AC 2009-959: DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: THEORY AND PRACTICE,HARDWARE AND SOFTWAREWei PAN, Idaho State University Wei Pan is Assistant Professor and Director of VLSI Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Idaho State University. She has several years of industrial experience including Siemens (project engineering/management.) Dr. Pan is an active member of ASEE and IEEE and serves on the membership committee of the IEEE Education Society.S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Idaho State University S. Hossein Mousavinezhad is Professor and Chair, Electrical Engineering Department, Idaho State University. Dr. Mousavinezhad is active in ASEE and IEEE and is an ABET program evaluator. Hossein
AC 2009-35: STARTING FROM SCRATCH: A SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCES INTHE FIRST YEAR OF THE COLLABORATIVE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGPROGRAM BETWEEN MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY AND MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITYRobert Egbert, Missouri State University Dr. Robert Egbert is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Missouri State University (MSU) in Springfield, MO. He received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Missouri - Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology - Missouri S&T) in 1972, 1973, and 1976, respectively. He has industrial experience with Black & Veatch Consulting Engineers in Kansas City and MKEC Engineering Consultants in Wichita, KS. He was a member
shown in Figure 6. Page 14.98.9 Figure 6. PSpice schematics for the simulation.The second model is based on the calculated system transfer function shown below and used forthe MATLAB simulation. 1 s 2 ∗L3 − L2 + − s ∗R2 − R3 + −H (s) ? C L
was video-taped. Students were asked to verbalize what theywere doing as they took the practical examination and, if necessary, were prompted by the TA.Coding is currently being developed to analyze these videos.The second technician aspect students were trained in was analyzing and graphing acquired data.Students were shown how to upload data from the test instrumentation to LabView then exportthis data to Matlab. Data was presented in the form of Smith charts, and graphs of S parameters.Students were also shown how to distinguish theoretical from measured data. The measurementsperformed by students and data presentation assignments were designed to illustrate limitationsof the measurement instrumentation. Specific data analysis tasks
tomention a few.3.3 The Lookup Table and Intensity TransformationAll the above intensity transformation (point-processing) operations can be viewed as directly orindirectly performing a lookup table (LUT) based mapping on the input pixel intensities of animage to produce a new set of output pixel intensities for the corresponding pixels, and therebyproducing a modified image. It should be noted that as the name implies, a lookup table is atable that contains a set of all possible (full range) input intensity values arranged in increasingorder R = { r0=0, r1=1 r2=2 …, rk=k …, rL-1=L-1}, and a corresponding set of output (mapped,reassigned) intensity values S = {s0, s1, s2, …, sk, …, sL-1} into which the input intensity valuesare correspondingly
are often intuitors, though,and occasionally do not see why just presenting the mathematical result is not sufficient. Thismay be particularly true at MSOE, where our students are accustomed to courses that comprise Page 14.1131.6both lecture and lab experiences.Finally, thorough communications between the faculty teaching the two courses is necessary, sothat those concepts that students found difficult in the DSP course can be further addressed in theanalog course.Bibliography1. S. Williams, J. Mossbrucker, S. Reyer and O. Petersen, “A Forward Looking Electrical Engineering Curriculum,”ASEE North Midwest Section Meeting, Univ. of Wisconsin
,” SIGBED Rev., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-4, 2005.2. J. O. Hamblen, "Using a Low-Cost SoC Computer and a Commercial RTOS in an Embedded Systems Design Course," IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 51, no. 3, Aug. 2008.3. K. G. Ricks, D. J. Jackson, W. A. Stapleton, “An embedded systems curriculum based on the IEEE/ACM model curriculum,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 262-270, May 2008.4. A. Hoover, "Computer Vision in Undergraduate Education: Modern Embedded Computing," IEEE Trans. On Education, vol. 46, No. 2, May 2003.5. A. Bindal, S. Mann, B. N. Ahmed, and L.A. Raimundo, “An undergraduate system-on-chip (SoC) course for Computer Engineering students,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 48, no. 2, May 2005.6. G. Martin
