Paper ID #27559Programming Without Computer: Revisiting a Traditional Method to Im-prove Students’ Learning Experience in Computer ProgrammingMr. S. Cyrus Rezvanifar, University of Akron S. Cyrus Rezvanifar is a Ph.D. student in Biomedical Engineering at The University of Akron. He has also served as a research assistant in Cleveland Clinic Akron General since 2016, where he conducts research on biomechanics of human knee joint and patellar instability. In 2016, he received a doctoral teaching fellowship from the College of Engineering at The University of Akron. Through this teaching program, he has served as an
science. Her current research focuses on gamification in online-learning and scaling innovative engineering pedagogies to suit computer science classes.Dr. Monique S Ross, Florida International University Monique Ross, Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Science and STEM Transformation Institute, earned a doctoral degree in Engineering Education from Purdue University. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Elizabethtown College, a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Auburn University, eleven years of experience in industry as a software engineer. Her research focus is on broadening participation in engineering and computing through the
coming to Mississippi State, he had a 34 year career in engineering and leadership positions with Shell Oil Company. During that time, he spent time in drilling, completion, and producing operations, research and technology, and as discipline leader for Production Engineering for Shell’s Western Hemisphere. Mr. Cole has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Mississippi State and an M.S. in Petroleum Engi- neering from Louisiana State University. He is a registered professional Petroleum Engineer (Louisiana) and a Life Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.Mrs. Emily S. Wall , Mississippi State University Emily Wall is a Research Engineer for the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension (CAVS-E). She
Paper ID #25558DIME: A Dynamic Interactive Mathematical Expression Tool for STEM Ed-ucationMr. Donald Joseph Beyette, Texas A&M University Donald Beyette is a master thesis student at Texas A&M University studying machine learning, graph theory, and GPS navigation. Current research projects focus on content analysis, systems to model users learning behavior, hypersonic navigation, and GPS antispoofing techniques.Mr. Michael S. Rugh, Texas A&M University Michael S Rugh is a second year PhD student focusing on mathematics education within the Curriculum and Instruction PhD track in the Department of Teaching
Paper ID #24774Project-based Robotics Courses for the Students of Mechanical EngineeringTechnologyDr. Zhou Zhang, New York City College of Technology Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, CUNY New York City College of Technology, 186 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Email: Zhzhang@citytech.cuny.eduDr. Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology Dr. Andy S. Zhang received his Ph.D. from the City University of New York in 1995. He is currently the program director of a mechatronics project in the New York City College of Technology/CUNY. For the past 15 years, Dr. Zhang has been
, number of engineering courses taken and studentclassification (freshman, sophomore, etc.) in addition to student demographics and engineeringmajor. Analyzing these connections, if any, may be of great interest to researchers and practitionersattempting to affect positive change in engineering students’ affective domains.References[1] Y. Tang, R. University, S. Shetty, T. S. University, X. Chen, and R. University, “Interactive VirtualReality Games to Teaching Circuit Analysis with Metacognitive and Problem-Solving Strategies,”presented at the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC, June,, 2011.[2] H. Khalil and M. Ebner, “MOOCs Completion Rates and Possible Methods to Improve Retention - ALiterature Review,” In Proceedings of
, K. Reitmeyer, E. Tseytlin, and R. S. Crowley,“Metacognitive scaffolds improve self-judgments of accuracy in a medical intelligent tutoringsystem,” Instructional Science, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 159–181, Mar. 2014.[6] H. M. Ghadirli and M. Rastgarpour, “A web-based adaptive and intelligent tutor by expert systems,”Advances in Computing and Information Technology, pp. 87–95, 2013.[7] J. A. González-Calero, D. Arnau, L. Puig, and M. Arevalillo-Herráez, “Intensive scaffolding in anintelligent tutoring system for the learning of algebraic word problem solving: Intensive scaffolding in anITS for the learning of AWPS,” British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1189–1200,Nov. 2015.[8] M. A. Ruiz-Primo and E. M. Furtak, “Exploring
displays “Welcome to Java”p u b l i c c l a s s Welcome { p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d main ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) { System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( ” Welcome t o J a v a ! ” ) ; }}After applying the above transforms in program 5 and shuffling the valid and invalid line ofcodes, we get the following Parsons puzzle. System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( ” Welcome t o J a v a ! ” ) } }p u b l i c C l a s s Welcome { p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d main ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) {p u b l i c c l a s s Welcome { System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( ” Welcome t o J a v a ! ” ) ;p u b l i c s t a t i c c h a r main ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) {Similarly, P P2 is mapped into a different Parsons puzzle, using the same mapping process
