agreed to incorporate the nanotechnology-based design project intotheir sections. This project required students to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) usingMATLAB to teach their peers about nanotechnology for a real project partner ( student teams received a memo from the project partner that described the details of theassignment (Appendix A). The project was driven by five criteria: 1. Clearly helps peers understand the Size & Scale of nanotechnology (big idea #1), 2. Clearly assists peers in connecting Size & Scale to at least one other nanoscience big idea 3. Clearly engages peers in how criteria 1 and 2 apply to one or more engineering disciplines via model(s) or simulation(s) 4. Is highly
learningoutcome into three components: reading comprehension [N/S LO2a], critical understanding [N/SLO2b], and informed judgment [N/S LO2c]. The blind evaluation used an aggregate figure [N/SLO2] for these three elements, which is compared against an average of the instructor’s threevalues at Times 1 and 3. This “critical understanding” learning outcome is the primary metric bywhich student performance was measured.In addition to course learning outcome evaluation, seven additional ASHE Education forSustainability (EfS) learning outcomes were assessed: 1) Each student will be able to define sustainability. [EfS LO1] 2) Each student will be able to explain how sustainability relates to their lives and their values, and how their actions impact
New Multidisciplinary Course in Sustainability using a Combination of Traditional Lecture and Self-Directed Study Modules, Proc. 120th ASEE Ann. Conf., Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.16. Y. Liao, L. Holloway, P. A. Dolloff, Development of a New Multidisciplinary Course: Smart Grid, Proc. 119th ASEE Ann. Conf., San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.17. M. J. Rust, S. G. Northup, Implementation of an International Health Assessment with a Multidisciplinary Team of Undergraduate Engineering and Science Students, Proc. 119th ASEE Ann. Conf., San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.18. R. E. Gerlick, Development and Testing of Assessment Instruments for Multidisciplinary Engineering Capstone Design Courses, 2010, ProQuest LLC
Glass Interior Operating Conditions: 4.0 Passive System: Insulated Basin 80 Glass Exterior Avg. Wind Speed = 6.4 m/s Passive System: Uninsulated Basin Water Avg. Outside Air Temperature = 30.95 o C Active System: Insulated Basin Distilled Water Yield Rate, L/m2/day Ambient Air Glass Inside Temperature = 37.12 o C
tura tura tura ion trac -Struc i -S truc i -S truc Relat e d Abs P re Un Mul t end Ext Figure 1. Variations in CEE seniors’ sustainability knowledge (n = 63). Page 24.583.11Table 3. Examples of student sustainability definitions
set of knowledge. Since these skills and knowledge can be nested, they can be representedby a tree. The depth and number of nodes are different for each tree.Definition 1. Let S a set of nested Skills. S = {s1 , s2 , s3 , . . . , sn }S is the set of all nodes of tree shown in figure 1. Skills S11 S12 ... S1δ s211 s212 . . . s21π1 s221 s222 . . . s22π2 s2δ1 s2δ2 . . . s2δπδ Figure 1: Skills Tree StructureDefinition 2. Let K a set of nested Knowledge. K = {k1 , k2 , k3
. Mechanical design requirements and challengesincluded the performance of the following functions: 1. Pick up, attach to, or grasp / clamp onto the bottle(s). 2. Lift or raise the bottle(s) off the ground. 3. Hold onto or store the bottle securely for the return journey. 4. Release, eject or deposit the bottle within the square area.The bottle collection and release system also had to satisfy the following objectives andconstraints: 1. Made of locally available lightweight (under 3 kg) and affordable materials. 2. Easy to mount on a remote controlled vehicle. 3. Easy to manufacture. 4. Fits within the maximum size limits (400 mm long x 300 mm wide x 400 mm tall). 5. Fast, reliable, and predictable performance. 6
. Therefore, in the end, the project was generally following the ME requirements.Due to fact that both schools are under the College of Engineering, this simple solution wassurprisingly effective and saved a lot of potential confusion.Case StudyThere is a current shift in the automobile market toward electric vehicles. However, the currentlymost popular electric vehicle, the Tesla Model S, still has a structure similar to that of aconventional vehicle. This design cannot fully utilize the potential of an electric vehicle. Instead,it makes the vehicle even more complex by adding electric modules onto a mechanical systemwhile minimally reducing the number of mechanical components. A fully digitized electricalcontrol system could unleash a higher
