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Displaying results 121 - 150 of 414 in total
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Development Opportunities for Diverse Engineering Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna Wolfe, Carnegie Mellon University; Elizabeth A. Powell, Tennessee Technological University; Seth Schlisserman; Alexandra Kirshon
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering, Women in Engineering
Kirshon is a Decision Science major at Carnegie Mellon University with an additional major in Professional Writing and a minor in Public Policy and Management. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Teamwork in Engineering Undergraduate Classes: What problems do students experience?AbstractWhile teamwork is commonly integrated into engineering programs, it often discourages womenand minorities. The purpose of the current research is to better understand what teamworkproblems women and minorities most frequently encounter and the resources they currently havefor solving these problems. The researchers report findings from a two-part study. In Part I, 677engineering
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Brian Limbrick, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
see if it is capableof solving ten puzzles.Interactive Exercise: Blindfold and Lead In order to teach the students the value of giving explicit instructions the students were requiredto navigate their peers across the room. One student volunteered to be blindfolded and two studentsvolunteered to give instructions. The blindfolded student had the objective of traveling from oneside of the room to the other side based purely on the instructions of his/her peers. This exerciseemphasized the level of precision necessary to describe a sequence of steps.Standardized Test Preparation: System of Equations The students were given a pair of linear equations and instructed to solve for the unknownvariables using an algorithmic approach. The
Conference Session
PBL and Flipped Classrooms in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Noel Fedesco, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Cary Troy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
of flipping a large fluid mechanics course isassociated with small but positive improvements to quiz and final exam performance. However,it is best to rely on other indicators beyond course performance in order to more accuratelydepict the impact of a course transformation. To supplement the results of the quantitativeanalyses, student comments about the course and instructor observations of the transformationimplementation were assessed. Students found the work sessions to be very effective, enjoyedcollaborating with peers and the instructor, and thought the online videos were helpful. Theinstructor indicated that the benefits of the flipped class include the following: heightenedstudent engagement during class periods; greatly increased
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christian Kreiter MSc, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; Danilo Garbi Zutin P.E., Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; Michael E. Auer, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
client applications that can beaccessed with every modern browser. This work presents the results of a survey carried out inthe scope of a national project that aims among others to gain knowledge from peer-feedbackto improve usability and to increase workload of Educational Online Laboratories, as well asto explore age-dependent requirements for the integration of Online Laboratories in classes ofsecondary schools.In our project we work together with three secondary schools from Austria and some othersfrom European countries with a focus on STEM subjects. Each Austrian project partnerdevelops its own Educational Online Laboratory in an area that suits their curricula. To assurethat the laboratory experiments are qualified in terms of their
Conference Session
Research on Design Learning
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jackson Lyall Autrey, University of Oklahoma; Farrokh Mistree, University of Oklahoma; Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
, University of Oklahoma Zahed Siddique is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering of University of Oklahoma. His research interest include product family design, advanced material and engineering education. He is interested in motivation of engineering students, peer-to-peer learning, flat learning environments, technology assisted engineering education and experiential learning. He is the coordinator of the industry sponsored capstone from at his school and is the advisor of OU’s FSAE team. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Fostering Learning Principles of Engineering DesignAbstract We contend that it is
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Professional Development for Students and Teachers
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire Duggan, Northeastern University; Maureen D. Cabrera, Center for STEM Education; Madeline Jean Leger
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
proposal-writing workshops; Co-facilitator (2004), Boston East Pipeline Network; and Alumni, Lead Boston 2004 (The National Conference for Community and Justice). She won the 2006 Northeastern University Aspiration Award, and was recognized at the 2003 Northeastern University Reception honoring Principal Investigators that obtained funding in excess of $1 million over a five-year period.Miss Maureen D. Cabrera, Center for STEM EducationMadeline Jean Leger c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Summer Research Programs for high school students, supporting componentsAbstractThe Young Scholars Program at Northeastern University provides a diverse group of high schoolstudents who have