. Stanford, J. Bardo, D. Dunlap, K. Burbank, J. Zhang, D.Quick, and S. Truesdale, “Enabling a Strong U.S. Engineering Workforce for Leadership ofTechnology Development and Innovation in Industry: The Economic Multiplier of Skill-SetDevelopment for Engineering Innovation and Leadership,” ASEE Conference Proceedings, AC2006-1747, 2006. Page 14.956.105 A. P. Sanoff, “Engineers for All Seasons,” Prism, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 30-33, 2003.6E. de Bono, “Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas,”Harper Collins, 1992.7 D. L. Shirley, “Managing Creativity: A Creative Engineering Education Approach,” ASEEConference
projects; rather it directs you to these resources and how onecan initiate working on projects. Although the goal of this paper is to address educators on how to promoteengineering education through NXT, but not to focus too much on the building andprogramming instructions or procedural steps involved in a robot design, as the NXT kitcomes with very clear and user friendly instructions[2][5][6]. However, the author(s)would like to cite one specific “Multi –NXT robot design” that students at University ofNorth Dakota built and programmed, because it is definitely worth mentioning. The author (s) would like to address this project in particular in two differentPhases:Phase I – To get to know the NXT kit and its programming blocks by
“design” is emphasized in this course. As a matter of fact the juniorelectronics courses (ELE342 and ELE343) constituting prerequisites for this course alsoemphasize design but at a smaller scale and using discrete BJT and off-the-shelf ICs rather thanat the chip level using CMOS technology. This emphasis on “design” in our electronics sequence Page 14.888.2of courses has been implemented starting with an NSF grant to establish and develop a“Computer-Integrated-Electronics” Laboratory (C.I.E. Lab) in the early 1990’s. The concept of“Computer-Integrated-Electronics Laboratory” simply brings computers into the electronics labwhere designs
:// C. Nwankpa, A. Deese, Q. Liu, A. St.Leger, and J. Yakaski, "Power System on a Chip (PSoC)," Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 739-742, 2006.6. R. Fried, R. S. Cherkaoui, C. C. Enz, A. Germond, and E. A. Vittoz, "Approaches for analog VLSI simulation of the transient stability of large power networks," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 46, pp. 1249-1263, OCT 1999.7. J. Yakaski, Q. Lui, and C. Nwankpa, "Analog Emulation Using a Reconfigurable Classical Generator Model for Load Flow Analysis," Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 2005.8. A. St.Leger and C. O. Nwankpa, "Reconfigurable
of Poor grasp of Errors in applying in applying underlying underlying science (e.g., underlying science. underlying science. science (e.g., mechanics, Maxwell’s eqs., electromagnetism). energy-band diagrams).Name(s) of student(s) who score a one:_____________________________________________________________Explanation of grading:Figure 1. Rubric (a): Ability to apply science, engineering science, and mathematics to solveengineering problems in the EE Dept at the
), and if so, how?Let us first adapt the equation for histogram equalization to use a (U, V) notation instead of the(R. S) notation (just only a change in notation) for reasons that will become clear soon. Here Uor R refers to the histogram or the cumulative histogram of the base image, and V or S refers tothe same for the histogram equalized image. rk ⎛L⎞With this notational modification, the equation s k = ⎜⎝ N ⎟⎠ ∑h i=0 R (i) - 1: k=0,1,2,...,L-1; rk = k for
circuits in the s-domain including Bode plots and frequency response. Also, perform Fourier circuit analysis7-10.4. Use PSpice to simulate and analyze simple circuits.The abovementioned courses have a laboratory component where students build simple electriccircuits and make measurements in the laboratory by using basic laboratory equipment, computersimulation tools, and work in teams.The aforementioned course outcomes support and realize the ABET Criterion 3 outcome andassessment for accrediting Engineering programs11.Method for Evaluation and Information GatheringThe objective of this research is to evaluate the results and feedback of a survey concluded bythe students. These surveys were based on their attitude towards media based modules
Page 14.91.7converters’ and inverters’ experiments designed by the MNPRE center of the Universityof Minnesota (see Figure 3), and a rectifier module, developed at our electronicsworkshop. Beside these functional modules, reconfigurable test-beds are used by thestudents to construct, test and design their own converters or power electronics circuitsused during the project phase of the course. The cost of these functional modules is rathermodest and the equipment and instrumentation employed is the usual one.The power stage of a typical power electronics converter consists of only passivecomponents (such as inductor(s), capacitor(s)) and power devices (such as switch (es)and diode(s)), as one can see in Figure 2. The use of such prefabricated
