. The authors suggest that short-terminternational experiences need to include pre- and post-trip support in the form of studentresearch and exploration of the anticipated locations and experiences as well as time after the tripto reflect and draw on what was learned during the trip.In summary, there is strong support that study abroad and other types of internationalexperiences have the potential to positively impact students’ global competency. Althoughquantitative studies like those previously discussed assist researchers and practitioners in makingbroad, generalizable comparisons of the impact of international experiences, there lacks a depthof understanding regarding what students are learning from these experiences and which aspectsof the
their choice of major, begin developing their professionalidentity, and begin defining their professional goals. To assist students in developing theirprofessional identity and behavior, an immersive, first-year experience with shadowingcomponents was developed to renovate the Introduction to Bioengineering course at theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This type of experience is designed to exposestudents to the professional environment with a didactic and self-reflective curriculum, therebysupporting students in their early professional development. The class was taken from a passiveseminar series that broadly covered the bioengineering field to one split into three career-centered foci, each with an overview and experience: i
Paper ID #16055Fostering Empathy in an Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering CourseDr. Joachim Walther, University of Georgia Dr. Joachim Walther is an associate professor of engineering education research at the University of Georgia (UGA). He is a director of the Collaborative Lounge for Understanding Society and Technol- ogy through Educational Research (CLUSTER), an interdisciplinary research group with members from engineering, art, educational psychology and social work. His research interests range from the role of em- pathy in engineering students’ professional formation, the role of reflection in engineering
andthe process of students growing and developing into members of the community, whether definedas the academic or professional community.The context of this paper and its reflection on the use of outcomes to design and operate anengineering program is the proposal for significant changes in the ABET criteria. Discussionsamongst the ASEE community have included webinars, a virtual conference, and a town hallmeeting at the 2016 ASEE conference.4 The goal of this paper is to provide an example of howoutcomes have been used as a driver and motivator for innovative change in engineeringeducation.ValuesThe outcomes currently defined in Criterion 3 are a clear statement of the values the broadengineering community holds, such as use of foundational
mental processing coupled with dialogicinteraction with other learners, where the learner reflects on novel insights and perspectives. Wehave integrated these considerations into our course design. In the next section, we describe thepurpose of this investigation, followed by the course structure.Research PurposeThis paper presents findings from a comparative analysis of the learning outcomes ofengineering students who participated either completely online mode or in a hybrid-mode, whichincluded both online and in-class components. For both learning groups, we utilized the samepedagogy designed to enhance ethical reasoning (the SIRA framework).20 We implemented thispedagogical framework at the graduate-level and assessed student learning and
as a tool to define educationalobjectives, correlate documented material to a program's educational objectives, facilitate anopportunity for students to reflect on their learning, and assess the attainment of objectives.While the author does not present the mechanics of assembling individual portfolios (over astudent's academic career), the author illustrates how portfolios have been used to assess andimprove the learning process.Bhattacharya and Hartnett extend the use of student portfolios in engineering education beyondcommunications and into all aspects of engineering professional knowledge and skills. 4 Theportfolio serves both as a collection of a student’s best work and as a forum to encouragepersonal reflection. This perspective on
). However, sometimes these challenges may be too large to allow all team members toengage in the design process deeply. Further, instructors cannot observe teams in action duringtheir design process, which makes it difficult to provide feedback. Nor can they assess teams’workflow process as they transfer what they learn into knowledge needed to define a solution.Over the past two years we have used a collection of small design challenges at multiple times ofthe year to help teams practice and reflect on their processes of design, teaming and projectmanagement. These two hour design sessions engaged learners in a short conceptual designaround an interesting problem. After each session the students reflected on their process andthen discussed as a
