on the Drexel NAE Grand Challenges NSF GK12 Program. In this role, Jared has spent the past three years bringing modern scientific perspectives to Philadelphia High Schools and Secondary Schools in East Africa.Ms. Jamie Lyn Kennedy, Drexel UniversityJessica S Ward, Drexel University (Eng.)Dr. Adam K Fontecchio, Drexel University (Eng.) Page 21.21.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Engineering Visiting Fellows: A modular, low-cost model for scalable, university-facilitated international K-12 partnerships in engineering
. Page 21.48.2BackgroundThe authors have conducted several studies investigating the impact of technology assistedcollaborative learning activities 8-12. Our findings highlighted the need to develop activitiesthat cultivate students‟ judgement, facilitate peer feedback, promote learner independence,and reinforce development of their professional engineering identity.Our aim is to promote a learning focus as opposed to a task-focused disposition in students.A student‟s core identity may be such that they resist this change in focus limiting theirengagement with these activities. We found scaffolding to be valuable to motivate desiredapproaches, behavior and attitudes to learning.For example, we constantly remind studentsthat “mistakes compress
Russian innovative universities.The activities of KNRTU are oriented towards the innovative development and establishment ofnew PPP mechanisms. The additional professional education system of the University is open tothe experimentation with and integration of processes, testing the different forms of relevantinteraction among all of the interested parties involved in training and advancing pro-fessionalpersonnel to meet the highest demands of the modern labor market.In 2008, KNRTU developed the target program called „Additional Education as a Factor of theInnovation-Driven Development of the University‟. The aim of this program is to boost theuniversity‟s rating, its competitiveness and attractiveness on the market of the educationalservices
(running) (Leader) 12 2012 LabVIH – Virtual labs with haptic interaction (running) (Team element)Table III shows for each project the involvements: academics (R), Students (S) andTechnicians (T). It is possible to identify teams multidisciplinarity. With budgets below5.000€ (usually around 3000€), it is clear that nothing would have been achieved withoutthe enthusiastic, committed and generous participation of many colleagues, students andtechnicians from several Faculties, Departments, Services, Laboratories, Institutes andResearch Centers. Table III – Projects in Table II and Teams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mech. Eng. RS RS RS RS
modelis a model-of a situation that is familiar to the students. By a process of generalizing andformalizing, the model eventually becomes an entity on its own. It becomes possible to use it asa model-for mathematical reasoning.Finally, the RME guided reinvention principle is adopted and used as a part of methodology.According to RME instructional design theory, the teacher provides guidance, playing a‘proactive role’ within the classroom setting. This study allows every student to decide whetherand to what extent s/he needs guidance which in turn is provided in the specially designedguiding-reflecting journal.Participants and MethodsTen students from Vancouver Templeton Secondary School ranging in age from 17 to 18 years,5 males and 5 females
Effectively 3h Understanding of the Impact of Engineering Solutions in Global, Economic, Environmental, and Cultural/Societal Contexts 3i Recognition of and Ability to Engage in Life-Long Learning 3j Knowledge of Contemporary IssuesThe EPSA method is a discussion-based performance task designed to elicit students’ knowledgeand application of engineering professional skills. In a 45-minute session, small groups ofstudents are presented with a complex, real-world scenario that includes multi- faceted,multidisciplinary engineering issues. They are then asked to determine the most importantproblem/s and to discuss stakeholders, impacts, unknowns, and possible solutions. The EPSRubric, an analytic rubric, was developed to measure the extent to which
our researchsubjects. The categories and codes are being refined iteratively using both inductive anddeductive approaches, which allow us to leverage our prior knowledge of the domain of interestas well as our growing familiarity with the collected data. The current categories include: • National Cultures Involved: Including host location and culture, and guest culture(s). • Situation-Motivation: The main reason or motivation for the situation or case, such as ex- patriate assignment, greenfield plant start-up, cross-national collaborative project, etc. • Situation-Cultural Dimensions: Relevant cultural dimensions evident in the case, such as those drawn from Hofstede’s work (e.g., power distance, individualism vs
