Paper ID #10480When Engineering Meets Self and Society: Students Reflect on the Integra-tion of Engineering and Liberal EducationXiaofeng Tang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Xiaofeng Tang is a PhD candidate in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Page 24.1374.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 When Engineering Meets Self and Society: Students Reflect on the Integration of Engineering and Liberal EducationIntroductionA
Page 24.75.3 be applied back to problems with reanalysis and resolutions. 2 6. Personal Reflection. A closing analysis of what has been learned from working with a problem and a discussion of the concepts and principles involved are both essential. 7. Self- and Peer Assessment. Self- and peer assessment should be carried out at the completion of each problem and at the end of every curricular unit. 8. Real-World Activities. The activities carried out in problem-based learning must be those valued in the real world. 9. Exams Measure PBL Progress. Student examinations must measure student progress towards the
Society for Engineering Education, 2014 What’s in the Soup? Reflections from an Engineer, a Physicist, and an English Professor on an Interdisciplinary Summer Grand Challenge ProgramIntroduction to the Summer Grand Challenge ProgramThree professors with common interests and goals piloted in Summer 2013 a program focused onsolving one of the fourteen Grand Challenges of the 21st Century identified by the NationalAcademy of Engineering (NAE).1 These challenges range from providing energy from fusion toengineering better medicines. The summer program was centered on making solar power cheaperand locally manufacturable in a less developed region. The program purposefully broughttogether humanities, science
: Pedagogical Objectives The pedagogical foundation for the 2D Design Activity rests in the Kolb learning model18, whichdescribes the complete progressive cycle of learning experiences. As shown in Figure 1, thismodel is based on four fundamental progressive experiences needed for learning: concreteexperience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. In theKolb model of learning, the goal for any course or teaching activity is to follow this progressionof student led learning, and to act as a facilitator in the natural inquisitive exploration that willoccur in this progression. Concrete
, “value change is a change in theimportance of a value, evident in a change in the rating or ranking of a value on a questionnaire.This can be a short-term (temporary) change, such as in the response to an experimentalmanipulation, or a long-term change.” 8The overarching premise for our research project is that students generally embrace admirablevalues related to sustainability, but often encounter a “cognitive dissonance” when asked toexplain whether their actions accurately reflect their values.9 In short, students often do not actaccording to their values and beliefs. In this study, we investigate the values of students withrespect toward working as a member of an engineering team. This falls under the category ofsocial
Museum’s CollectionWithin STEM education, a movement called STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art,and Mathematics) is gathering momentum. Yet, while articles abound with ideas forincorporating STEAM concepts into K-12 classrooms, the literature on STEAM education at theuniversity level is scant. Complicating matters is the fact that the “A” in STEAM does notalways stand for “Art”; for example, in one recent ASEE paper that contains the words “STEAMcurricula” in its title, the “A” stands for “Agriculture” [1].However, reflections on STEAM at the university level can be found in a few papers presented atthe 2013 ASEE convention. One, “Faculty reflections on a STEAM-inspired interdisciplinarystudio course,” offers insights on the opportunities
content andtechnical content together in ways that are manageable by faculty who are not engineers. Thecourse in professional and technical writing at our college is required of all engineering andcomputer science majors and is usually taken in the junior year. The course has undergone manytransformations in content and focus since it was first developed in 1994. The latest iterationblends communication principles with technical projects that can bridge the divide and helpstudents see how the two fields are intricately intertwined in the engineering workplace.This paper reflects on the work-in-progress at Rose-Hulman focused on helping our studentsdevelop their communication skills in technical contexts. Currently five faculty are
students only) Final presentation I/T 5 Final report T 30 Project portfolio T 5Weekly project reviews are shown above to reflect only 10% of the total grade but these reviewsactually highly influenced the teams’ total scores in many ways. During these reviews the teamswere required to demonstrate time, task and personnel management through the use of projectmanagement tools, specifically a Work Breakdown Structure, Gantt chart, and a LinearResponsibility Chart. Project progress had to be demonstrated through a live demonstration of aPercentage Complete Matrix. In addition to the