, successfully accomplish and reflect upon an activityreferred to as a compassion practicum. The compassion practicum sought to begin thedevelopment of a critical consciousness in students. Students’ projects fall into two categories:(1) a service learning type project which must in some way improve the quality of life of othersand involves a minimum of 15 hours of actual service; and (2) a guided, extensive visit of ananimal rescue society farm in which students confront animals typically used in biomedicalresearch projects and reflect on the entire experience.IntroductionBiomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to medicine.It combines expertise in engineering with expertise in medicine and human biology to
different engineering and technology courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. His tremendous re- search experience in manufacturing includes environmentally conscious manufacturing, Internet based robotics, and Web based quality. In the past years, he has been involved in sustainable manufacturing for maximizing energy and material recovery while minimizing environmental impact.Ms. Chetana R. Bayas c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Machine Vision for Solar Cell InspectionIntroductionThe characteristics of surfaces are important because surface geometry (e.g.,smoothness vs roughness) and surface composition determine optical properties(e.g., reflection, absorption
, motion and energy. Teams were required to document their design and construction processes in an electronic engineering notebook. The notebooks were examined for evidence of student understanding and communication of the engineering design process, reflective learning, and kinematic principles as well as the level of participation of each individual in the team. Integrating engineering into math and science courses is new to many inservice teachers and research has documented that science teacher efforts focus more on engineering practices such as teamwork and communication rather than the application of the math and science concepts that are important to engineering problem solving. The research objective was to identify tools and practices
Online Learning Environments through Intelligent Fast Failure (IFF)AbstractIn this paper, we address the stimulation of creativity in online learning environments throughour examination of a simple hands-on task aimed at teaching the principles of Intelligent FastFailure (IFF) in the context of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) focused on creativity,innovation, and change. A simple physical “prototyping” exercise involving common householdobjects was designed and presented to a global community of online learners using the CourseraMOOC platform. Data gathered from the task outcomes and student reflections were analyzedwith respect to gender and cultural differences, as well as correlations between the number ofattempts
from the other by uniformly scaling (enlarging or shrinking), possibly withadditional translation, rotation and reflection. This means that either object can be rescaled,repositioned, and reflected, so as to coincide precisely with the other object. Figure 1. Similarity TransformationAffine Transformation - A mapping from one vector space to another, consisting of a linear part,expressed as a matrix multiplication, and an additive part, an offset or translation. Figure 2. Affine TransformationProjective Transformation - A transformation of space that sends points into points, lines intolines, planes into planes, and any two incident elements into two incident elements
Paper ID #14502Engineering Education: Moving toward a Contemplative Service ParadigmDr. George D. Catalano, Binghamton University Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Binghamton University Previously member of the faculty at U.S. Military Academy and Louisiana State University. Two time Fullbright Scholar – Italy and Germany. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Ten Steps for Improving Critical and Reflective Thinking Skills in the Engineering Classroom: Moving towards a Contemplative Paradigm AbstractThe present work seeks to develop and implement
practices [38-41]. Despite the questioning of theapplication of learning style research and assessment tools in the classroom, learning styleassessment is still widely utilized in classroom settings in many different types of courses.Of the many models, there are three learning style models that are utilized in engineeringeducation [13, 16, 42, 43]. The first is Kolb’s Learning Style Model [23]. Learners are classifiedinto four types. Type 1 are concrete and reflective. They ask “why” and want to connect howcourse materials relate to their experience, interest, and future careers. Type 2 are abstract andreflective. They ask “what” and connect with information that is presented in an organized andlogical order. They will then think about the
the content and spirit of the BOK as much as possible.The BOK is a formal embodiment of what the U.S. Civil Engineering Profession values in itsstudents and practitioners.While ABET accreditation may be viewed by some as a compliance activity, at its heart is anassessment program to demonstrate continuous improvement in student learning. It is axiomaticthat students learn better when they know the expectations or goals of the particular learningactivity. In terms of performance, the program outcomes represent the faculty’s learningexpectations of the student. Since the department’s student learning outcomes (SLOs) areconstructed to reflect the ASCE BOK, they are also a representation of the profession’sexpectations of the students
