Paper ID #15081Integrating a Capstone Leadership Project and the S-Triangle Pedagogy toGuide Engineering Leadership Development EducationDr. David Bayless, Ohio University Dr. Bayless is the Gerald Loehr Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of Ohio Uni- versity’s Coal Research Center, part of Ohio University’s Center of Excellence in Energy and the Envi- ronment. He is also the director of the Robe Leadership Institute and director of the Center for Algal Engineering Research and Commercialization (an Ohio Third Frontier Wright Project) He is engaged in the development of energy and environmental
Paper ID #14416How are Social Media, Engineering and Leadership Related to One Anotherfrom a Student Perspective?Dr. Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Dr. Jed Lyons is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina. His passion is developing authentic engineering learning experiences for students from grades K through Ph.D. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 How are Social Media, Engineering and Leadership Related to One Another
and beliefs over the course of the semester. The instructors alsocompleted the scale at the beginning of the semester.ParticipantsThirty-eight participants completed both the pre-course and post-course surveys. Ten participantswere enrolled in Instructor A’s section; 28 were enrolled in Instructor B’s section. All werejuniors or seniors majoring in engineering or related disciplines. Nine identified as women and29 as men. Four participants were from non-U. S. countries and had spent most or all of theirpre-collegiate years outside the U. S. Twenty-nine students were members of a registered studentorganization and/or a social fraternity or sorority; 10 of those students had been officers in one ormore organizations. Four participants had
, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.2. Washington Post (2014, January 28). Full transcript: Obama’s 2014 State of the Union address, accessed January 31, 2014. address/2014/01/28/e0c93358-887f-11e3-a5bd-844629433ba3_story.html3. Engineering Research Centers. “Summary of ERC Study Findings 2001-2008,” accessed April 24, 2013. Roessner, D., Manrique, L., & Park, J. (2010). The economic impact of Engineering Research Centers: Preliminary results of a pilot study. Journal of Technology Transfer, 35, 475-493.5. Currall, S. C., Hammer, T. H., Baggett, L. S., & Doniger, G. M. (1999). Combining qualitative and
. “Adaptive Thinking & Leadership Simulation Game Training for Special Forces Officers.” I/ITSEC 2005 Proceedings, Interservice/ Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference Proceedings, November 28-December 1, 2005 Orlando, Florida, USA. 3. Aebersold, M. and D. Tschannen. “Simulation in Nursing Practice: The Impact on Patient Care.” The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013. 4. Shaw, Carolyn M. "Designing and Using Simulations and Role-Play Exercises." The International Studies Compendium. Ed: Robert A. Denemark. Wiley – Blackwell, 2010. 5. S. Kumar, and J. K. Hsiao. Engineers Learn “Soft Skills the Hard Way: Planting a Seed of Leadership in Engineering Classes.” Leadership
.’s fourteen leadership competenciesinclude2: initiative (assess risk and take initiative to create a vision/course of action), decision-making (make data-informed and risk-informed decisions about your course of action),responsibility and urgency to deliver (commitment to on-time deliverables), resourcefulness (getthe job done with passion, discipline, intensity and flexibility), ethical actions and integrity(courageously adhere to ethical standards), trust and loyalty (instil trust in your team byempowering members), courage (face difficult actions head-on), vision (create compellingimages of the future), realizing the vision (design processes to move from abstraction toimplementation), inquiry (listen to others and recognize that their
confidence without conceit. They have a firm handshake, look people inthe eye, address colleagues by name, take pride in their appearance, speak up instead ofmumbling, etc.”“I want the students to show full confidence to look me in the eye and tell me where theirinterests are, definitive answers are always best.” Leadership research reveals a positive relationship in a leader’s self-confidence andsuccessful leadership34. These findings also align with Hartman et. al.’s (2015) study whereindustry professionals identified initiative/confidence as a main competence for entry-levelengineering leaders. The authors define the initiative/confidence theme as “stepping up, goingthe extra step, asking questions, having confidence and/or self-confidence
profession skills in engineering students tobetter prepare them to be effective leaders in workplace.Leadership training for engineering students is delivered in a variety of ways: in a lecture serieswith guest speakers; in a leadership course(s); Bernard M. Gordon Leadership Programs4, 5 and inan Engineering Leadership Minor6,7,8. Universities with a Minor utilize a variety of institutionalresources, including courses within the engineering program and in other departments oncampus, which facilitates a focused interdisciplinary program structure across the university.Often students must go through a rigorous application process, and be selected and accepted intothe leadership program. With regard to the candidature of engineering students for
