alternative energy. Participants become community leaders promotingalternative energy technology. Each participant will write an inquiry-based lesson plan in solar Page 25.1066.5and wind power technology after attending the ETI institute. Inquiry-based learning incorporatesinterdisciplinary study, critical thinking skills, and structured research considering the students asindividual learning styles to produce a student-centered instructional method. The lesson plansfocus students’ inquiry on questions that are challenging, debatable and difficult to solve, andstructure lessons so that students have opportunities to work with peers and apply
-onexperience valued by employers, and serves to fill in any gaps in understanding from thestudents’ classroom education. Page 25.325.4The first major retention issue the solar boat project targets is the lack of a well-defined studentsupport system. Numerous studies have shown that students who are involved in small groupsretain more than students who work alone8. Isolation of a student from his or her peers can causestress beyond that imposed by an already formidable field of study. At the beginning of eachschool year, the solar boat project falls under the responsibility of a group of students who opt tobecome members of the University’s Solar Boat
character- ization for therapeutic applications. His current research areas are: externally tunable nanostructures for targeted delivery and axon-regeneration after nervous system injury, hydrogel encapsulated quan- tum dots for single molecule imaging, magnetically controlled micro- and nano-fluidics for lab-on-a-chip applications. So far, he has published 25 peer-reviewed articles in reputed journals and international conference proceedings. He serves as a reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), American Chemical Society (ACS), and many internationally reputed journals. He is the recipient of the following awards: ”Cottrell College Science Award” for young faculties- Research Corporation for Science Ad
-sponsoredprojects. Research shows that projects that were funded by industry and then turned completelyover to the students were invariably less successful than those that had an interested mentorengineer involved with the project. Having students feel responsible and accountable to anindustrial “customer” seems to be an important factor in their learning the practice ofengineering.E. Evaluation of student PerformanceIndividual students will be evaluated by their team members. Each member is required to write aconfidential percentage of the individual member’s contributions to the project. The grade willbe based on the average of the team member’s evaluation. For Example: Team 1 has gained 400points in their project. One member was evaluated by his peers
youngminds about the educational and career possibilities in transportation. With volunteer efforts andnominal start-up funding, Go! was created in 2007 as a static web site and used standard webtechnology. Static sites are typically used to display and disseminate information to a generalaudience. Go! disseminated information on transportation topics and careers. It published articleson various aspects of transportation in a fun and easy to read manner. The topics were selectedby the faculty and staff, and developed and written by graduate and undergraduate students withinterface design, communication, and writing skills. These students were typically enrolled innon-transportation programs, such as communications, creative writing, journalism, and
) and they also complete a peer feedback form that goes back to thepresenter. This form, adapted from the U.S. Military Academy’s T4E evaluation form8, is usedas a tool to objectively provide critical feedback to the presenter, and also to give the workshopdevelopment team information on potential problem areas that could be the focus of newworkshops. In addition, each presenter’s session is video-recorded. At the end of the day,participants receive copies of their feedback and a DVD of their microteaching session. Thefinal assignment is for each participant to review the feedback, watch the DVD, and write andsubmit a one-page reflection that discusses the strengths and weaknesses of his or her ownsession, as well as any other observations from
meaningful to communicative, i.e., independent comprehension. With respect to writing, current pedagogical trends take the emphasis off the final product, seen only by the instructor (a dependency), and places it on the student and their peers (independence). The emphasis in writing is on the process or development of the piece, whereby the student controls the various versions, not the instructor. Page 25.139.8 4. Use the tools – In languages the best way to learn is to continue to use it. Several tools are taught in aerospace engineering classes. The best way to learn and retain them is to use them. Again
AC 2012-4295: HOW AWARD WINNING COURSEWARE IS IMPACTINGENGINEERING EDUCATIONDr. Flora P. McMartin, Broad-based Knowledge, LLC Flora P. McMartin is the Founder of Broad-based Knowledge, LLC (BbK) , a consulting firm focused on assisting educators in their evaluation of the use and deployment of technology assisted teaching and learning. Throughout her career, she as served as an External Evaluator for a number of CCLI/TUES and NSDL-funded projects associated with community building, peer review of learning materials, faculty development, and dissemination of educational innovation. She is PI for the project ”Where have We Come From and Where are We Going? Learning Lessons and Practices from the Projects of the NDSL
