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Displaying results 181 - 210 of 267 in total
Conference Session
Best Practices in Existing College-Industry Partnerships
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine
Tagged Divisions
College-Industry Partnerships
Requirement for GraduationIntroductionProfessional internships are not a new concept to college and university programs.However, to require this experience in the form of a demanding, well designed andimplemented internship is a very time consuming investment, which will yield excellentreturns for your students and for your program. Students, both traditional and non-traditional, are given an opportunity to demonstrate, advance, and refine technical andsupervisory competencies learned in the classroom and in the laboratories. Graduateswith this type of resume-worthy experience have a substantial advantage over peers withno internship experience. “Once, having an internship or two on your resume made you areal standout in the marketplace. Today
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Progress Reports: Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Stier, Illinois State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
to develop these outcomes the Engineering Technology faculty at MU had to complete acareful analysis of each required course in the curriculum as well as the technical electives. Themodel suggested by Angelo was used in this process21. The model is based on four basicpreconditions: shared trust, shared vision and goals, shared language and concepts, and sharedguidelines22. Shared trust is one of the most important preconditions needed for a meaningfulanalysis of the curriculum and to identify outcomes that will be high quality assessmentindicators. Angelo points out that in order for trust to occur the “participants need to feelrespected, valued, safe, and in the company of worthy peers”23. To facilitate this approach, theEngineering
Conference Session
Administering First-Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gretchen Hein, Michigan Technological University; Amber Kemppainen, Michigan Technological University; Susan Amato-Henderson, Michigan Technological University; Jason Keith, Michigan Technological University; Melissa Roberts, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
communication).As part of a National Science Foundation CCLI Phase 1 grant, DUE: 0836861, three designactivities are being developed and incorporated in the first-year engineering program at MichiganTech. For this project, three groups (undergraduate, graduate and faculty) with differenteducational backgrounds developed learning modules. The student groups were selected to helpwith the development because it would give a fresh perspective on the design projects. Theundergraduate students would gain some ownership in the education of their peers. The graduatestudent would learn more about teaching through the development of a design project. Theutilization of the student groups to develop design projects would permit more design projects tobe available
Conference Session
Teacher and Counselor Professional Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Reeves, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Julia Ross, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Taryn Bayles, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
weregiven a chance to teach the module contents to students enrolled in the Upward Bound Programand then assessed each of their own and peers performances. Teacher Training 9:00am-12:00pm Course Content and Pedagogical Methodology Application Refine 1:00pm-2:30pm Incorporate Lessons from Evaluation in Teacher Training of the Subsequent Day. Conduct Module with Upward Bound Students Evaluation / Reflection 2:30pm-4:00pm Actively Evaluate Peer and Self PerformanceFigure 2: Schematic of the general
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids, and Heat Transfer II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brandon Field, University of Southern Indiana; David Ellert, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
. Conduct economic analyses of the various systems proposed. 3. The ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (ABET outcome e). In particular, you will be expected to: i. Solve heat loss problems relating to building envelopes. ii. Solve problems of thermodynamic equilibrium and energy balance. iii. Solve piping and airflow distribution problems. 4. The ability to communicate effectively (ABET outcome g). In particular, you will: i. Write technical reports and memos regarding findings. ii. Make presentations of technical material to peers and colleagues. 5. The ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
Conference Session
CE Capstone: Innovations in Learning & Assessment
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregg Fiegel, California Polytechnic State University; Jay DeNatale, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, and professional liability Demonstrate an ability to explain the reasons for seeking professional licensure after graduation Demonstrate an ability to write effective essays and technical reportsGraduates have an ability to Demonstrate an ability to compose and deliver an effective oral presentation communicate effectively Demonstrate an ability to prepare a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for a civil engineering project Graduates have the broad education necessary to Demonstrate an ability to develop community consensus building techniques for a understand the impact of civil
Conference Session
Sustainable Energy Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Simon, University of Nevada, Reno; Ted Batchman, University of Nevada-Reno; Christine Taylor, Lewis and Clark University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
