“real engineering” project. Figure 1 Student Feedback on Hands-On Learning ActivitiesA few representative student comments from the anonymous end-of-course survey explain whatit was about the hand-on activities that made them valuable to students. From these commentsand several similar ones it shows clearly what the research has told us for years, students want tosee a real world (physical) connection to what they are doing in the classroom and what theyexpect to be doing once they graduate [4, 5]. Sample student responses that reflect this includedthe following from the course survey: ● I think the part that made the activities most beneficial was the fact that they reinforced many of the concepts that we had learned
in the project report. Cycle 1- Assessment Results & Evaluation Actions. In the first cycle, all direct indicators met the target performance of 75%. As for the indirect measure demonstrated by the student survey response, it did not meet the target (69%).The indirect measure reflected the concerns that were received from students regarding the lack of training they received in estimating software. Through their internship experience, they realized most construction firms utilize construction software in their daily operations. The use of hand calculation, which is the main method of estimating in class is hardly used in the industry. Accordingly, faculty made effort to acquire estimating software such as Bluebeam
in implementing these steps also vary, though all havecommon traits that quality instruments share [4], [5], [1], [6], [7]. The procedure outlined byNetemeyer [2] was the basis for several other established instruments, and served as a drivinginfluence for this project.Netemeyer suggests a linear model of instrument development motivated with empiricalevidence. The critical first step, is to clearly define the traits or abilities being measured.Accurate definitions are necessary as they will inform item creation and the overall character ofthe instrument. The definitions should be informed by theory, and accurately reflect the contentdomain being measured. Literature and other appropriate sources should be thoroughly reviewedto best inform
specific evidence-based strategies, topics, and materials providedin the workshops. During the “Introduction to Active Learning and Disciplinary Communities ofPractice” workshop, participants learn about Eric Mazur’s work in this space [8] as well as workwith Chickering’s “7 Principles for Good Practice” [9]. In an activity, participants are asked toselect one or two principles and discuss how they would implement them in the classroom aswell as discuss challenges associated with the seven principles: 1) encourage interaction betweenstudents and faculty, 2) develop engagement and cooperation among students, 3) encouragestudent reflection during active learning, 4) give prompt feedback, 5) effectively managestudent’s time on task, 6) communicate
discusses the following topics: • A graduate course titled, “Health Innovation and Design”, which addresses the challenge of delivering quality healthcare in a resource-limited setting. Through the use of innovation one may, in theory, drive down the cost of medical devices and solutions. • The design process used in the course including an overview of design thinking as well as an introduction to the Phillips Co-Create Four-Phase Model: 1) Discover; 2) Frame; 3) Ideate; 4) Build. • Assessment of student learning in the course. • Reflections on students’ experiences taking the course.Description of Major Grant Deliverables – Medical DevicesMedical Device #1 - Infant WarmerWhat’s the problem?Surgical
therefore two-force. This simplification could be a source of error, particularly if the PASCOconnectors were tightened to restrict small rotations. Two class-periods have been used for grouppeer review and revision of draft sections before final submission.Figure 2: Sample validation data from Roof Truss Experiment showing measured vs. predictedmember forces. Error bars reflect a ±1N measurement error from the load cell. Some measure-ments are (nearly) outside the load cell error. An equal number of points below and above thepredicted=measured line shows no evidence of systemic (or bias) errors.The second part of the module involves the design of a truss to meet a specific set of constraints,and the presentation of this design through a written
and the speed of sound in air, adistance to the nearest object is determined [9]. Figure 11. Vernier Motion DetectorThe sensitivity of the echo detection circuitry automatically increases, in steps, every fewmilliseconds as the ultrasound travels out and back. This is to allow for echoes being weakerfrom distant objects. The motion detector is capable of measuring objects as close as 0.15 m andas far away as 6 m. The short minimum target distance allows objects to get close to the detector;this reduces stray reflections. The MD has a pivoting head which helps the user aim the sensoraccurately. The MD also has a sensitivity switch which is located under the pivoting motiondetector head. The VI requires two
