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Displaying results 1291 - 1320 of 1461 in total
Conference Session
Learning and Assessment in ME 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gloria Guohua Ma, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Bo Tao, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
; Cayabyab, J. (2015). The Effect of Peer Tutoring on Achievement of Students in DiscreteStructures. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(5).4. Chen, C., & Liu, C. C. (2011). A case study of peer tutoring program in higher education. Research in HigherEducation Journal, 11, 1-10.5. Zhao, CM. & Kuh, G.D. (2004), Adding Value: Learning Communities and Student Engagement, Research inHigher Education, 45:1156. Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (2005). Understanding student differences. Journal of engineering education, 94(1),57-72.7. Topping, K.J. (1996) The effectiveness of peer tutoring in further and higher education: A typology and review ofthe literature, High Education (1996) 32: 321.8. Shapiro, N. S., & Levine, J. H
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer II
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karim Altaii, James Madison University; Colin J. Reagle, George Mason University; Mary K. Handley, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
approach is Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory (CAT)introduced by Collins et al. (1991) and Rogoff (1991). As a social cognitive theory, CAT positsthat students learn from experts by observation, imitation, and modeling. The instructor(s) serveas coaches to bring tacit processes out in the open. In flipping the course described herein,students spent more time actively observing and learning from the instructor than was possible inthe traditional lecture format. Coaching was more targeted and problem solving became anexploration where strategies were learned, reflection was built in with student peers workingtogether, and informed inquiry prior to coming to class enabled scaffolding.Structure of the Flipped CourseDuring the flipped portion of the
Conference Session
Professionalism and Preparations Developed by Graduate Study Programs—Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 7
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Valerie N. Streets, University of Tulsa; Bradley J. Brummel, University of Tulsa; Michael Wade Keller, University of Tulsa; Rami M. Younis, The University of Tulsa
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
the STEM Workforce, A Companion to Science and Engineering Indicators 2014, Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation (NSB- 2015-10).[3] Wendler, C., B. Bridgeman, F. Cline, C. Millet, J. Rock, N. Bell & P. McAllister. 2010. The Path Forward: The Future of Graduate Education in the United States. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.[4] Hancock, S. & Walsh, E. 2016. Beyond knowledge and skills: Rethinking the development of professional identity during the STEM doctorate. Studies in Higher Education, 41, 37-50.[5] Litalien, D. & F. Guay. 2015. Dropout intention in Ph.D. studies: A comprehensive model based on interpersonal relationships and motivational resources
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computing and Information Technology Programs I
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephany Coffman-Wolph, West Virginia University Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
activities on creating, implementing, and improving theactivities. In the future, the author plans to collect data on student opinions of these activitiesand analyze grades from exams/homework/labs to improve the student experience and maximizetheir learning.Bibliography[1] T. Bell, et al., “Computer Science Unplugged: School Students Doing Real Computing Without Computers,”Computing and Information Technology Research and Education, New Zealand (CITRENZ), vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 20-29, 2009.[2] T. Bell, et al., CS Unplugged: Computer Science without a Computer., 2015.[3] S. Coffman-Wolph, “Innovative Activities to Teach Computer Science Concepts Inside the Classroom and atOutreach Events”, Proceedings of the 123rd Annual ASEE
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Ahmad, Northwestern State University; Jerie Pedescleaux, Northwestern State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
engineers in the workplaces remains relatively low. There has been a significantimprovement compared to the 1980's, during which only about 5.8% of engineers were woman,but the numbers remain relatively low with female engineers only making up about 14% of theengineering workforce within the United States. Suggested reasons for this phenomena includelack of female role models and young women having fewer technological problem solvingopportunities throughout K-12 than when compared to their male counterparts13.To attempt to combat the lack of female engineering students within an Engineering Technologydepartment at a University of Louisiana, the department developed a “Girls Who Draft”program, which is partially motivated by the Girls Who Code
Conference Session
Teaching Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Materials
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derek James Lura PhD, Florida Gulf Coast University; Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Long Duy Nguyen P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
