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the course.Though these elements seem somewhat vague upon first review, the expectations and courseoutcomes must be carefully laid out and communicated from the first day of class in order to Page 14.1327.5maximize the level of satisfaction experienced by not only the students, but also by thecommunity partners and the instructor(s). Furthermore, it is also vital to reinforce theseexpectations and evaluate whether they are being met at various points during the course viasurvey and reflection. Although the community project is the fundamental tool with which aservice learning course is conducted, the specifics of each project are incidental
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and the increased rate oftechnological change, globalization is playing an important role. As globalization continues, therole of engineers in the United States is shifting further up these hierarchies towards moreintegration and coordination. In a more global economy, engineers employed in organizations will necessarily be required to coordinate projects having global workforces …A typical U.S. engineer will have to become a project manager early in his or her career and will be coordinating the work of people stationed around the world, either within the parent organization or in con- tractor organizations. 2To be effective at integration, however, an engineer must have deep knowledge in thecomponents that s/he is
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contributed to the extra lecturecovering example problems for this subject. The lecture recordings are archived for this courseand students are able to use them as a study tool, as well. Page 14.847.12 Figure 8. Polymer Structures Screencast usage for the Fall 2008 cohort6.3.1 Polymer Structures Homework AnalysisIn preparation for the quiz, students were asked the following questions on polymer structuresfrom Chapter 14 of Callister.2 Homework problem 14.23 states: For each of the following pairs of polymers, do the following: (1) state whether one polymer is more likely to crystallize than the other; (2) if it is possible, note which is the more likely and then cite reasons(s
14.1033.5possible.Industry TrendsThe information technology industry is consistently changing with the advent andcommercialization of new technologies. While this change is constantly ongoing, the mid 2000’swere a period of significant change that directly impacted the networking and infrastructure area.Many of the specialized skills that once differentiated our students in the marketplace havebecome commoditized. In the 1990’s, for example, IP subnetting knowledge was adifferentiating factor in the student marketplace; today it is background knowledge. Thiscommoditization of knowledge is ever ongoing, resulting in today’s hot skills (such as IPtelephony) becoming tomorrow’s background knowledge.As cutting edge technologies have become more mainstream, the manner
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cardboard 9. GlueYou have also decided to use some human resources and you invite your friendsfrom the engineering club to help you build your alarm. Do your best to recall yourknowledge on circuit theory and use your team working skills to catch the culpritand regain your belongings!Happy Securing! Page 14.1324.16A.1 Alarm System DesignQuestions to Ponder1) How many designs did you implement before you obtained a working alarm?2) What methods did you use in your design process? (i.e., placement of thebattery, buzzer, yarn, clothes pin)3) If you could use any materials in re-designing your alarm what item(s) would yousubstitute for your materials of choice?4) Do
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Page 14.471.13students ask (beyond how to use the Falcon), analogies used, affective words and haptic wordsused will be recorded.We expect our haptic modules will have a positive effect on learning nanoscience, particularlyfor students who are visually impaired and, otherwise, have limited access to this technology.References1. Sharma, G., Constantinos, M. and Ferreira, A. (2005). Virtual Reality and Haptics in Nano- andBionanotechnology. In (eds.)M. Rieth and W. Schommers Handbook of Theoretical and ComputationalNanotechnology, X, pp.1-33.2. Stevens, S., Sutherland, L., Schank, P. and Krajcik, J. “The Big Ideas of Nanoscience”. Accessed fromhttp://www.nclt.us.news/news_docs/Big_Ideas_of_Nanoscience-draft2.pdf on Jan 12, 2009.3. Light
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surveys of the students who developed the problems, surveys of thestudents who solved the problems in the chemical engineering course, as well as the peer reviewof the problems by biochemical engineering faculty will be presented. This strategy for studentlearning could effectively be utilized with other application areas as a way to incorporate moreinterdisciplinary learning in the undergraduate curriculum.IntroductionSince the late 1990's there has been a drive to integrate more biological applications into theundergraduate chemical engineering (ChE) curriculum. The availability of employmentopportunities in the life sciences has grown steadily for ChE graduates, spurred by the expansionof bioprocessing to include both high margin fine
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to relatively poor school districts.There were 10 applications for the positions, and they have been narrowed down to four outstandingcandidates. They each had a one-day interview where they talked with five to seven different people inthe company (typical was three developers, two product managers, a program manager, and one of theVPs). Information from their resumes and notes from their interviews are attached.All of them have graduated from UWT with a degree in CSS.Your goal is to make the following decision regarding hiring: Who should be hired for the two positions(program manager and software developer)?The context for the in-class activity will be the final hiring committee meeting to make the hiringdecision(s). Each person will make
10-13, 2. R.J. Bonk, P.T. Imhoff, and A.H.-D.Cheng. “Integrating Written Communication within Engineering Curricula.” Journal of Professional Issues inEngineering Education and Practice (October 2002): 152-159.3. C. Plumb and C. Scott. “Outcomes Assessment of Engineering Writing at the University of Washington.Journal of Engineering Education (July 2002): 333-338.4. Norback, J.S., L.D. McNair, M.J. Laughter, G.A. Forehand, and B.Sutley-Fish. “Teaching WorkplaceCommunication in Industrial and Electrical Engineering. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 20-23, 2004.5. J. S. Norback and J. R. Hardin, “Integrating Workforce Communication into Senior Design
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Page 14.162.11there is a strong job market. However, it seems clear that employers would have a preference forthe CE grads over CET grads which could create a “class” structure within the program.The most common reason for a preference to hire CE over CET graduates is licensure, notability. Employment is an area where personal bias also plays a role in hiring. This bias is notlimited to CE vs. CET. Some engineering firms will have a preference for graduates from thesame institution that the firm’s principle(s) attended.8. Potential CostsThe potential CE curriculum presented in Figure 2 consists of 100% existing courses at ourUniversity. Therefore, the cost of teaching (i.e. additional faculty, associated office space andlabs) would be very
Health Organization data tables. Accessed 01/24/09 from http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/en/3 United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Accessed 01/24/09 from http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals4 Striebig, B., & Norwood, S. (2009). West African Technology, Education, and Reciprocity (WATER) Implementation in Benin. Paper accepted for publication in the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Page 14.943.15 14AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank all those that
…2. What suggestion(s) do you have for improving it? Student survey #2 (Administered after 6 flipped class sessions)1. Did you watch the recorded lecture as assigned?2. How many times did you typically watch the lectures?3. Did you review portions of the lecture that seemed unclear? (Almost always, Often , Sometimes, Rarely, Never )4. Did you watch the video straight through, or watch it in pieces and take breaks? (Straight through, Pieces, Straight through, then reviewed unclear pieces, All in one sitting, but I would pause and review certain sections)5. How long did you typically spend watching the lectures at one sitting? (10 mins, 15 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins, 45 mins, 1 Hour, More than 1 hour)6. What length of posted
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Science, and The Experiential Curriculum, 31st ASEE/IEEC Frontiers in Education Conference, Reno, NV, October 10-13, 2001.4. Duffy, J., Tsang, E., and Lord, S. (2002). Service-Learning in Engineering: What, Why, and How? Proceedings of the ASEE 2000 Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, June 20035. Joseph Arumala, Khaled Nassar, Emmanuel Akinjide, Anthony Stockus and Carlos Salgado The Princess Anne Athletic Center: Demolition and Site Clearance Phases, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL June 18-21, 20066. Joseph Arumala, Khaled Nassar and Carlos Salgado, The Princess Anne Athletic Center Project, 2006 International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 23-28, 2006.7. Time