interactively with their peers and the instructor. Performance on an identicalexamination showed the average of the experimental group was 2.5 standard deviations abovethe control group. In addition, student attendance and engagement were significantly higher inthe experimental group.Other, more comprehensive studies similarly find increased learning in classes that use activelearning pedagogies.2,3 Using pre/post-test data of over 6,000 physics students from a valid andreliable concept inventory, Hake4 found that courses that used active learning had normalizedlearning gains that were twice as large as the gains for classes that used only traditional lectures.Similarly, over a span of thirteen years, Poulis et al. 5 studied over 5,000 students in
, and programming, (b) stark variations in the core interests of thestudents, and (c) cultural disparities between engineering departments regarding reasonablelevels of assignment difficulty and commensurate time investments. To help address some ofthese issues in a junior-level Introduction to Biomedical Engineering course, the author haschosen (for four recent Spring course offerings) to set aside two to three weeks of each 16-weekcourse for discretionary topics chosen by the students. Each student or student pair then takes onthe role of the instructor and teaches that topic to the rest of the students in the format of a 25-minute seminar. Students must assign homework to their peers and grade the results; thesegrades are then entered into
implementations of web logs in academia reportgroup blogging as well.One of the main drivers of the popularity associated with blogging in academia is its potential to Page 25.620.2create or enhance a highly engaging learning environment3 that promotes interactivity amongstudents and in some cases the instructors. Its general use varies based on course needs; someresearchers report using blogs to (1) gather/share resources, (2) share opinions, ideas andexperiences, (3) exchange hyperlinks, (4) enable peer review, (5) provide instructor feedback, (6)encourage reflective learning, (7) report course news and updates, (8) improve writing skills, and(9) serve
basic interpretive research strategies, with a strong flavorof grounded theory. The purpose of the study was to understand how high school students makesense of engineering design as an educational activity. Hence, we employed a process informedby constant comparative techniques – the simultaneous collection and analysis of data. Wedeviated from grounded theory by not making the production of a substantive-level theory arequisite to the study. Rather, themes and findings in high school engineering design werederived and explained. Peer debriefing became an ongoing process following the analyses. Inaddition to peer debriefing, the credibility of this study was established through triangulation ofthe themes and findings from the design challenge
literature. In many courses, students areexpected to critically read and discuss journal articles provided by the instructor, as well as tofind their own articles for presentation or use in projects. The ability to fully utilize the primaryliterature is a skill that is not typically taught until graduate school, if at all. By providing ourstudents with these tools, they are equipped with the tools to learn new technical material ontheir own.Finally, communication skills are extensively developed through seminar-style discussion,formal and informal presentations and writing assignments, and poster presentations. Technicalpapers, such as literature reviews or a project reports, are common deliverables in BioE courses.A key component of teaching
Page 25.568.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Enhancing cross-cultural interaction in courses with a large component of visiting study-abroad studentsAbstractInternational student mobility programs enhance the global exposure of students, andrepresent a vital and increasing component in the offering of many universities worldwide.These programs often involve the travel of a group of students to an overseas location, wherethey, in addition to a variety of cultural activities, also register for a series of courses towardstheir degree completion. These courses are taken jointly with their local peers. Whilecollaborative exchange programs among different universities often
improve in their abilities to read and write about mathematicalproblems and their solutions, while collaborating with their peers. Finally, a fourth aim of thiscourse was for students to develop and enhance the algebra skills necessary to succeed in this Page 25.170.2course and in their next math course.To accomplish this ambitious set of goals, we designed the course around a sequence ofmodeling activities that would engage students in solving problems, working in small groups,and communicating their thinking throughout the modeling sequence. The central mathematicalidea around which this course was organized is a deep understanding of