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies: Laboratory Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh; Arash Mahboobin, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
analyzeunknown systems using MATLAB programming. The problem based instructional approach forthe fall 2015 term began with a series of assignments guiding the students in decomposing theproblem into components; this allowed the problem itself to become central to skill development.The flipped instructional environment challenged students to prepare for lab sessions byreviewing programming examples and completing online assessments to gain early feedbackbefore going to the lab sessions. The lab sessions were then reserved for collaborative, hands-onprogramming practice with peers and just-in-time instructor questioning and monitoring.Students were encouraged to submit periodic progress reports (i.e. design reviews) for instructorfeedback and guidance
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Ann Pedraza, Texas Tech University; Mario G. Beruvides P.E., Texas Tech University
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
than either of the twoeffects alone.”[21] In his study, Henson[21] suggests that we may be able to predict outcomes notbased on a person’s past aptitude or grade point average, but rather, on their self esteem,dogmatism, and intrinsic or extrinsic motivation to be successful.[21] Evidence of the use of performance comparisons in efficacy belief formation is supportedby other research and supports the claim of self-efficacy theory that vicarious experiences aremore influential on students who have little experience in a particular area such as in comingfreshman engineering students.26 Yet, another study stated that individuals “who are lessconfident, experience negative interactions with peers and instructors, and hold
Conference Session
Integrating Systems Engineering into the Capstone Project
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fred J. Looft, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering, Systems Engineering
engineering students aware of the role of their professions in society. The importance of such an understanding has been reinforced by the ABET Engineering Criteria 2000, which require that engineering programs demonstrate that their graduates have "the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global societal context."  The IQP is by design interdisciplinary. Students obtain practice in dealing with unstructured, open-ended, interdisciplinary problems, opportunities to work independently with peers and extensive experience in writing about previously unfamiliar concepts utilizing new terminology.The second project is completed in the fourth year of study and for engineering majors
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Sustainability and Interdisciplinary Practices in K-12 Engineering Education Curriculum
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur D. Kney, Lafayette College; Rebecca Arielle Citrin, Lafayette College; Pamela L.B. Clark, PLB Clark Consulting LLC
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
engineering and science education for K – 12 students, as well as assess the learning outcomes of these programs. Post-graduation, Rebecca has continued to explore her interest in K-12 engineering education by participating in the ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) Mentoring Program, during which she teaches high school students about the concepts of engineering and sustainability.Pamela L.B. Clark, PLB Clark Consulting LLC Consultant who works with local and national non-profits for grant writing, evaluation, and technical assistance. Board member of the National Foundation for Teen Safe Driving and NJ State Contact for Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD). Twenty years of experience in program
Conference Session
Education Programs in BME
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine E Reuther, Columbia University; Michael John Cennamo, Columbia University; Tiffany Wen-an Guo, Columbia University
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Tagged Divisions
environment has traditionally been dominated by alecture format, with students passively listening to the course instructor. This format has beencriticized as an ineffective way to learn and many strategies have been suggested to improve this,including that of blended learning. Blended learninga is defined as “the organic integration ofthoughtfully selected and complementary face-to-face and online approaches and technologies”.3By integrating these complementary approaches in the classroom, it provides students with theopportunity for increased interactions with course materials, instructors, and peers, creatinga The term “flipped classroom” is a form of blended learning where the student is exposed to new concepts outside of class and class time is
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Use of Technology and Tools for K-12 Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Henry M. Clever, New York University; Allison Graham Brown, New York University ; Vikram Kapila, New York University
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
students’support in performing preliminary research to generate experimentally validated data for theproposal. This approach produced a contagious excitement and ownership because manystudents in sections following earlier introductory sections knew what to expect; their peers fromearlier sections had shared the idea outside of class. Furthermore, hands-on interactionsembedded in PBL4 allowed students to “do something” to “learn about something,” instead ofthe usual classroom teaching with singular focus on “learn about something.” At the start of theMUAV lesson, students drew names out of a hat to choose between four possible roles: pilotingthe MUAV, timing MUAV flight to measure its ground speed over a set number of parkingspaces located behind the
