deliver it toK-12 teachers and by extension to their students all over the United States. Electronic Professional development (ePDN) courses are designed to model bestpractices in teacher PD by incorporating inquiry-based learning and promoting the types ofactive interaction and reflection by participants that normally occur in effective face-to-faceprofessional development sessions. The Technology Integration Certificate consists of fourcourses designed to help teachers become more comfortable with technology tools and integratethem in their classrooms. The courses include an introduction to podcasting for novices, thecreation and implementation of vodcasts for more advanced users, on-line teaching for educatorsseeking to develop
15-17. In addition, although not often formally linked to academic programs,globally-focused engineering student organizations, such as Engineers Without Borders andEngineers for a Sustainable World, reflect students’ growing interest in internationaldevelopment, eradication of poverty, environmental action, and application of technology forsocial benefit 18-19.However, the issue of sustainability of such efforts in terms of faculty time and universityresources is not yet resolved 20. Perpetuating these socially focused initiatives is an importantissue in smaller schools where limited resources constrain new initiatives, but, in an era ofshrinking resources, also affects larger institutions. The issue of sustainability of such effortsmay be
of the institution. Formore than four decades researchers and practitioners have created an extensive body of literatureexploring retention. But while the field possesses infinite theoretical schemas, Tinto 7 suggeststhat complex theoretical principles are unbeneficial for practitioners who have to translateresearch into effective practice.In previous years retention was simply viewed as a reflection of a student’s lack of individualattributes, skills, and motivation. With this view students were expected to assimilate and “riseto the task” at their institutions. This view prohibited institutions from recognizing their intricaterole in providing a successful platform for students. Since then our institutions and theoristshave begun to
website of the Confederation Bridge (, aWikipedia article on the Confederation Bridge( and a personal website for theConfederation Bridge ( Students were asked toassess the accuracy, authority, bias, audience level, and currency of each of the web sites.Students were then asked reflection questions, to help them transfer the critical thinking skillsused in this exercise to their assignments and everyday life.Selected learning objectives for this station, as stated in the handout, were to: • Reflect on the quality of habitually used online resources; • Use the criteria of accuracy, authority, bias, audience, and
order to measure the enhanced learning resulting from the experimentalhomework approaches, samples of previous year’s exams are given to the students and theperformance of the study group is compared to that of the previous year’s classes. Furthermore,student reflections on those approaches compared to the traditional common homework style arecollected and analyzed by an independent evaluator to document the impacts of homeworkinnovations.IntroductionHomework is defined as instructor-initiated work to be completed by students outside theclassroom1, 2. It is well-known that homework has become a time-honored widespread learningtool used by instructors, at all educational levels, to improved student learning and achievement.Although homework was
strategies, monitoring and fix-upstrategies, and criteria). From the analysis, the findings suggest that the level of understanding ofthe task was clearly reflected in students‟ plans with particular emphasis on getting a goodoverview of the design task at the early stage of the project. Students were found to be lacking inthe areas of planning the methods used and anticipating the time required to solve the design taskat the early stage of the project. Overall, students excelled in monitoring and regulating thedesign process and task management, although lower scores were found on several activities,such as seeking alternative approaches to investigating the problem, design solution, timeplanning, and the effective use of resources and materials
lessons in ethics were lacking in the classroom.Involvement Influenced Students’ Abilities to Articulate Ethical Development The students who attended the engaged institutions often articulated their ethicaldevelopment by demonstrating how they process various scenarios. As students reflected onethical decision-making, common elements emerged: acknowledging an ethical dilemma,processing how to respond, and finally, identifying where they are in the decision makingprocess. One senior at Charlie University offered a reflection on the ethical decision-makingprocess: I feel like I‟m often surprised at our school. Like I think they teach us to be very ethical engineers but I‟m often surprised by how unethical some people‟s behavior
