academic population, underrepresented and misunderstood.Early discussion at the board level in the mid 2000’s indicated a willingness for a paradigm shift.However, the representation of academics on the board and other leadership roles has beenlacking. This can be attributed to the lower numbers of this group relative to the whole, as wellas the requirements of tenure that do not support the time and dedication to such an endeavor. Asmall but influential group of members, including a former board member, and a few involved atvarious levels of the society have been working toward increasing opportunities for women inacademia (WIA). Some of the initiatives have been the societal support of the WIA committee,the addition of professional development
database. Interfaced the database with the web and mobile client applications.Web and mobile applicationsWeb and mobile client applications provided the following functionality: Allow users to enter station parameters: station #, building name and address, load limit for each location (lbs./ft2 or kg/m2) Represent overlay colorized station locations (using GPS) and ID # onto aerial view of building. Colors indicated degree of safety: green = % below threshold, orange = close to threshold, red = at or exceeded threshold. Plot load, temperature(s) and building load limit vs. time (selectable time scale, i.e. day, week, month, years, etc.) for any station Sent alert messaging (text and email).All development and
. It has also improved the assessmentculture in the department, a key factor for the continuous improvement of the programs offeredby the department.References:1. Snyder, T. D., & Dillow, S. A., 2013, Digest of Education Statistics 2012 (NCES 2014-015), National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington D.C.2. Obama, B., 2009, President Obama’s Address to Congress, retrieved from on Feb 20 2010, accessed on Jan 24, 2017.3. U.S. Department of Education, 2006, A test of leadership: Charting the future of American higher education (Report of the commission appointed by Secretary of Education Margaret
).Iversen, E. (2016). "Arab women make a charge into engineering." Start Engineering. 10 06. Accessed 01 19, 2017. now/2016/10/6/arab-women-make-a-charge-into-engineering.Kantor, J. (2016). "To grow their participation In STEM, women need to come together ." Entrepreneur Middle East. 08 30. Accessed 01 20, 2017., S. (2008). "Qatar University opens EE doors to women." IEEE Spectrum.Koushki, P. A., Al-Sanad, H. A. and Larkin A. M.. (1999). "Women engineers in Kuwait: Perception of gender bias." Journal of Engineering Education, 88 (1).Mannan, M. (2016). "Middle East female STEM graduates turning their backs on the
theirorganizations, Ibarra 12 used the term “provisional selves” to talk about the experimental phasesof identity formation as one adjusts to new expectations and sometimes even new organizationalcultures. He witnessed several forms of experimentation that advancing professionals use,including imitation, efforts to remain true to one’s self and ideals, and use of internal andexternal feedback mechanisms to evaluate their developing “provisional selves.” Ibarra definedthese strategies as “the degree of congruence between what one feels and what onecommunicate[s] in public behavior about one’s character or competence”12 (p.778). With itsfocus on personal-professional identity alignment, this autoethnography employs the secondform of experimentation, “true-to
also be used to introduce thevertical strain concept which will be very helpful and utilized in consolidation settlementestimation. The difference of can be obtained from normal consolidated or over consolidatedsoil consolidation test curves. The original void ratio can be estimated from the followingthree phase diagram as well.Wa = 0 Air (a) Va = e – Va = e - wGs Vv = Va + Vw =Ww = wWs = w1Gs γw =wGs γw Water (w) Vw = Ww/ γw = wGs eWs = Vsγs = Vs Gs γw = 1Gs γw Solid (s) Vs = 1Wt = Ws + Ww + Wa Vt = Vs + Vw + Va = 1Gs γw + wGs γw + 0 =1 + e =(1+ w)Gs γw = Gs γw (1+ w
what type of intervention(s) you would recommend.Our preliminary findings indicate a strong grounding in collaboration for all teams andindividuals; strong evidence of empathy among some (but not all) teams and individuals; andvarying degrees of learning that integrates the humanities and engineering. We summarize ourfindings below.Collaboration: All teams and individuals appeared to be engaged. Individuals seemed to haveroughly equal contributions in terms of time on task and specific contributions. All teamsdemonstrated appropriate teamwork. People listened to each other, responded to each otherappropriately, and seemed to value others’ contributions. There was little or no domination byany single person or pair of persons, no
the faculty and the impression(s) arrived at by the author, leads oneto believe that it is highly unlikely that new more effective teaching-learning strategieswould be deployed any time soon, unless drastic measures are undertaken. The author ismore convinced now than ever, that classroom reformation, including deployment of activelearning strategies, would happen only if the institution mandates it!The Pros and Cons of the Lecture FormatWhen asked why he/she lectures, one faculty responded: “It is a tradition. It was part of mytraining, and seems to dwell in me and seems like what I should be doing. I feel guilty when Iam not lecturing” (13). This candid statement suggests one of the great dilemmas faced by allwho teach at the postsecondary
Market ResearchUPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Leadership. The UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellencein Online Leadership was developed by the UPCEA National Task Force on Hallmarks ofExcellence in Online Leadership: Jay A. Halfond, Boston University & Senior Fellow UPCEACenter for Online Leadership and Strategy (chair); Andrew Casiello, Old Dominion Universiy;Dave Cillay, Washington State University; Nancy Coleman, PlattForm; Vickie Cook, Universityof Illinois Springfield; John LaBrie, Northeastern University; Mary Niemiec, University ofNebraska; and Witt Salley, Clemson University.Bauer, S., & Bastedo, K., November 17, 2016, Advanced Professional Development for Experienced Online Faculty. Lecture presented at Online Learning