conceptual gains and usingthose gains to motivate development of the math skills needed for application.Bibliography1.Olds, Moskal, and Miller, “Assessment in Engineering Education:Evolution, Approaches, and FutureCollaborations”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 20052. David Hestenes, Malcolm Wells, and Gregg Swackhamer, “Force Concept Inventory”, The Physics Teacher, Vol. Page 14.15.630, March 1992.3. Evans, D.L. Gray, G.L. Krause, S. Martin, J. Midkiff, C. Notaros, B.M. Pavelich, M. Rancour, D. Reed-Rhoads, T. Steif, P. Streveler, R. Wage, K. “Progress on concept inventory assessment tools”, Proceedings ofthe 2003 Frontiers in
, microelectromechanical systems, and the electrical and magnetic properties of materials.James Drewniak, Missouri University of Science and Technology James L. Drewniak (S’85-M’90-SM’01-Fellow’07) received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1985, 1987, and 1991, respectively. He joined the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1991 where he is one of the principle faculty in the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory. His research and teaching interests include electromagnetic compatibility in high speed digital and mixed signal designs, electronic packaging, and electromagnetic compatibility
industrial controllers. They were excited to have access to real hardwareto synthesize their controllers through MATLAB/Simulink programs, validate the controller on aSimulink model, run the dSPACE DS 1104 DSP-board experiment, download data, and analyzethe control system performance offline without being distracted by software implementationissues. This environment allowed for extensive experimentation, performance comparison, anddevelopment of several practical control algorithms. It is expected that the techniques employedin the controller designed for the laboratory experiment will likely be used by the students intheir subsequent employment after completion of their college education.References1. H. Ashrafiuon and D. S. Bernstein EE from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, in 1983 and 1986, respectively. He joined the University of Central Florida in 1986, where he is currently a Professor in the School of EECS. His research interests lie in the areas of Machine Learning and applications with special emphasis on ART neural networks. He has published his work in over 250 journal and conference venues. He has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks from 2002 to 2006 and he is currently serving as an Associate Editor of the Neural Networks journal. He has served as the General Chair of the S+SSPR 2008 Workshops, a satellite event of ICPR 2008.Veton Kepuska, Florida Institute
Applications, v 24, n 6, November/December, 2004, p 22-30.5. Kezunovic, Abur; Huang, Bose, Tomsovic, The Role of Digital Modeling and Simulation in Power Engineering Education, IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2004.6. Cunningham,S.; Hubbold, R. J., Interactive Learning Through Visualization, Springer-Verlag, 1992, ISBN: 0- 387-55105-0, The Multi-Faceted Blackboard: Computer Graphics in Higher Education, Page 1037. Humar, Iztok; Sinigoj, Anton R.; Bester, Janez; Hagler, Marion O., Integrated Component Web-Based Interactive Learning Systems for Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Education, v 48, n 4, November, 2005, p 664-675.8. Wang, Hao-Chuan; Chang, Chun-Yen; Li, Tsai-Yen, The
course. The goal is to autonomously drive around the track as quickly as possible.Teams have multiple attempts, including a qualifying and finalists round, to record the fastesttimes. Awards are given to first, second and third place winners. Additionally, awards are givenfor innovative design, technical merit and quality of production as determined by the regions.The track layout is not known to the challengers until race day. Each year changes are made tothe tracks which contain several elements of difficulty including hills, hairpin turns, S-curves,and high speed straight-aways. The surface of the track is white, with a 1 inch black stripe pathfor the onboard vehicle sensors to track.Teams are broken down into two divisions, the camera
technology.III. What is Software Defined Radio(SDR)?Software Defined Radio (SDR)11-14 is an emerging technology built on one of the greatdevelopments of the 20th Century: fast and cheap microcomputers. It represents a new method inprocessing radio signals that is a quantum leap over the older, original method of analogprocessing.Since the invention of radio in the late 1800’s, signals have been processed through a singlemethod: the signal is picked up by an antenna that turns the radio wave back into a fluctuatingvoltage signal. This signal is passed on to various components in the receiver which react with itto eventually produce the sound, video or data that is desired.The function of these components and systems has been modeled mathematically in
