Paper ID #38319Board 354: Organizational Partnerships S-STEM Research HubDr. David B Knight, Virginia Tech David Knight is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. He also serves as Special Assistant to the Dean for Strategic Plan Implementation and Director of Research of the Academy of Global Engineering. His research tends to be at the macro-scale, focused on a systems- level perspective of how engineering education can become more effective, efficient, and inclusive, and considers the intersection between policy and organizational contexts.Dr. Bevlee A. Watford, Virginia Tech
Paper ID #39244Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse S-STEM ProgramDr. Tim Dallas, Texas Tech University Tim Dallas is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas Tech University. Dr. Dallas’ research includes MEMS, solar energy, and educational technologies for deployment to under-served regions of the world.Dr. Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer, Texas Tech University Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and In- struction at Texas Tech University, as well as the Associate Chair of the department. Her research emerges at the intersection of Educational
Paper ID #39474BOARD 436: Challenges and Celebration a NSF S-STEM Supported Pro-gramDr. Urmi Duttagupta, New York City College of Technology Urmi Duttagupta is the Coordinator of the Computer Science Program and a Professor of the Mathemat- ics Department at New York City College of Technology – City University of New York. She received a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics jointly from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers Univer- sity and a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from The Ohio State University. Her current research interests include parameter estimation via optimization, infectious disease modeling, applications
Paper ID #37048Success Framework for a STEAM x S-L PartnershipDr. Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Northeastern University Dr. Kathryn Schulte Grahame is a Teaching Professor at Northeastern University and the Associate Direc- tor of the First-Year Engineering Team at Northeastern University. The focus of this team is on providing a consistent, comprehensive, and constructive educational experience that endorses the student-centered, professional and practice-oriented mission of Northeastern University. She teaches the Cornerstone of En- gineering courses to first-year students as well as courses within the Civil and Environmental
Paper ID #39495Board 351: NSF S-STEM Track 3: Scaling Up Student Success throughBroadening Participation Beyond our S-STEM CohortDr. Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado, Denver Dr. Maryam Darbeheshti is Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado, Denver. She is the PI of a recent NSF award that focuses on STEM identity at Urban Universities. Darbeheshti’s primary research is in the area of Engineering Education and Multi-phase fluid flow.Miriam Howland Cummings PhD, University of Colorado, Denver Miriam Howland Cummings is a mixed methods social science researcher. She earned a BA from
Paper ID #39398Board 209: Adaptive Expertise: A Potential Tool for Supporting S-STEMStudent Retention and GraduationDr. Alexander John De Rosa, University of Delaware Alex De Rosa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware. His research focuses on improving the educational experience through the creation and promotion of new teaching tools and techniques. Alex is particularly interested in the areas of deeper learning and knowledge transfer, where he is working to help students better apply their knowledge and skills in new contexts, including in their future
Paper ID #37101Board 388: S-STEM: Creating Retention and Engagement for AcademicallyTalented Engineers—Lessons LearnedDr. Indira Chatterjee, University of Nevada, Reno Indira Chatterjee received her M.S. in Physics from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio in 1977 and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah in 1981. Indira is currently an Associate Dean in the College of Engineering and Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno.Miss Kelsey Scalaro, University of Nevada, Reno Kelsey is a doctoral student in the School of
Paper ID #39936Board 264: Endeavour S-STEM Program for First-Year Students: 3rd-YearResultsDr. Diana G. de la Rosa-Pohl, University of Houston Diana de la Rosa-Pohl is an Instructional Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Houston (UH). She is currently the Director of the Endeavour S-STEM Program. In addition to S-STEM courses, she teaches courses in computer engineering and capstone design. She has also developed multiple project-based first-year experience programs. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Endeavour S
Paper ID #36831Board 408: The S-STEM Program for Mathematics Majors at the Universityof Texas at ArlingtonProf. Tuncay Aktosun, The University of Texas, Arlington Dr. Aktosun is a professor of mathematics at the University of Texas at Arlington. His research area is applied mathematics and differential equations with research interests in scattering and spectral theory, inverse problems, wave propagation, and integrable evolution equations. He is involved in various men- toring and scholarship programs benefiting students. He has been the GAANN Fellowship Director in his department during 2006-2022, the NSF S-STEM
Paper ID #37061Board 291: Final Year of an S-STEM Summer, Sophomore Bridge: Successesof Three CohortsKatie Evans, Houston Christian University Dr. Katie Evans is a Professor of Mathematics and the Dean of Science and Engineering at Houston Christian University (HCU). Prior to HCU, she was on faculty at Louisiana Tech University for 16 years in the College of Engineering and Science, where she served in various administrative roles and is now Professor Emerita. Dr. Evans serves in leadership of the Grand Challenges Scholars Program, founded by the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. She earned her B.S. in Mathematics from