rising energy prices create a renewed opportunityto move U.S. public policy and engineering education in a mutually beneficial direction. Callsfor change in the way energy education occurs are certainly not new, and earlier expressions ofconcern are a good source for our current reflection. Writing in 1973, the highly respectedRepublican legislator Howard Baker pondered the then-current oil supply shortage.4 Heconcluded that well-developed education programs linking environmental attitudes with energyuse could have a strong and lasting impact on energy consumption behaviors in the country. Inthe 1970‘s, President Jimmy Carter advocated the development of energy education programs tochange students‘ perceptions of energy and alter patterns of
Conference Session
Technology-Enhanced Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Glenda Scales, Virginia Tech; Sharon Caraballo, George Mason University; James Groves, University of Virginia; Rosalyn Hobson, Virginia Commonwealth University; Linda Vahala, Old Dominion University; Catherine Amelink, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
adding online students to their existing courses using NEW,and these efforts gradually expanded to allow students to complete an MS in Computer Science Page 15.687.4entirely online.The open-source NEW system has similar functionality to many widely-used commercialsystems for online synchronous course delivery. The primary interface is a computer-basedwhiteboard, which can be used to display slides, share images of running applications, write, ordraw. The system includes audio, so that the instructor's voice is broadcast along with theimages, and students in the distance environment who have microphone-equipped computers canparticipate via voice
Conference Session
Mechanical and Architectural Engineering Laboratories
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anthony Toyama, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Reza Sadr, Texas A&M University at Qatar
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
advancement ofequipment whether due to increased enrollment or increasing functional capacity. Students aregiven the chance of using industry scale devices in the laboratory and are given increasingresponsibilities as the term progresses in terms of setting up equipment and writing their dataacquisition programs. The final culminating task is to simulate a set of previously conductedexperiments using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software packages.Historical Regional Teaching StyleThe Regional teaching styles have historically relied on rote memorization and reproduction, acarryover from the regional cultures as well as a result of the extreme pace of the modernizationthat has carried through much of the Region.4,7,9 The regional teaching style
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hetal Jasani, Northern Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
for the LinksysStudents observe various MAC layer setting of Linksys wireless routers such as authenticationtype, CTS protection mode, beacon interval, DTIM interval, fragmentation threshold, and RTSthreshold. Students get knowledge about each of these parameters and how they affect theperformance of wireless networks. Students write a reflection report by including thoseparameters. Lab Router Internet Linksys Wireless
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Narayanan Komerath, Georgia Institute of Technology; Marilyn Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
aerospace students2. GIT AE alumni3. NASA and industry new employees getting oriented4. Engineers refreshing pre-requisites for Distance Learning graduate school5. GIT AE graduate students taking courses across technical disciplines6. Graduate students preparing for PhD Qualifying Examination7. NASA and industry experienced engineers working on new proposals/ projects8. Cross-disciplinary project teamsEXTROVERT GatewayAs planned, the first two years of the project are devoted to intense resource development, whilethe final year will be devoted to user and peer assessment, refinement and publication. A basicstructure to facilitate content addition and user experience has been designed and implemented.The EXTROVERT gateway serves as the portal to the
Conference Session
Effective Methods for Recruiting Women to Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Manjusha Saraswathiamma, North Dakota State University; Kathy Enger, North Dakota State University; Canan Bilen-Green, North Dakota State University; Achinthya Bazebaruah, North Dakota State University; Bruce Schumacher, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
. Proof of persistencePositive influences Negative influences (Manifested as goals)Problem solving Gender discrimination Learning goalsCollaboration The need to prove worth Professional goalsFamily support Taking risk Giving back to communityDiscovery Career and family balance (book writing, outreachSatisfaction in helping Communication programs etc.)peopleContinuous learningApplication of learningJob varietyCreativityFacing challengesOpportunityFinancial securityFreedomSharing of knowledgeSocial statusFemale engineers reported facing many challenges such as gender
Conference Session
Retention Strategies in Action Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelito Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
interactivelearning6, summer bridge programs7,8, and academic support services such as tutoring, AcademicExcellence Workshops (AEWs), and peer mentoring9.In 2008, Cañada College, a Hispanic-Serving community college in Redwood City, CA, wasawarded a Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) grant by the USDepartment of Education. The project, entitled Student On-ramp Leading to Engineering andSciences (SOLES), aims to maximize the likelihood of success among underrepresented andeducationally disadvantaged students interested in pursuing careers in STEM fields byincorporating strategies that address challenges and barriers to recruitment, retention and successof these students. Among the strategies developed for this project are two summer
