(1) (2) PlannerDepartmental Responsibility P SBudget Responsibility P SLiaison with Outside Interests P SResearch Administration S PGraduate Program Conceptualization P SGraduate Program Concept Development P S SDistance Hybrid Program Development S P SPhD Program P SDistance Learning P SDistance Learning Programs
paper.Bibliography1. Fuentes, A. A., Crown, S., Freeman, R., Vasquez, H., Villalobos, C., Gonzalez, M., and Ramirez, O., “IncreasingStudent Access, Retention, and Graduation Through and Integrated STEM Pathways Support Initiative for the RioSouth Texas Region”, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas, June 14-17(2009).2. Freeman, R., Fuentes, A., Vasquez, H., Crown, S., Villalobos, C., Wrinkle, R., Ramirez, O., and Gonzalez, M.,“Increasing Student Access, Retention, and Graduation Through an Integrated STEM Pathways Support Initiativefor the Rio South Texas Region – Year One Activities and Results”, ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville,Kentucky, 2010.3. Crown, S., Fuentes, A., and Freeman, R., “A Successful Plan for
AC 2012-5516: PROMOTING STEM FACULTY MEMBERS’ REFLECTIONON THEIR LEARNING PERCEPTIONS AND TEACHING PRACTICESSusan ShadleDr. Louis Nadelson, Boise State University Louis S. Nadelson is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at Boise State University. His research interests include STEM teaching and learning, faculty development, in-service and pre-service teacher professional development, program evaluation, and multidisciplinary research. He has published research ranging from faculty professional development to the impact of inquiry on STEM learning. Nadelson earned a B.S. degree in biological and physics science from Colorado State University, a B.A. with concentrations in computing, mathematics, and
the actual deployment of the short course(s).Upon completion of the short course(s) all participants are emailed an evaluation request. Theassessment instrument is available electronically for approximately two weeks after each session.At the end of the first week a response rate is provided by the Office of Institutional Research,Planning and Assessment (IRPA) and a secondary email is sent if the response rate is lower than60%. To date our average response rate is approximately 73%.MarketingTo assist in developing a new communicating strategy we returned to our alumni to discuss newservices offered by Continuing and Professional Studies. As previously mentioned, members ofthe Alumni Advisory Board had previously voiced a desire for Rose
] Litzinger, T., Wise, J., Lee, S., and Bjorklund, S., 2003, “Assessing Readiness for Self-directed Learning”,Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition[3] Jiusto, S., DiBiasio, D., 2006, “Experiential Learning Environments: Do They Prepare Our Students to be Self-Directed, Life-Long Learners?”, Journal of Engineering Education, July 2006, pp: 195-204[4] Litzinger, T., Wise, J., and Lee, S., 2005, “Self-directed Learning Readiness Among Engineering UndergraduateStudents”, Journal of Engineering Education, April 2005, pp: 215-221[5] Kay, J., 2008, “Lifelong Learner Modeling for Lifelong Personalized Pervasive Learning”, IEEE Transactions onLearning Technologies, Vol.1, No.4, October-December
of our Bachelor’s Degree Completion program as we continue togrow and improve the program. We hope to better serve our metropolitan region and contributeto the overall increase of college graduates within the region. We plan to expand the program inthe future to provide students with a larger number of elective courses and more options forspecialized tracks. Several tracks such as health IT, engineering patent and nanotechnology areunder consideration to be added to this program. 1 S. W. Popper and C. S. Wagner.” New Foundations for Growth: The U.S. Innovation System Today and Tomorrow”. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2002. 2 R.D. Atkinson and M. Mayo, “Refueling the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to
strays far from the minds of this cohort.From an employer’s perspective, hiring senior retired workers can be a financial windfall, in thatmany of this cohort are receiving income from other sources, including Social Security, pensionsand a lifetime of savings. Additionally, this cohort may already have medical coverage fromprevious employment or through Medicare. In these scenarios, this cohort demands less and willcost less to employ than their non-retired younger counterparts.As we chronologically mature, as humans we tend to go through somewhat predictable patterns.In our 30’s, we generally are collecting those material items we perceive to be required orwanted. Our 40’s may prove to be transitional years as our children frequently grow
and non-traditional student programs. Consequently the learning outcomes for thecourse work are of the same rigor and content previously approved by faculty.1 Dyrenfurth, M. J., Newton, K. A., Schuver, M. T. and Elliott, S., ROI: Return on Investment as a Factor in Designing Graduate Research Projects for Mutual Benefit, 2009 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. (2009) Page 25.1327.5Page 25.1327.6
Bloom’s Taxonomybefore embarking on the course design process. Many if not most instructors are already versedin the taxonomy but it is important to ensure that there is training available for those who are not.It is essential to have this vocabulary in course design.Getting StartedBefore working on the CDM, it is important to get organized: • Organize lectures in sequence • Organize classroom activities in sequence • Organize assignments, projects and exams • Arrange materials into tentative weekly modulesModule Title, Summary StatementThe module title provides the main theme(s) for the module and the summary statement providesa sentence about each topic covered in the module. A sample module title and summarystatement are
Desktopdeployment options, learningmanagement system applications, andcontent development tools. DOE LMS Page 25.1284.6 Figure 4: Overview of the standards and technology selection process Learning Content Portability StandardsQuestion: Which learning content portability standard(s) would fit our needs?Objectives: (1) ability to move content between various delivery platforms, (2
a reasonable “value” for your performance improvements along with a commonly used formula for estimating "real" training costs, the spreadsheet will calculate a Return on Investment for the training. The calculation can help you determine if it is worth your while to take the training. Each section is explained as you come to it. ENTER YOUR DATA IN THE ORANGE SHADED CELLS. ALL OTHER CELLS ARE PROTECTED. Step 1: TASK COMPENSATION This section calculates the weighted value of the portion of your base total "cash value" compensation (pay plus benefits) that is devoted to tasks involving the use of the knowledge/skills set(s) dealt with in the training program you are considering. Enter your base annual gross salary in line 1. In line 2, enter