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distributed to the students inboth sections. Questions addressed students’ familiarity and experiences with Generative AI andtheir opinions about its use in academic and professional settings, as well as its overall risks andbenefits. In Class 1, 59 students responded, and in Class 2, 34 students responded to the survey.The responses were anonymous; the instructors only categorized responses by section. Figures1–6 below show the two sections’ responses to the first 6 questions.Figure 1. Rate your familiarity with Generative AIComparing the two classes’ responses, the most significant differences are in the responses“never used” and “not very familiar.” In Class 2 (no instruction), over a third of the studentschose “never used” (34%), while Class 1’s
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Thermodynamics classes, as well as a senior level lab class that covers both thermal/fluid and mechanical systems. One of the thermal/fluid labs examines a steam generation powerunit called the RankineCycler™, which is produced by Turbine Technologies.1 This particularlab is used by several engineering programs throughout the country, and has been evaluated byGerhardt et. al. quite extensively.2-4 The focus of this lab is to provide students the opportunity toapply several of the topics covered in the Thermodynamics classes to an actual power producingsystem. These topics include: 1) Plotting a T-S curve for a cycle 2) Calculating the isentropicand second law efficiency of a steam turbine 3) Calculating the 1st law efficiency of a powerplant.While this
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toquestions found in the textbook. Students were allowed to select any problem from the“developing engineering skills” section of the textbook problems, all of which had solutionswhich requires logic, skills, and concepts from the current chapter. Students were awarded creditfor having the following seven elements: a summary of the problem statement, a sketch of thesystem(s) in the problem, key equations and concepts used, a state table (if it was relevant to theproblem), a summary of the solution process, the solution to the problem, and at least one “sanitycheck” somewhere during or after the solution process. The sanity check provides students anopportunity to evaluate how realistic their solution or solution process. Each video had a softtime
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students.In conclusion, the transformation of the Digital Design Lab course at Georgia SouthernUniversity stands as a testament to the potential of thoughtfully designed educationalresources to enhance student learning outcomes. The ongoing process of assessment andrefinement ensures that the course will continue to evolve, keeping pace with technologicaladvancements and educational best practices. This initiative not only benefits the students ofGeorgia Southern University but also holds the promise of influencing digital designeducation in a broader academic context.References[1] “Open Educational Resources | UNESCO.” https://www.unesco.org/en/open- educationalresources (accessed Nov. 15, 2023).[2] S. Huntsman, A. C. Edenfield, and E. L. Davis