to examine the how the engineering profession has tackled the challenge ofimproving international mobilization and standards of professional engineers and engineeringservices they provide. This is often a challenge for multi-national companies andorganizations that operate trans-nationally. Future engineers will need to rethink theirlearning journey and pathways to professional recognition to be better prepared to tackle amore regionalized, integrated, and dynamic world1. Anecdotally, it appears that there is agrowing population of engineers seeking Chartered status with Engineers Australia. Therehas been recent development in support programs such as the Engineering EducationAustralia (EEA)’s Graduate Program in Engineering (GPE) to
engineering university. The A&S Program provides the core courses in the first two years of engineering studies at this institute. Over the past two years, it has been designing and implementing a comprehensive set of curricular innovations in order to better prepare local engineering undergraduates for engineering studies and careers in the energy sector. Three components of this comprehensive approach will be presented in this paper, with reference to how each was conceived, designed, and implemented. Early indications of the impacts are also shared. The paper will conclude with identifications of challenges faced and recommendations for how to better enable and support continuing enhancement of the
Design Engineering at Hongik University in Korea. He received his Ph. D.and M. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University (USA), and B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University (Korea). His specialization is in the areas of noise and vibration. He has been involved with the capstone design program at Hongik University for the last five years.Dr. Ing. Manuel L¨ower, RWTH Aachen University Dr.-Ing. Manuel L¨ower is Executive Manager of the Chair and Institute for Engineering Design (ikt) at RWTH Aachen University. He received his Dr.-Ing. and Dipl.-Ing. degree in the field of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and automotive engineering at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). Since 2005 he
D VecitisJason Dyett, Harvard University, DRCLAS Jason Dyett is Program Director of Harvard University’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) Brazil Office. Since establishing the Office in S˜ao Paulo in mid-2006, he has worked to expand research and teaching opportunities for Harvard faculty and students and their Brazilian col- laborators across disciplines. Dyett first moved to S˜ao Paulo in 1996, after two and a half years at the DRCLAS in Cambridge. From 1997 to 2002, he established the office of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s telecommunications research division in Brazil and went on to gain experience growing technol- ogy companies in the country. He rejoined DRCLAS from the
, P. Alanís, J.A. y Pulido, R. (2011). Cálculo de una variable. Reconstrucción para su enseñanza y aprendizaje. DIDAC, 56-57. Universidad Iberoamericana: México. 8. Rodríguez, R. (2007). Les équations différentielles comme outil de modélisation en Classe de Physique et des Mathématiques au lycée : une étude de manuels et de processus de modélisation en Terminale S. Tesis doctoral. Escuela Doctoral de Matemáticas, Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información. Universidad Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, Francia. Recuperado el 6 de febrero de 2011 de: http://tel.archives- ouvertes.fr/docs/00/29/22/86/PDF/TheseRuthRdz.pdf. 9. Rodríguez, R. (2009). Differential Equations as a tool for mathematical modelling in Physics and
Engineering majors, and followed by the organic chemistry/biochemistrycourse(s), and by the fact that no modern (20th century-themed) science class existed inKUSTAR’s College of Engineering curriculum at the time of building up this lab and the course. Further, this lab program has been motivated by the need to increase the focus ondeveloping students’ competencies and professional skills/soft skills. In recent years, globalcompetency has been introduced as an important “soft” skill2,3 that engineering graduates shouldacquire along the training through a standard engineering curriculum. This trend and suggestionsfor attempting to standardize the “criteria for global competence” of engineering graduates are
to understand how fruitful this way of learning is andthat it is a great chance to develop competences during their own process of learning: TEACHER`S LEARNING BIOGRAPHY = HIS STYLE OF ENGINEERING EDUCATIONFollowing this simple awareness, the Education Staff for Engineering Education must betrained with the same (competence-oriented) methods as it is fruitful for the students. Thatmeans in fact: Looking to the idea of HAVIGHURST about principle of task-oriented learning[4], the curricula of Enginnering Education for the training staff must be dominated by PBE-oriented Development-tasks a core elements (Modules) of the curriculum-structure..Short Explanation: From PBL to PBEPBE as a further development of PBLProject Based Learning (PBL