Thinking, which fairly reflects our ambitions – that engagementwith graphical programming will propel students towards exploration of computational thinking.While iMPaCT-STEM is a work-in-progress, there is sufficient teaching material and evidence of itseffectiveness to motivate further efforts to replicate, extend and more deeply examine its pedagogy.Figure 1 is a prerequisite graph of iMPaCT learning modules, most of which are being incrementallytranslated to use the programming environment provided by the TI 83/84 calculators that are alreadypresent in many high-school and college classrooms,This paper relates iMPaCT’s pedagogy to long-standing challenges in math education, recent educationalreform objectives, and describes efforts to
). The students were junior level, Civil Engineering majorsand there were no other majors enrolled in the course. The class demographics consisted of 56%minority groups (i.e. African American, African, and Hispanic). Students were asked to completethe Felder and Soloman “Index of Learning Styles Survey (ILSS assessment, This survey instrument is a 40 questionassessment instrument tool which categorizes the student’s learning into several groups. Theselearning styles are: Active Learners versus Reflective learners, Sensing Learners versus IntuitiveLearners, Visual Learners versus Verbal Learners, and Sequential Learners versus GlobalLearners. The PI provided a discussion about learning styles which
cultivate the attitudes, skills, and knowledge necessary for students to benefit maximally from a Bucknell University education and to negotiate the complexities of the modern world. The seminars stress the following: active, independent learning; collaborative learning; development of students’ capacity for analysis, reflection, judgment, and creativity; multiple perspectives; and development of skills students need in order to engage in intellectual endeavors at Bucknell and beyond. These courses address foundation skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking and also develop students’ ability to use the library effectively and to use computers (e.g. word processing, simulations, use of
become „Junior Colleagues‟ who considerthemselves as fellow faculty and become concerned with the impact they may have on studentlearning and engagement. Most studies on teacher concerns have employed survey methods andmost surveys were developed based on Fuller‟s[23] model. Researchers often revised andextended survey items to reflect unique needs and characteristics of diverse teacher populationsand teaching contexts. Mok[26] proposed that teacher concerns are context-specific and thereforedifferent teacher populations in varying educational contexts may express different teachingconcerns, which should be considered to address teaching concerns appropriately within GTAdevelopment programs.An important first step in addressing this issue for
-III, the final in the series. The student would report on the results of the action learning projectat that time, share what they had learned in their leadership of that project, and how they hasimpacted their organization through their leadership of the team. Finally, the students wereasked to continually update their plans to reflect new learning, new progress and newinformation about themselves, integrating new knowledge and lessons from experience.At that time, much remained to be done in order to know the overall impact of this innovativedesign. As we looked to the future, we had some hunches about overall outcomes. It was ourintention to continue to monitor the individual and collective outcomes as the students movedforward in their
’ understanding of moral issues and their ability to assess these issues through ethical standards and analysis. • Enable moral analysis in a more systematic, coherent way. • Encourage reflection on students’ own moral values, rules or guidelines. • Facilitate development of students’ own definition of moral leadership and how it can be translated into action. • Elevate self-awareness and to expand students’ abilities in ‘perspective-taking’. • Develop reflection skills for professional and personal growth.Module Learning OutcomesAs a result of this module students will: • Understand how moral leadership is different from leadership in general. • Be able to recognize and analyze different types of
. Page 22.12.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 “It’s gonna be a long trip…but we’re gonna get it done.” A student’s experience with engineering abroad.AbstractThis paper uses a narrative to take the reader on a reflective journey of a student’s, the author’s,perspective of a water filtration project that was developed at Purdue and implemented inEldoret, Kenya. While involved in this global engineering project, I was placed in scenarios thatwere different from traditional classroom experiences, and my classmates and I had to overcomevarious obstacles. Engaging these obstacles provoked thoughts about the various learningexperiences presented to me. How will I