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Evaluation: Exploring the Impact of Programs & Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reagan Curtis, West Virginia University; Darran Cairns, West Virginia University; Johnna Bolyard, West Virginia University; David Luke Loomis, West Virginia University; Kelly Leigh Watts, RESA 3; Sera Mathew, West Virginia University; Michael Theodore Carte, George Washington High School
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
year, Mr. Carte served as President of the West Virginia Academic Coaches Association. Hewas recognized as an outstanding teacher by the West Virginia Governor’s Honors Academy in 2006 and2008, and in 2005, he served on West Virginia Instructional Materials Selection Committee for Science.He served on the WESTEST II Item Writing Committee for Chemistry in 2009. While at Riverside HighSchool, Mr. Carte was named Kanawha County Teacher-of-the-Year in 2010.In 2012, Mr. Carte gained certification from The Princeton Review to be a part-time general chem-istry instructor, and has taught preparation courses for the Medical College Admissions Test at MarshallUniversity. For the past two years, he served as the College and Career Ready/STEM Coordinator
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael M. Umbriac, University of Michigan; Amy Hortop, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
 process is described in more detail in a later section.  In this way, we aim to greatly reduce the occurrence of “rushing to get a job done”, knowing that mistakes and accidents could occur as a result.  (Jiminez et al, 2014)  Similarly, for a capstone design class in which each student team is building a unique project, we believe that requiring the students to write a safety plan and to get it approved by the instructors before construction will ensure that they will consider the safety risks that could occur during the build and test phases of their project, and to take corrective actions to eliminate or minimize these risks.  Some peer institutions also have a similar requirement (Kemsley, 2011.)  Design­Build­Test [Work space] Upon
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Robotics in Pre-K-12 Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fethiye Ozis, Northern Arizona University; Anna Danielle Newley, Sonoran Science Academy - Phoenix; Erdogan Kaya, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
grades 5-8, the Elementary Science Olympiad team, and the competitive high school robotics team, FTC. She contributed to international published papers, national proceedings, and is the process of writing several children’s books. This summer she will present a workshop on robotics for elementary school students.Mr. Erdogan Kaya, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Erdogan Kaya is a PhD student in science education at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is work- ing as a graduate assistant and teaching science methods courses. Prior to beginning the PhD program, he received his MS degree in computer science and engineering. He coached robotics teams and was awarded several grants that promote Science, Technology
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Two-Year Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ibrahim F. Zeid, Northeastern University; Chitra N. Javdekar, Massachusetts Bay Community College; Claire Duggan, Northeastern University; Marina Bograd
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Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
subjects that might presenta struggle. Peer and professional tutors are available through the academic achievement centerto assist with technical subjects as well as writing and math. The college caters to workingadults by offering courses after typical working hours, on weekends and online. Facultymembers teaching online curriculum have undergone training and use universal course designtechniques (S. Burgstahler, 2006 16) to cater to all learning styles.Student advising starts prior to entering the program. Students meet with a designated Collegeand Career Navigator who is the first point of contact for each student participating in thiscertificate program. The College and Career Navigator assists with the application process andremains a point
Conference Session
Circuits & Systems Education II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Danowitz, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Antonio Leija, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
design costs wereroutinely reaching the tens of millions of dollars 3. Given these constraints, how can we aseducators hope to provide a meaningful SoC design experience in a 10-week quarter?This paper attempts to answer that question by detailing a 1-quarter SoC design course I pilotedin Spring quarter 2015, CPE 439 Real Time Embedded Systems. As discussed in EnablingTechnology, I based the course around a new type of technology called a Programmable SoC(PSoC). PSoCs abstract away many of the low-level design decisions and development work thatgoes into a traditional SoC bring-up, allowing students to focus on developing custom IP,connecting it to the processor through an industry standard interconnect bus, and writing driversoftware to control
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Learning Outcomes and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kamran Iqbal, University of Arkansas, Little Rock; Gary T. Anderson, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
student outcome were met, but were within 3% of beingunsatisfactory. Table 1: Assessment instruments used to assess student outcomes Assessment Instrument Student Outcomes Assessed a b c d e f g h i j k Homework Problems x x x x x x x Exams x x x x x Capstone Project Assessment x x Peer Evaluations x Video and Exam x Capstone Reports x x x x x