inthe higher levels of learning, as it encourages students to reflect on their learning processes anddraw connections between course-work and “real-world” experiences. Specifically, ePortfoliosencourage novice engineers to consider their learning processes over time, drawing connectionsbetween coursework and their intended profession, as well as cultivating an online identity thatsupports their efforts to pursue a career in Engineering. The use of ePortfolios is one method forfostering integrative learning, focusing on the application of digital communication andassessment and awareness of self- competence. By training students to archive digital artifactsrelated to their learning, ePortfolios encourage student to draw connections between
. Through this progression they were able to master most if not all of the challengesand learning outcomes.In this paper we will look at some examples of sessions based on these learning blocks and wewill examine if the camp met the expectations of the campers based on pre- and post-activitiesfor particular learning blocks and the end of camp surveys. We will also look at their level ofengagement during activities as well as how formative assessment was built into the campthrough one of the self-reflection pieces that was part of the process.Materials and MethodsThe primary design strategies for our camp were based on the implementation of learning blocks,which were strongly focused on formative assessment strategies, Blooms Taxonomy
not trivial for a first-year student. (2) The design requirements can be structured to allow for many different designs or more highly constrained to force an outcome of more specific designs. (3) The cost of materials needed for the project is relatively low and all materials are easily obtained. The project could easily be changed by simply changing the allowable materials for construction.In both implementations, students were asked to write a short reflection on the skills acquiredafter completing the project. Reflections were categorized based on reflection themes todetermine common themes and trends. This assessment, while largely qualitative in nature,provides a snapshot of how well students internalize the
there must be a forward transmitted and backward reflected wave at adiscontinuity in the characteristic impedance in order to conserve energy. We exploit thisconsequence to calculate the attributes of the transmission line. This project can be conductedunder the pretext of a power company or communications company who want to locate faults intheir transmission lines.CharacteristicsStudents are asked to find: 1. velocity of propagation in the transmission line, 2. length of the transmission line, 3. attenuation coefficient of the transmission line, 4. impedance of an unknown termination.Initial ConditionsThis project is best presented a laboratory project. In other words, the only equipment need is anoscilloscope, function generator
improve teaching is to employ muddiest point reflections.Muddiest point reflections involve simply asking students to anonymously reflect on what was“muddy”, i.e. confusing, during class and to rank their level of confusion which not onlyaddresses students falling behind, but also shows students a commitment to their educationespecially when the instructor puts direct student quotes on the screen. Initially, developing aformative feedback process takes some effort, but once established, using a formative feedbackprocess requires little effort. The formative feedback process includes four steps: 1) acquiringdata from student reflections; 2) assessing and characterizing student responses in order todiagnose the learning issues that can impede
processes 41.Taken as a whole, this body of literature centers on students’ processes of engineering design.This represents another important area for instructors’ assessment: how are students talking andacting in ways that reflect expert design practice and support their engineering.Students’ perspectives within and about engineering designA third line of research in engineering education explores students’ perspectives within andabout learning engineering design. Some of this research examines student perspectives based onevidence gathered in situ as students work on engineering design tasks. Researchers draw on thenotion of framing 42, 43, 44 and emphasize the importance of examining how students interpret andcoordinate different perspectives of
studies of theirchoice. Each week, two to three presentations were followed by general discussion. Studentscompleted a short synopsis form that included a summary of the main points and the keytakeaway for each case. At the end of the semester, the students wrote personal reflection paperson what they learned in the course during the semester. Leaving the choice of the cases discussedto the presenters (both guest lecturers and students) resulted in inclusion of cases beyond theclassic examples (e.g. the Challenger, the Ford Pinto, the Hindenburg, the Titanic). Some of theless widely discussed failures presented included the groundwater contamination at CampLejeune, North Carolina, the structural failure of the Skyline Tower in Washington, D.C
framework primarily through a series ofwritten assignments.This year, the instructors aimed to enhance students’ understanding of the PE framework anddevelopment of critical thinking skills through a collaborative team project investigating vectors.Students mapped out paths on campus using a tape measure and compass, then described theirpaths using vectors. They were asked to reflect critically on the results, considering sources oferror in their measurements, and write a team report explicitly addressing elements from the PEframework.Student surveys conducted at the end of the semester suggested a better student impression ofcritical thinking development as a result of the added vector assignment compared to previousyears with only written
