taught courses in aeronautics, thermal-fluid systems, heat transfer, computer-aided design, and aerospace and mechanical engineering design. He is a licensed Professional Engineer and is a rated pilot in both rotary and fixed wing aircraft.Mr. Jason B Burke, Quinnipiac University Jason Burke is currently the Director of Veteran and Military Affairs at Quinnipiac University serving current and potential student veterans both on and off campus. He is a 1988 graduate from the U. S. Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in Oceanography and a graduate from the U.S. Naval War College with a Master of Arts degree in National Strategic Studies. Jason was a naval aviator for over 25 years until retiring as a Navy
examples that can be used in an introductoryMATLAB course along with our recommendation for those subjects that should be taught.These include the following: 1. Built in functions. 2. MATLAB matrices and arrays. 3. User defined functions. 4. Loops, logical functions and selection structures. 5. Graphing and plotting. 6. Matrix algebra. 7. User-controlled input and output. 8. Symbolic Mathematics. 9. Graphical user interface. 10. Simulink.References1. P. T. Goeser, W. Johnson, S. L. Bernadin, and D. A. Gajdosik-Nivens, “Work-in-Progress: The Impact of MatLab Marina - A Virtual Learning Environment on Student Learning in a Computing for Engineers Course”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2013.2. R. Talbert
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Assessment in Medical Electronics Course”, (2014) Lecture presented by Dr. Jean-Michel I. Maarek. 13. S. Zappe, R. Leicht, J. Messner, and T. Litzinger (2009) "Flipping" the Classroom to Explore Active Learning in a Large Undergraduate Course, presented at Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education.
discrimination in construction organizations and the impact on women's careers. Journal of Management in Engineering, 22, 108-118.Fantz, T. D., Siller, T. J., & Demiranda, M. A. (2011). Pre-Collegiate Factors Influencing the Self-Efficacy of Engineering Students. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(3), 604- 623. doi:10.1002/j.2168-9830.2011.tb00028.xHill, C. C. C. A. R. (2010). Why so few? Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Washington D.C.: American Association of University Women.Lopez del Puerto, C. A. G. J. S. (2011). Exploration of strategies for attracting and retaining female construction management students. Proceedings of the 47th International Associated Schools of
software engineering class (CS 222) has been selected as anatural candidate to attain a large numbers of the ABET outcomes. A large number ofuniversities utilize the capstone series for the data collection process for ABET accreditation. Ascapstone class is the last class students take before their graduation, we believe that it might belittle late if a student does not demonstrate expected competencies in certain skill(s). Hence werecommend utilization of an earlier class in the program to introduce students to ABETprofessional skills (along with periodic review of the corresponding student outcomes) and latercontinue the process to the capstone series. To identify courses which will be more suitablecandidate for this purpose, we performed a
Science and Engineering: Issues, Problems, and Solutions. Gender & Society, 25(5):589–615, 2011. [6] Allison Godwin, Geoff Potvin, Zahra Hazari, and Robynne Lock. Understanding engineering identity through structural equation modeling. Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, pages 50–56, 2013. [7] Holly M Matusovich, Ruth a Streveler, and Ronald L Miller. Why Do Students Choose Engineering? A Qualitative , Longitudinal Investigation of Students’ Motivational Values. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(4):289–303, 2010. [8] J. S. Eccles. Subjective task value and the Eccles et al. model of achievement-related choices. In Handbook of competence and motivation, pages 105–121. 2005. [9] Lisa Benson, Adam Kirn
key class size break points that can be significant when implementing mechatronic experiences.With these findings, we hope to lay a foundation for clear and informative empirical dataconcerning the time and cost required for implementing mechatronic experiences inundergraduate courses. Furthermore, additional research is needed to extend our model toinclude steady-state time and cost. We intend to conduct this future work over subsequentsemesters.References1. Matthew, R. G., & Hughes, D. C. (1994). Getting at deep learning: A problem-based approach. Engineering Science and Education Journal, 3 (5), 234-240.2. Papert, S., & Harel, I. (1991). Situating Constructionism. In Constructionism. Ablex Publishing Corporation.3