, probably to see the impact on output. We attribute this attempt to the incorrect left-side variable error. ● 1 min later, the student adds a cout of r as well, probably to make sure r's value is as expected. We again attribute this attempt to the left-side error. ● 1 min later, the student changes the left-side to area. We attribute to the left-side error, which is now fixed. ● In 5 submissions over the next 9 minutes, the student tries changing line 2's expression to PI * 2 * r, then 2 * r * PI, then PI * (r * 2), then PI * r * 2.0, and finally PI * r * r.Humans can recognize what the errors were, and can attribute 3 attempts and 3 minutes to solvethe left-side error and 5 attempts and 9 minutes to the squaring error. Most
Computer Science (CS) and Integrated Science andTechnology (ISAT) departments who provided critical insight regarding the design of the coursewhich could address the issue of mobile technology development for social good.9. References[1]. Burd, B., Barros, J. a. P., Johnson, C., Kurkovsky, S., Rosenbloom, A., and Tillman, N.“Educating for mobile computing: Addressing the new challenges”. in ITiCSE-WGR 12, 2012,pp. 51-63[2]. Blumenfeld, P.C., Soloway, E., Marx, R.W., Krajcik, J.S., Guzdial, M., and Palincsar, A.“Motivating project-based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning”, EducationalPsychologist, Vol. 26 No. 3, 1991, pp. 369-398[3]. Thomas, A. and Zyl, A. V., Understanding of and attitudes to academic ethics among first
offering are moregregarious while students in the Spring 2019 offering are friendly yet reserved).AcknowledgementsThis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation EPSCoR Program underNSF Award # OIA-1655740. Any Opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of theNational Science Foundation. ([1] N. Thomas and R. Erdei, "Stemming stereotype threat: recruitment, retention, and degree attainment in STEM fields for undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds," in 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
and its resulting variables (roughness and rAVGCIR) byinvestigating relationships between the new experimental values and values of known relevancesuch as grade point average.Such computer-based assessments will prove to provide a more fair and equitable assessment ofdiverse student populations and their respective demographic subgroups. A better understandingof the individual components that comprise a student, especially when presented in a simple andeasily digestible manner, is surely to improve the instruction and learning experiences for allstudents.AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by NSF IUSE/PFE:RED - #1623141and covered under University ofIllinois IRB #14864.References[1] C. Ricketts and S. Wilks, "Improving student
coursecontent occurs within the 14 days following the official state date. The left edge of the graphcorresponds with the official start date of each course. The official end date of each course isshown with a black dotted line. Each seven days until the end date is shown with a dashedvertical white line (with every fourth week shown as a solid line).Cluster C1—the top layer in nano540x’s timeline, seen in Figure 4—shows a group of learnerswho stopped interacting with the course almost precisely when the course ended. This behavioris in contrast with nano540x's C3 and C4 which each also began with about 100 learners.Although more of C3 and C4’s learners departed early in the course than did C1’s, many more ofC3 and C4's learners continued to access the
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-direction calculated using images from the mobile phone and high-speed camera and v is the velocity in the y-direction calculated from images using the mobilephone and high-speed camera. Overall, the difference between the mobile phone and the high-speed camera setup is low (max error less than 0.2 m/s) (Figure 7). Figure 8. Difference between mobile PIV and industrial PIV using the absolute difference (Eq. 1). Overall, calculated velocity was similar between the two setups.ConclusionsWe completed a preliminary proof of concept of a mI-PIV device that will be refined forimplementation in classrooms in both high school and undergraduate levels. Our PIV tool isinexpensive, designed using open access image analysis code, and fully mobile. We
minutes. Most students correctly solvedthe seventh level on the first try, suggesting they had learned the objective. We took a look atsubmissions by students who made many attempts. One such student needed 4 tries to completelevel 1, 2 tries for level 2, 1 try for level 3, 4 tries for level 4, 1 try for level 5, 10 tries for level 6,and 1 try for level 7. The student spent about 5 minutes in total. Two weeks later, the samestudent worked through the activity again, perhaps preparing for an exam, and completed in justover 1 minute and making only 3 incorrect submissions across all levels. Note: The sectioncovering K-map has multiple challenge activities, and this is just 1 of them.6. Challenge activity: Enter output of an SR latch given input s