on areas that theywere weak in based on performance on previous problems. Our hope was that this would helpdirect students’ study habits and improve overall learning. Also, for this semester the number ofin class quizzes was further reduced, with 4 quizzes for statics and 2 for dynamics. Also thestatics exam was given over 2 class periods, as a common time for both sections of students wasnot available due to the students’ schedules. Table 1: Description of courses included in the study ID Assessment Term Class Period Instructor(s) N* Homework Fall 2013 TR 8:00-10:45am A&B 37 TH Homework Spring 2014 TR 8
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Tuesday Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Norma L Veurink, Michigan Technological University; Justin Foley, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
&Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.Budny, D., LeBold, W., & Bjedov, G. (1998). Assessment of the Impact of FreshmanEngineering Courses. Journal of Engineering Education, 87(4), 405-411.Chamberlain, J. Benson, L. & Crockett, E. (2008). Work in progress - first year engineeringstudent responses on exit surveys as indicators of program effectiveness. Paper presented at the38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.Meyers, K. (2016). A Course to Promote Informed Selection of an Engineering Major Using aPartially Flipped Classroom Model. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research,17(3), 14-21.Zahorian, S., Elmore, M., & Temkin, K.J. (2013). Factors that Influence Engineering Freshmanin Choosing Their
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 4
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Campbell Rightmyer Bego, University of Louisville; Il Young Barrow, University of Louisville; Patricia A. Ralston, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
and organize and facilitate ongoing research on retention. Ms. Bego is a registered professional mechanical engineer in New York State.Mr. Il Young Barrow, University of Louisville IL Young Barrow is the QEP specialist for assessment at the University of Louisville. He specializes in knowledge around national assessment instruments (e.g. NSSE, CIRP, CAAP), assessment of student learning outcomes, retention studies, and various data analyses related to student success. IL also has wide-ranging experiences in undergraduate teaching, academic advising, and graduate admissions and student services.Dr. Patricia A. Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the
Conference Session
Learning and Assessment in ME 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Andrew Roney, University of Denver; Breigh Nonte Roszelle, University of Denver; Matt Gordon P.E., University of Denver; Bradley Davidson, University of Denver
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
FE Exam had student G.P.A.’s that were similar over all thesame years as shown in Table 3, and small changes in these do not seem to correlate with passrates. Subject areas that are typically covered in the 2000 level course are Thermodynamics,Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Statics, Dynamics, Materials, Mechanics of Materials,Engineering Economics, and Machine Design. For these reasons, we believe that the changesassociated with preparation for the 2015/2016 year affected the pass rate, and not the quality ofour students.Table 1: Overall pass rates of the Sophomore Assessment exam for the past four years. Year Number of Examinees Total Exam Average Pass Rate 2013 40 65% ± 9
Conference Session
ETD Freshmen Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmen Cioc, The University of Toledo; Sorin Cioc, The University of Toledo; Zachary Linkous, University of Toledo
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
science properties, including elastic modulus, strain, displacement, stress, yield, anderrors. The “Theory” section gives the students the opportunity to use the equation editor and toapply a general and consistent way to reference the equation(s) in the body of text. Similarlearning objectives are on adding a figure or drawing a new one using the drawing editor. The“Results and Discussion” section offers the students the opportunity to learn about datamanipulation and presentation, both in form of tables and graphs. Finally, the students learn howto refer and incorporate the necessary references.Two projects are usually assigned during this section. In the first one, the students receive anexample of a lab report without equations, figures
Conference Session
Career Development in Engineering: From Higher Education to Industry
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell L Springer PMP, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Mark T Schuver, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
the blocking and tackling of process creation. The difficulty,however, comes during the process completion step of assigning resources. During this activity,true cross-discipline collaboration must occur. The resultant process flow may very well be apermutation with inefficiencies and additional costs if cultural and emotional considerationsmaterialize.While the above discussion provides meaningful insight into defining distance education as aprocess, and provides a methodology to do so, an area for further research would be to surveyseveral comparable universities to determine their peer organizational structures andsubsequently validate the methodology proposed above.References1 Bozkurt, A., Akgun-Ozbec, E., Yilmazel, S., et al. (2015
Conference Session
MET Papers 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shoji Nakayama, Purdue University Northwest (College of Technology); Ali Alavizadeh, Purdue University Northwest
