. Despite this, the nation still struggles to produce the ENG talent it needs. Given this, programs to increase the number of ENGs that graduate have been promoted across the nation [1]-[3]. Such programs focus on recruitment [4], retention principles [5], persistence [6], as well as practices that help students with critical thinking [7]-[8], academics [9]-[10] and professional development [11]-[12]. The latter includes mentoring by faculty [13]-[14], peer mentoring [15], project-based learning [16]- [26], research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) [27]-[28], internships [29], preparing for graduate school [30], career planning [31], etc. We at Arizona State University’s (ASU’s) Fulton Schools of Engineering, have
, and STEM education. She has published 20 peer-reviewed publications in these areas, and her research has been funded by the NSF, AFRL, and LA-BOR. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the American Control Conference and the Conference on Decision and Control, two premier conferences in the controls community. She is a member of the IEEE, SIAM, and ASEE.Prof. Kirk St.Amant, Louisiana Tech University Kirk St.Amant is a Professor and Eunice C. Williamson Endowed Chair in Technical Communication at Louisiana Tech University (USA) where he is also a Research Faculty member with Tech’s Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science (CBERS). He researches how cognition affects usability and the
, include student peer review of writing, and emphasize technical writing skills.Instructor Insights and Future RecommendationsFuture studies are needed to understand the importance of culturally-relevant pedagogy for localand international experiences in environmental engineering education. This could be done byexploring differences in student performance between groups that conduct in-country visits andgroups that do not. Alternatively, comparisons could be made to assess student performancewhile addressing local versus international environmental issues to better understand theimportance of global engagement. Local issues could focus on environmental problemsimpacting marginalized communities (e.g., water contamination issues in rural
. Cornwall spent twenty years in the medical device industry with fourteen years as an executive in publicly traded companies. He has also completed a MBA at the Rady School of Management at the University of California, San Diego and was named a Rady fellow. He has published over 24 peer- reviewed publications, eight book chapters, and 24 US patents. Dr. Cornwall’s academic interests include: biomechanics, biomaterials, mechanical design, entrepreneur- ship, and innovation in medical devices and music. He has an active and long-standing interest in not- for-profit volunteering and service. Bryan is also an active runner completing more than 20 marathons around the world. He is a member of the ”7 Continent Club
understand how changes in classroom instruction impacts their attitudes towards and beliefs about STEM fields. In particular, she is looking at methods that positively impact girls, which may increase the number of women pursuing careers in STEM-related fields where they are currently underrepresented.Dr. Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota Dr. Roehrig is a professor of STEM Education at the University of Minnesota. Her research explores issues of professional development for K-12 science teachers, with a focus on beginning teachers and implementation of integrated STEM learning environments. She has received over $30 million in federal and state grants and published over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and book
demonstrated in the remainder of this paper, we also saw this collaborativeassignment-writing as an opportunity. We believe that it was the very process of workingclosely with peers that enabled us to create an assignment that was both effective atsociotechnical integration and transferable across diverse contexts.Assignment Version 1In our initial meeting, we focused on creating a space for problem redefinition (or at leastconsidering how problems are defined and what factors influence problem definition), inspiredby prior work in this area [25]. Problem redefinition was something we agreed had relevanceacross our diverse course contexts. For example, traditional engineering science courses oftenpresent well-defined, closed-ended problems for
effectof their tolerance values when they put the assembly together. The students write a report afterthey assemble their rapid prototype, addressing if their assembly meets the required form, fit, andfunction of the assignment. A lecture is constructed and given to students before their assemblydesign project. The lecture presents the basics of tolerancing, including the types of fits andwhen to implement them. The lecture content is reconstructed each semester for 3 semestersbased upon the students' feedback. Data is gathered through students' self-evaluation of theirlearning utilizing a questionnaire, as well as grading of their reports. After the first semester,students show signs of understanding tolerance theory concerning the types of fit