).Retrieved January 1, 2014, from CubeSat Design Specification. (n.d.). CubeSat. Retrieved January 1, 2014, from Factsheets : AFOSR: University Nanosat Program (UNP). (2012, August 7). Factsheets : AFOSR: UniversityNanosat Program (UNP). Retrieved January 1, 2014, from Ford, R. M., & Coulston, C. S. (2008). Design for electrical and computer engineers: theory, concepts, andpractice. Boston: McGraw-Hill.5. Gilliland, S., Williams, B., Akard, C., and Geisler, J. (2014, March). Learning Through Efficient ProcessorSystems for a Nanosatellite. Paper presented at ASEE
involved in that project. Also, generally, one or more faculty adviser(s)from each department that is participating on a given project will be appointed to help advise thestudent team on matters relating to that department’s engineering discipline, although levels ofinvolvement in project advising tend to vary greatly between different faculty members. Mostprojects have a single main faculty advisor from the project’s lead department, who is largelyresponsible (albeit with help from course coordinators) for spearheading the project and steering Page 24.566.7it to best meet the needs of the particular sponsor/client (or competition effort); although
and 2nd courses. (iii) Develop clear grading rubrics and make the grading process more transparent. (iv) Implement peer evaluation among team members to get a better understanding of team dynamics. Hire consultants to coach students on team work. Use Meyers-Briggs personality type evaluation to develop teams and manage team dynamics. (v) Collect and synthesize feedback from industrial advisory board. Page 24.103.15References:1. Bradley, S. R. et. al. Models and methods for university technology transfer. The UNC-Greensboro, Economics Working Paper Series # 13-10, June (2013).2.
first draws 12 kW at a 0.95 lagging power factor. The second 1 draws 8 kW at a 0.9 leading power factor. (a) Calculate the complex power provided by the source. (b) Calculate the a-phase source current assuming the phase of the a-phase line-to-neutral voltage is zero. A 64-mile (medium length), three-phase line has a distributed series impedance of z 0.06 j 0.36 /mile and a distributed shunt admittance of 2 y j1.2 10 5 S/mile . (a) Calculate the A and B parameters of the ABCD matrix. A load at the receiving end draws 100 MVA at 0.9 lagging when the receiving end voltage is 115 kV. (b) Calculate the sending-end line-to-line voltage magnitude. A system has
the delivery system in the early 1990’s and, for example, the freshmanengineering graphics class at UC Berkeley was given an interactive multimedia CD. Theapproach was extremely well received, even in this format, and helped with the understanding ofthe course material6. Page 24.1142.2As increased internet bandwidth and new delivery systems became available, media-basedteaching tools improved especially for engineering applications in which complex components © American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 2014 ASEE Annual Conferenceand assemblies are often difficult to visualize. One
and only then formatted in terms of requirements and demands beforebeing presented to students in the first week of classes.The academic and pedagogical coordinators defined a set of projects with a view to the course asa whole, and as this was done in a very intuitive way, it was easily assimilated even by thoseteachers with no knowledge of mechatronics. Initially the course was designed in accordancewith the general profile of mechatronic engineers and their work environment as well as theparticularities of the region. On this basis, axes of knowledge were created and the necessaryskills defined, while taking into account the government‟s curricular guidelines.The formal disciplines provided the knowledge base and some practice, but were
who received humanities education tend to have better performance” in the workplace,based on pre-and-post surveys given to employers of graduates.In a recent blog post for Science [11] on the reasons to include the Humanities in careerpreparation, and even though writing about science careers, not engineering, Albert brings forthten enumerated reasons, many of which are relevant to engineering practice as well. Reason 2 isthat “[s]tudying the humanities allows you to become familiar with and use the creative ideasfrom great minds outside of science. As a poignant example in support of this argument, considerthe application of art-inspired mathematics to the applied chemistry of an oil-spill clean-up,presented at the Bridges 2012: Mathematics
] Hsinchun Chen, Mihail C. Roco, Jaebong Son, Shan Jiang, Catherine A. Larson, and Qiang Gao. Globalnanotechnology development from 1991 to 2012: patents, scientific publications, and effect of NSF funding. Journalof Nanoparticle Research, 15(9), September 2013.[5] S Wansom, TO Mason, and MC Hersam. A rubric for post-secondary degree programs in nanoscience andnanotechnology. International Journal, January 2009.[6] N Chopra and RG Reddy. Undergraduate Education in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience. JOM Journal of theMinerals, January 2012.[7] Roberto Cingolani. The road ahead. Nature Nanotechnology, 8(11):792–793, November 2013.[8] KS Martirosyan and D Litvinov. NanoScience Concentration Program for science, engineering and technologycurricula. (IEEE