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Hydraulics Safety QuestionsBe able to identify the fundamental parts of a hydraulic system and safety issues relating tohydraulicsYou will explore some of the safety issues associated with hydraulic systems and the fluids usedin them.QUESTION 1) Have you ever worked with hydraulic systems within a as a professionprofessional career?Yes_____ No_____IF yes, how long and on which system:3 years 1~3 years < 1 year NoneQUESTION 2) Have you received any training on safety of hydraulic systems?Yes_____ No_____If yes, what was the format? (workshop, online training, etc.)QUESTION 3) List hazard(s) associated with the use of hydraulic systems.QUESTION 4) What are the general safety procedures for working on hydraulic
Conference Session
Strategies for Effective Education in Manufacturing
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuqiu You, Ohio University; Neil Littell, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
learned in previous courses into a realsystem integration project. This interaction would provide a deeper level of assessment of thestudent competencies related to control systems, material handling, industrial robots, andsystems integration within the modern manufacturing environment.References [1] Marra, R. M., Jonassen, D. H., Palmer, B., & Luft, S. (2014). Why Problem-Based Learning Works: Theoretical Foundations. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(3-4), 221–238. [2] Schwering, R. E. (2015). Optimizing Learning in Project-Based Capstone Courses. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 19(1), 90–104. [3] Stevenson, W. J. (2015). Operations Management, (12th). New York, NY: Mc Graw Hill. [4
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in First-Year Programs
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Liang Li Wu, University of California, Irvine; Gregory N. Washington, University of California, Irvine
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
workforce threaten US economic leadership?. Innovation policy and the economy, 6, 123-157. 2. Douglass, J. A. and Edelstein, R. (2009). The Global Competition for Talent, The Rapidly Changing Market for International Students and the Need for a Strategic Approach in the US. Center for Studies in Higher Education.3. Duval-Couetil, N., Reed-Rhoads, T. and Haghighi, S.(2012). Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes, International Journal of Engineering Education, 28, 425– 435.4. Roberts E.B. and Eesley C., (2009) Entrepreneurial Impact: The Role of MIT – an Updated Report. Shartrand, A., et al. (2010
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Course Efforts
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary P. Halada, Stony Brook University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Rubble” (by S. Pfatteicher)2 Reliability)Risk and Week 3 Lecture 3 on risk assessment, Reflection on lecturereliability including nature of probabilistic risk Assignment on Failure assessment (PRA); case studies Modes, Effects and involving Challenger, World Trade Criticality Analysis Center, etc. Readings from “Lessons Amid the Rubble”Causes of Weeks 4- Lecture 4, parts 1-3, on causes of Reflections on lectures;failure and 6 engineering failure (including Directed reflection onfailure
Conference Session
Development of Technical and Soft Skills in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Trevor R Ham, The University of Akron; Rouzbeh Amini, The University of Akron
Tagged Divisions
contour recovery from corneoscleral indentation. Journal of biomechanical engineering 132, 071010, doi:10.1115/1.4001256 (2010).6 Gsellman, L. & Amini, R. Patients With Intravitreal Gas Bubbles at Risk of High Intraocular Pressure Without Exceeding Elevation of Surgery: Theoretical Analysis. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 57, 3340-3347, doi:10.1167/iovs.15-18010 (2016).7 Muller, C. L. & Kidd, C. Debugging geographers: teaching programming to non-computer scientists. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 38, 175-192, doi:10.1080/03098265.2014.908275 (2014).8 Freeman, S. et al. Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ying Lin, Western Washington University; John Andrew Lund, Western Washington University; Todd D. Morton, Western Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
type of introductory course has gained popularity nationwide. Forinstance, University of Arkansas in 1990’s redesigned its Introduction to EEcourse with an emphasis on motivating EE Freshmen5 and introduced variousteaching elements such as guest speakers and senior students’ presentations. TheIntroductory course (entitled as “Exploring Electrical Engineering”) at PortlandState University was recently created for improved motivation and earlyintroduction of design6. At University of Florida (UFL), the Introduction toElectrical Engineering course4 resembles our intro course and has similarpedagogical goals as ours at Western Washington University. It focuses on“Introduction to electrical and computer engineering tools -- hardware andsoftware
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lei Zhang, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; JeanPaul Badjo, Badjo-T Industries; Ibibia K. Dabipi, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Xianfang Tan
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
The suit provided diversified ways for the user to operate different functions embedded,including: 1). Touchscreen/LED display The GUI for user input and operation of the suit. 2). Mind control 3). Gesture control 4). Voice control Imaging System The imaging system is composed of the Raspberry Pi in the central control unit and the Picamera(s). The imaging system enables advanced functions based on image processingalgorithms, such as image enhancement, face recognition, night vision, etc. Power System The suit is driven by a rechargeable battery. Battery usage is managed and monitored by thecentral control unit. Accessories Because of the modularity design of the suit, there are many optional units with