higher education both in Australia andabroad.Bibliography[1] R. Barnett, G. Parry and K. Coate, “Conceptualising Curriculum Change”, Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 435-449, 2001.[2] O. Hicks, “Curriculum in higher education in Australia – Hello?”, in Enhancing Higher Education, Theory and Scholarship, Proceedings of the 30th HERDSA Annual Conference [CD-ROM], Adelaide, 8-11 July, 2007.[3] R. S. Adams and R. M. Felder, “Reframing Professional Development: A systems Approach to Preparing Engineering Education to Educate Tomorrow's Engineers”, Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 239-240, 2008.[4] K. Charmaz, “Grounded Theory”, Rethinking Methods in Psychology, J. A. Smith
for the ddifferences iin length of tthe course (115vs. 188 weeks) and d also for thee different teechnical trainnings alreaddy received bby UGA vs. N NTUstudeents. UGA students s werre mostly sen niors and alrready had takken courses on ElectricaalCircuuits and Senssors and Tran nsducers, bu ut they only hhad formal ssoftware traiining in MattLaband not n in C/C++ +. On the oth her hand, NT TU students were at the sophomore level and haadformaal training inn C/C++ pro ogramming, but b may not have yet takken courses iin ElectricallCircuuits or Sensoors and Transsducers. Furrthermore, a “contract teeaching” appproach was uusedfor UGA U studentss to allow thhem to choosse their own challenge
build out the network and to betterunderstand the social stratification caused by the introduction of the technology.References[1] United Nations Millennium Development Goals. http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/.[2] A. R. Mickelson, Q. Lv, L. Shang, and S. R. Sterling. “A 2009 NapoNet video”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7t71DDNOnY.[3] GTR|Grupo de Telecomunicaciones Rurales: Rural Telecommunications Group. http://gtr.telecom.pucp.edu.pe/.[4] Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru: The Catholic University of Peru. http://www.pucp.edu.pe/content/index.php.[5] Publicaciones|GTR: Publications. http://gtr.telecom.pucp.edu.pe/publicaciones.[6] R. Patra, S. Nedevschi, S. Surana, A. Sheth, L. Subramanian, E. Brewer. WiLDNet: Design and
a very special, active and dynamic partnership between industry, accreditationauthorities and educations. This paper discusses these partnerships, advantages andchallenges for the future in Australia and how the partnership flows into a global market.IntroductionIn the early part of this decade, engineering accreditation bodies worldwide reviewed theirnational guidelines for engineering education to consider restructuring them such that theycould determine whether universities were actually delivering graduates ready foremployment and, more importantly, able to cope with the future requirements of theprofession. These reviews resulted in a refocusing of the engineering curriculum to outcomesrather than process. The UK‟s Royal Academy of
Page 21.55.2partnerships and collaborations”. The strategic plan went on to say that, “As science and1engineering (S&E) expertise and infrastructure advance across the globe, it is expected that theUnited States will increasingly benefit from international collaborations and a globally engagedworkforce leading to transformational S&E breakthroughs.”6 The 2010 Globalization of Scienceand Engineering Research report further highlights how the data show a global recognition ofthe need to move towards knowledge intensive economies and the important role that scienceand technology plays in “generating new jobs, economic prosperity, responses to national issuesand/or global challenges, and global competitiveness”7The importance of placing
schools with the goals of exposing students to theSTEM fields [7]. A 40 year history of demographics and student attitudes charted in The Higher EducationResearch Institute snapshot of entering freshman classes shows a rising tide of interest in serviceduring college. In 1990 the survey found that 16.9% of students thought there was a very goodchance s/he would participate in community service or volunteer work. In 2006, this proportion Page 21.5.3grew to 26.8% and in 2011, 33.9% [8, 9]. It is clear that the orientation towards service is beingrapidly embraced by all students. Service may also be a link to attracting more students
worthwhile to study whether they arehappening as a result of selection bias, or by training within the companies themselves.References 1. ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, Baltimore, Md.: Engineering Accreditation Commission, http://abet.org/, accessed on Jan. 20, 2011. 2. ABEEK, Accreditation Criteria for Engineering Education in Korea, http://www.abeek.or.kr/htmls_kr/en/index.jsp, accessed Jan. 20, 2011. 3. Adams, R., J. Turns, C. Atman (2003). Educating effective engineering designers: the role of reflective practice, Design Studies, 24 (3), 275-294. 4. Beckman, S. L., & Barry, M. (2007). Innovation as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking. California Management Review , 50 (1), 25-56
. Page 21.39.77. Ang, S. and L. Van Dyne, Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, measurement and applications. 2008, Sharpe, M.E.: Armonk, NY. p. 391.8. Deardorff, D.K., Assessing Intercultural Competence. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2011. 149.9. Spitzberg, B.H. and G. Changnon, Conceptualizing Intercultural Competence, in The SAGE Handbook of Intercultural Competence, D.K. Deardorff, Editor. 2010, SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA.10. Hofstede, G., Culture's Consequences (2nd edn.). 2001: Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.11. Matsumoto, D., Reflections on culture and competence, in Culture and competence: contexts of life success, R.J. Sterberg and E.L. Grigorenko, Editors. 2004, American Psychological