for the students to apply and reflect on their developing leadership abilities.Experts in the engineering leadership programs however expressed concern about the ability ofcurrent engineering faculty to deliver effective leadership programs and the difficulties ofidentifying external and suitably qualified staff.Graham et al.’s study also identifies strong themes in engineering leadership education. Theglobal theme was found to be particularly strong within U.S. programs: the ability to workeffectively across cultures in an international sphere was seen by many as an increasingly vitalattribute of an engineer-leader, and is reflected in many of the programs. Another strong themewas student empowerment in their own leadership
of Defense Technolgy(NUDT) Mr. Wang Yang is an researcher of Center for National Security and Strategic Studies, National University of Defense Technology(NUDT). He received his double 2004 and 2005. In 2012, he received his M.S. in Technology Philosophy from NUDT. His current research interests focus on continuous education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Achieving Excellence in Master of Engineering Education: A Case Study of National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)'s PracticeAbstract The profound societal impacts of technological developments call for a drastic change inthe education of engineering leadership
. (2012). Engineering Professionals’ Expectations of Undergraduate Engineering Students. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 12, 60–70.[5] Farr, J., & Brazil, D. (2009). Leadership Skills Development for Engineers. Engineering Management Journal, 21(1), 3.[6] Hartmann, B., Stephens, C., Jahren, C. (2015). Surveying industry needs for leadership in entry-level engineering positions. American Society for Engineering Education.[7] Male, S. a. (2005). Generic Engineering Competencies : A Review and Modelling Approach. Education Research and Perspectives, 37(1), 25–51.[8] Nair, C. S., Patil, A., & Mertova, P. (2009). Re-engineering graduate skills – a case
a specialized curriculumthat makes program graduates skilled and competent in their field upon graduation. The VicePresident of Human Resources for one large manufacturing company provided the followingstatement regarding leadership development program graduates they have hired. “(Institution’s name omitted)’s engineering leadership development program does an outstanding job of preparing the students to enter the workforce with the readiness to assume leadership positions quickly. (Manufacturing companies name omitted) utilizes this program as one of our key talent pools for leadership roles. Through the program’s rigorous academic and extracurricular requirements, I have found that these graduates have an exceptional work ethic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Gordon EngineeringInstitute of Leadership program is a well-established co-curricular programTechnology targeting undergraduate students. Students work experientially to(2007) develop hands on leadership skills, building towards a competency model, and a small subset complete a second year as senior fellows, running leadership labs and mentoring younger students to “learn by doing.”Northeastern Northeastern’s Gordon Engineering Leadership program offers aUniversity (2008) customized masters degree or a stand-alone graduate certificate for master’s students. The program offers courses on leadership and
(1999)Management Challenges for the 21st Century. New York: HarperBusiness.10 Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton (2001) Now, Discover Your Strengths. New York: The FreePress.11 Laura Morgan Roberts, Jane E. Dutton, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Emily D. Heaphy, Robert E. Quinn(2005) Composing the Reflected Best-Self portrait: building pathways for becoming extraordinary inwork organizations, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 30, pp. 712-736.12 Laura Morgan Roberts, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Jane E. Dutton, Robert E. Quinn Emily D. Heaphy, andBrianna Barket (2005) How to play to your strengths, Harvard Business Review, January, pp. 1-6.13 David A. Whetten and Kim S. Cameron (2005). Developing Management Skills (6th Ed.) PearsonPrentice Hall.14
appreciate that they will soon have subordinateswho will watch their behavior(s) carefully. Barring empirical results that show anything otherthan our experimental course is extremely popular, these students have shown that they will riseto the occasion of discussions of honor codes; writing values-consistent policy, doing self-assessments, finding and becoming role models, and storytelling. The results are certainlypromising.Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank CRC press/Taylor and Francis Group and specifically CindyCarelli for permissions to take material from the in-press book (reference 6.)Bibliography[1] Schein, E.H., “Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2nd Edition,” Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1992.[2] Schein, E.H
,and employing good listening skills, faculty can effectively navigate a variety of career situationsto arrive at a mutually beneficial end.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to acknowledge the review committee for the Women in EngineeringDivision, which encouraged them to formalize the panel discussion into a paper focused onacademic negotiation.References 1. Fisher, R., Ury, W. and Patton, B. (2012). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Third Ed., London: Random House 2. Harvard Business Essentials: Negotiation, 2003. 3. Kolb, D.M., Williams, J. (2003) Everyday Negotiation, Navigating the Hidden Agendas in Bargaining, Jossey-Bass. 4. Babcock, L., and Laschever, S., (2003). Women Don’t Ask
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