accompanyingrubric(s), reviews them with the assessment coordinator, and meets with, trains, and collectscompleted assessments from all instructors who teach the course. The assessment chair alsomeets with and receives feedback from the instructors and constructs a reflective summary forthe course. The chair then compiles all of the assessment results, including the reflectivesummary, and transmits them to the assessment coordinator.At the discretion of the assessment chair (and approved by the assessment coordinator),assessment devices may include qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed direct and indirectmeasures. Rubrics are used to assess essay questions, projects, portfolios and presentations, andthey are provided to the instructors who conduct and
benefits and challenges of creating a multidisciplinarysenior capstone course from the perspective of engineering faculty. From this study five overallthemes emerged: 1.) multidisciplinary courses reflect real world, 2.) students are primarybeneficiaries of multidisciplinary courses, 3.) current university structure and organization cancreate obstacles, 4.) senior capstone is a critical component in engineering education, and 5.)dedication of resources. The paper will conclude with recommendations for working with facultyto create a more multidisciplinary learning environment for students and initial thoughts on thenext steps in the development process.Capstone as Part of Engineering EducationThe requirements of a 21st-century engineer are
for Engineering Education, 2016 Future K-12 Teacher Candidates Take on Engineering Challenges in a Project-Based Learning CourseAbstract: This paper documents new engineering focused curricula for an undergraduate LiberalStudies course directed at future K-12 teacher candidates. The engineering design process isintroduced to students within the context of a Project-Based Learning environment. Students arepresented with engineering design challenges for which they must generate possible solutions,ask questions, seek information, reflect on project directions, and finally develop an artifactrepresenting their design solution. Course learning objectives are centered on applying theengineering design process
similar summer research programs offered at universitiesaround the country. The framework of the supporting features of Northeastern University’sprogram is what enables participants to succeed in the labs, build self-efficacy in STEM andprepare them for their academic journey into college. The weekly schedule is supported throughmorning homerooms during which a variety of topics and activities are introduced, in addition tolunchtime technical seminars, and field trips to local companies and research facilities. Utilizingformative evaluations, such as weekly reflections to inform program design and implementation,allows staff to make adjustments that might be necessary to ensure a high level of participant andfaculty satisfaction with the program
not an easy practice. Students discover the characteristics of story as they experience it with the class.In this sense, storytelling is emotionally co-imagined. Previous work25 defines the SBL as an environment where individual participantsact as both storyteller and audience member. In both of these roles, specific use of theconcepts of mindfulness48 and social proof39 provide a theoretical foundation and drawsfrom constructs in socio-cognitive psychology. In the context of mindfulness, the aim isto consciously create new categories and levels of awareness. In practice this is done bydiscussion through reflective questions from both facilitating teacher and the class.Relevant here, is that while there is a syllabus that
types of instruction.Literature ReviewThe implementation of a continuous improvement plan ensures that a library instruction programmeets the needs of students, librarians, and faculty. While many academic libraries have adopteda range of assessment methods and tools to apply to student work in order to ensure thatgraduates have critical information literacy skills, it is also necessary to close the loop with aplan for improving and updating instruction1.Continuous improvement plans can take a range of forms in library instruction, including pre-and post-tests or evaluations, student surveys, evaluation of student work, self reflection, peer orsupervisor evaluation, and pedagogical workshops2,3,4,5,6. Libraries that have implementedcontinuous
reflect on the deeper rootcauses and instead focus on the superficial error. Without deep reflection students may not gainthe awareness that they need to confront misconceptions or make strategic changes in theirlearning. The second tool tested is the assignment correction, a variant of exam wrappers butused for more frequently occurring activities such as homeworks or quizzes. The idea is that,perhaps, improving metacognition requires frequent practice. If the exam wrapper could beadapted for use with graded assignments, it would provide such practice. To remain a tool that iseasy to use, however, assignment corrections must be briefer than an exam wrapper, easy toassign, collect and score, and continue to consume little to no class time for