density of a recording of a person saying yes is compared to that of no, usuallythe spectrum of yes has more energy in the high frequencies because of the “s” sound in yes (seeFigure 1). Power Spectral Density -20 -40 Yes Power Spectrum Magnitude (dB) No -60 -80
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give them the necessary training with industry widely useddesign tools. Students of the electrical engineering technology two- and four-year programs willnot only gain skills and knowledge that are highly marketable, but also will work with facultyadvisors on applied research projects in hardware modeling and programmable logic design. Bibliography[1] N. Alaraje, S. Amos and J. E. DeGroat, “A Re-Configurable SoFPGA Architecture Design – Learning Tool,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE 2006), June 2006[2][3] R. Furtner and N. Widmer, “Technology Education and the new frontier of digital electronics,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE
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multidisciplinary teams that were used in this course reflected a bimodal academicdemographic since the course contained students from engineering and sciences. In futurecourse offerings, a wider range of academic backgrounds will be sought, including students fromthe arts and business-related studies. It is expected that this increased diversity will have apositive effect on the learning process since it will enable teaming that is more reflective of thegroups addressing health issues around the world today.References[1] National Academy of Engineering, Grand challenges for engineering, Available online:, Accessed January 11, 2012.[2] S. Hundley, et al., “Attributes of a global engineer
of engineering education for themselves, they willformulate unique identities and stories. Capturing and making meaning out of these stories willcontinue to provide insight into the culture of engineering education, to ultimately create highquality learning experiences.References1. Chang, H. (2008). Autoethnography as method. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.2. Mansilla, V., Miller, W.C., Gardner, H., (2000). On disciplinary lenses and interdisciplinary work. In S. Wineburg, & P. Grossman (Eds.), Interdisciplinary curriculum: Challenges to implementation (pp. 17-38). New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Page
4.72 5 subject. 5. The examples and activities helped me 57 35 6 0 0 4.52 5 understand the information. 6. I could follow along with the instructor(s) in 78 19 1 0 0 4.79 5 the student guide. 7. I was encouraged to ask questions and 79 15 3 1 0 4.76 5 participate throughout class. 8. The course prepared me for the test. 77 19 2 0 0 4.77 5 9. I would recommend this course to others. 76 19 2 1 0 4.73 5 10. Overall, the course met my expectations. 71 24 2 1 0
related to sustainability included: (a) an individual assignment on material(s)choices for particular applications; (b) one group project on renewable energy (clean energy)issues; (c) a case study on the use of fly ash in concrete; a case study on the use of corroded drillpipe in walkways and other low load-bearing applications, and (d) one final project that was areport/presentation from each student on a corrosion issue (if possible, one with a sustainabilityfocus).Topics like wind energy, solar energy, biofuels, and carbon capture and sequestration are usuallyassociated with sustainable engineering. Often these names are considered to be synonymouswith sustainability; carefully thought out solutions to our current problems. However, each
S G AC Light + - + - InverterFigure 6. The LED system wiring diagram for connections and measurements Page 25.771.8The list below summarizes the basic specifications/configurations of the components used in theproject, including the items purchased [20-21
: 1-15.[5] Kalla, K. D., Corocran, S., Overcash, M., and Twomey, J. (2011) Energy Consumption in Discrete Part Production: Green Manufacturing, Proceeding of the 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, ASME, June 13-17, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA.[6] Miller, G., Pawloski, J. and Standridge, C. (2010) A case study of lean, sustainable Manufacturing. Journal of Industrial Engineering Management, 3, 11-32.[7] Zuming, B. (2011) Revisiting System Paradigms from the Viewpoint of Manufacturing Sustainability, Sustainability, 3(9), 1323-1340[8] Anityasarl, M. Inserting the Concepts of Sustainable Manufacturing into Industrial Engineering Curriculum—A
control in many different perspectives. It can be forecasted that students can gainBIM knowledge and skills more thoroughly within a current curriculum. The steps are listedbelow: Determine the goals to be achieved by applying BIM into teaching. Choose method(s) to apply BIM into courses. At this step, it was determined to use several existing courses. Employ different teaching styles. The selection of teaching style depends on various stages of BIM knowledge and applications, the nature of courses, and the teaching expertise of course instructors. Set up a course framework that integrates BIM concepts and determine changes to be made to the current construction