instructors from industry, who brought a truly multi-disciplinary character to these courses. Finally, we gave students numerous opportunities topractice their critical thinking skills by answering non-trivial questions, formulating decisions,and reflecting on their actions.Motivation for the sequence of technology commercialization coursesA recent survey of engineering students showed that 41% of them wanted to start their ownbusinesses, and 66% thought that entrepreneurship education would strengthen their careerprospects and improve their learning experiences8,9. Another survey showed that 50% of facultyand administrators believed that access to entrepreneurship programs would improve engineeringeducation10. These statistics show that many people
multidisciplinary teams during their senior capstone courses. The design module wasintroduced in the fall 2011 semester, and was repeated in fall 2012 and fall 2013. Anassessment, conducted with current and former participants in fall 2013, demonstrates theefficacy of the project.1. INTRODUCTION.The engineering education community has embraced the concept of multidisciplinary designover the past two decades 1-3. This movement reflects a renewed emphasis on design in theengineering curriculum, particularly at the freshman (cornerstone) and senior (capstone) levels 4.The benefit of training engineers to work in multidisciplinary teams is self-evident whenconsidering the integration of mechanical design, electronics, software, human factors andergonomics, and
in Drama. She has published articles on performance and on communication, and has edited journals and anthologiesMs. Deborah Tihanyi, University of Toronto Deborah Tihanyi is a Senior Lecturer in the Engineering Communication Program at the University of Toronto. Page 24.802.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Intersections of Humanities and Engineering: Experiments in Engineering Specific Humanities Electives and Pedagogies1. Introduction:A significant amount of research, reflected in the 2000 ABET requirements, has acknowledgedthe importance
to demonstrate a rudimentary ability to move beyond “opinions” towards informed judgment that is based in facts, sound reasoning, and active Page 24.929.2 reflection. 3) Demonstrated progress in the basic technical proficiencies of higher education, including reading, writing, oral and visual presentation, independent study, teamwork, and seminar-style conversation. 4) Clear evidence of thoughtful reflections about your own learning process as related to your transition to college.In terms of course content, in the year in which assessment data was collected, the course beganwith a focus on environmental ethics
, and by an authorityderived from education and expertise. The historical development of engineering into aprofession highlighted the engineer’s role in social development and progress; the tradeoffsnecessary in engineering decision-making; and the need to anticipate “unintended consequences”and identify stakeholders who may be silent or lack social power.Student learning outcomes are listed in Table 1.Student work included several design projects, with documentation in the form of hand and CADdrawings, written descriptions, and oral presentations; design problem definition assignments;and writing assignments in which students reflected on their experiences and responded toreading assignments. This work was assessed to evaluate achievement of
, 2004)11Design ReviewsDesign reviews were used to assess learning objectives 2-4. Each semester, students work inteams with other students at their university on a design project corresponding to a piece of thewicked problem. Throughout the process, students participate in three design reviews intended toidentify strengths and weaknesses in design processes and guide students’ design developmenttoward better, more defensible, and more sustainable design solutions. We used the Initiate,Design, Execute, Assess, Learn, & Show (IDEALS) framework as a guide for assessment ofthese design activities.12 As part of each design review, students answer reflection questions ontheir progress to date. At the end of the semester, students perform in-class
% of the grade for each subject was awarded for interdisciplinary work. In specificcases such as computer programming the weight of interdisciplinary projects was even greater.The rest of the grades were obtained through tests and other individual or group activities,maintaining the classical dynamics of classes but with the caveat that they should not overwhelmstudents with new assignments. Of equal importance to the device produced was the final report.It had to detail every stage of the process and present theoretical reflections about the difficultiesand successes. Finally, the prototypes were presented at a technology fair, at which the studentswere available for questioning by teachers and guests, although the former had already
, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture conference:“Crystallizing Topology in Molecular Visualizations [14].Similarly applicable to engineering careers, Albert’s reason 3 is that “the preparation for ascientific career one receives in graduate school leaves the individual competitive for a [brief]period only” and that “[t]he study of humanities … rewards the student with the skills needed forself-critical reflection, adaptability, and self-teaching … needed to be an independent learner”[11]. Reason 4 is teamwork and communication. Reasons 8 and 10 link science and technology,along with another component of the SMR course that has not received much attention in thepresent paper thus far: Medicine. Albert points out that “Humanities study helps you