Paper ID #38228Board 350: NSF S-STEM Academy of Engineering Success: Reflections on aSeven-Year JourneyDr. Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University Robin A. M. Hensel, Ed.D., is a Teaching Professor in the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineer- ing and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University and an ASEE Fellow member. Throughout her career, she has supported engineering teams as a mathematician and provided complete life-cycle manage- ment of Information Systems as a Computer Systems Analyst for the U.S. Department of Energy; taught mathematics, statistics, computer science, and fundamental engineering courses
Paper ID #38276Board 277: Enhancing the Transfer Experience through a CollaborativeCohort Program for Engineering Scholars, Years 3 and 4 of an NSF S-STEMDr. Claire L. A. Dancz, Clemson University Claire L. A. Dancz, Ph.D., M.P.A. is a Research Associate for Education Systems at Watt Family Inno- vation Center, Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Engineering and Science Education, and Faculty Director of the Grand Challenge Scholars Program at Clemson University.Dr. Elizabeth A. Adams, Cuesta College Dr. Elizabeth Adams teaches full time as an Engineering Faculty member at Cuesta College. She a civil engineer with a
Paper ID #38318Board 223: Broadening Participation in Engineering via the TransferStudent Pathway: Findings from an S-STEM-Enabled PartnershipDr. David B. Knight, Virginia Tech David Knight is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. He also serves as Special Assistant to the Dean for Strategic Plan Implementation and Director of Research of the Academy of Global Engineering. His research tends to be at the macro-scale, focused on a systems- level perspective of how engineering education can become more effective, efficient, and inclusive, and considers the intersection between
Paper ID #37416Board 307: Imagining and Co-designing a Supportive College Experiencefor First Generation Students through an NSF S-STEM ProgramDr. Katherine C. Chen, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Dr. Katherine C. Chen is the Executive Director of the STEM Education Center at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Her degrees in Materials Science and Engineering are from Michigan State University and MIT. Her research interests include pre-college engineering education, teacher education, and equity in education. She is currently on NSF S-STEM, RET, and Noyce grants.Haley McDevitt Haley McDevitt is an artist, graphic
Paper ID #37623Board 352: NSF S-STEM: Inclusive Hackathon Themes to AttractUnderrepresented Community College Students into Computing DisciplinesDr. Vinitha Hannah Subburaj, West Texas A&M University Dr. Subburaj joined the College of Engineering at West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) in 2017. She received a M.S. in Computer Science from Texas Tech University in 2010, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Texas Tech University.Dr. Anitha Sarah Subburaj, West Texas A&M University Dr. Anitha Subburaj is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at West Texas A&M University (WT) since 2016. She has been
Paper ID #37063Board 361: Progress in S-STEM Program Electrical Engineering Scholars atthe Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of TechnologyDr. Lisa Shatz, Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology Professor of Electrical Engineering, BFCIT Professor Emerita of Electrical Engineering, Suffolk Univer- sity BS, MS, PhD, MIT Interests: Electrical Engineering education, increasing participation of under- represented groups in electrical engineering, numeric and analytic modeling of electromagnetic phenom- ena.Dr. Nicole P. Pitterson, Virginia Tech Nicole is an assistant professor in the Department of
Paper ID #37542Board 168: Exploring K-12 S,T,E,M Teachers’ Views of Nature ofEngineering Knowledge (Work-in-Progress)Dr. Jeffrey D. Radloff, SUNY Cortland Dr. Jeffrey Radloff is an assistant professor in the Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department at SUNY Cortland, where he teaches elementary science methods, STEM foundations, and critical media literacy courses. He has a background in biology and pre-college engineering education, and he received his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Purdue University. Dr. Radloff’s interests are in understand- ing how to best support pre- and in-service teachers
Paper ID #40023Board 414: Tracking the Progress Towards an Engineering Degree of ThreeCohorts of Low-income Engineering Students Supported by a Track 3Multi-Institutional S-STEM GrantDr. Ricky T. Castles, East Carolina University Dr. Ricky Castles is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering at East Carolina Univer- sity. His research interests include wireless sensor networks for medical applications and engineering education.Dr. Chris Venters, East Carolina University Chris Venters is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, USA. He
Paper ID #39971(WIP): Students’ Adoption of Critical Social Theories in Team-BasedEngineering Design ProjectsDr. Trevion S. Henderson, Tufts University Trevion Henderson is Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and STEM Education at Tufts Uni- versity. He earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education at the University of Michigan.David Zabner, Tufts University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 (WIP) Students’ Adoption of Critical Social Theories in Team-Based Engineering Design ProjectsIntroductionWhile engineering has traditionally been regarded as an
Paper ID #39813Understanding Needs of Undergraduate Engineering Students Who ViewDegree Attainment as ”Transactional”Mr. Matthew S. Sheppard, Clemson University I earned my B.S. in Industrial Engineering and my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering; both at Clemson Uni- versity. I have several years’ experience as a Manufacturing Engineer supporting process improvements, machine design, and capital project management. Now, I have entered into the Engineering and Science Education PhD program at Clemson University with hopes of teaching hands-on engineering principles to students in Appalachia after graduation. The focus of my
