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your growth/development as a facultymember might not be valued, recognized, or ‘count’ toward promotion/tenure?Q4: How could your growth/development of new knowledge/skills/abilities as a faculty memberbe re-purposed or re-packaged to more clearly communicate their value in a tenure dossier orpromotion package?ReferencesAlperin, J. P., Muñoz Nieves, C., Schimanski, L. A., Fischman, G. E., Niles, M. T., & McKiernan, E. C. (2019). How significant are the public dimensions of faculty work in review, promotion and tenure documents? ELife, 8, e42254. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.42254Benegal, S. D., & Scruggs, L. A. (2018). Correcting misinformation about climate change: The impact of partisanship in an experimental
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Students3.1 (CIS-S) developed by The PEAR Institute: Partnerships in Education and Resilience [12].This survey, totaling 44 questions, captured STEM interest, enjoyment, career interest, careerknowledge, and identity. However, this study focuses on the first ten questions based on thesurvey developed by Noam et al. measuring interest in science across various informal settings[13]. Researchers undertook three testing phases, including stability over time, internal structure,and construct validity. For this study, Space Club students were involved in a more generalSTEM program that included technology, engineering, and mathematics in addition to science.Therefore, any mention of “science” in the 10-item survey was replaced with “STEM.” Forexample, “I
experience with an interdisciplinary focus or takecourse(s) relating to a grand challenge theme (sustainability, security, health, or joy of living)[17].c. EntrepreneurshipGrand challenges scholars are capable of translating inventions and innovations into marketventures and future global solutions to benefit the public interest and private citizens. Thescholars must take advantage of approved entrepreneurial experiences or internships withsignificant entrepreneurial focus to complete this competency. Undergraduate researchexperiences with an entrepreneurial focus or course(s) focusing on entrepreneurship also satisfythis requirement. Scholars may choose to focus their research on this competency and presenttheir entrepreneurship research findings
activities integrated withentrepreneurially minded learning. Students practiced and exercised engineering design processduring the second (spring) semester with an engineering entrepreneurial mindset through variousclass activities and design projects with selected topics. This also exposed the students to anengineer’s role in a society and the related responsibilities along with creation of new innovativeideas.Erdil et al. [10,11] studied a curricular model to develop an entrepreneurial mindset inengineering students which emanated from the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network(KEEN)’s 3C’s, of curiosity, connections and creating value. The study spanned across all fouryears of all engineering and computer science programs. Flipped classroom
Guidelines 2023 (CS2023). ACM Inroads, 13(4):22–25, Nov 2022. ISSN 2153-2184. doi: 10.1145/3571092.[16] Amruth N. Kumar and Rajendra K. Raj. Computer Science Curricula 2023 (CS2023): Community Engage- ment by the ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Joint Task Force. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2, SIGCSE 2023, page 1212–1213, New York, NY, USA, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9781450394338.[17] Rajendra K. Raj, John Impagliazzo, Sherif G. Aly, David S. Bowers, Harold Connamacher, Stan Kurkovsky, Bonnie MacKellar, Tom Prickett, and Ma´ıra Marques Samary. Toward Competency-Based Professional Ac- creditation in Computing. In Proceedings of the 2022 Working Group Reports on
tuned parameters by sequence (first,gain, then integral time, and even derivative time) and re-tuning. They normally try “guess”values by on-line tuning, but they are also requested to derive parameters from the previouslydeveloped model (adapted from the previous group) once incorporated in the closed loop,including the Simulink modules for the final element (control valve, variable speed pump) andthe controller (Figure 5)Figure 5. The open-loop model residing in the s-function module is integrated in Simulink withthe final element module (including saturation blocks for physical limits) and the PID controller module for the closed-loop.Students are also invited to use the previously developed transfer function
assessments used in the class. In a relatedon-going project, standardized test questions have been developed, and data is being collected toinvestigate whether improved student learning can be measured via other assessments.AcknowledgementsThis work has been in part supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2215133. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1. Mejias S, Thompson N, Sedas RM, Rosin M, Soep E, Peppler K, Roche R, Wong J, Hurley M, Bell P, Bevan B (2021) The trouble with STEAM and why we use it anyway. Science Education. 105: 209-231.2. Perignat E, Katz
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Report: Charles Riborg Mann as an Influential but Elusive Figure in Engineering Education (A Work in Progress)Engineering schools, like all institutions of learning, are slow to undertake educational experiments. It is sometimes easier to start a new school than to try an educational experiment in an old one. --Henry S. Pritchett, President of the Carnegie Foundation Preface to A Study of Engineering Education (1918)I. Introduction: How a Report Written Over 100 Years Ago Can Promote Change TodayScholars who have studied engineering education on a scale larger
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to schools SHPE has formed a relationship with. Parents andcaregivers are invited to register their student(s) for participation through an online registrationform (JotForm) for each VSL. The registration form has been developed in English and Spanishto support registration for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers. Caregiver and studentdemographic information is collected in order to be able to speak on communities served andimpact. Caregiver information collected includes name, address, email, phone number,education, demographics, and eligibility for free/reduced lunch. Student information collectedincludes name, address, birthdate, grade, and school information. Participants are selected on afirst come, first serve basis until the