ii) having manyconversations, formal and informal interviews, and other interactions with business leaders,companies’ CEOs and CTOs, other Data Scientists working in the private sector, as well as manyhigh-tech, financial sector and other recruiters (those from individual companies’ HRs as well asexternal “head hunters”) searching for the data analytics talent. Some disclaimers are in orderhere. Thoughts that follow are personal observations and insights based on personal experience(from working in and interacting with industry), and need not reflect an official position orprevalent attitudes towards how to best educate and train the next generation of Data Scientistseither of the author’s most recent prior employer, Washington State
because of thescholarships, there is opportunity for greater promotion of student performance and recognitionas S-STEM scholars.References[1] Gates, A. Q., Thiry, H., & Hug, S. (2016). Reflections: The Computing Alliance of Hispanic- Serving Institutions. ACM Inroads, 7(4), 69-73.[2] Dennis, J. M., Phinney, J. S., & Chuateco, L. I. (2005). The role of motivation, parental support, and peer support in the academic success of ethnic minority first-generation college students. Journal of college student development, 46(3), 223-236.[3] Eagan Jr, M. K., Hurtado, S., Chang, M. J., Garcia, G. A., Herrera, F. A., & Garibay, J. C. (2013). Making a difference in science education: the impact of undergraduate research
, and this would not be reflected in the evaluation.Part III of the final project included the analyses of data collected as part of a full scaleinstrumentation program at an excavation site for a new 10 story hotel in downtown ColoradoSprings, CO. The data was obtained from a colleague specializing in excavation support andmicropile installation. The project involved a retention wall (soil nail wall) and foundationsupport for two buildings adjacent to the excavation. The owners of the property agreed toinstrument the excavation and support structures to ensure the adjacent buildings did not movemore than tolerable limits during the excavation. Students were given all pertinent informationfor the site and instrumentation plans as well as the
, undergraduate engineering students complete a two-semester interdisciplinarysenior design capstone project[1] – EGR 485 (winter term, 1 credit, design phase) andEGR 486 (summer term, 2 credits, build phase). This capstone experience reflects the“gold-standard” in that our students typically work on industry-sponsored projects thatinclude design and build phases, resulting in a working prototype and requiring sponsorsignoff approval prior to completion (and, hence, graduation). Most projects areinterdisciplinary in nature, requiring various combinations of students from our computer,electrical, mechanical and manufacturing degree programs (typically teams of 5-6students), to develop products that incorporate an assorted range of mechanical,electrical
InstitutionsTable 2 presents the mean responses for each scale (community, enjoyment, and value) at eachinstitution; possible values ranging from 0-4. For each scale, a 0 response would indicate theabsence of that scale, e.g. a score of 0 for Enjoyment would indicate that students found noenjoyment in their capstone projects. Similarly, a score of 4 for Community would reflect abelief that community service is extremely important. Scales that showed statistical differencebetween institutions are indicated with a **.Table 2: Overall response for Enjoyment, Value, and Community scales by institution Scale YCP Score Valparaiso Score Community** (p<0.001) M = 2.80±0.78
than women in various areas ofthe industry, academia and business [1, 2]. The female computerscience students make less than 20% of the total undergraduatestudent population [1]. When it comes to graduate school only afraction of these undergraduates is pursuing graduate schoolleading to fewer female students in graduate school are researchingin computer science. This phenomenon is reflected in othercomputer science related fields such as computer engineering aswell [2]. For example only 30% of women are employed incomputer science. The ripple effect can be observed in making thesituation even worst by creating a very small pool of positivefemale role models for women in CS [3, 4, 12]. This results inmaking it harder for women in CS to succeed
terminology and the breadth of skills that may be included. A rigorous andstructured literature review is provided which identifies the range of terms used to describe thenon-technical skill set. Consistent with the practices of ASEE/LEES, and for the purposes of thispaper, the authors adopt the term professional skills as it is encompassing of a wide range ofcompetencies - but still has its weaknesses. The study uniquely used a structured review of the engineering education literature togather a first of its kind list of competencies not previously gathered. This list reflects theinconsistency in the terms used to describe the competencies. A content analysis of a sample ofengineering job advertisements did support that a large portion of the
administered at theend of the semester. Two of the statements in the course evaluation pertained specifically toprojects: • Exams, assignments, or projects accurately reflected course content. • Assignments or projects helped me learn the material.The mean course evaluation score from the Spring of 2016 and from the Spring of 2017 werecompared for these two statements to determine if implementation of the vein finder deviceproject had an effect on perceived student learning. A two-sided t-test was used to compare themean scores from the two years. Student feedback from the surveys was also valuable inevaluating student learning and potential areas of improvement. A few of the survey questionsare listed below: • What did