effect of AR on these aspects. The focus of this paper, however, isthe examination of the effect(s) of the collaborative AR app developed on the process of theteamwork in terms of communication and interaction. It aims at understanding to whichextent AR changes the way people communicate in collaborative settings, i.e. when theypursue a common goal. Moreover, the results of the study aim at identifyingrecommendations for action (e.g. for university teachers) in terms of the design ofcollaborative (learning) processes that will be enriched by AR.Tags: collaboration, Augmented Reality, communication, interaction, team1. Augmented Reality in collaborative learning1.1. Augmented RealityIn higher education, modern technological trends often find
bematched. As a result, this added another dimension to the study (collaborative vs. alone).Two similar (and typical) engineering staticsproblems were chosen for this study. Termedthe ‘hinge’ and ‘anvil’ problems (Figure 8),they each involved determining the momentproduced by a force about a specified axis ona 3D structure. Each of the 11 sessions (8collaborative, 3 individual) involved solvingboth problems. For each session, one of thetwo problems had its measurements visible,while the other had them hidden to force theparticipant(s) to make use of the virtualmeasurement tool. Between the order ofsolving the problems (first and second) andthe availability of measurements (visible andhidden), there were four possiblepermutations for any given
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faculty. Theseare being addressed as on-going and future work.References[1] H. M. Vo, C. Zhu, and N. A. Diep, "The effect of blended learning on student performance at course-level in higher education: A meta-analysis," Studies in Educational Evaluation, vol. 53, pp. 17-28, June 2017.[2] C. D. Dziuban, J. L. Hartman, and P. D. Moskal, "Blended learning," Educause, Centre for Applied Research Bulletin. Vol. 2004, Issue 7, July 2004.[3] C. Dziuban, C. R. Graham, P. D. Moskal, A. Norberg, and N. Sicilia, "Blended learning: the new normal and emerging technologies," International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, vol. 15, no. 3, December 2018.[4] R. F. DeMara, N. Khoshavi, S. Pyle, J. Edison, R
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. As an alternative and/or supplement, asynchronous labs have been developed [4] toallow for the hands-on experience while maintaining the flexibility and low-cost of doing soexternal to a traditional lab.However, instruction through longer-term projects, which span multiple lab sessions versusindividual labs, is quite advantageous because it is similar to how the engineering professionfunctions in industry [5]. Not only does it involve hands-on learning, it utilizes the advantage ofan instructor being present to assist the student(s) [6, 7].Course StructureThe course discussed in this paper is Engineering Methods, Tools, & Practice II (ENGR 111),the second component of a required first-year introductory sequence that typically enrolls
skills to problem solving ina generative fashion beyond just answering multiple-choice questions.Keywords: Memory retrieval, interleaved practice, computational thinking, teachertraining, professional development,1. IntroductionThere are yet to be any content standards for teacher professional development and studentlearning outcomes in engineering, however, recent national efforts11-12 have helped build somemomentum for standardization in engineering education. While a few states have taken bold stepsto make engineering education accessible to all K-12 students, others are also using currentcontent standards to promote science and engineering (S&E) practices such as: 12 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for
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Universal DesignLearning principles. Our findings, and the systems we deployed, are examples of how newtechnologies can reshape engineering education for all, enable digital accessibility and provide aplatform for evidence-based research of engineering education.AcknowledgementsDevelopment of ClassTranscribe is supported in part by a Microsoft research gift to theUniversity of Illinois. We wish to acknowledge UIUC IT staff, the College of Engineeringcurrent and former undergraduate and graduate students, and Prof. Hasegawa-Johnson, who havecontributed to the development, support and direction of the ClassTranscribe project.References[1] R. S. Moog and J. N. Spencer, “POGIL: An overview,” Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), vol
providing scholarship for student to work on the research.We would also like to thank NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium for providingundergraduate research fellowship to student to work on the research.REFERENCES 1. Macal, C. M., and North, M. J. Agent-based modeling and simulation. In Winter Simulation Conference, Winter Simulation Conference (2009), 86-98.2. Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.3. A. Kashif, X. H. B. Le, J. Dugdale, and S. Ploix, “Agent based Framework to Simulate Inhabitants' Behaviour in Domestic Settings for Energy Management” in ICAART (2), pp. 190-199, 2011.4. X. Pan, C. S. Han
within the VR Framework Low-Angle Vs High Angle Shot Polygon Count Composition Clues for Emotion PosingFinally, putting together all these individual 3D objects and positioning and orienting them helps builddifferent 3D scenes as shown below. The following are some very important results demonstrated from this framework: • A coordinate or coordinates is/are the numerical representation(s) of the location or position of an object. • The origin is typically at the center of the reference coordinate system. However, the origin need not necessarily be at the center of the modeling space. • Different conventions are used by programming language and modeling platforms that are available and used for modeling