Conference Session
Nuts and Bolts of Cooperative Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Johrendt, University of Windsor; Schantal Hector, University of Windsor; Karen Benzinger, University of Windsor; Geri Salinitri, University of Windsor; Arunita Jaekel, University of Windsor; Derek Northwood, University of Windsor; Michelle Watters, University of Windsor
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor. Her research interests are in the areas of optical network design and wireless sensor networks. She is a member of the computer science curriculum committee for the cooperative education committees and a faculty advisor for co-op students. She is also a faculty mentor for female students in under-represented fields. She has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, has served on organizing committees for several well-known international conferences.Michelle Watters, University of Windsor Ms. Watters holds Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Education Degrees and is a Master of
Conference Session
Modeling Student Data
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jordana Hoegh, Purdue University; Alice Pawley, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
AC 2010-1754: MODELING THE CAREER PATHWAYS OF WOMENENGINEERING FACULTY THROUGH ORAL HISTORIES ANDPARTICIPATORY RESEARCH METHODSJordana Hoegh, Purdue University Jordana Gartner Hoegh, M.S graduated with honors from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a Bachelors of Science in criminal justice. She then worked at Mutual of Omaha doing regulatory research and writing. Seeking better work-family balance, Jordana changed careers. In 2006, she received her Master’s of Science in Sociology from Purdue University. She is working on her doctorate in Sociology at Purdue focusing on identities, motherhood, and career. In 2008, Jordana joined the Research in Feminist Engineering (RIFE) Group as a
Conference Session
High School Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Abdelrahman, Tennessee Technological University; Cynthia Rice-York, Tennessee Tech University; Dalton York, Tennessee Tech University; Cynthia Stowers, Clark Range High School; Robert Sircy, Tennessee Tech University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
specifically forDMFC. The performance stand also had to be modified to accommodate the liquid methanolfuel. The process of modifying the test stand, accompanied by a literature review of DMFCs,electrochemistry, and electricity in general, took two more weeks. Testing and retestingperformance with more of the S-ZrO2/Nafion composite membranes, side by side with standardNafion membranes exceeded the allotted 6 weeks. The teacher was asked to stay for an extra twoweeks to continue with the research and gratefully accepted. The performance testing of themembranes outperforming those found in the literature at that time. This led to a continuing ofthe research by the lab into the fall, and an attempt, in process, to publish the combined efforts ina peer
Conference Session
Early Engineering Design Experiences
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aezeden Mohamed, University of Manitoba; Myron (Ron) Britton, University of Manitoba
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
). Page 15.1292.6Power is supplied by a 6V battery to power the controller and their logic Ics. An active sensor will be ~ 6V(including logic “1”) and an inactive sensor will be ~0V (indicating “0”). The controller circuit is constructedon a breadboard and connected to the elevator using a ribbon cable with a specified writing pin configuration. Figure 4 Design of a model elevator controller project (a) paper design (not to scale) (b) actual designEgg Mover ProjectThe requirement of this project to design build, and demonstrate a device that will pick up, move and place araw grade “A” large egg. To start the test, the egg is placed on a spot 2.4 m from a 2 x 6 (38mm x 140mm)that is on edge. The engineering object is to pick up the egg, move it
Conference Session
Engineering in the Middle Grades
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Muhittin Yilmaz, Texas A&M University-Kingsville; Jianhong Ren, Texas A&M University-Kingsville; David Ramirez, Texas A&M University; Sheryl Custer, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Joyce Coleman, Academy High School
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
improvements included changes in the curriculum, schedule,application and participant selection process, survey, and outreach efforts.Curriculum Improvements. Three new engineering topics, an industry site visit, and luncheondiscussions with professional engineers were added. The latter two improvements were madebased on experiences recommended by peer institutions (see Engineering Summer ProgramsBest Practices Conference presentations at new engineering topics included more contemporary engineering subjects that focus onparticipant hobbies as well as increase the overall camp attractiveness to the regional participantsbased on the suggestions provided by the previous camp participants. The 2009 camp wascomposed of four in
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Capstone
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mahmoud Quweider, University of Texas, Brownsville; Juan Iglesias, U of Texas at Brownsville; Katherine De La Vega, University of Texas at Brownsville
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