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Riley Sevan Harding, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis; Patricia Fox, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis; Charles McIntyre, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis; Terri L. Talbert-Hatch, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
community on first year engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 41, No. 3, 331-341.3. Frazier , W. & Eighmy, M. (2012). Themed Residential Learning Communities: The Importance of Purposeful Faculty and Staff Involvement and Student Engagement. Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts.4. Golde, C., & Pribbenow, D. (2000). Understanding Faculty Involvement in Residential Learning Communities. Journal of College Student Development.5. Inkelas, K. (2007). The National Study of Living-Learning Programs: 2007 Report of Findings. University of Maryland-Universities Libraries DRUM. Retrieve from Johnson, J., & Romanoff, S. (1999). Higher Education Residential
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadia N. Kellam, Arizona State University; Audrey Boklage, Arizona State University ; Brooke Charae Coley, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Joachim Walther, University of Georgia; Joshua M Cruz
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
autonomically to social stimuli.” Behavioral Brain Research, 41, pp. 81–94.4 Damasio, A, Tranel, D and Damasio, H (1991) “Somatic markers and the guidance of behavior: Theory and preliminary testing,” in Levin, H. S., Eisenberg, H. M., and Benton, A. L. (eds.), Frontal lobe function and dysfunction, New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 217–229.5 Felder, Richard M and Brent, Rebecca (2004) “The intellectual development of science and engineering students. Part 2: Teaching to promote growth.” Journal of Engineering Education, 93(4), pp. 279–291.6 Riemer, M J (2003) “Integrating emotional intelligence into engineering education.” World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 2(2), pp. 189
Conference Session
Division Experimentation and Lab-Oriented Studies - Pedagogy of Lab Courses
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arash Mahboobin, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Education Conference, San Jose, CA, 717-720Sharp, J., Olds, B., Miller, R., & Dyrud, M. (1999). Four Effective Writing Strategies forEngineering Classes. Journal of Engineering Education, 88(1), 53-57Sullivan, G. & Feinn, R. (2012). Using Effect Size-Or Why the P Value is Not Enough. Journalof Graduate Medical Education, 4(3), 279-282Van Bramer, S. & Bastin, L. (2013). Using a Progressive Paper to Develop Students’ WritingSkills. Journal of Chemical Education, 90(6), 745-750Yalvac, B., Smith, H., Troy, J., & Hirsch, P. (2007). Promoting Advanced Writing Skills in anUpper-Level Engineering Class. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(2), 117-128Young, A. & Fulwiler, T. (1986). Writing Across the Disciplines: Research into Practice
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies - Bring Your Own Experiment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl J. Spezia P.E., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Garth V. Crosby, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, Strategies for Success”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, 2012.4. Radian Belu, “Virtual Laboratory For Study of the Electric Machines Parameters and Characteristics”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, KY, 20105. Radian G Belu, Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, “Using a Virtual Platform for Teaching Electrical Machines and Power Systems”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, 20136. S. Ayasun and G. Karbeyaz, DC motor speed control methods using MATLAB/Simulink and their integration into undergraduate electric machinery courses, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, vol. 15, 2007, pp. 347 - 354.7. J.R
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies - Bring Your Own Experiment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Garth V. Crosby, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Marcelene Allecia Cunningham
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
) (1)Carrier Signal:AC cos(2p fC )t (2)Modulated Signal: S AM (t )  [ Ac  Am cos(2 f mt )]cos(2 f ct )  Ac [1  k cos(2 f mt )]cos(2 f ct ) (3)where, Am and Ac represent the amplitude of the message signal and carrier signal, respectively; fcand fc represent the frequency in Hertz of the message signal and carrier signal, respectively; trepresents time, in seconds, and k is a constant.These equations are written in JavaScript such that the end-user is able to modify the parametersof the equations via a graphical user interface. The mathematical equations for theaforementioned waveform along with the corresponding
Conference Session
Programming, Virtual Reality, and Dynamic Systems
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne-Marie A. Lerner, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