professional profile. That matrix relates skills and knowledge with courses. Inevery cell of the matrix there is a numeric value in the interval [0, 1] that reflects the expectedimpact that a course would have on an specific student’s skill or knowledge. The values has beenestimated by the same group of experts.Notice that every row of the matrix represents a skill or knowledge that belongs to the last level(a leaf node in the tree). In order to find the values of the higher levels where there are no desig-nated values, we apply a kind of OWA operator that has been explained in “Aggregation Opera-tors”.The impact matrices are the basis to create an individual profile. We use them in conjunction withthe student’s academic record to estimate the
National Science Foundation (NSF EEC1227110; NSF EEC 0956819). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations Page 24.609.14expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Chang, R. P. H. (2006). A call for nanoscience education. Nano Today, 1, 6-7.2. Lu, K. (2009), A study of engineering freshman regarding nanotechnology understanding, Journal of STEM Education, 10, 7-16.3. Delgado, C. (2009). Development of a research-based learning progression for middle school through undergraduate students’ conceptual
invitestudents into their group by entering their login username. Upon joining, the new studentmember can edit/update the submitted bid to reflect the renewed strength of the team to work onthe project based on the addition of the new team member. Page 24.478.8 Figure 5 Groups' View for StudentsProject-team assignmentsOnce all the bids from all teams are received, they are sorted and presented in form of a matrix ofteam names and project titles indicating the priorities ranks specified by the teams as shown inpartial Table 1 (from Fall 2013 data). The top row, E1, E2, etc. indicates the project code and thenumbers
papers, it was evidenced that the student teams fromengineering and sciences have benefited the multidisciplinary aspects of the program.The data collected reflects the students’ satisfaction of the course and shows that it meets theirexpectations. These presented results are consistent with the outcomes of the survey conductedfor the other courses as well as similar survey conducted in the past academic sessions. Thesurvey outcomes presented in the table and the highlights above clearly indicates the significantimpact of the these courses in their learning of nanotechnology and multidisciplinary materials aswell as on the overall understanding of science and technology, and on multitude of aspects oftheir skills that are critical to succeed in
interpret through words and pictures alone. The positive survey results reflect aninitial success of using multimedia tools to supplement the classroom instruction.Keywords: multimedia, CAD, online, videoIntroductionThis paper reports the development and use of a multimedia online learning tool to create anonline self-study environment to supplement the classroom instruction in engineering courses;the Supplemental Multimedia Online Learning Tool (SMOLT). Multimedia forms of obtaininginformation have been widely adopted by students when available in both traditional and non-traditional learning environments such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The valueof a multi-media approach to supplement classroom learning is well understood however
, water was poured into the still to a depth of 5 cm for a total volume of 36liters. The students learned from the tests results that active solar distillation can outperformpassive solar distillation by several factors as reflected in Fig. 2. The maximum production ratereached in the passive system was 1.35 L/m2/day, while that reached in the active system was 3.6L/m2/day. Figure 3 shows typical results of the temperature time history at various locations inthe distillation system. Due to having low investment and operation cost, students learned thatsolar distillation is the most economic method for use in the rural dry and hot climate of WestTexas where solar energy is abundantly available. Throughout the world, the availability ofclean water
group. GO candidates who receive a joboffer are encouraged to respond as quickly as possible, since groups often extend more job offersthan they have open positions, and take the best respondents. To accept a job offer, the candidateuses the LMS to sign up for the job. To reject an offer, the candidate sends an email to thestudent project leader, so that the position can be offered to another candidate.When a GO candidate accepts a job offer, the job status page on the LMS automatically updates(using an in-house process designed by the IPC manager) to reflect the change in the number ofavailable positions, and the GO candidate's name is removed from the list of available candidates
. At CSUN, senior designprojects are typically offered within the individual engineering departments. Some projects haveincluded engineering students from outside the department to provide a multidisciplinary teamexperience. However, prior to the project described here, computer science students had notjoined any of the engineering project teams.Projects without a computer science component do not reflect the current engineering approachwhere software development is an essential part of any real world project and the boundariesbetween disciplines are increasingly blurred. It is therefore vital that engineering students learnto work effectively on projects that span as wide a discipline spectrum as possible2 - 4.This paper describes a recent