as well. As shown later in their feedback and testimonials, theyhave gained valuable knowledge that they deemed of great importance to them, their families,and their social peers. The educational experience and the interaction between the students andthe health team were invaluable. The CS students, and their professors, benefited immenselyfrom not only coding the design and requirements, but also from learning (in these particularprojects) about the extent to which diet, exercise, and early screening are lacking in their region,and about the need to become active in areas besides Computer Science.As the software development process started, the two females met on a regular basis with facultyfrom both schools to iron out any issues or detail
Conference Session
Contemporary Issues in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Keith, Michigan Technological University; Daniel Crowl, Michigan Technological University; David Caspary, Michigan Technological University; Jeffrey Allen, Michigan Technological University; Jeff Naber, Michigan Technological University; Dennis Meng, Michigan Technological University; Abhijit Mukherjee, Michigan Technological University; John Lukowski, Michigan Technological University; Jay Meldrum, Michigan Technological University; Barry Solomon, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
, natural gas, hydrogen, or batteries for transportation applications.Secondary emphasis is placed on understanding professional and ethical responsibility,understanding the global and social impact of engineering solutions, and demonstratingknowledge of contemporary issues. These are addressed by working on a project to find anaffordable future energy source. More details will be provided in the next section.It is noted that the final grade is determined from attendance (10%), individual summaries(10%), and a team report (80%) which is weighted by peer evaluations.Sample Enterprise ProjectsThe following is a brief summary of Alternative Fuels Group Enterprise projects related tohydrogen and fuel cells. Each semester there are at least three
Conference Session
Engineering Education in Africa and the Middle East
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mazen Hasna, Qatar University; Abdelmagid Hamouda, Qatar University; Boualem Boashash, Qatar University
Tagged Divisions
continuous education. An important topic of interest to the society of engineers and this project is the current discussion about licensing in Qatar as a means to ensure lifelong learning and maintain up to date technical competencies. The society confirmed in writing that it is highly supportive of this project. 4- Qatarization Committee in the energy and industry sector: this is an important Qatari national committee that promotes different activities to attract nationals to get educated Page 15.973.4 and then work in the energy and industry sector. Being the dominant sector, there is a
Conference Session
Design Education I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Priya Manohar, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
position of Chief Materials Scientist at Modern Industries, Pittsburgh (2003 – 2004) and Assistant Manager (Metallurgy Group), Engineering Research Center, Telco, India (1985 – 1993). He has published 45 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences including a 2007 Best Paper Award by the Manufacturing Division of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), three review papers and three book chapters. He has participated in numerous national and international conferences. He is a member of ASM International, TMS, ACerS, ISNT, ASEE and a registered Chartered Professional Engineer. Dr. Manohar’s research interests include mathematical and computer modeling of materials behavior
Conference Session
Structure and Form in Architectural Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Powell Draper, Manhattan College; Edward Segal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger; Robert Sicurelli, Princeton University
Tagged Divisions
Perform a parts count and determine the After completing this task the student will be cost for materials able to write simple formulas in Microsoft Excel.5 Construct a physical model that is not only After completing this task the student will be for display, but also for teaching and able to describe the process of building a learning physical model and the reasons underlying decisions.The tasks listed in Table 1 form the steps in the student’s design process.Design ProcessTask 1: Complete introductory tutorials for three dimensional computer-aided design (CAD)Creating
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Lowery, West Virginia University; Steve Kane, West Virginia University; Vicki Kane, West Virginia University; Robin Hensel, West Virginia University; Gary Ganser, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
asexperimentally (the part done in and for the engineering class). The students, working in smallgroups, must create a solution as well as write a technical report and present the problem andtheir solution to the class.Approximately 130 students participated in these joint math-engineering projects. Theirperformance, primarily in calculus, was measured and compared to historical performance dataas well as to calculus classes without the joint projects. Preliminary data suggests that theseprojects result in improved grades in calculus. Additionally, the student enthusiasm for thesehands on projects has increased as well.* Acknowledgement and Disclaimer:This material is based upon work supported by the NASA WV Space Grant Consortium, NASA Training Grant
Conference Session
Computational Tools and Simulation II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Stanley, Kettering University; Timothy Cameron, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