. Page 22.77.3The objective of this paper is to describe a new inter-college (Villanova College of Engineeringand Villanova School of Business) course at Villanova University : The Global PharmaceuticalIndustry. In this course, technical and business issues from the industry will be examined in aunique interdisciplinary environment, with students and faculty from both colleges involved. Theintended audience is multidisciplinary, reflecting the fabric and organization of the industry as itoperates today. The opportunity created by this course is unique in that engineering, science andbusiness students work together to understand and attempt to solve some of the complex issuesregarding an industry whose life-saving products create significant
Page 22.1169.2issues of rhetoric (audience, purpose) and analysis (claims, reasoning, evidence)” 9. Although itcan be helpful to think about different categories such as these when responding to writing, wewere concerned by a general sense in engineering education literature that grammar is somehowseparate from the concerns of content, analysis, purpose, and audience.Rather than assuming grammar can be separated from meaning, we decided instead to investigatewhether even sentence-level grammatical choices reflect the content and values of engineeringpractice, and whether different grammatical choices by students are likely to be one factor thatmakes them appear unprepared for writing in the workplace. For the analyses reported here, wefocused
students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teaching decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education. Page 22.1257.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Revisiting Communication Experiences to Prepare for Professional PracticeAbstractThe ability to communicate effectively is a critical competency for engineers. According to thefuture envisioned in the Engineer of 2020,1 in ABET criteria for accreditation,2,3 and scholarshipin the fields of
of mechanical engineering at Cal Poly, which he joined in 2008. Prior to that he was on the faculty at Rowan University.Jonathan D. Stolk, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Page 22.1334.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Student Lifelong Learning Outcomes For Different Learning EnvironmentsAbstractCalls for educational reform emphasize the need for students to develop a capacity for lifelonglearning. Lifelong learners may be characterized as curious, motivated, reflective, analytical,persistent, flexible, and
AC 2011-2527: OCCASIONING THE EMERGENCE OF KNOWLEDGEAND PROMOTING MOTIVATION FOR ALL STUDENTS: APPLYING IN-STRUCTIONAL PRINCIPLES TO ENGINEERING SITUATIONSJennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teachings decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education
sustainability inrelation to engineering. The reviewed literature revealed many options, and changes weremade to the inaugural curriculum design as the module evolved over a four-year period. Thisongoing development is described as action research. McNiff promotes the action researchmethod for use by individual educators to improve their own practice in teaching as a regularcycle of self-reflection and course appraisal.17 Consequently, the stages of action researchcycle – observation, review, plan and activate – involved lecturer observation and reflection,coupled with a combination informal feedback, and the more formal formative andsummative student appraisal.Project GoalThe project goal was to design and assess a curriculum relevant to an
differ from experts not only by the amount ofknowledge, but in how the knowledge is organized and utilized. This development includeshelping students progress in their epistemological assumptions, described by King and Kitcheneras being three primary phases:13 ● Pre-reflective thinking: do not acknowledge or perceive that knowledge is uncertain. Do not understand that some real problems have no absolutely correct answer. ● Quasi-reflective thinking: recognize that some problems are ill structured and that some issues are problematic. Do not understand how evidence leads to conclusions - have difficulty drawing reasoned conclusions ● Reflective thinking - knowledge must be actively constructed and understood in relation to
all majors defined as ‘non-S.M.E.’ (including those who enter as‘undecided’) is modest (6.2%)” and “ Engineering gains 13.1 percent of switchers from thecomputer and technical fields.” As the book title reflects the emphasis on the broad group of allSTEM majors, it also does not provide a detailed accounting of multiple entry paths toengineering. However, when the focus switches to the dynamics of entry and exit to and from anengineering program, the numbers of those who switch to engineering from the sciences orelsewhere requires consideration, as will be discussed later.An exception to the practice of assuming that migration into an engineering major is negligible isnoted by Donaldson and Sheppard6, who found a 25% rate of inward migration
Metallurgical Engineering from Michigan Technological University and he holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of MinnesotaJennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teaching decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education.Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington Ken Yasuhara is a research scientist at the University of Washington’s