further improve the curriculum design in thesecond round of updates of all construction related courses on the curriculum.References1. U.S. GSA. 3D-4D Building Information Modeling. 2011. Available at: [Accessed February 21, 2011].2. Li N, Becerik-Gerber B. Performance-based evaluation of RFID-based indoor location sensingsolutions for the built environment. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2011. Available at: [Accessed March 26, 2011].3. Taneja S, Akinci B, Garrett J, et al. CEC: Sensing and Field Data Capture for Constructionand Facility Operations. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2010;1(1):232.Available at:
Electronics for Scientists, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill. 1977.2. Csete, Marie E. and Doyle, John C. “Reverse Engineering of Biological Complexity.” Science 295 (2002):1664-69.3. Tranchina, D. et. al. “Retinal light adaptation—evidence for a feedback mechanism.” Nature 310 (1984): 314-16.4. Koch, Christof. Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single Neurons. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1999.5. Hodgkin, A.L., and Huxley, A.F. “A Quantitative description of membrane current and its application toconduction and excitation in nerve.” J. Physiol 117 (1952): 500-544.6. Shadmehr, R., and Wise, S. The Computational Neurobiology of Reaching and Pointing. Cambridge: The MITPress, 2005.7. McMahon, Thomas A. Muscles, Reflexes, and
25.837.11References 1. Kriger, T. J., “A Virtual Revolution: Trends in the Expansion of Distance Education,” American Federation of Teachers, May 2001. 2. Dean, P., Stah, M., Swlwester, D., & Pear, J. (2001). Effectiveness of combined delivery modalities for distance learning and resident learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 2(3), 247-254. 3. Russell, T. L. (2001). The No Significant Difference Phenomenon: A Comparative Research Annotated Bibliography on Technology for Distance Education (5th ed.): International Distance Education Certification Center. 4. Scott, S., “The blended classroom: The best of both worlds?” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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toexpand the labs in terms of quantity and sophistication. In particular, the other options forinterprocessor communication, shared memory and network-on-a-chip concepts, will be added inupcoming course offerings. Eventually, a separate course offering on embedded processor designusing FPGAs will need to be added to the curriculum. Page 25.844.8References1. J. Khan, S. Niar, A. Menhaj, Y. Elhillali, and J. L. Dekeyser, “An MPSoC architecture for the multiple target tracking application in driver assistant system,” in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP ’08
potential to follow the samepathway as partnerships are developed regionally and nationally.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge Benton and Parkway High Schools for providing the support andresources necessary to execute the Junior Cyber Discovery model. We would also like toacknowledge the master teachers who facilitated the pilot camp: Marvin Nelson from BentonHigh School and Dale Bozeman and Jeff Holcomb from Parkway High School. Page 25.867.10References[1] National Science Board. Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators: Identifyingand Developing Our Nation’s Human Capital. 2010.[2] Sontgerath, Suzanne, S. Blaisdell, P. Wong, A. Swan, K. Ziemer. “Growing a STEMTeam: Review of an Innovative Program
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AC 2012-5037: LOCATION OF AN ENGINEERING FACULTY IN SRI LANKA:THE UNUSUAL CRITERIA, LESSONS LEARNT, AND ETHICS ISSUESProf. Samuel Ratnajeevan Herbert Hoole P.E., Michigan State University S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich. His research interests focus on computational methods, especially computing electromagnetic fields by the finite element method. His ongoing research is in shape optimization in coupled problems, determining the location and shape of objects so as to accomplish design objects in electrothermal problems in electric machinery, eco-friendly buildings, hyperthermia treatment planning in oncology, etc. This
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while the right side represents the mobile components.Various types of data are generated and transmitted from the ambulance to the centralizedserver(s) for processing. Any type of IP data can be transmitted although the 3G cellular networkdoes have bandwidth limitations that must be considered.Figure 2 shows how EKG transmittal is achieved both physically and logically aboard theambulance. The patient is connected to the defibrillator and thrombolytic data is captured. Thisdata is archived in the memory of the defibrillator and is then transmitted to the 911 center RSServer as IP packets. These packets are then rendered into a proprietary format on that serverwhich can then be exported and transmitted via email to the emergency room. This
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