availability of the course instructor in helping the students withthe project is critical. The post-project test and informal interaction with the students at the endof the semester revealed that the project had played a vital role in integrating course concepts. Our overall conclusion is that with a carefully planned syllabus, course projects, and theavailability of student support resources, introducing reconfigurable computing to undergraduatecomputer engineering students can be a useful vehicle for teaching topics on parallel hardwareand parallel algorithms. We plan to make available online all the course materials developed forthe new course.Bibliography1. Douglass, S., “Introducing the Virtex-5 FPGA family”, Xcell Journal, pp. 8 -11
curriculum are very enthusiastic. TheMEMS/Nanotechnology curriculum has been proved to be very helpful to introduce tostudents about this amazing “small” world. More new courses are expected to bedeveloped in the future to further strengthen these MEMS/nanotechnology curriculum.References1. US Department of Energy, URL: R.P. Feynman, "Plenty of Room at the Bottom", Eng. Sci., Feb. 23, 1960, pp. 22-36.3. O. N. Tufte, P. W. Chapman, and D. Long, “Silicon diffused-element piezoresistive diaphragms,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 33, p. 3322, 1962.4. K. E. Peterson, "Silicon as a mechanical material", Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 70, No. 5, May 1982, pp. 420-457.5. W. Kuehnel, and S. Sherman, ”A Surface
example,according to an electromagnetic signal attenuation test performed at the U.S. National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST)’s Gaithersburg laboratories, the signal attenuation for ½ inchdrywall and plywood is below 1dB around 2GHz frequency band.10 However, if a house is builtusing steel frames or with a concrete structure (e.g., high-rise apartment buildings and hurricane-resistant houses), the 802.15.4 transmission performance is expected to experience greaterdegradation by the house structure than from the nearby wireless signal interference, especiallywhen the 802.15.4 signal needs to be transmitted over a long range and pass through walls. Thisis because steel frames partly reflect radio signals and create multipath
insert the 10-pin female plug into the UP1 board3. From the MAX+PLUS II programmer. Choose the HW Setup command (Options menu) to specify the ByteBlasterMV cable and the appropriate LPT port4. The MAX+PLUS II SW automatically loads the programming file for the current project (SOF)5. Choose the configure buttons in the MAX+ PLUS II SW to configure the device. The ByteBlasterMV cable downloads the data from the SOF File(s) into the device.EXAMPLE:A simple VHDL program for modelling a 16-bit processor was developed using the onboard25.175 MHz clock and counts, connected to the pin #91 of Flex10K20 device. The clockoutput was seen on a CRO. The code to model the CPU was revised three times to make itfunctional. The Skelton of the code and
toresearch. Graduate mentors also benefit from the opportunity to gain teaching and mentoringexperience as well as assistance with their research. As program ownership shifts from thefounding undergraduate students to the department, PURE remains committed to providing earlyundergraduate research opportunities.Bibliography1. D. Lapatto, "Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE): First findings," Cell Biol Educ 3, 270–277,2004.2. B. A. Nagda, S. R. Gregerman, J. Jonides, W. von Hippel and J. S Lerner, "Undergraduate student–facultyresearch partnerships affect student retention," The Review of Higher Education, 22(1), 55–72, 1998.3. E. Seymour, A. Hunter, S.L. Laursen and T. DeAntoni, "Establishing the benefits of research experiences
-0.455V M1 M1 0.625V -0.456V RESET RESET not measurable not measurablePWRDWNZ PWRDWNZ 0.623V -0.456V FC FC not measurable not measurable MCLK MCLK 0.623V -0.455V SCLK SCLK 0.489V -0.447V FS FS 0.513V -0.447V FSD FSD not measurable not measurable M/S
/labview2. Baraniuk, R.G., C.S. Burrus, D.H. Johnson, and D.L. Jones, “Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities in Signal Processing,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp. 10-16, Sep 2004.3. Carlson, A.B., P.B. Crilly, and J.C. Rutledge, Communication Systems, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2002.4. Couch, L.W. II, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 7th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.5. Haykin, S., Communication Systems, 4th ed., Wiley, 2001.6. Haykin, S., and M. Moher, Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication Systems, 2nd ed., Wiley, 2007.7. Lathi, B.P., Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 1998.8. Proakis, J.G., and M. Salehi, Fundamentals of Communication Systems, Pearson Prentice Hall