Conference Session
Diversity in Community Engagement Implementation II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Plymesser PE, Montana State University, Billings; Damon Lee Sheumaker; Christopher Robert Allen, Civil Engineering and the Center For Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
engagement through service learning and isunique in the degree to which the organization has been built and directed by student volunteers.For the last decade, students have been self-motivated to manage an organization thatcollaborates with primary schools in the Khwisero district of Western Kenya to develop waterand sanitation solutions. The continued success of the organization requires students to overcomethe difficulty of year-to-year continuity, develop skills to undertake complex problems, and workin an unfamiliar culture to implement projects. To address these challenges, students engagefaculty advisors, professionals (both in the US and Kenya), their peers, and Kenyan beneficiariesto generate solutions collectively. While in the United
Conference Session
Active Learning & Laboratories in Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel J. Magda, Weber State University
Tagged Divisions
design process that hasmilestones with deliverables associated with a Gantt chart and work breakdown structure. Theymust also develop an instructional lab with a series of questions that helps reinforce the theorytaught in the classroom. And finally, they are required to teach this lab to their peers. The designpremise/requirement for the capstone students is that they must incorporate at least three coreareas of the curriculum into their team project. This will provide future implementation of the labto different areas of study with the engineering technology programs. The areas of study for thislab apparatus in this paper include measurements and instrumentations with LabView, strengthof materials, heat transfer and material behavior. The
Conference Session
Emerging Computing and Information Technologies I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Afrin Naz, West Virginia University Inst. of Tech.
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
one project and the role of clientin another. As professional skills can be incorporated into in an existing course at many levels, and ways,we conducted through literature survey to identify these different ways. As each institutiondevelops their own set of mechanisms, we did not simply adopt another’s mechanism butdeveloped our own implementations of instruction delivery and assessment tools based on ourown programs need. In the initial draft we identify the instruction delivery methods and studentassignments to incorporate different ABET outcomes: semester long group project, series of oralpresentations, enterprise architecture and project management case research, writing technicalreport, conducting research and discussion on ethics and
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel J. Magda, Weber State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
required to teach this lab to their peers. The designpremise/requirement for the capstone students is that they must incorporate at least three coreareas of the curriculum into their team project. This will provide future implementation of the labto different areas of study with the engineering technology programs. The areas of study for thislab apparatus in this paper include measurements and instrumentations with LabView, strengthof materials, heat transfer and material behavior. The assessment included in the final paper istwofold. The capstone students are assessed in the area of retention of fundamental coreknowledge upon graduation. The assessment tool was a comprehensive exam similar to theFundamentals of Engineering exam. Undergraduate
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel J. Magda, Weber State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
associated with a Gantt chart and work breakdown structure. Theymust also develop an instructional lab with a series of questions that helps reinforce the theorytaught in the classroom. And finally, they are required to teach this lab to their peers. The designpremise/requirement for the capstone students is that they must incorporate at least three coreareas of the curriculum into their team project. This will provide future implementation of the labto different areas of study with the engineering technology programs. The areas of study for thislab apparatus in this paper include measurements and instrumentations with LabView, strengthof materials, heat transfer and material behavior. The assessment included in the final paper istwofold. The
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries: Extending Our Outreach
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan R Sapp Nelson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
communication via the social web include collaboration,searching for relevant content, documenting original materials, promoting one’s work, buildingpeer networks, extracting and organizing information, and conducting peer reviews.4,5 Scientificand professional communication online supports diversity in the sciences and engineering. Itprovides a platform for role models from diverse backgrounds to connect with new scientists andengineers.6 Online scientific communication also allows individuals in specialized areasdispersed over a wide geographic area to easily communicate as a discipline in a designatedvirtual environment.4 It gives a venue for identifying and/or purchasing parts, information onuser opinions or demographic information, and competitor
Conference Session
The Intersection of Higher Ed and Industry