of control in the advancement of the software package.6) The cost and time of development is relatively low because all images may be Page 15.1348.2 duplicated directly from the textbook.7) Although web based interactive animation software has been developed in the recent past by creating Java Applets or by writing computer programs in Adobe Flash ActionScript.8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, no comprehensive and interactive web-based animation software for educators has been developed on a mass scale (probably due to cost16,17,18).A new feature has been added to the animation software; the user can now performparametric studies of chosen
Conference Session
e-Learning Course Development and Instruction
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marie-Pierre Huguet, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Tom Haley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Yaron Danon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
completed experiment when later trying to write a lab report based on their fuzzyrecollections of the experimental details. Instructors can also direct students to use theseinteraction tools to facilitate peer review and/or assessment of the measureable products.Blended formatThe course material was designed to be delivered both locally and to remote classes. In this Page 15.638.7project, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute collaborated with the United States Military Academy atWest Point (USMA), which recently received ABET accreditation for their nuclear engineeringprogram. The USMA does not have local access to a critical facility or a linear
Conference Session
Leadership and Strategic Planning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Fry, Baylor University; Gregory Leman, Baylor University; William Jordan, Baylor University; Brian Garner, Baylor University; Brian Thomas, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
team effort tothe extent that assistance is needed. Two awards were made in 2009 and 2010.The opportunity to apply for this $5,000 summer stipend is available to ECS faculty membersonly. Proposals must focus initially on those ECS courses that are required in one of the ABET-accredited degree plans.Applicants are required to write a 1- to 2-page narrative that provides the following information: 1. Description of the courses they are currently teaching, as well as their ideas for how to integrate entrepreneurship within the course or courses they plan to target. 2. Identify the learning enhancements that they will aim to accomplish through this effort, and the numbers of students who will benefit. 3. Description of the
Conference Session
High School Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Oppliger, Michigan Technological University; Jean Kampe, Michigan Technological University; Valorie Troesch, Michigan Technological Univeristy
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
coached by specially-trained highschool teachers called “teacher-coaches.” Teams have access to real-world expertise andmentoring from professionals in academia and industry. HSE teams write business plans, solvereal-world problems, perform testing and analyses, build prototypes, manufacture parts, operatewithin budgets, and manage their projects. Each spring, HSE teams showcase their workalongside college students at the Michigan Tech’s Undergraduate Expo. At the conclusion oftheir HSE experiences, it is expected that the students will demonstrate proficiency in appliedworkforce skills, they will be more disposed to enter STEM careers, and they will be prepared toundertake the training and education needed to enter these careers
Conference Session
Culture, Society, and Co-op
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Millward-Sadler, University of Applied Science, Graz; Annette Casey, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences; Frank Newman, University of Graz
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
AC 2010-242: FACILITATING ENGINEERING STUDENTS IN THE LANGUAGECLASSROOM: MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES PROFILES TO IMPROVEFOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCEAdrian Millward-Sadler, University of Applied Science, GrazAnnette Casey, Joanneum University of Applied SciencesFrank Newman, University of Graz Frank Newman is a senior lecturer at the Department of Translation Studies at the University of Graz in Graz, Austria. Frank has been teaching English, mainly writing skills, and American culture since 1984. He also teaches English for Engineers at the Graz University of Technology and was involved for many years in in-service teaching training in Austria and abroad. His current focus is using wikis in language teaching
Conference Session
Rethinking Traditional Pedagogical Strategies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Frankie Santos Laanan, Iowa State University; Dimitra Jackson, Iowa State University; Soko Starobin, Iowa State University; Mary Darrow, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
colleges anduniversities among peers. NW-ETEP up-holds the value of relationships between high schoolsand community colleges, community colleges and universities and between students, facultymembers and support services in community colleges. “I guess it kind strikes me that so much of this is about relationships at all levels, whether department chair or school of engineering chair, it’s just even that function of getting to know each other in the different cc programs and their faculty.” “It’s been a big supporter of our human powered paper vehicle competition which is actually a result of a different NSF grant but NW-ETEP has supported and kind of built upon what started a few years ago. Now the human powered