The first ePortfolio was implemented in Fall 2015. The associated activities wererequired in the course and were part of the grading criteria:a. 1st test (including HW) 20%b. 2nd test (including HW) 20%c. 3rd test (including HW) 20%d. Course project 30%e. Peer review assignment 5%f. ePortfolio 5% The ePortfolio activities consisted in 4 main activities: 1) Setup google drive folders, 2)Upload artifacts to folders as they were produced, 3) Develop a showcase ePortfolio with links toarchived artifacts, and 4) Complete ePortfolio reflective assignment. These general activitieswere kept unchanged throughout the whole implementation in the 2 years period, but their sub-activities were adjusted
research grants can offer faculty members the opportunity to explore potential solutions toautomate the collection of student outcome evidence as needed to support ABET assessmentplans. This paper explores the results of two such grants that sought to utilize a studentelectronic portfolio to archive evidence and seamlessly aggregate the evidence for assessmentpurposes. In addition, the integration of an electronic portfolio, the ePDP, could promote bothABET assessment data collection as well as reflective activities to assist students in viewing thecurriculum as a developmental process, aggregating evidence over the enrollment years.However, the research activities exposed several flaws. Taskstream DRF template did notfacilitate seamless
participation, feelings of inadequacy, and other distractions (Griner, 2012). Thesenegative experiences - which may reflect hostile, hurtful or tense interactions with students whoare categorically different from them - can impair student learning and cognitive development.Instructors may make flawed assumptions of students’ capabilities or assume a uniform standardof students (often referred to as racial color blindness). Instructors may themselves feel out ofplace based on their own dominant cultural traits. Despite the fact that some progress has beenmade to reduce gender bias and racism in college classroom, recent trend and literature suggestthat fragment of it still exists. Engineering and engineering technology programs at universitieshave
challenging,aesthetically pleasing and incorporating themes that reflected the history and culture of the cityin order to promote sightseeing and create a better area for the locals to enjoy time and have fun.The project was designed by students from Engineering Technology, ET, and Creative &Performing Arts, CPA, Departments. Groupmates from both departments operated closely underthe supervision of two faculties from ET and CPA to produce a design proposal along withgraphic illustrations that highlighted various themes related to the historical and cultural aspectof the city. The design started with a hand sketch that was modified to fit the course area; then,an architectural illustration was accomplished using AutoCAD. The theme of the mini
promotestudents’ critical thinking through a series of newly-designed troubleshooting exercisesembedded in fundamental DC electric circuits labs for engineering technology first-yearstudents.Three circuit troubleshooting sessions were purposefully designed and embedded throughout thecourse of the semester. For each session, students investigated several different scenarios inwhich the given circuits were not working. The complexity of the given circuits increased as thesemester progressed with the increasing theoretical knowledge of the students. Each scenariochallenged students to identify and solve one or more unknown faults in the circuit. After eachsession, instructors used students’ troubleshooting plan, reflective discussions, and conclusionsin
career. Table 1: Male/Female Students Response - Part 1The first part of the survey Survey Questions Male Femaleconsisted of three questions on the 1. My school did prepare me extremely well for 3.00 3.46 college?quality of K-12 education in State 2. Preparing female students for career in STEM 3.85 4.65of Qatar in preparing students for a should be a top priority for schools in QatarSTEM careers. Students were asked 3. Comparing to other countries, Qatar is a doing 3.85 3.86to rank their viewpoints based on a a great job in teaching STEMscale of 1 to 5 with 5 being Strongly Agree and 1 being Strongly Disagree. Table 1 reflect
).OutcomesCourse SurveysStudents at the end of each semester anonymously took a Purdue University created andcirculated course evaluation survey. The survey contains demographic-based questions, PurdueUniversity wide questions about course and instructor, course specific questions, and optionalwritten comments section. Based on the purpose of this paper, the author has chosen to presentthe survey results for the university questions. On the two university questions, students self-reported on their satisfaction of the course and instructor by selecting a response on a five-pointLikert scale (where: 5 = extremely good, 4 = good, 3 = fair, 2 = poor, and 1 = very poor) thatbest reflected their perception (see Table 2). Table
that the population in the United States is nolonger as diverse as it once was[5]. As people have emigrated from all parts of the world,cultural groups are represented in much different percentages than 10 years ago. Over the lastcentury much of the diversity evident in the early 1900’s has assimilated into what is referred toas a melting pot, constantly changing. However, universities do not reflect the type and level ofdiversity of the current population[2, 3]. Both of the engineering and engineering technologyprograms, despite higher levels of one underrepresented group or another, still has much higherlevels of white students. Thus the general population that was once in the minority are moving toa more balanced number as related to the
cyber enabled learning in the academic community build up.Two previous funded NSF projects: (1) TUES Type 2: “Dissemination of MicroprocessorCourses through Classroom and Interactive Cyber-Enabled Technologies” and (2) I-Corp L:“Transform the Innovated Design and Development of an Embedded Design Training Systemand Associated Support Curricula into a Commercial Available Product” addressed the issues ofoutdated microcontrollers (68XXX and 80XXX series) with new microcontrollers from MicrochipPIC and Arduino ATMEL. The introduction of the Texas Instruments (TI) ARM M4 series was adirect reflection of the I-Corp L project results that the academic community is still in need of anadvanced microcontroller platform to meet industry technical
