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postsymposium surveys, and workshop evaluations. This paper discusses the outcomes of the firstyear of the three-year funded PFMF program, including survey results and lessons learned.Background and Structure of the PFMF ProgramPoor enrollment of African Americans and other underrepresented minorities in STEMdisciplines is a critical, established problem. Though estimates demand great increases in collegecompletion in STEM areas to drive the U. S. economy, less than a quarter of minorities havecollege degrees [1]. This makes minorities a critical focal point as the nation works to addressgaps in STEM degree production. Science leaders agree overwhelmingly that increased diversityin the sciences is critical [2]. Increased diversity in STEM thought
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lbm ,lb 4 ft , 45 , and 0 . Accordingly, mb 50/32.174 1.554 (lbf s 2 )/ft .Constraints and RelationsAs a direct result of the geometric constraints on the bar motion, simple vector relationships andtwo successive time-differentiations yield rG 12 (rA rB ) aG 12 (a A a B ) (16)Other kinematic constraints for the two-dimensional motion of the falling/sliding bar include a A aA i aG ax i a y j , (17) a B aB [(cos ) i (sin ) j] α kWhen selected relations from Eqs
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shield features CAN V2.0B up to1Mb/s. It uses the Microchip MCP2515 CAN controller and the MCP 2551 transceiver. Astandard 9-way sub-D, used with an OBD-II cable, enables the CAN connection. The shield hasa micro-SD card holder, a serial LCD connector, and a connector for an EM506 GPS module. Ithas a high speed SPI Interface of 10MHz On the shield, there is a reset button, joystick menunavigation control, and two LED indicators. Power can be supplied to Arduino by the sub-D viaa resettable fuse and reverse polarity protection [4].2.4 Triple-Axis Accelerometer BreakoutThe triple-axis accelerometer as shown in Figure 5 is used to determine acceleration forces inlongitude, latitude, and vertical directions within the FSAE car. The accelerometer has
from existing research [21, 31-33], and we tried to align the STEM activities toSTEM careers when possible. A second set of items to assess students’ career interests drewfrom Holland’s work on six personality types and the career activities associated with them:realistic (R), investigative (I), artistic (A), social (S), enterprising (E), and conventional (C) [34].We adapted items from the O*NET Interest Profiler [35-36] that assesses career/vocationalinterests based on these RIASEC types. We sought to reduce the number of items by havingstudents pick the O*NET-derived activity they most preferred within a set that included anoption from each RIASEC category rather than rating all items. We presented five sets of 6activities each, and then a
energy through sustainable means.The curriculum is also intended to question who is doing engineering, where engineering is done,and whose knowledge is valued. Primarily, the ultimate goal of future research is to use theseframeworks and reconceptualization of engineering to work together with communities and formlong-term relationships to validate and recognize indigenous knowledge in engineering spaces.AcknowledgementsThis work would not have been possible without the financial contributions of the University ofSan Diego International Center and the Mbyá-Guaraní community. Gracias por contribuir a esteproyecto con todos sus conocimientos.References[1] M. Bonomo, R. C. Angrizani, E. Apolinaire, and F. S. Noelli, "A model for the Guaraní
to allowsystem-wide use, i.e., instructors in other domains can browse and search for the content, andthen import into a course, but more granular distribution rights can be set, as needed, e.g.,restricted to specific domain(s), and/or specific course(s).The LON-CAPA Academic Consortium Board maintains the authoritative list of nodes anddomains that belong to the network [8]. All nodes in the network retrieve this authoritative listdaily and update locally cached information about network membership. Both forward andreverse DNS mapping is required for the hostname and IP address of each LON-CAPA node,and a static IP address needs to have been assigned. LON-CAPA requires that standard web ports80 and 443 are open, and in addition, a dedicated
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