, lesson plans, and reflections.6 During this phase, we focused onidentifying indicators of concepts and categories that fit the data. Repeatedly appearing Page 22.551.3categories, concepts, and events helped us construct themes based on the events leading up to theteachers‟ attempts in implementing engineering design-based learning tasks. The viability of theconstruction of themes was then tested against other relevant data sets (e.g. field notes fromclassroom observations and other supporting documents). To ensure trustworthiness of the data,we informally conducted member checks with each teacher by sharing analytic notes frominterviews
American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Collecting Programmatic Assessment Data with No “Extra” Effort: Consolidated Evaluation Rubrics for Chemical Plant DesignAbstractIn order to gain accreditation, engineering programs must define goals and objectives,assess whether their graduates are meeting these objectives, and “close the loop” by usingthe assessment data to inform continuous improvement of the program. In ABET’sjargon, program “objectives” describe capabilities that graduates are expected to possess,e.g., “Graduates of the Chemical Engineering program at Rowan University will be ableto….” Thus, the true success of the program in meeting its objectives is reflected in thefirst few years of graduates’ careers. Practically
,technical support and instruction empowering them to work at their own pace. This supportalleviates some of the load on the teacher to address technical or troubleshooting issues freeinghim/her up to focus on teaching and learning.The interactive environment of the curriculum tool integrates text, graphs, tables, pictures,movies, and LEGO MINDSTORMS programming that can be used to design lessons thatscaffold engineering design challenges and investigations (see Figures 1-4). Students link thevirtual (computer) world with the physical world (robotics creations) in the curriculumenvironment allowing them to collect all their data, ideas, reflections, and artifacts (throughpictures and video) into one place. In this curriculum environment, students
aboutengineering design, and engineering design pedagogical content knowledge, or a amalgamateknowledge of engineering design, students and how the two interact, was measured using ahands-on think-aloud interview tasks that asked teachers to reflect on a hypothetical studentdesign and observations of a STOMP classroom. To examine self-efficacy, an online engineeringdesign self-efficacy survey was administered to teachers enrolled in STOMP and to teachers notenrolled in STOMP as a comparison group for analysis.With the support of STOMP, it is possible that teachers develop knowledge of engineeringdesign and feel more comfortable using engineering design in the classroom. Preliminaryevaluation of this program shows that teachers feel STOMP helps them learn
projects but also for their professionallives.While the majority of science and engineering students favour GS, students are also initiated intoinformation-seeking behaviour specific to their discipline through textbooks and lecture notes6,which in turn reflect epistemological values. Because the study of engineering is directlyinfluenced by industry standards, we look to Anderson et al’s 3 work on the information sourcesused by engineering professionals, specifically those in the aerospace industry, as an example ofthe professional behaviour that both undergirds the information seeking of engineering studentsand may serve as a model for students when they are on coop work-terms or complete theireducation and enter the work force.Information
survey questions challenged them to reflect on the system-level effectiveness of these brief project activities. Each project activity lasted about 55minutes. In this short duration, the objective was to have the students observe and relateto the STEM aspects of electrical and computer engineering by directly engaging inproject assembly and validation. The survey consisted of mostly broad questions for thestudents to reflect on the experience in the ECE laboratories and the effectiveness of ECEprojects to relate to or reinforce some of their STEM learning at school.Quantitative sectionThe quantitative section required graded responses (on a scale from 0 to 5) to thefollowing questions. The score of 0 indicates that the student found no evidence
outcomes. Each instructor of a course is thenentrusted to measure the mapped outcomes. However, the major hurdle may be in the design ofappropriate assessment rubrics and developing assignments to reflect the specific outcomemeasures. Assessment itself is considered as an extra burden on the shoulders of instructors. Asa result, the instructors may find less time and energy in improving the quality of teaching. Inaddition, a fatigue condition may prevail resulting in obscure documentation which may causedissatisfaction to the evaluators. For easy and successful accreditation, the assessment processmay be designed with two objectives in mind, such that i) it does not exhaust the instructors, andii) the evaluators find the assessment process