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Displaying results 451 - 480 of 1025 in total
Conference Session
Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elton Graves, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
willtake the first four zeros. We also need to find the values for λ n and J 0 λ n r. The first fourzeros of the Bessel function of order zero are given by: By Hand (Tables) Using Maple a 1 = 2. 404825558 >BZ:=[evalf(BesselJZeros(0, 1 .. 4))]; a 2 = 5. 520078110 a 3 = 8. 653727913 a 4 = 11. 79153444 α We now calculate the λ ′n s = an : By Hand (Tables) Using Maple λ 1 = 2. 404825558 π = 1. 530959499 >L1:=evalf(BZ[1]/(Pi/2)); 2 λ 2 = 5. 520078110
Conference Session
IE and Manufacturing
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Pitts, Morgan State University; Ricardo Camilo, Morgan State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
near future. Page 15.777.10 45 40 M 35 a 30 j 25 Freshman o 20 Sophomore r 15 s 10 Junior 5 Senior 0 Fall 08 Spring Fall 09 Spring 09 10 Figure 3. Enrollment
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
R.F. William Hollender, Montana State University; James Becker, Montana State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
microstrip circuitsMatrix representation of multi-port networks (S-,Z-,Y- and ABCD parameters)Calibration of coaxial and in-fixture VNA measurementsThe diode at radio and microwave frequenciesMicrostrip filter designPower dividers, combiners and couplersEven and odd mode analysisScattering parameter design of transistor amplifiersLinear dynamic range, noise figure and noise calculations for microwave systemsLAB / DESIGN EXERCISESIntroduction to the vector network analyzer (VNA) and basic transmission line theory –Students measure the reflections from a series of open circuit transmission lines of differentlengths and at different frequencies and compare measurement to theory.Passive component characterization using the VNA – Students measure the
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Wey Chen, Southern Taiwan University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
the student model the system provides intelligent,personalized tutoring and support to the student. In particular, based on information concerningthe knowledge level of the student in each concept of the domain knowledge, the system providesindividualized support when s/he navigates through the course material.The system uses the direct guidance technique to inform the learner whether s/he is ready to visitthe corresponding topic or if the studying of a page is unnecessary due to the fact that the studenthas already mastered the concept that is associated with this test frame. With the direct guidancetechnique, the system suggests and leads the student to the particular learning level the systemconsiders as the most appropriate for the
Conference Session
Technological Literacy and K-12 Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoff Wright; Braden Boss, Springville High School; Daniel Bates, Brigham Young University; Ronald Terry, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
and Secondary Education, Massachusetts Curriculum Framework Site, 12 November 2008, available from NAE, Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects, National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2009.26. National Alliance for Pre-Engineering Programs, Project Lead the Way, Available online at Yasar, S., Baker, D., Robinson-Kurpius, S., Krause, S., and Roberts, C., “Development of a Survey to Assess Page 15.206.10 K-12 Teachers' Perceptions of Engineers and Familiarity with Teaching Design, Engineering
Conference Session
Conceptual Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Morris Girgis, Central State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Developing an Engineering TaxonomyIn 1956, Benjamin Bloom first published his widely known taxonomy5. He identified six levelswithin the cognitive domain: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, andevaluation. The taxonomy advanced teaching and learning by motivating educators to create amore integrated method of educating students. During the 1990’s, a new group of cognitivepsychologists, led by Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom, updated the taxonomy toreflect relevance to 21st century work. Table 1 summarizes both old and new taxonomy levels6. Old Bloom’s Taxonomy Version ew Bloom’s Taxonomy Version Knowledge Define, duplicate, list, memorize, Remembering Can the
Conference Session
Manufacturing Processes Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joel Dillon, United States Military Academy; Harold Henderson, United States Miliary Academy; Jeffrey Butler, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
:  Final ‘testing’ of bottle openers was  conducted on bottles of sodaBibliography1. Lamancusa, John S., Jorgensen, Jens E, and Zayas-Castro, Jose L.: "The Learning Factory - A New Approachto Integrating Design and Manufacturing into the Engineering Curriculum." Journal of Engineering Education,Vol. 86, No. 2, pg. 103, April 1997.2. Malicky, D., Kohl, J., Huang, M., “Integrating a Machine Shop Class Into the Mechanical EngineeringCurriculum: Experiential and Inductive Learning,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for EngineeringEducation Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, Jun 24-27.3. National Association of Manufacturers: 2005 Skills Gap Report- A Survey of the American ManufacturingWorkforce:
Conference Session
Thinking, Reasoning & Engineering in Elementary School
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerald Mora, New Mexico Tech; Ricardo Negron, WPAFB; Robert McGahern, DDR&E; Eugene Brown, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
history of computers, binary math, flowcharts, BASIC programming,microcontrollers, and robotics. By the third day, students will build a Parallax, Inc. Boe-Bot® tomaneuver three obstacle courses as part of a robotics competition event.Fig. 6. Students Programming Their Robots For the Final Obstacle Course at the 2009 ISERobotics CompetitionThe SPACE Flight (high-school students) – SPACE Flight is designed to give students theexperience of real-world R&D. Students work in teams to develop their topic, plan the approach,conduct research and compile their results under the guidance of teacher sponsor and volunteerscientists and engineers (S&Es) from AFRL and other technology based organizations such asSandia National Laboratory, and defense
Conference Session
Curricular Developments in Energy Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Van Treuren, Baylor University; Ian Gravagne, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.4) Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.5) Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.President Obama wants to make the U. S. a leader on climate change and energy. Thedisconnect comes when one looks at what it will take to achieve these goals outlined above.Today’s economic direction points to these goals as being overly optimistic. To achieve thesegoals will take massive amounts of capital and national resolve at a time when the economicstimulus seems to be focused on Wall Street and the banking industry, health care reform, andthe military
Conference Session
Outreach and Beyond: New Roles for Librarians
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jim Miller, University of Maryland; Bob Kackley, University of Maryland, College Park; Nevenka Zdravkovska, University of Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
goes beyond that by saying that“… libraries should think creatively when drafting new positions. An innovative position thatdirectly relates to recruitment …..[will] impress university administrator[s]”.7 Also, librariesneed to be monitoring initiatives such as the legislators’ consideration of how public universities Page 15.116.4should be giving back to the community in a tangible way.8Much of this paper will give attention to diverse groups such as women and minorities inrecruitment. Women are still a pronounced minority in engineering classes, even with recentyears’ increases in their enrollment. See for example, Franzway et al. (2009).9
Conference Session
Implementing the CE BOK into Courses and Curricula
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Benzley, Brigham Young University; Ronald Terry, Brigham Young University; Rollin Hotchkiss, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, 2008. All of the academicprograms within the college are now either recommending or requiring the course for theirstudents. Currently two large sections (i.e. 70 students/section) are offered each semester andadditional sections are projected for the future. Many of the elements of the course could beadopted directly as embedded indicators for ABET assessment tools. The level of the outcomespecified in the new class in the areas of leadership, professional and ethical responsibility, andteamwork meets the level suggested in ASCE’s BOK2. When coupled with the total collegeincentives, the level of the leadership outcome surpasses BOK2’s requirements.The topics of this course naturally lead to a great deal of student discussion. The typical
Conference Session
Educational Research
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cindy Waters, North Carolina A&T State University; Helen Chen, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Engineering Education (CAEE). Page 15.344.10REFERENCES1 .Sheppard, S.D., Atman, C.J., Stevens, R., Fleming, L., Streveler, R., Adams, R.S., & Barker, T. 2004. Studying theengineering experience: Design of a longitudinal study. In Proceedings of the American Society for EngineeringEducation Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.2 Clark, M., Sheppard, S.D., Atman, C.J., Fleming, L., Miller, R., Stevens, R., Streveler, R. & Smith, K. 2008.Academic Pathways Study: Processes and realities. In Proceedings of the American Society for EngineeringEducation Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.3 Donaldson, K., Chen, H.L., Toye, G., & Sheppard, S
Conference Session
Service Learning and Societal Issues in the First Year
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Savilonis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; David Spanagel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kristin Wobbe, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
College ofEngineering, an institution which promised integrated project work in all four years of itscurriculum.3 Before and since, and in many places besides Olin, promising engineering studentshave been enticed to attend a variety of innovative technical education programs that promisereal-world experience, training in widely applicable communications skills, and an impeccablefoundation in the principles of design and professional standards of practice.For example, WPI placed project-based learning at the core of its academic program in the early1970’s when it redesigned its graduation requirements to include two major projects.4 Oneproject undertaken within the student’s major field of study is usually completed during thesenior year. Another