of Construction at Virginia Tech,POSCO A&C, and the Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (11 High-techUrban G03) for their support.References[1]. Build It Green. (2007). New Home Construction Green Building Guidelines, Build It Green- Smart Solution From The Ground Up.[2]. Elmer, V. and Leigland, A. (2014). Infrastructure Planning And Finance: A Smart And Sustainable Guide For Local Practitioners, Routledge, New York, NY[3]. Li, S. and He, B. (2012). On Measures to Promote Green Construction, Management and Engineering, 09(2012), 103-106.[4]. Liu, X. (2011). Green Construction Management System for Construction Project, International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Shanghai, China, May 6-8, 2011
of Energy, Silver Spring, MD[2] Infrared Analyzer. (2014) Building Envelope Surveys Retrieved from http://www.iranalyzers.com/home/BuildingEnvelopeResidential.pdf[3] Nardi, I., Sfarra, S., & Ambrosini D. (2014). ‘Quantitative thermography for the estimation of the U-value; state of the art and a case study’. Journal of Physics; Conference series 547- 012016 (Italy)[4] Ham, Y. and Golparvar-Fard, M. (2014). "Three-Dimensional Thermography-Based Method for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficiency Building Envelope Retrofits." J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000406, B4014009.[5] Foam-Tech (2015). Building Envelope Theory; R-Value Drift. Retrieved from http://www.foam-tech.com/toc_NEW.htm[6] Snell J
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, microprocessors and PLCs, control system designs and Robotics. She has published more than 45 journal and conference papers in these research areas.Dr. Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Dr. Hossein Rahemi is a professor and department chair of Engineering and Technology at Vaughn Col- lege of Aeronautics & Technology. He is the author of two books, Vaughn College Journal of Engineering and Technology (VCJET), numerous conference papers in the areas of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, vibration analysis, fracture mechanics and reliability analysis. He is also a principle investi- gator for the NSF S-STEM grant and the HIS-STEM grant and a student adviser for a number of technical
.jpg8. SparkFun GPS Shield. Retrieved February 28, 2015. from https://cdn.sparkfun.com//assets/parts/5/0/9/4/10530- 01c.jpg9. Sparkfun Sunny Buddy. Retrieved March 1, 2015. from https://www.sparkfun.com/products/1288510. L298 Ardumoto Motor Shield [Online image]. Retrieved March 1, 2015. from https://www.creatroninc.com/2489-large_default/l298-ardumoto-motor-shield.jpg11. large 2.5 W solar panel. Retrieved March 1, 2015. from https://cdn.sparkfun.com//assets/parts/1/4/6/07840-04- L.jpg12. 2000 mAh LiPo battery. Retrieved March 1, 2015. from https://www.sparkfun.com/products/848313. Singh, S. (2015, February). Critical reasons for crashes investigated in the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation
Biological Supply Company)explanation of the learning outcomes that the students were expected to achieve by theend of each experiment is provided in Table II. Students conducted the experiments inteams of two. Student learning was assessed via two lab reports and an oral presentationon their design project. Table II: Intended Learning Outcomes for Each Experiment Experiment Intended Learning Outcomes – Students will: Calculate the full-width half-maximum of the emission pattern(s) from: o LEDs that differ in colour, o an individual LED emitting different amounts of optical power, and Properties of o an
://www.longislandassociation.org/economic-development-programs.cfm3 Further information is available at “Entrepreneurship and Technology InnovationCenter: Bringing Together Industry, Faculty, and Students” by Drs. Nada Anid, StevenBillis and Marta Panero, NYIT. The Paper was presented at 120th ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.4 Becker, F. S. (2010), “Why don't young people want to become engineers? Rationalreasons for disappointing decisions,” European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 35,No. 4, pp. 349-366.5. The ETIC Application Form, which is the first step towards taking residence at the ETICis available at the ETIC’s webpage: http://www.nyit.edu/etic6. While the company hoteling space has different desks which offer
other related disciplines have changed substantially, and so we are really out of touch (speaking broadly not individually). o As an example, the singular-value decomposition (SVD) in linear algebra is a widely used technique in statistics, computer science, engineering, finance, and economics, and yet many pure mathematicians are unfamiliar with the topic, in large part because good numerical algorithms weren’t developed until the 1960’s and 1970s. To many mathematicians, linear algebra is the study of the algebraic properties of vector spaces and linear transformations. Some mathematicians pay little attention to the geometric