affective domain as it does to the cognitive.Recent research shows the importance of the peer group, together with interaction with faculty tobe the most important factors in student achievement and development. Faculty have a majorrole to play in helping engineering students overcome negative attitudes toward liberalism, asdoes mixing with students who have other interests. Enlargement of mind is helped by anacquaintance with the perennial problems of philosophy since the answers a person gives to theminfluence her/his thinking and behaviour. In the discussion that ends the paper, attention is drawnto recent research on the experience of students of their undergraduate education that supportssome of the contentions made in this paper.Recent
AC 2012-3077: ONE OR MANY? ASSESSING DIFFERENT DELIVERYTIMING FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES RELEVANT TO ASSIGN-MENTS DURING THE SEMESTER. A WORK-IN-PROGRESSProf. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette Amy Van Epps, M.S.L.S., M.Eng., is an Associate Professor of library science and Engineering Librarian and Coordinator of Instruction at the Siegesmund Engineering Library, Purdue University. Her research interests include information literacy, effective teaching, and integration methods for information literacy into the curriculum and ethical writing skills of engineering students.Ms. Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Purdue University, West Lafayette Megan Sapp Nelson is Associate Professor of library sciences at Purdue
valuable experience on how studentinvolvement can enhance undergraduate engineering education, and provides insight into somecommon advantages and disadvantages of such involvement. Page 25.624.2Several authors write of the many-faceted benefit of competition projects. Sulzbach writes thatthat the Concrete Canoe competition1 enhances the educational experience by producing anatmosphere of school pride among team members, fostering creativity, and encouraging peer-to-peer learning as students pass along the cumulative team knowledge and experience.Competitions such as these put students in many real world situations which are “typically
guide designs forfuture energy supply. Students complete a group project, write a report, present their finalprojects, and answer questions from their peers in the first course. In the second course, studentsexamine alternative energy processes, such as, renewables and nuclear energy, with the potentialfor low carbon intensity and environmental impact.At CSULB, 100 to 300 students enroll in the energy and environment course in every semester.Roughly 20% of students are from engineering, another 20% from environmental science policyprogram, and rest from all majors across the campus. Students participate in a variety ofactivities including online group discussion and debate, projects and site visits.The characteristics of the five faculty
andLaboratory Improvement (CCLI), have been an influential and substantial source of funding forU.S. undergraduate STEM education change since 1990.A framework of institutionalization and transportability is used to understand evolution of theengineering education community’s perceptions of change processes as demonstrated in NSF’sCCLI-TUES program. We present the results of a peer review panelist survey organized by priorCCLI criteria and newer institutionalization and transportability TUES criteria.In July 2011, 133 TUES engineering panelists were surveyed about characteristics of the Type 1proposals they had just evaluated. Analysis of their responses indicates greater consensusregarding the weaknesses of proposals than of the strengths. Weaknesses
founder of STEM Through Guided Discovery, a robotics program for K-12 students. The success of his program has received international attention and has been adopted abroad. Jawaharlal has more than 20 years of industrial, academic, and entrepreneurial experience. Before joining Cal Poly, Pomona, Jawaharlal founded and developed, Inc., an online supple- mental K-12 education company. He also served on the faculty at Rowan University, N.J., and Kettering University, Mich. Jawaharlal is passionate about education and focuses on K-12 STEM education. He writes education columns for the Huffington Post
they were administered prior to, during, and after the event. An analysis of the 185 responsesthat were received reflects the event’s success: 94 percent indicated that the department shouldsupport the event in the future, and all respondents stated that the showcase was valuable for thepresenters. In addition, 75 percent of presenters reported that they had plans to present or hadalready presented their research at a professional conference. Although the inaugural competitionwas successful in catalyzing graduate student research dissemination, future efforts are needed totranslate participation in the departmental event to presentations at professional conferences andpublications through topical peer-reviewed outlets.IntroductionA catalyst is
2016.Design Sequence ArchitectureAs a starting point for achieving the three objectives stated earlier, the undergraduate committeebegan by reviewing the design component of the curriculum at peer Electrical EngineeringDepartments with similar size and ranking. Our senior capstone design course was organizedalong the same lines as many other departments, and reflects ABET criteria. In addition togeneral lectures concerning professional engineering topics, there are weekly laboratory sections.In self-defined project sections, students first complete predefined laboratory assignments duringthe first half of the semester before beginning a self-defined project approved by their instructor.In other sections, student teams select a major design