Conference Session
Sustainability in Engineering Curricula
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Programs. Effective for Evaluations During the 2009-2010Accreditation Cycle. ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission. www.abet.org2. Davidson, C.I., H.S. Matthews, C.T. Hendrickson, M.W. Bridges, B.R. Allenby, J.C. Crittenden, Y. Chen, E.Williams, D.T. Allen, C.F. Murphy, and S. Austin. 2007. Adding sustainability to the engineer’s toolbox: achallenge for engineering educators. Environmental Science & Technology. July 15. 4847-4850.3. American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE). 2009. Environmental Engineering Body ofKnowledge. AAEE, Annapolis, MD. Reed, Brian E. 2008. Database ABET Environmental Engineering Degrees. University of Maryland– Baltimore County. Dept. of
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Physics or Engineering Physics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian Belu, Drexel University; Alexandru Belu, Case Western Research University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
recent progress in scientific computing.Many examples from recent research in physics and related areas are given with theprogram listing. Basic computational tools and routines, including the ones fordifferential equations, spectral analysis, and matrix operations, are dealt with throughrelevant examples, and more advanced topics are treated. The broad categories ofcomputational physics studied are simulation, visualization and modeling, numericalmethods, algorithms and data analysis. Simulation and modeling are taught by stressingnumerical techniques and programming language(s) techniques employed. Besideslearning how to solve numerical problems with a computer, the student also will gainexperience writing manuscripts in a scientific journal
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education: Intercultural Awareness and International Experience
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Parkinson, Brigham Young University; C. Greg Jensen, Brigham Young University; Holt Zaugg, Brigham Young University; Spencer Magleby, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
0948997. This support isgratefully acknowledged. Page 15.385.10References1 Grandin, J. M. and E. D. Hirleman, “Educating Engineers as Global Citizens: A Call for Action,” Report of theNational Summit Meeting on the Globalization of Engineering Education, March, 2009. Can be accessed at:// Parkinson, A. R., J. N. Harb, S. P. Magleby, “Developing Global Competence in Engineers: What Does it Mean?What is Most Important?”, Proceedings ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Austin TX, 2009.3 Jarvenpaa S. L. and D. E. Leidner, “Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams,” Organization Science,Vol. 10, No. 6
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Rowland, Dept. of Civil & Mechanical Engineerint at United States Military Academy; Andrew Bellocchio, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
nose leading edge to main wing leading edge (in)ARVT vertical tail aspect ratioxballast location of coin ballast (in)mballast mass of coin ballast (slugs)Vtrim trim velocity (ft/s)Assumptions 1. Standard Sea Level pressure, density, viscosity for air. 2. Aircraft operates in Steady Gliding Flight: Lift = Weight 3. Horizontal Tail Volume Ratio =1 (Approximation 4. Vertical Tail Volume Ratio = .04 5. Airfoil is a flate plate (Thin Balsa Sheet) thus maximum CL = .81 6. Trim Velocity is constant (Approx 15-20 fps) 7. Drag addition from Coins and tape / extra glue is negligible 8. Aerodynamic Center of the Horizontal Tail is at the quarter chord 9. Aerodynamic Center of the Vertical Tail is at the quarter chord
Conference Session
Liberal Education for 21st Century Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Grondin, Arizona State University; Chell Roberts, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
, June 20076. Matthew W. Ohlund, Sheri D. Sheppard, Gary Lichtenstein, Ozgur Eris, Debbie Chachra and Richard A. Layton “Persistence, Engagement, and Migration in Engineering Programs”, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp 259-278, July 20087. C. Roberts, D. Morrell, R. Grondin, C.-Y. Kuo, R. Hinks, S. Danielson, and M. Henderson, “Developing a Multidisciplinary Engineering Program at Arizona State University’s East Campus,” 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, June 20058. Marcia Mentowski & Associates, Learning That Lasts: Integrating Learning, Development and Performance in College and Beyond, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Hanson, California Polytechnic State University; David Elton, Auburn University; Gary Welling, California Polytechnic State University; Daniel Pitts, Auburn University; Daniel Butler, Auburn University