behavior.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNos. 1463873 and 1463809. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation."References Ahmed S. (2001). Understanding the use and reuse of experience in engineering design. PhD Thesis, Cambridge University, UK Ahmed, S, Wallace, K and Blessing L (2003). Understanding the differences between how novice and experienced designers approach design tasks, Research in Engineering Design14: 1–11 Atman, C.J., Kilgore, D., and McKenna, A. (2008). Characterizing Design Learning: A Mixed Methods Study of Engineering
students have reported the greatestgrowths and appreciations for the opportunity. A number of success stories, as recounted by thescholars themselves, are reflected below:The NSF S-STEM Scholarship has been an unfamiliar, yet amazing opportunity and experiencelast semester. I say unfamiliar because I never imagined being part of scholarship program atsome point in my college life. The many workshops provided like graduate school speeches andspeeches from New York City College of Technology alumni were very inspiring. These speakersprovided me with an abundance of information about graduate school and in a way encouragedme to make the most out of my undergraduate studies by taking the opportunities that areoffered. Mandatory meetings and advisement
designpractices in their civil engineering careers.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation (DUE Grant #1612405). Anyopinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References[1] F. S. Crofton, “Educating for sustainability: opportunities in undergraduate engineering,” J. Clean. Prod., vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 397–405, 2000.[2] American Society of Civil Engineers, Ed., Civil engineering body of knowledge for the 21st century: preparing the civil engineer for the future, 2nd ed. Reston, Va: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.[3] “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2018 – 2019 | ABET.” [Online]. Available: http://www.abet.org
risk of theft andvandalism of materials, and protect the materials from weather damage [2].The research presented herein takes the form of hands-on service-learning. The National Societyfor Experiential Education has defined service-learning as “any carefully monitored serviceexperience in which a student has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he orshe is learning throughout the experience” [5]. Service based, hands-on research has proveneffective in university level construction programs. One particular study [6] describes thedevelopment of an undergraduate construction management course at California PolytechnicState University intended to incorporate service-learning goals and objectives into a hands-onconstruction
discourse of these courses takes place in a lab/studio setting, andalways with reference to system being designed. Such an approach bridges the gap that existsbetween classroom practices and workplace practices. This unified approach is meant to bringabout students with career-bound knowledge that is essential for the industry.I. IntroductionIn the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET) department of PurdueUniversity Northwest, the faculty by choice have taken upon themselves to make theaforementioned changes in their curricula, the essence of which is reflected in this paper. We thefaculty here are revisiting the subject matter after a 15-year time span. We have kept up with thechanges in technology during this timeframe and have
primarily for STEM students atcommunity and technical colleges. The responses from Honors students reflected afavorable experience toward history classes taken in secondary school and in the Honorsseminar. Several learners had AP history courses in high school, while one hadcompleted only an eighth grade world history class.The lone political science major was the most enthusiastic about studying history citingan “interest in colonization and how government originated…how political partiesoriginated and other areas such as finance policies, interest groups, and court cases.” Helisted a number of AP classes he took in high school in addition to history and politicalscience courses taken since he matriculated at TU.On the other hand, another student
there were occasions when the forms did notwork as predicted due to some setting issues. The recommendations to use Google forms wouldbe to set up the forms so that the students can enter appropriate style of answers such as multiplechoice/short answer/paragraph or more. Also, the settings should reflect the ability of the studentto edit their answers and view the responses. If the correct format of the answer is not chosen,then the Google form will show not work as seen in Figure 6 below. Here the question shouldhave been set up as a multiple choice with specific options instead it was set up as short answerquestion. Here you can see that some of the responses although correct were not consideredcorrect due to the misalignment of the spaces