peer group is that there are many problems for students towork, and each student throughout the course of a fifty minute class will work three problemsand “host” a problem as a peer tutor. In class, these progressive peer groups are called “FunkyFridays”; they were implemented on a weekly basis as a way to practice the topic(s) of the week.The name gave the cue that this was a regular, ongoing expectation.The progressive peer group is implemented as follows: the instructor prepares at least fourdifferent problems for students to work. Students are randomly grouped in threes and assigned anexercise to work. Playing cards are an easy way to help direct students to minimize time lostduring moves, and are an easy way to continually mix students
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Prewitt Penno P.E., University of Dayton; Roger J. Crum, University of Dayton; Eddy M. Rojas, University of Dayton
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
city. They meet early, before the city develops its full daily rhythm, andthen walk and explore the entirety of the city from morning until late into the evening. Thefaculty meet with the students at various points during the day and at night’s end for debriefing.While exhausting, this experience provides an opportunity for students to learn the city quicklyand for faculty to begin assessing students’ skills and coming needs in researching the Florencesite. Figure 1: Florence, Baptistery of S. Giovanni: The program begins with an all-day site exploration.After the “deep dive” city exploration and an additional four days of directed site investigationand orientation, each group is assigned one
Conference Session
Engineering Technology
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jennifer Drapinski Moss, Purdue University; Mark French, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
designs for educational research. (Prentice Hall, 2005).17 Mendenhall, W. M., Sincich, T. L. & Boudreau, N. S. Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences. (CRC Press, 2016).18 King, G. A solution to the ecological inference problem: Reconstructing individual behavior from aggregate data. (Princeton University Press, 2013).19 Sessa, V. I. & London, M. Continuous learning in organizations: Individual, group, and organizational perspectives. (Psychology Press, 2015).20 Kennedy, M. M. Generalizing from single case studies. Evaluation Review 3, 661-678 (1979). 
Conference Session
The 2017 Zone Best Paper Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eileen Haase Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Harry R. Goldberg, Johns Hopkins University
Tagged Topics
Council of Sections
Cell Biology Garland Publishing, Inc., USA (3rd edition) (7) H. Lodish, A. Berk, S. L. Zipursky, P. Matsudaira, D. Baltimore, J. Darnell (2009), Molecular Cell Biology, W. H. Freeman and Co, USA, (6th edition) (8) 2016 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 8-9, 2016 GWU (9) (10) Kabalan, A (2014) 2014/Think_Pair_Share_A_Case_Study_in_an_Electrical_Engineering_Class.pdf (11) Koles, PG, et al, (2010) “The Impact of Team-Based Learning on Medical Students’ Academic Performance”, Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 11 / November 2010, 1739-1745 (12) Epstein, ML and Brosvic, GM, (2002
Conference Session
Learning and Assessment in ME 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; Patrick Bass, The Citadel; Monika Bubacz, The Citadel; Kevin Skenes, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
determinethe best techniques.References[1] Davis, Barbara G., Tools for Teaching, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 1993.[2] Chickering, A. W., & Gamson, Z. F., (1991) Applying the Seven Principle for Good Practice inUndergraduate Education, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.[3] Brown, B.L., “New learning strategies for generation X”. ERIC Digest, 1997, 184.[4] Swartz, B., Velegol, S., and Laman, J. “Three Approaches to Flipping CE Courses: Faculty Perspectives andSuggestions”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2014,p.23.1249.1-14.[5] Berrett, Dan, “How ‘Flipping’ the Classroom Can Improve the Traditional Lecture.” The Education Digest 78.1,2012: 36-41. ProQuest Education Journals. Web. 13 Mar 2013
Conference Session
Analysis of Effectiveness and Impacts of Graduate Programs: Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 8
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fazil T. Najafi, University of Florida; Sarah Rajkumari Jayasekaran, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
U.S. electricity generation by energy source.” Accessed Jan. 3, 2017.Miss. Sarah JayasekaranGraduate student at the University of Florida, Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering ,365Weil Hall, PO Box 116580 Gainesville, Florida 32611, srajkumari@ufl.eduDr. Fazil T. NajafiProfessor at the University of Florida, Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, 365 WeilHall, PO Box 116580 Gainesville, Florida 32611, , For more informationplease refer to Dr. Najafi’ s University of Florida site:
Conference Session
Mechanics, Music, Meaning, and Mohr
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vicki V. May, Dartmouth College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
on themusical bridges and seemed to be more engaged in the project than students in previous years.And females, in particular, seemed to prefer the musical bridges over a more traditional bridgeproject. The author plans to continue to use some variation on the musical bridge project forfuture solid mechanics courses. Questions, however, remain: did students find the musical aspectof the project more engaging or would another type of interdisciplinary project be just asengaging? Did the musical bridge project result is improved learning? Were students morecreative? Did their critical thinking skills improve? Future projects will attempt to explore thesequestions and more.ReferencesBarnard, S., Hassan, T., Bagilhole, B., Dainty. A. (2012