordinated international research experiences in the Czech
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