generation of engineers inbeing successful and healthy members of society.Acknowledgements The authors thank the students in the two courses for their thoughtfulreflections about the mental wellness activity. The authors also thank the reviewers for theirdetailed feedback.References[1] R. Manderscheid, C. Ryff, E. Freeman, L. McKnight-Eily, S. Dhingra, and T. Strine, ‘Peer Reviewed: Evolving Definitions of Mental Illness and Wellness’, Preventing chronic disease, vol. 7, p. A19, 01 2010.[2] K. J. Jensen, J. F. Mirabelli, A. J. Kunze, T. E. Romanchek, and K. J. Cross, “Undergraduate student perceptions of stress and mental health in engineering culture,” International Journal of STEM Education, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023. doi:10.1186
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pressure of an exam situation. This also readiedstudents to be able to interact and carefully evaluate responses by the AI. For some students,ChatGPT-3.5’s initial response did not satisfy the requirements of the test question. This actuallyproduced a very high level of engagement. By this stage, students had developed expertise of theproblem, and had to work toward nudging the AI to get a correct response. Because of theirprevious knowledge of the problem, students were better able to identify differences andsimilarities with their code. While engaged in this careful comparison, several students gainednew insights, or even new methods. The process of nudging the AI toward the correct answer isreminiscent of improving one’s learning by teaching or
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type ofmotor(s) they will integrate and operate for their system. There are different types of motors tochoose from and knowing the characteristics of each motor type will aide students in sizing theappropriate motor that meet their desired performance requirements, helping students learn howto cooperate in interdisciplinary situations [4]. Allowing students to practice engineeringdecision-making will allow them to digest and absorb scientific knowledge through observationand experimentation [1-3]. For some universities, lab equipment used to showcase experiments,can be expensive and are unable to leave the laboratory, which can be a huge constraint [1], [3].For instance, the Mechatronics Actuators board developed by Quanser features several
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Video [16] 11:50am – 11:55am Reflection Minute Papers 11:55am – 12:55pm LUNCH 12:55pm – 1:00pm Group Agreement Reminder 1:00pm – 1:45pm Activities and Discussion How We Learn Video [17]s and Activity 1:45pm – 1:55pm BREAK 1:55pm – 3:05pm Peer Observation Tool Overview /Peer_Observation 3:05pm – 3:50pm Critically Reflective Dialogue 3:50pm – 4:00pm Closing and Reflection Minute-papersTable 2: Session 2 Agenda Time Agenda Item Details 9:00am – 9:20am Check-ins 9:20am – 9:25am Agenda and Group
implementinginclusive design of spaces including the following recommended spaces: improve physicalaccess beyond federal, state, and local requirements, provide amenities like quiet, wellness, ormeditation room(s), all-gender and/or family restrooms, exterior green space, public restrooms,public education areas, publicly-available event space, indoor weather shelters, fitness spaceswith accessible and inclusive activities and equipment, and spaces that encourage frequent,casual social interaction to reduce probability of social isolation [29]. Inclusive Spaces and Cultures in EngineeringPromoting inclusive cultures within engineering environments is of critical importance tosociety, especially considering that these professionals play a key role in
tracing, and imitation learning [2-3], [8], [12], [16]. There are a varietyof other algorithms, however, these are the ones that are mainly incorporated in the reviewedarticles. Through the literature search, it was evident that reinforcement learning (RL) is the mostwidely used algorithm, consistently picked due to its high versatility and adaptability compared toother algorithms.RL is often preferred as it has a unique ability, allowing the AI agent to ‘communicate’ with itsenvironment, opening more gateways for development in programs, especially in gamedevelopment [11], [15], [18]. In this method, there are two main components, the agent and theenvironment. The environment reveals itself and its current data in the form of the state, S; and
night with underground concertperformances, which provided him with an opportunity to experience the local culture moredeeply.Student 2’s work in the lab required him to collaborate with various individuals, each contributingdifferently to his research and publication efforts. This kind of collaboration was essential forglobal competence, as it involved communicating and working effectively with people fromdiverse backgrounds. His interaction with the Principal Investigator (PI) and another researchexpert for publication guidance indicated his involvement in advanced research activities and thecommunication skills required to navigate these professional relationships.Student 2’s experience encapsulated several dimensions of global competence
as one of a continuing • Textbooks must serve as an The practice of engineering is series in [ANS]’s program for authority. colored by the understanding of providing the nuclear community • Engineers base their practice in science/engineering practice as and related fields authoritative truth, and truth is dictated by universal. The textbook seeks to information in monograph form” vetted references which provide information which is true [19] (pg iii). summarize the foundational across time, space, and culture. This science and engineering designs. could limit the growth of the
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help build and encourage students to get into engineering.Erdal S¸enocak, Tokat Gaziosmanpas¸a University He is a professor of chemistry education. He has been teaching chemistry at the undergraduate and graduate levels for fifteen years. His interests include how people learn science/chemistry, problem-based learning, and nanotechnology education. He works with educators from kindergarten to undergraduate to help them learn how to teach science effectively in their schools. He had also spent a year as a visiting scholar at Purdue University. In that period, he collaborated with researchers to design an instrument to determine kindergarten students’ understandings of the scientific inquiry process
instructors might want toemphasize the importance of breaking down concepts as students learn them, asking questions,and/or make sure to acknowledge the hard work and time their students are putting into learningnew concepts. This might provide students with positive feelings or attitude when learning aconcept. On the other hand, when it comes to participants P1 and P2’s intrinsic feelings aboutbeing excited to learn, it is unclear how to make other students feel the same way. However, P1’snote about appreciating when instructors engage students more frequently during class may be ashort-term way to keep students engaged. Although this is not an intrinsic desire to learn, it mayhelp keep students more involved in the learning process, and this may
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designed to improve conflict management withinengineering student project teams. A common strategy to manage conflict within engineeringstudent project teams is through the direct intervention of a member of the teaching team. Paretti[14] found that there were generally two approaches for this type of intervention, the first is afaculty member meeting with the whole team to address the conflict as a group, and the second isa faculty member meeting with just the student(s) at the heart of the problem. These strategiesare most effective in smaller classes where the teaching team can take a hands-on approach withall teams encountering conflict. In larger classes, this becomes much more difficult. To supportlarge numbers of students with little