Paper ID #38695Board 406: The Rising Doctoral Institute: Helping Racial and EthnicMinority Students Overcome theTransition into the Engineering Ph.D.Dr. Mayra S Artiles, Arizona State University Mayra S. Artiles is an assistant professor in engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. Her research expertise includes engineering doctoral education structure, experiences of underrepresented students in doctoral engineering programs.Abimelec Mercado Rivera, Arizona State University Abimelec Mercado Rivera is a Puerto Rican doctoral student and graduate research
. I am excited about having the opportunity to become a better ENGR/ENGE researcher. In the future, I aspire to be an engineering education policy advocate and have plans to develop a research preparation consortium.Dr. Jeremi S. London, Virginia Tech Dr. Jeremi London is an Associate Professor in the Engineering Education Department at Virginia Poly- technic Institute and State University. London is a mixed methods researcher with interests in research impact, broadening participation and instructional change. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023Work in Progress: Bridging the Gap in Doctoral Engineering Education: Critically Investigating Factors InfluencingPerformance Outcomes
Central Arkansas, working as a grad- uate assistant on makerspace research and other STEM related projects.Dr. Louis S. Nadelson, University of Central Arkansas Louis S. Nadelson, PhD. holds a B.S in biological and physical sciences from Colorado State University, a B.A. with a concentration in mathematics and computer science from The Evergreen State College, a M.Ed. in education leadership and instructional technology from Western Washington University, and a Ph.D. in educational psychology – emphasis on research methods and measurement from UNLV. His scholarly interests include teaching and learning, leadership, preservice and inservice teacher professional development, program evaluation, multidisciplinary research
Paper ID #38456Identifying student and institutional factors related to the academicperformance and persistence of vertical transfer students pursuingbaccalaureate engineering technology degreesDr. Courtney S. Green, P.E., University of North Carolina at Charlotte Courtney S. Green, Ph.D., P.E. is a teaching assistant professor and academic advisor for the Office of Student Success and Development within Williams States Lee College of Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She holds an M.S. in Engineering and a Ph.D. in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation from UNC Charlotte.Dr. Sandra Loree
Paper ID #38713A Physical Computing Professional Development Study: ExaminingDifferences in Male and Female Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Computing(Evaluation, Diversity)Dr. Tyler S. Love, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Dr. Love is a Professor of Technology and Engineering Education, and Director of Graduate Studies in Career and Technology Education for the University of Maryland Eastern Shore at the Baltimore Mu- seum of Industry. He earned his master’s and Ph.D. in Integrative STEM Education from Virginia Tech. His bachelors degree is in Technology Education from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. He
Paper ID #37153Facing a Double Pandemic: Viewpoints of African American EngineeringStudents during COVID-19 and Racial Unrest in the United StatesDr. Racheida S Lewis, University of Georgia Dr. Racheida S. Lewis, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia in the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Lewis believes in creating a diverse engineering field and strives to do so through connecting with teaching, and mentoring future engineers. She has devoted her life to this mission through her leadership and lifetime membership in
listening to music.Dr. Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Malinda Zarske is the current Chair of the ASEE Board of Director’s Commission on P-12 Engi- neering Education and a faculty member and Associate Director of the Engineering Plus program at the University of Colorado Boulder. She teaches undergraduate engineering core and product design courses. Her primary research covers the effects of intrateam segregation on engineering teams and the impacts of project-based service-learning on student identity and perseverance in P-12 through undergraduate engi- neering education. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs: Does
teams as part of his thesis work, and had the opportunity to teach undergraduate ME courses. His previous efforts and experiences in engineering education helped shape his overall goal of fostering human-centered education systems, which led him to pursue his PhD at ASU.Dr. Mayra S. Artiles, Arizona State University Mayra S. Artiles is an assistant professor in engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. Her research expertise includes engineering doctoral education structure, experiences of underreprDr. Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University Samantha Brunhaver, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor within The Polytechnic School of the Ira A
Paper ID #36884Education and Training Program to Improve Preparedness and IncreasedAccess to Energy Workforce for Engineering Technology GraduatesDr. Kuldeep S. Rawat, Elizabeth City State University KULDEEP S. RAWAT is currently the Thorpe Endowed Professor and Dean for the School of Science, Aviation, Health, and Technology at Elizabeth City State University (ECSU). He has earned an M.S. in Computer Science, 2001, an M.S. in Computer Engineering, 2003; and, a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, 2005, from the Center for Advanced Computer Studies (CACS) at University of Louisiana-Lafayette. He also serves as the Chief Research