Industrial Ergonomics and on the editorial board for several other journals.Mr. Jeff BertrandDr. Rebecca S Hartley, Clemson University Center for Workforce Development Rebecca Hartley has spent the past seventeen years working in higher education administration in the areas of undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions, academic records, and student affairs. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration and Public Policy from Auburn University. Prior to joining the Clemson University Center for Workforce Development as the Director of Pathways, she served as Director of Graduate Admissions & Records at the University of Montevallo in Alabama. Her research interest and expertise focuses on citizen public opinion as it
Paper ID #14859What Does It Mean to Be an Engineer? A Comparison of Adult Students atThree InstitutionsMs. Tressa Kay Mikel, University of California, BerkeleyMr. Frank Hoang, University of California, BerkeleyMr. Pedro S. H. Kim, UC Berkeley Bachelor of Arts in Resource Management (Interdisciplinary Research Studies) with a minor in Chemical Engineering and Certification in Entrepreneurship Technology from the University of California, Berke- ley, May 2015.Dr. Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven Maria-Isabel Carnasciali is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Tagliatela College of
across South Carolina, and many manufactur- ing industry partners to create pathways and resources for supporting advanced manufacturing advocacy and opportunities impacting employability and economic development across the Southeast.Dr. Rebecca S Hartley, Clemson University Center for Workforce Development Rebecca Hartley has spent the past seventeen years working in higher education administration in the areas of undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions, academic records, and student affairs. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration and Public Policy from Auburn University. Prior to joining the Clemson University Center for Workforce Development as the Director of Pathways, she served as Director of Graduate
, academically talented students. An innovative scholarship program developedand implemented at Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence, SC has achieved an 81.8%on-time graduation rate for students in engineering technology programs and other advancedtechnologies by addressing a barrier referred to as the “digital divide” (NSF DUE #0422405,#0806514, #1259402). A technology support element was added to a National ScienceFoundation-funded S-STEM scholarship program in 2004 to address a well-documented needamong prospective scholars. Many scholarship recipients did not have access to a personalcomputer with the software and capability to do assigned work when off campus. To besuccessful, students were making extra trips to the campus to work in an
-Based and Hands-On Intensive CurriculaAbstractIt is desirable to educators, and important for students, that a sound outcomes assessmentmethodology be employed in technology-based and hands-on intensive courses to measure andensure that requisite competencies are obtained by students. It is expected that a workingknowledge of these important competencies can help a two-year college graduate moreeffectively demonstrate mastery of the necessary skills and knowledge, and therefore add morevalue to a potential employer‟s operations. While assessment of student learning can bestraightforward for general education courses, meaningful measurement of student learningwithin the context of technology-based and hands-on curricula
Engineering Education, 2016 Performance of Engineering and Engineering Technology Scholars in the Transfer Pipeline (TiPi) ProgramAbstractThis paper introduces the Transfer Pipeline (TiPi) Scholars’ program funded by the NationalScience Foundation (NSF) that focuses on students who transfer at the 3rd year level from 2-yearschools to our university. The objectives of the TiPi program are: (i) to address a nationalconcern by helping to expand the engineering/technology workforce of the future, (ii) to developlinkages and articulations with 2-year schools and their S-STEM programs, (iii) to serve as amodel for other selective universities to provide transfer students the access to the baccalaureate,(iv) to give scholars hands-on
role of self-efficacy and itscorrelation to academic achievement in science and engineering. Self-efficacy is a person’sbelief that s/he has the ability to achieve their goals, such as a career in science or engineering.Self-efficacy is more than self-confidence, as it is situational dependent. Studies have shown thatincreased self-efficacy reporting leads to students being more successful in science andengineering. High self-efficacy can positively influence academic persistence and perseverancein attaining career related goals.6, 7There are four predominant factors that lead to the development of self-efficacy in an individual.Mastery experiences are the most significant factor in developing self-efficacy and occur when aperson masters a
subjects that might presenta struggle. Peer and professional tutors are available through the academic achievement centerto assist with technical subjects as well as writing and math. The college caters to workingadults by offering courses after typical working hours, on weekends and online. Facultymembers teaching online curriculum have undergone training and use universal course designtechniques (S. Burgstahler, 2006 16) to cater to all learning styles.Student advising starts prior to entering the program. Students meet with a designated Collegeand Career Navigator who is the first point of contact for each student participating in thiscertificate program. The College and Career Navigator assists with the application process andremains a point