packages were used for the video-conferencing activitiesincluding Skype and Elluminate (for synchronous conferencing). Panopto and various video-editing packages (for archiving video modules) have been recently used in the project. For somesynchronous video conference sessions, two LCD projectors were operated, one to display theslides for the presentation (previously downloaded file to achieve high resolution with images)and a second to display a full-screen image of the face(s) of the partners at the other university.The new video conference activities included a sand castle building competition that had strictrules for construction activities (e.g., only 3 people at a time could be speaking or touching thesand). The Soils Magic show was
Conference Session
Innovations in Power Education in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Lashway, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg; Peter Idowu, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
individual converter topologies. The UPS system extendsthe learning opportunity to cover integrated subsystems and provides features to study systemperformance, protection and control, as well as energy storage device characteristics.REFERENCES[1] J. Platts, J. S. Aubyn, “History and Market Growth” in Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Stevenage, UK: IET, 1992, ch. 2, p.9.[2] A. Smit, D. Heer, R. Traylor, T.S. Fiez, “A Custom Microcontroller System Used as a Platform for Learning in ECE,” presented at the ASEE 2004 Annu. Conf. and Expo., Salt Lake City, UT, Jun. 2004.[3] L. Schuch, W. Priesnitz Filho, C. Rech, H.L. Hey, J.R. Pinheiro, “Integrated Software to Assist the Design and Study of UPS’s,” presented at the IEEE Power Electron. Educ
Conference Session
New Learning Paradigms I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kendra Seniow, Oregon State University; Eric Nefcy, Oregon State University; Christine Kelly, Oregon State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
reasoning in order to make decisions within the project.Once identified, the full mathematical expression or model descriptor is added to the ModelRepresentation. Quantitative Model Components, those characterized by mathematicalequations, are placed inside squares while Qualitative Model Components, those characterizedby descriptive mechanisms and responses, reside in circles. Additionally, a model componentcan be designated as either statistical or empirical in nature by an ‘S’ or ‘E’ in the modelcomponent box. Figure 2 shows the different types of model components and an example ofhow they could appear together in the Model Representation. Figure 2. Primary and Secondary Model Components. Part (a) shows both qualitative (circle) and
Conference Session
Programming for Engineering Students
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Baker, University of Kentucky; Vincent Capece, University of Kentucky; Keith Rouch, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
needed to betterdetermine optimal methods for utilizing this tool.References1 Camtasia Studio Software, Copyright 1999-2009 TechSmith Corporation, http://www.techsmith.com2 Campbell, C., “On-Line Video-Based Training for Matlab, Mathcad and Maple”, Proceedings of the 2006 ASEEAnnual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education (2006).3 Jackson, A., Jackson, S., and Mehta, M., “Applying the Six Sigma Process when Creating A Modular Six SigmaGreen Belt Program”, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society forEngineering Education (2009).4 Brown, C., Lu, Y.-H., Yale, M., Bennett, D., “On-Line Examinations for Object-Oriented Programming”,Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual
Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Gattis, University of Arkansas; Shannon Davis, University of Arkansas; Bryan Hill, University of Arkansas; Edgar Clausen, University of Arkansas; Christa Hestekin, University of Arkansas; Bradley Dearing, Illinois State University
Tagged Divisions
Council of Sections
AC 2010-2293: UASPP: THREE YEARS OF HELPING MIDDLE SCHOOLTEACHERS DEVISE THEIR OWN HANDS-ON ENGINEERING AND SCIENCEACTIVITIESShannon Davis, University of ArkansasCarol Gattis, University of Arkansas CAROL S. GATTIS Dr. Gattis is the Associate Dean of the Honors College and Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas. She formerly served as Director of Recruitment, Retention, Honors and Diversity for the College of Engineering at the University of Arkansas. In this latter role, she directed and developed new programs for the college-wide efforts in recruitment, retention and diversity.Bryan Hill, University of Arkansas BRYAN W. HILL
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Projects
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Gary, Arizona State University; Harry Koehnemann, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
thatstudents are making progress toward achieving the learning outcomes of the capstone project,and by extension progress toward degree program outcomes? This is a serious and difficultquestion often raised as “how do I assess the individual working within the project team?” [2][7].But it is more than how to arrive at a grade. For the instructor, s/he wants to provide formativefeedback early and often during the project to help the student understand the larger context of aspecific issue and how it applies in the real world. For the student, gaining an awareness of thecause-and-effect of her/his choices and actions within a team, and how those judgments translateto the real world is important. For example, consider a project that is falling behind
Conference Session
Critical Issues in IT and IET: Focus Group