textual and verbal descriptions in favor of examples tocomplete problem assignments [8].Amongst instructors, there was a distribution of responses related to content with an emphasis onthe effectiveness of the video content and interacting with the viewer. These responsespotentially reflect the importance instructors place on retaining the attention of the learnerthroughout the video. There were no responses related to creating content that providesderivations or explanations of theory.Instructor PresenceWith 20 total responses (6 student 14 instructor responses), instructor presence was consideredthe third most important feature based on overall responses. Responses related to the instructorpresence category were subcategorized as shown in Table
-efficacy (reflected in themarginal means), and also shows how the increase in Course 1’s women’s self-efficacy comesprimarily from those women who were neutral at the beginning of the course feeling moresuccessful at the end of the class.IntimidationVisually inspecting the survey results for intimidation by programming in Figs. 3, 5b, and 6b, wesee that overall women are more intimidated by programming in both courses, although thisdifference is statistically significant only for Course 2. Therefore, we cannot reject the nullhypothesis for Hypothesis 2. Interestingly, we see that men at the start of Course 2 are, onaverage, about the same as where the left off at the end of Course 1, but women are on averagemore intimidated (not statistically
participants, the text of onlinediscussions of these students, and interviews with 19 of the participants. The survey wasconducted in the beginning of semester, followed up with nine weeks of online discussion onthree ethical scenarios. In the first week of discussion on each scenario, students were asked torespond to the questions of the scenario. In the second week, they were asked to respond to twoof their peers’ postings. In the third week, the students reflected on their responses in the firstweek. Finally, the interviews were conducted at the end of the semester to further scrutinize theresponses of the students to the three scenarios. The interviews were recorded and transcribed The ethical scenarios involved different issues in computer
exit these models (p<0.001). Similarly,these students were over 70% less likely to exit the red classification (p<0.001). Studentsin soft applied fields were also less likely to exit the yellow classification (p<0.05), whileundeclared students were less likely to exit the red classification. The linear and non-linear predictors were significant for the yellow and red exit models, and like the yellowentry model, the coefficients suggest that the risk of exiting either model increases until amid-term point, tapers off, and then increases again towards the end of the semester. Thisfinding is likely explained by the weight of assignments during these periods of thesemester (midterm and final examinations), and thus, may simply reflect the
Foundationunder Award No. DRL-1440446 Teachers and Engineers Collaborating in STEM ElementaryTeacher Preparation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation, nor of Iowa State University. The authors also thank other project membersand cooperating faculty for their support, including Dr. Monica H. Lamm, Dr. Kristina M. Tank,Dr. Anne T. Estapa, Dr. Adah Leshem, Dr. Joanne K. Olson, Dr. Rohit Mehta, Dr. Mollie H.Appelgate, and Jennifer Lillo. Special thanks to Program for Women in Science and Education atIowa State University for allowing the authors to conduct IE outreach activities with femalemiddle school students.
diversity efforts with ETSscholarships and matriculation activities. The targeted transfer institutions and communitycolleges had high student enrollments of African American and Hispanic American students, twohistorically underrepresented groups in STEM fields in the US. Twenty-two (22) of the thirty-five (35) ETS participants were underrepresented minority (URM) students. Almost half (17/35)of ETS participants transferred to TAMU as electrical and computer engineering (ECE) (13) orcomputer science (4) majors. Ultimately, 29 of the 35 (about 83%) ETS participantscompleted bachelor degrees after transferring to TAMU. This paper discusses activities,successes, and challenges during the project implementation and reflections on importantfindings
do not reflect the official policy orposition of the Air Force Institute of Technology, United States Air Force, Department of Defense,or United States government.
process by not only identifying needs, but also reflecting on them in thecontext of exploring appropriate solutions.Methods:Program Structure: The CIP is a six week long immersion experience designed to familiarize students withneeds identification as part of the engineering design process. Since 2016, students are placedinto interdisciplinary teams comprised of two BioE (rising seniors) and two IMED (rising secondyear) students. Each week, student teams participate in a Monday workshop (six hours) andspend Tuesday-Friday in clinical immersion (35 hours). This program year, teams spent all sixprogram weeks in a single clinical environment and supplemented their experience with needsidentification by including initial concept exploration