effective communicate acrossdisciplines.The student team organization mirrors current industry standard operating procedures. First, theteam is multidisciplinary, including EET students with programing and circuits skills and METstudents with CAD, design, mechanical analysis skills. All students must demonstrate projectprocess skills, utilizing current design for six-sigma procedures. The students learn a standardset of tools to manage the project, as well as synthesize those tools with their discipline specificknowledge.BackgroundThe original 3D Printing Technology was based on fused deposition modeling (FDM)technology, developed in the 1980’s and first commercialized by Stratasys in the 1990s. Theoriginal concept of FDM, based on existing hot
capstone course in multidisciplinary engineering design. Journal of Engineering Education, 83(4):311–316, 1994. ISSN 2168-9830.[16] David S Strong. An approach for improving design and innovation skills in engineering education: The multidisciplinary design stream. International Journal of Engineering Education, 28(2):339, 2012. ISSN 0949-149X.[17] Randal Albler, Julia Melkers, Aaron Ault, Tamara Clegg, James Krogmeier, and Edward Coyle. Enabling and evaluating collaboration of distributed teams with high definition collaboration systems, 20 June 2010 2010.[18] D. Southland. Hawaii, we have liftoff: students at uh manoa are preparing to launch the islands’ first homegrown satellites into orbit. volume 16, pages 107–113. Hana
, another hollow fiber membrane by Sawyer,and iodine tablets. Each method is described below. Five of the purification methods were eitherpurchased from Amazon.com, but could be purchased from a backpacking or camping supplystore. The remaining two methods were assembled using common laboratory supplies such ashot plates and glass beakers and an empty plastic liter bottle.Table 1. Summary of Implemented Water Treatment Methods Purification Purification Source or Materials Cost Method Mechanism(s) SODIS UV disinfection and Clear 2-liter emptied Negligible thermal heating and cleaned soda
.” Proc. of ASEE Annual Conference, June 2015.8. Y. Bar-Yam. “When systems engineering fails-toward complex systems engineering," Proc. of Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2003, pp. 2021-2028.9. E. McGrath, S. Lowes, C. Jurado, and A. Squires, “SE Capstone: A Pilot Study of 14 Universities to Explore Systems Engineering Learning and Career Interest through Department of Defense.” Proc. of ASEE Annual Conference, June 2011.
/10.1002/j.2168-9830.2012.tb00039.x/pdf.3. Smith, T. S., Undergraduate curricular peer mentoring programs: perspectives of innovation by faculty, staff, and students, Lexington Books, Lahnham, MD (2013).4. Hollister, L. R., “Leadership in Mentoring: The Benefits of Being a Mentor.” Retrieved 01/2016 from the American College of Healthcare Executives website: http://www.ache.org/newclub/career/MentorArticles/Benefits.cfm.5. Huhman, H., “5 Reasons You'll Benefit from Helping a Mentee.” Retrieved 01/2016 from CNN.com: http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2011/08/12/5-reasons-youll-benefit-from-helping- a-mentee.
appreciate that they will soon have subordinateswho will watch their behavior(s) carefully. Barring empirical results that show anything otherthan our experimental course is extremely popular, these students have shown that they will riseto the occasion of discussions of honor codes; writing values-consistent policy, doing self-assessments, finding and becoming role models, and storytelling. The results are certainlypromising.Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank CRC press/Taylor and Francis Group and specifically CindyCarelli for permissions to take material from the in-press book (reference 6.)Bibliography[1] Schein, E.H., “Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2nd Edition,” Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1992.[2] Schein, E.H
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therelationships that =− ∙ ,where Vemf is the emf voltage induced by the magnetic field B that penetrates the surface S of acoil of wire with N turns. The magnetic field can be found approximately a the field from a longstraight filament of current = , 2where I is the magnitude of the current in a region of space with permeability μ at a distance of r.We clearly see that the magnitude of the signal is determined by several factors including wherethe probe (coil) is placed relative to the object current we wish to measure. By experimentingwith various geometry students may find that by passing the
education (especially in regards to the design of complex systems), student preparation for post-graduation careers, and innovations in research-to-practice.Dr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University and holds a PhD in Education, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering. She researches cross-disciplinarity ways of thinking, acting and being; design learning; and engineering education transformation.Dr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is
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