is a senior lecturer in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from Case Western Reserve University, and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University. She has been on the staff of Ohio State’s University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, in addition to teaching in both the physics department and department of engineering education. Her research interests address a broad spectrum of educational topics, but her current foci are adapting problem-solving instructional techniques to first-year engineering and incorporating engineering elements into K-12 science courses.Dr. Richard J
discipline in some and multidisciplinary in others.Project sources varied across instructor-initiated, government or industry-sponsored, professionalorganization-sponsored, and student-initiated. Project focuses included research-driven,community service, design competition, and entrepreneurial product development. Table 12summarizes characteristics of classes participating in pilot testing of MTP assessments.Table 12. Description of Capstone Project Classes Included in Pilot Test of Prototype MTPClass Semesters Discipline(s) Students A 2 Multidisciplinary (beyond engineering) 66 B 1 Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 135 C 2 Biomedical
transition to academic writing moreeasily so that the costs of the transition do not undermine them.References1. D. L. Peters and S.R. Daly, “The challenge of returning: Transitioning from an engineering career to graduate school,” in 2011 Proc. ASEE.2. W. Schilling, “Issues affecting doctoral students returning to engineering education following extensive industrial experience,” in 2008 Proc. ASEE.3. D.L. Peters and S.R. Daly, S. R., “Why do professionals return to school for graduate degrees?” in 2012 Proc. ASEE.4. D.L. Peters and S.R. Daly, “Returning to graduate school: Expectations of success, values of the degree, and managing the costs,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 102, no. 2, pp. 244-268, 2013.5. J.S. Eccles, “Subjective task
country you’re going to and what courses internship. they offer.Table 2: Common feedback comments left on Week 6’s writing assignmentCreating a list of common feedback comments allowed our grading team to address students whohad similar questions or issues more efficiently since their feedback was copied directly from alist of pre-assembled comments. The students who brought up other issues in their assignmentswere given individual feedback that addressed their content of their homework more directly.IV. QualityOne of our concerns was that students would take advantage of the mass-grading and turn in poorquality work weekly. To combat this, the TAs would first hand-grade the assignments, so theycould monitor the quality of student work
.” Answer questions 1c and 1d with complete sentences. c. (25 points) Identify the public institutions(s) and private organizations responsible for managing air quality, and explain each entity’s role. d. (10 points) Identify the criteria pollutants that are being managed.Scoring Rubric:Excellent: All answers are complete and correct. Student demonstrates knowledge of allappropriate organizations and their role in managing air quality. All criteria pollutants beingmanaged are correctly identified.Acceptable: Most answers are complete and correct. Student shows partial misunderstanding ofroles of institutions. At least one of two criteria pollutants is correctly identified.Marginal: Student has no answer or is completely incorrect about most of the
fromthose that were based on leadership as a process [13]. The former is based on traditional notionsof a leader as an individual with power and authority based on their position within anorganization or society. It was exactly this notion of leadership that was associated with theresistance encountered in our earlier studies. The latter, leadership as a process, has beenarticulated by many scholars, but we chose to use Northouse’s simple definition of leadership as“a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal”(p.3) [13]. We also use Rottmann et al.’s orientations to engineering leadership: Technicalmastery - “shar[ing] their technical problem solving skills with others through informalmentorship” (p. 7
ordered to follow stacking guidelines established by the engineeringdepartment.However, despite their detailed efforts to shape how forklift operators use the warehouse andforklift technology to maximize efficiency and profit, Supply Chain Management Company hadbeen experiencing problems with how the operators build the pallets. At one meeting, theengineering leadership debuted a new voice activated software program that would give verbalcommands to the forklift operator as s/he completed tasks. This was particularly designed tosolve the problems of pallet composition. As one engineer explained, simply providing operatorswith a list of products to be placed on each pallet had left them with too much control, and theoperators had begun to assemble
appearedheterogeneous in style and argumentation. A few checks revealed plagiarism and going into detailrevealed even more. 22 After contacting the S¨uddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), one of the importantGerman daily newspapers, the SZ published the story asking zu Guttenberg to comment theaccusation. His statement, which was a full denial, was part of the article which started the affair.A few days later the online platform Guttenplag Wiki was published, inviting the community toparticipate via swarm intelligence to search for more instances of plagiarism. 10 The results of 45days of searching is given in the two following pictures (see timestamp of 03 April 2011). Figure1 shows the more than 450 total pages of text indicating different degrees of plagiarism perpage
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