programs; investigate if there are differences in performance of students transferring from different institutions; and investigate the applicability of the findings to transfer students in other disciplines within the institution.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Joan Lame, Office of Institutional Research and Studies, forpreparation of the data set underlying this analysis.Bibliography1. Eydgahi, H. Y., & Blanco, J. R. (2012, June), Baccalaureate Degree Completion: Student Recruitment,Outreach, and Retention Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.2. Darrow, M., & Jackson, D., & Laanan, F. S. (2010, June), Experiences Of Engineering Transfer Students: FromCommunity
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option(s). For the purpose of this study, regardless of thenumber of options offered by a given program, the program was only counted once. Thisdecision was made based on an assumption that the core courses required were the same for alloptions and a precedence established by Keith and Talbott7 .In addition, there were 32 campus associated with one of the institutions. The data do notindicate which programs and program options were offered by those campus. For the purpose ofthat institution, all programs and program options were collapsed into a single institution.At a few institutions, the same CIP Code was assigned to more than one program. In thoseinstances, each program was included in the total count of ATMAE accredited 2-year
engineering texts on classical controls, linear systems, and multivariable control. Dr. Rodriguez has given over 70 invited presentations - 13 plenary - at international and national forums, conferences and corporations. Since 1994, he has directed an extensive engineering mentoring-research academic success and professional development (ASAP) program that has served over 500 students. These efforts have been supported by NSF STEP, S-STEM, and CSEM grants as well as industry. Dr. Rodriguez’ research inter- ests include: control of nonlinear distributed parameter, and sampled-data systems; modeling, simulation, animation, and real-time control (MoSART) of Flexible Autonomous Machines operating in an uncertain Environment
partnertwo-year institutions are confident in the opportunities the Engineering Academies present to thestudents and the potential to enrich the diversity of the engineering workforce in the State ofTexas and the nation.Bibliography[1] President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness Announces Industry Leaders’ Commitment to Double Engineering Internships in 2012 (PCJC) (2011). Retrieved from office/2011/08/31/president-s-council-jobs-and-competitiveness-announces-industry-leaders.[2] President’s Council of Advisors on Science Technology (PCAST). (2012). Report to the president, engage to excel: producing one million additional college graduates with degrees in science, technology
. The lab consists of hands-on exercises that providethe student with the opportunity to program the hardware to perform some simple useful controlfunction(s) and to make projects that can be controlled through the Internet. To implement thecourse the faculty choose to use low-cost universally available hardware that is available from avariety of online sources. The microprocessor platform utilized is the Raspberry Pi and theassociated open-source microcontroller platform is the Arduino Uno. The Arduino Uno shown inFigure 1 below has been around for some time and has been cloned by numerous vendors. Due toits longevity, there are many accessories (known as shields) available from the same vendors. Aquick search of will provide one
thepeer mentor program in Mechanical Engineering will be used to inspire and improve peer mentorprograms throughout the College.Bibliography1. Marra, R. M., Shen, D., Rodgers, K., & Bogue, B., “Leaving Engineering: A Multi-Year Single Institution Study,” Journal of Engineering Education, 101(1), p. 6-27 (2012). Retrieved January 30, 2016 from Laier, J., & Steadman, S. J., “Improving Transfer Student Success,” Indianapolis, Indiana: ASEE Conferences (2014). Retrieved from Chen, X., “STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields,” Washington, DC, United States: National Center for
underrepresented populations, particularly women.Looking forward, WSU is increasing its presence and visibility in Everett. WSU recently brokeground on a new building that is located adjacent to the EvCC campus with completionanticipated by fall 2017. The BSME program will occupy most of the first floor of the buildingwith new state-of-the-art facilities and will be increasing capacity from 30 to 40 students for Fall2016.1 Olson, S., Labov, J.B., & National Research Council. (2012) Community Colleges in the Evolving STEMEducation Landscape: Summary of a Summit. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press.2 National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Snapshot Report 17. “Contribution of Two-year Institutions toFour-year Completions” (2014).3
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CL. Theories of Group Processes. London : London ; 1975.13. Turns JA, Sattler B, Yasuhara K, Borgford-Parnell JL, Atman CJ. Integrating reflection into engineering education. 2014.14. Peuker S, Landis RB. Workshop A - Implementing the “ Design Your Process of Becoming a World Class Engineering Student ” Project. 2013:8-9.AppendixTable A.1: Typical Introduction to Engineering Careers Course ScheduleWeek Day One Day Two Reading Quiz Reflection Topic Assignment Topic Syllabus Overview Getting to Know 1 Introductions Newspaper Towers Newspaper Towers Highline