students about various stakeholders, asdesign projects often require students to think beyond the product and to pay attention to thepeople: users, suppliers, manufacturers, regulators, and so forth. P1’s Design Clinic team workedon improving a ceramic water filter for households in Nepal. P1 and her teammates travelled toNepal, talked to engineers, NGO workers, potters, and went into local residents’ families to seehow the existing water filters were used. “Users” is one of the key concepts emphasized in thefirst DIS studio course. In order to design an environmentally friendly replacement for plasticbags, students went out to interview customers in grocery stores about their shopping habits. Foranother project aiming at improving education
made was to use existing coursenumbers for the credits students would earn for the program; thus, it was not necessary toshepherd approval for new course(s) through the Curriculum Committee or develop a descriptionfor the Course Catalog. We (the faculty teaching the course) and the involved administratorssaw our program as an innovative program, and this led to several helpful effects: our sense ofaccountability was increased as this was the primary professional development focus and westrived to make the pilot a success in order to provide a pathway for future variations anditerations of the Summer Grand Challenge format.However, as Bernal notes in her response to the reflection question about drawbacks of pilotingthe program, there was extra
required for the water source (a 12” wide weir capable of producinga 20” head and a variable flow rate of up to 12 gal/s) greatly limited the number of designs thatthe mechanical engineering students could complete.As a result, the team of faculty and staff decided that the mechanical turbine design would berequired to be a Kaplan turbine. The team implemented a drive train to transfer / transform theenergy from the turbine to a rotor based on the chain and sprocket drive of a ten-speed bike. Inthe process, the mechanical specification for the turbine shaft was also defined. The properties ofthe transmission system became constraints for the design project that were provided to both thegenerator and turbine design groups. This modification
-structured problem;students define the problem and identify the skills necessary for its solution; students build theirknowledge base both independently and cooperatively, and repeat the cycle until they havearrived at an acceptable solution. In both engineering design and other PBL processes, solutionsare non-unique and context-specific. And in both contexts, having students begin with the socio-technical concept of technology helps foster a more durable and culturally astute set ofconsiderations when those students perform the iterative process. We see this as corroboratingDym et al.’s labeling of PBL as the “most-favored” pedagogical model for teaching engineeringdesign, citing its potential for positive impact on retention rates, student
achievement is a difficult task for faculty. Faculty require students to gather evidence of their learning and to participate in oral examinations, in addition to using other methods of assessments such as practical examinations, concept maps, peer assessment, self-assessment, facilitators/tutor assessment, and written reports.References 1. Barrows, Howard S. "Problem‐based learning in medicine and beyond: A brief overview." New directions for teaching and learning 1996.68 (1996): 3-12. 2. Gijbels, David, et al. "Effects of problem-based learning: A meta-analysis from the angle of assessment." Review of educational research 75.1 (2005): 27-61. 3. Evenson, D. H., & Hmelo, C. E. (Eds.). (2000
beginning to permeate our campus.We recommend that other engineering programs that want to increase multidisciplinarityconsider the framework of sustainability as a way to move toward that goal, by increasing theintegration of engineering disciplines as well as by increasing the integration of engineering withother fields.References:1. Chen, C S, Steven Elliott, and Mark Boardman. “A Multidisciplinary Energy Based Curriculum. ASEE Conference Proceedings 2011.2. Fraser, Jane M, Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia, Jude L DePalma, Nebojsa I Jaksic, Ananda Mani Paudel, Hüseyin Sarper, and Ding Yuan. “Community Outreach and Engagement through Sustainability.” ASEE Conference Proceedings 2013.3. Lenczewski, Melissa, Cliff Mirman, and Lesley Rigg