of their personal professional skills. 3. Analyse and respond to Nair et al.’s ‘Re-engineering graduate skills - a case study’.[21] A study of the 2007 Monash University survey of employers’ satisfaction levels of their Engineering graduates. The students are reassured that the findings are typical for similar surveys conducted throughout the world, and certainly not unique to Page 21.46.4 Monash or Engineering. In their response, the students need to state whether they agree or disagree or are surprised with the survey findings and back up their statements with relevant examples from
diagrams also allow studentsto pan the view port to display different regions of the system, and to zoom the view port todisplay a wider area or to examine a particular region more closely. Figure 4. Example of One-line Diagram Projected on U. S. MapCourse Design and Students’ Evaluation Results 1. Course DesignLoad flow analysis, one of the representative steady-state power system analyses, was performedusing the PowerWorld simulator and simulation results using the advanced visualizationtechniques were incorporated into the Electric Power Systems course (ELEG 3163), which is anundergraduate senior course.The developed pedagogical procedure is shown as follows: a. Some classroom lectures on theoretical basics of load flow
engineer should be aware of such standards in addition to the nationalstandards of each market. Page 21.65.3- The Global Nature of the Competitors even in the same market. Since the 1980’s the Asian-pacific Original Equipment Manufacturer OEMs have not only penetrated into the establishedmarkets but have also dominated it with their different production styles and suppliers’strategies. This have motivated the automotive engineers of North America and Europe topractice the Just-In-Time JIT delivery of goods and services and apply the Japanese Kanban andAndon systems to synchronize their production lines, while understanding that some of theseconcepts
as an essential component, enablingengineering candidates to span any boundaries.It is evident from the responses that the boundaries that globally prepared engineers must spanare not those within and between engineering disciplines. One respondent noted, “They(students) need to look outside the walls of their university, their community, with the U.S.This view must extend to a global scale, meaning they should have knowledge and be able toarticulate global engineering practices not only in their home state or area, but globally.” S/headded that the ability to interact with engineers from other cultures is critically important
agricultural vehicles," IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symp, pp. 473-478, May 2008.[6] C. Aloisio, et.al., “Next generation image guided citrus fruit picker,” IEEE Int. Conf. Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, pp. 37-41, Apr. 2012.[7] ABET, “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs“, http://www.abet.org/, Oct. 2012.[8] S. Batchelder et.al., “An Analysis of Future Sustainable Aquatic Farming”, Interactive Qualifying Project Report, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-031212- 191226/unrestricted/Final_Paper.pdf, Mar. 2012.[9] B. Ingram et.al., "A code of ethics for robotics engineers," ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. Human-Robot Interaction, pp.103-104, Mar. 2010.[10] M
Teaching Enterprise Application Development”, Information Systems Education Journal, Vol. 4, No. 50, pp 1-7, August 8, 2006 [16] Auer, M. E., Pester, A. 2007. Toolkit for Distributed Online-Lab Grids. In: Advances on remote laboratories and e-learning experiences, 2007, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. [17] V. J. Harward, J. A. del Alamo, S. R. Lerman P. H. Bailey, J. Carpenter, et. al., "The iLab Shared Architecture: A Web Services Infrastructure to Build Communities of Internet Accessible Laboratories," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol.96, no.6, pp.931-950, June 2008. [18] Felknor, C., DeLong, K. 2006. iLabs Service Broker Complete Machine Build, 2006, MIT iCampus, Cambridge MA, USA
called RISE. RISE stands forResearch, International, Service, and Experiential learning. Our course proposal is unique in thatit incorporates three of these options: International, Service, and Experiential learning. • I: study abroad curricular experiences to enhance their learning and understanding of the world • S: service learning courses to enhance their commitment to civic engagement • E: credit-bearing experiential opportunities, such as internships, practical, clinical or fieldwork experiencesThe students are given the opportunity to see what service looks like on a global scale, by firstresearching the content, working in groups in class to explore solutions, then finally
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