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University; Ram Prasad Diwakaran, Texas A&M University; Justin Zsiros, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
produced specimens. Once the usable specimens wereproduced, the students proceed to the testing station.The samples were tested on a Tinius Olsen H10KT tensile testing machine. They were extendedat 0.02cm/s and the test continued until the failure (fracture) of the specimen. The students notedthe elongation to break (strain) and ultimate strength (Mpa) of the specimens. Given that thethree groups had to begin at various stations to make the laboratory time effective, samples weregiven to the initial testing group to test. The group that began with testing moved to thesimulation station next.Once the three groups had completed the three different exercises at the three stations, they metand discussed their results and finding. The goal was to have
Conference Session
Fulfilling the CE BOK2 - Case Studies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Hall, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
incorporate the need for the students to consult and comply with engineering standards and to address numerous realistic constraints.Evaluation of Current Curriculum vs. BOK2 OutcomesCurrent BSCE program outcomes for [University A] (Table 1) were ‘mapped’ against the BOK2baccalaureate outcomes published by ASCE, and an initial assessment was conducted to identifylikely action(s) needed to bring the [University A] program outcomes into better agreement orcompliance with BOK2 outcomes. Table 3 presents a very brief summary of the effort. Thistype of exercise is limited by the nature of existing [University A] outcomes – which typically donot specify a “level of achievement” – versus the BOK2 approach of stating outcomes withdefinitive achievement
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiangchun Cheng, Zhejiang University of Technology; Min Chen, Zhejiang University of Technology; Rong Gu, WWW.ZJUT.EDU.CN; Yingzhen Weng, Zhejiang University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
; Guidelines for the Future. (2004). theAmerican Society for Engineering Education. Washington, D.C.4. Z.P.Ye and P.Hua Jin. (2007). A Review of Studies on Practice Teaching of Engineering Education in China.Apr, 2007. Research in Higher Education of Engineering, China.5. Paul Kirschner and Peter Gerjets. (2006). Instructional Design for Effective and Enjoyable Computer-SupportedLearning. Jan, 2006. Computers in Human Behavior.6. John E. Brough, Maxim Schwartz, Satyandra K. Gupta , Davinder K. Anand, Robert Kavetsky and RalphPettersen. (2007).Towards the development of a virtual environment-based training system for mechanical assemblyoperations. Mar, 2007. Springer.7. P. Long, S. Liu, Y. Wu and the FDS Team. (2007). Design and Testing of the Fusion
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Clayson, Laboratory for Innovative Technology and Engineering Education; P K Raju, Auburn University; Chetan Sankar, Auburn University
, and national levels. He is a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education, a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers India, and a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of India. He is a member of the Acoustical Society of America, Institute of Noise Control Engineering and the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration He is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research ( and serves on the Editorial Board of the Annals of Research in Engineering Education published by the National Academy of Engineering.Chetan Sankar, Auburn University Chetan S
Conference Session
Normative Commitments and Public Engagement in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Downey, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
is more coherence in the tellingthan in the living.” But, s/he added, “still you can’t create a thread if there isn’t one.”2 In the context of the dominant image of education for global competitiveness, the key issue inorganizing research strategies for this project lay not in the extent they would make visiblecontingencies and complexities or call attention to continuities, although both are important andthe differences among them are significant. The key issue also lay not in a goal of providing orapproaching some sort of complete account of what is now taking place in international andglobal engineering education. Rather, it lay in what specific strategies promised to make visibleor risked hiding in the identities of international and
Conference Session
Liberal Education for 21st Century Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Betty Harper, Pennsylvania State University; Lisa Lattuca, Pennsylvania State University; Alexander Yin, Penn State University; Patrick Terenzini, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
ABET. Engineering criteria 2000. Baltimore, MD: Author.5 National Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medicine. (2007). Rising Above the gathering storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.6 Galloway, P. D. (2008). The 21st Century Engineer: A proposal for Engineering Education Reform. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers Press.7 Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A. & Sullivan, W. M. (2008) Educating Engineers: Designing the Future Page 15.844.15 of the Field. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.8 Duderstadt, J. J. (2009). Engineering