Multidisciplinary, Client-Based Pedagogy.” Journal ofTechnical Communication, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2001): 129-48.5. Ford, J.D. and L.A. Riley. “Integrating Communication and Engineering Education: A Look at Curricula,Courses, and Support Systems.” Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 92, Issue 4 (October 2003): 325-28.6. Anderson, J.L., S. Chenoweth, R. DeVasher, R. House, J. Livingston, M. Minster, C. Taylor, A. Watt, and J.M.Williams. “Communicating Sustainability: Sustainability and Communication in the Engineering, Science, andTechnical Communication Classrooms7. Berndt, A. “Exploring Sociotechnical Contexts in a Global Engineering Course.” IEEE InternationalProfessional Communication Conference 2013.8. Berndt, A. and C. Paterson. “Complementing
project portalDuring Spring 2013, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the College of Engineering(CoE) at Georgia Tech invited faculty and administrators from various schools within theCollege to collaboratively discuss possible pathways for developing a CoE or Institute-wideCapstone Design program. The faculty discussed several challenges, ranging from differences incurriculum requirements for individual schools, incompatibility between Schools having multi-semester Capstone Design sequence v/s a single semester, adequate scoping of projects, facultyload-sharing, etc. (some of which were similar to the ones already presented by Bannerot et al.6).Given the extremely large enrollments (around 800 students take Capstone Design everysemester
like to acknowledge support from National Science Foundation–Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) grant 1042110.References:1. M. Agarwal, M. E. Rizkalla, H. El-Mounayri, S. Shrestha, J. A. Simpson, and K. Varahramyan, “A Novel Model for Integrating Nanotechnology Track in Undergraduate Engineering Degree Programs,” J. Nano Educ., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 135–141, Dec. 2013.2. “Moore’s Law and Intel Innovation,” Intel. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Dec-2013].3. “Nanomedicine.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Dec- 2013].4. H. F. Tibbals, “Emerging National and Global Nanomedicine
24.1290.10 Engineers; 2007:‐2007-‐July.pdf. 14. Shephard K. Higher education for sustainability: seeking affective learning outcomes. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 2008;9(1):87-‐98. 15. Parkin S, Johnston A, Buckland H, Brookes F, White E. Learning and Skills for Sustainable Development: Developing a Sustainability Literate Society. London: Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability (HEPS); 2004. 16. Mulder KF. Don't preach. Practice! Value laden statements in academic sustainability education. International Journal of
... 2. I decided on my 1st choice project based on best fit with my interest and concentration(s). 3. I decided on my 1st choice project based on the recommendation of a friend. 4. I decided on my 1st choice project by reading the Job Description (JD) online. 5. The project Job Description (JD) for my 1st choice project was detailed enough. 6. I compared the Job Description (JD) of my 1st choice project with other JDs. 7. I decided on my 1st choice project based on my personal interview with the then current project leaders and/or faculty advisor during the GO Job Fair. 8. I decided on my 1st choice project based on some other reason (please explain reason below). 9. Other reasons for choosing 1st choice project, not included
, 2012.5. J. Highsmith, Agile Project Management, Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2004.6. K. Schwaber and J. Sutherland, “The Scrum Guide: The Definitive Guide to Scrum: The Rules of the Game,”, 2011.7. I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Essex: Pearson Education, 2007.8. The State of Scrum: Benchmarks and Guidelines, June 2013, scrum-report.9. Planning Poker: An Agile Estimation and Planning Technique, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), “Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs,” Computing Accreditation Commission, Baltimore, MD, 2012.11. S. Ambler, Acceleration: An Agile
Education AnnualConference, Salt Lake City, UT.Stiggins, R.J. (1997). Student-Centered Classroom Assessment, Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall.Olds, B., Moskal, B., and Miller, R. (2005). Assessment in engineering education: evolution, approachesand future collaborators, Journal of Engineering Education. 94(1), pp. 27-40.Todd, R., Magleby, S., Sorensen, C., Swan, B., and Anthony, D. (1995). A survey of capstoneengineering courses in North America, Journal of Engineering Education, 84(2), pp. 165-174.Wiggins, G. and McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by Design. Association for Supervision andCurriculum Development, Alexandria, VA