from allthat is available is problematic. Similar to our counterparts in the industry, educators must selectsoftware which satisfies a number of often competing requirements. Our software acquisitionsmust compliment the curriculum, integrate with the technical capacity of the institution, andprovide sufficient challenge to students, all the while reflecting current industry standards. Weare thus presented with a shared dilemma: how do both educators and industry decide whichsoftware application(s) to acquire?Software acquisition and adaptation decisions often involve comparing alternatives of severalcriteria. However, the end users of the software systems may not necessarily be familiar with theoverall decision-making criteria. To address this
and impede its performanceinclude:• Distance between RFID reader antenna location and the passive tag• Angular orientation of passive tag with respect to RFID reader antenna• RF noise interference• RF signal reflections from ground or walls• RF signal reflection of metal surfaces to which the RFID tags attachedTag Performance Evaluation The following RFID tags were tested by the students under guidance of the advisor todetermine the most suitable tag to be used: The Alien Technology Squiggle Tag, The AlienTechnology ALN-9540-WR 2x2, the Alien Technology ALM-9554-WR Inlay, Omni-ID, andOmni-ID Max Rigid, a metal tag coated in silicon, Key Fob Tag, and Mango Key Fob tag. Threetests were performed to validate the tags’ performance
factors affect experimental results, thetensile testing experiment was expanded to incorporate thermoplastic specimens made bythree distinctly different processes. Student roles included manufacture of the specimens,measurement of necessary dimensions, conducting the tensile tests, generating stress-strain curves for each specimen, and determining the corresponding Young’s modulusand ultimate tensile strength values. Reflection on the effects of process and geometricvariation on their property results became a new report requirement. This article willpresent the complete laboratory experience, results, and initial student response to thisenhanced tensile testing experiment.Keywords: Tensile test, Tensile strength, Specimen preparation, Specimen
printing). The second part was to create activities that were authenticand provided an opportunity for experiential learning. Experiential learning attempts to rectifywhat Kolb characterized as the “rejection” of the “real-world” by the educational establishment 1.Namely, experiential learning allows students to experience, reflect, think, and act as part of aholistic educational experience 2. Because the experiential learning model is based on a frame ofthe successive cycles between concrete and abstract concepts, a transfer from a theoreticallecture to the experiential activity or vice versa is claimed to be the sequential cycle for learning1, 3 . The students will be given the opportunity to use connected devices to collect data and
component idea will be used to displaythe score/messege board (a table) containing all users name, score, and related messages in thelabs component. Not only does this provide for enhanced responsiveness, but it helps keep theapplication code organized and in small pieces. For instance, if the above mentioned table needsto have its HTML or CSS edited, there is just one place to go: the table component. Likewise, ifthe navigation component needs to be modified or debugged, there is just one place to applythese changes and the changes reflect everywhere the navigation component is displayed.Another feature of Angular 5 are *ngIf directives, which are used to dynamically place extralinks on the navigation bar, such as account and logout, once the user
Practice through Collaborative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011.[7] A. Childre, J. R. Sands, and S. T. Pope, “Backward Design: Targeting Depth of Understanding for All Learners,” Teaching Exceptional Children, vol. 41, issue 5, pp. 6-14, 2009.[8] K. DiRanna, E. Osmundson, J. Topps, L. Barakos, M. Gearhart, K. Cerwin, D. Carnahan, and C. Strang, Assessment-Centered Teaching: A Reflective Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2008.[9] W. Cerbin and B. Kopp, “Lesson Study as a Model for Building Pedagogical Knowledge and Improving Teaching,” International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, vol. 18, issue 3, pp. 250-257, 2006.[10] J. McTighe and J. L. Brown, “Differentiated Instruction and Educational
, Kolb’s experientiallearning cycle [8] is one of the most widely utilized. This methodology has four steps: abstractconceptualization, active experimentation, concrete experience and reflective observation. A keyaspect is to define the activities that complete the learning cycle without burdening the studentsin the process. The inductive learning process has been previously applied to fluid mechanicsand heat transfer [9, 10] with positive results, and it is the approach to be followed in theproposed work.BackgroundThe proposed work focuses on solving the current situation where most of the students inengineering or technology programs have limited exposure to the subject of fluid power. As aresult, graduating students are not well prepared to
caused some unusual perspective issues. These issues were discussed afterthe in-class presentations of the videos.As a basis for comparison, the two statements which identified the name of the course anddegree program were normalized. Those statements reflect the individual programs but arewritten in the same format for responses. When comparing the results of this survey to theprevious survey on ComET students, they had similar neutral results to the video camerastatement. There was a similar negative response to the course enjoyment statement between thetwo groups. A third similarity is that the ComET students had positive responses to theremainder of the questions as did the CmET students. An additional item of note is that althoughthere were