you a cut above your peers and allow you to perform more interesting work. In addition agraduate degree requires you to perform research and publish a thesis. This independent workdistinguishes those with a graduate degree as one who can think independently and can expressthose thoughts in a coherent manner. The technical gains that are made in the pursuit of thegraduate education make clear the limits of engineering analysis and design. This instills a betterunderstanding of the ethical responsibilities associated with creating solutions for the public. Forthese reasons the Undergrad Only College is promoting graduate education.Currently the Undergrad Only College fosters the opportunity for undergraduate research with afaculty mentor. This
, unspecializedversions of the same required courses. Several expressed a sense that the sustainability focusdetracted from the general learning objectives of the course—i.e. that they might have receivedmore substantive writing instruction in sections of RH131 that weren’t also teachingsustainability concepts. These themes have emerged before: sustainability has been introducedinto the RHIT curriculum as the organizing framework for projects in other required courses—particularly an upper-division course in technical communication—and students have oftenperceived a tension between the emphasis on sustainability and other course content and learningobjectives. On this point, some HERE students resembled their non-cohort peers more closelythan we’d anticipated
course presentations were scheduled every 3-4weeks in which the teams received feedback on the current development of their game from theirfellow students, instructors, and mentors. All final projects were presented in a final session heldat the Digital Media Center (DMC), the campus student multimedia lab, in which the class andinvited guests had the opportunity to play the games.The Course Project: Student Peer EvaluationStudents completed a peer evaluation form for each of their teammates at the end of thesemester. The faculty considered these when converting the team grade to an individual grade –assigning a higher or lower grade as needed. Students wrote a self-assessment to communicate
AC 2012-3170: I2D2: IMAGINATION, INNOVATION, DISCOVERY, ANDDESIGNDr. Kerry Meyers, University of Notre Dame Kerry L. Meyers is a Professional Faculty member in the College of Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, is an instructor and coordinator in the First-year Engineering program and is also involved with students at a variety of levels including a graduate student teaching apprentice program, an undergraduate peer mentoring program, and STEM outreach). She has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Purdue University, M.S. in mechanical engineering from Oakland University, and completed her Ph.D. in engi- neering education at Purdue University. Meyers has several years of industrial experience in automotive
difficulty byattending SI sessions, going to the library and working with classmates. Online courseswere a problem for freshmen as well. A student revealed that he was not ready for thatkind of classes which puts more responsibility to check homework and due dates onlinewithout having someone reminding him about the class duties.Socially, students from the three groups agreed that distractions and peer pressure weredifficult things to handle in freshman year. Students came to college, lived withroommates, and had no curfews as they used to have in high school. It was hard to takethe full responsibility to avoid these distractions and maintain academic success. Astudent from the second group stated that the whole new teaching environment whileanother
a real-world frameworkfor classroom concepts and building students’ research and writing skills, such practicesreinforce business related professional skills such as communication (as recommended by theIACBE4, 2011).A few semesters back, one of the authors used these ideas in one section as a projectmanagement assignment and gave more artificially constructed, abstract assignments to studentsin another section. The degree of student engagement and quality of assignments were markedlyhigher in the section where students were able to tie what they were learning in class to what washappening in the world outside. In other respects, the class requirements were identical—otherassignments, exams etc.—and students fared equally well on those
of the semester, due tomade them felt anxious misunderstanding about CPBL, the division of tasks among theand near to giving up group members was ineffective. This caused them to feel that the learning cycle was too fast and difficult to follow. There was a sense of the shortage of time to submit reports and write peer- teaching notes.CPBL requires more on The responsibility of learning in CPBL lies with the students. Inself-efforts and fewer on CPBL, students were not given conventional lectures but werelectures as conventional required to spend some time for group and class discussions inclasses correcting concepts and