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikitha Sambamurthy, Purdue University - West Lafayette; Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University - West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
being earned for scoring 60points or less on a 100 point scale). Within educational environments, rubrics are designed toevaluate a student’s process or product [9] and have three key features: (1) evaluation criteria, (2)quality definitions, and (3) a scoring strategy [7]. A rubric that is co-created with students, used toevaluate peer, self, and teaching assessments, and then used to assign grades is an instructionalrubric, and a rubric solely used by an instructor to assign grades is a scoring rubric [6]. Since thegoal of this paper is to describe rubric development in industry environments, where instructionis not the goal during the hiring process, scoring rubrics will be the focus of this paper.Different Types of Rubrics Rubrics
Conference Session
Software and Programming
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank Vahid, University of California - Riverside; Alex Daniel Edgcomb, Zybooks; Bailey Alan Miller, Zyante Inc.; Tony Givargis, University of California - Irvine
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Givargis, University of California - Irvine Tony Givargis is a Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean in the School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Riverside in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He conducts re- search in the area of embedded systems with an emphasis on embedded systems and software and has authored over 90 peer reviewed papers. He is a named inventor on 11 U.S. patents and has co-authored two popular textbooks on embedded system design. Professor Givargis has received numerous teaching, service, and research awards, including the Frederick Emmons Terman Award
Conference Session
Pedagogies of Making and Design
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dean Nieusma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; James W. Malazita, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, haveexperimented with forms of media production as alternatives to writing for producing anddisseminating scholarly work. Both of these projects focus on the production of new mediaforms, such as web pages, games, and interactive digital art pieces, as the result of scholarlywork, rather than merely as methods for producing more traditional written/publication material.More recently, thanks largely to the proliferation of 3D printing hardware and related grantsfrom the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew Mellon Foundation, digitalhumanists have begun incorporating making practices into their research and pedagogy.Makerspaces and critical design labs such as those at the University of Victoria, the University ofToronto, the University of
Conference Session
Student and Other Views on Engineering Leadership
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
engineering leader, and why?” After two minutes ofreflective writing, students were grouped by common communication styles (see above) andasked to discuss their papers and to come to a consensus on the dimension that each group feltmost important. These were shared with the class, discussed, and captured on the chalkboard.Design Applications CardsApplication cards prompt students to think about possible applications, connect newly learnedconcepts with prior knowledge, and see more clearly the possible relevance of what they arelearning16. In this study, application cards were used on the last day of class as part of the reviewfor the final exam. As part of the review, the instructor provided notes on the chalkboard thatincluded a flowchart of the
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in BME
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leann Dourte Segan, University of Pennsylvania; Emily R Elliott, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Pennsylvania
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Tagged Divisions
thiscourse was modified in 2014 from its original lecture-centered format to include group problemsolving coupled with kinesthetic, hands-on, discovery based activities. This unique combinationof active learning principles was hypothesized to increase conceptual understanding and studentconfidence in their biomechanics and problem solving skills.BackgroundStructured, active, in-class learning (SAIL) is a term used to describe classroom education withan emphasis on learning-by-doing. Class time is built around a variety of student-centeredactivities with clear educational goals meant to engage students in the learning process.Activities are often performed in groups further enhancing the learning environment byproviding opportunities for peer
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Yousef Ismail, Texas A&M University - Qatar; Hamid R. Parsaei, Texas A&M University - Qatar; Bing Guo, Texas A&M University - Qatar; Konstantinos E. Kakosimos, Texas A&M University - Qatar; Raelene Dufresne, Texas A&M University - Qatar; Nasser Alaeddine, Carnegie Mellon University - Qatar
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
: Effects calculation and risk analysis” published by CRC Press) and more than 20 papers in international peer-reviewed journals.Ms. Raelene Dufresne, Texas A&M University - Qatar Ms. Dufresne is an educator with 20 years experience in both secondary and tertiary educational insti- tutions in North America and abroad, teaching students from all over the world. A proponent of using technology in the classroom, she currently flips her classes using videos and interactive learning activities to improve student understanding, as well as to level the playing field for her freshmen mathematics- for-engineers classes at an overseas branch campus of Texas A&M University. Notably, her secondary students at the American