level of comfort aperson has as it relates to people that are different from them.Intercultural Learning Goals. In preparation for the study abroad experience, the leaders of thiscultural experience identified the following intercultural goal for the program.Students acquire knowledge in ways they did not anticipate through the learning, social, andcultural experiences at the German university. Ultimately, students experience curiosity, opennessto different cultural norms, and can identify components of other cultural perspectives respondingwith their worldview.The leaders also added a reflection to the end of the Miville-Guzman Universality – Diversity Scalewhen administered post-event to further their understanding of what the students
this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the aforementioned agencies and university.REFERENCES 1. G. B. Sanders1, W. E. Larson2, K. R. Sacksteder, C. Mclemore, K. Johnson, NASA In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Technology and Development Project Overviews, Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF) Albuquerque, NM, 10-14 Feb. 2008. 2. C. Muscatello, and E. Santiago-Maldonado, Mars In Situ Resource Utilization Technology Evaluation, Commercial/Civil Next Generation Space Transportation; Human Space Exploration. AlP Conference Proc., V. 654, pp. 1116-1123, Melville, NY, 2003. 3. Steven Siceloff, Engineers Building Hard-working Mining Robot, NASA, May 22, 2016
work in healthcare seems critical to thesuccessful deployment of educational content. Money Magazine named this profession as one ofthe top five professions no one has heard of [5]. Interestingly, every hospital engagesengineering technicians who maintain medical devices, with many actively involved in the lifecycle management of this equipment. The threat of medical device vulnerability to hackers isespecially concerning since the patient/equipment interface, if compromised, can cause harm orwithhold vital therapies.The ability for the HETM program director to adequately convey the need for this specializedacademic credential was greatly lacking as evidenced by the confusion and concern at variouslevels and areas. In reflection, several
enrollment of Hispanic college studentsfrom 2015 to 2025, a 20% increase in Black students, a 19% increase in Asian students, and a3% increase in White students, for an overall increase of 12% [23]. These predictions are basedon the expected change in the population of people aged 18-29, and do not include the costs of acollege education or future economic conditions. Assuming the overall college enrollmentincreases are reflected in undergraduate programs, data and projections for undergraduateprograms appear as follows: Projections 10 White Good 8 Undergraduate
and the speed of sound in air, adistance to the nearest object is determined [9]. Figure 11. Vernier Motion DetectorThe sensitivity of the echo detection circuitry automatically increases, in steps, every fewmilliseconds as the ultrasound travels out and back. This is to allow for echoes being weakerfrom distant objects. The motion detector is capable of measuring objects as close as 0.15 m andas far away as 6 m. The short minimum target distance allows objects to get close to the detector;this reduces stray reflections. The MD has a pivoting head which helps the user aim the sensoraccurately. The MD also has a sensitivity switch which is located under the pivoting motiondetector head. The VI requires two
discourse of these courses takes place in a lab/studio setting, andalways with reference to system being designed. Such an approach bridges the gap that existsbetween classroom practices and workplace practices. This unified approach is meant to bringabout students with career-bound knowledge that is essential for the industry.I. IntroductionIn the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET) department of PurdueUniversity Northwest, the faculty by choice have taken upon themselves to make theaforementioned changes in their curricula, the essence of which is reflected in this paper. We thefaculty here are revisiting the subject matter after a 15-year time span. We have kept up with thechanges in technology during this timeframe and have
Pathways17. The newly developed courses providestudents with skills in mechatronics, automotive mechatronics, electro-hydraulics, simulation ofmechatronics systems, and are complementing already existing courses in the MET curriculumthat are focused on automation, industrial robotics, computer integrated manufacturing, computernumerical control. Along with developing new courses, some existing courses have beenmodified to reflect electrified mechanisms, such as a Solid Modeling course 18. Through thesecourses, students were exposed to areas specific to electrical engineers, such as electronicshardware, microprocessors, and microcontrollers programming and coding. While MET studentsget exposed to some topics in electrical engineering technology
, the STEM elements that are inherent in making can be made all the moreobvious. This could be attributed to one of three ways. First, it situates making in contexts thatare personal, culturally, socially relevant to students. Second, it can encourage students to be partof a production pipeline and contribute to something novel and useful to society. Third,involvement in this form of making places students in long-term scenarios acting as Makers fullyengaging in STEM. We believe this approach to making can enable students to gain a holisticview of their making ability as well understand how developed knowledge can be transferred.This reflects Grotevant’s process of identity formation as arising out of continual exploration andevaluation 9
Foundation under DRL GrantNumbers 1615019 and 1614496. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations presented are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science Foundation.References[1] "Tapping America's potential: The education for innovation initiative," Business Roundtable, Washington, D.C.2005, Available:[2] "An American imperative: Transforming the recruitment, retention, and renewal of our nation’s mathematics and science teaching workforce.," Business Roundtable, Washington, D.C.2007, Available:[3] Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America