students continue on the project throughtheir education they can see how the engineering sciences interact in design and how changingthe design to improve performance in one area may degrade it in another.The experiential learning elements of the ISD project are many. Multi-year projects are commonin industry, so the ISD experience starts early in the students’ educations to break the classroomexperience that after 15 weeks everything resets and you start over. With the involvement ofstudents over many years, it is common to have Freshmen and Sophomores working with Juniorsand Seniors, providing peer learning, leadership, and mentoring opportunities. The ISDexperience is run more like industrial projects with student teams assigned tasks, and the
monograph title data available for conducting this analysis include loan author, title, year,publisher, edition, and lender library. Patron information includes department affiliation andstatus; no further identifying information is recorded in the dataset used here. This analysis focuses mostly on requests made by patrons from engineering departments,and it analyzes trends over time by constructing visualizations to look at: • the most active academic departments and their request activity over time • the most heavily requested titles • requests by patron status (undergraduate, graduate, faculty, staff, unaffiliated) • the total number of requests made over time • what peer libraries are used to fill the requests This work
entering and matriculating with an engineeringdegree. Current efforts to improve graduation rates have exacerbated the achievement gap forfirst generation degree seeking students, who trail behind their peers by 13% [16] Within theirengineering courses, first generation students are .15 to .2 GPA points behind their non-firstgeneration counter parts in core classes with some achievement gaps as high as 1.02. The samegaps are seen with women in engineering courses [2]. When the CSU and the UC systems arecompared there is a greater mismatch in degree production. The CSU offers its 480,000 students73 accredited engineering programs housed at 16 of its regional campuses compared to 54 degreeprograms offered to the 222,000 undergraduate UC students
Paper ID #25386WIP: Common Practices in Undergraduate Engineering OutreachDr. Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University Dr. Garner is the Executive Director of The Center for Educational Partnerships at Old Dominion Univer- sity in Norfolk, VA.Mr. Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Michael Alley is a professor of teaching for engineering communications at Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. He is the author of The Craft of Scientific Writing (Springer, 2018) and The Craft of Scientific Presentations (Springer-Verlag, 2013). He is also founder of the popular websites Writing Guidelines for
stand-alone course available to all undergraduates that highlights the roles scientists andengineers can play in promoting social justice.The first offering of “Science and Engineering for Social Justice” was in Fall 2018 with31 students from both STEM and non-STEM majors. The is a 5-credit, writing-intensive,discussion-based course. For more information on instructor background, motivation fordesigning this course, enrollment, curriculum, and course logistics, please see our mostrecent work [3]. Example curricular materials for will be provided at the conference.Course OverviewStudents explore the impact of science and engineering in society through in-classdiscussions, assigned readings, and weekly written reflections. Students explore
in the field of materials and advanced manufacturing and has attracted a high level of research funding ($5.5M). She has graduated six Ph.D. and five M.S. students. She has co-authored a textbook (Intelligent Systems: Modeling, Optimization and Control, CRC Press, 2008) and written four book chapters. She has published about 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and 30 refereed conference proceedings. She has nine US patent applications. Dr. Xu won the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award and was awarded the Society of Manufacturing Engineering (SME) Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award in 2011. She was the only recipient of the IEEE Education Society Teaching Award in 2015, chaired NSF
isevident within the courses this faculty member teaches, with multiple technology programs andinstructional software are used during class and for student study purposes. The FLC was not this faculty member’s first experience with collaborative learningtechniques. In fact, this faculty member had participated in multiple active or collaborativelearning professional development experiences and had facilitated another FLC focused on theintegration of active learning in faculty pedagogy prior to joining the FLC for implementation ofcollaborative learning techniques. This faculty member is identified by colleagues as an activelearning expert and can often be found counseling his peers on new techniques or approachestoward more interactive
Teacher Education, and Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania and has been a faculty member at UTEP since 2008.Miss Helena Mucino, University of Texas, El Paso Helena Muci˜no is a Ph.D. student in the Teaching, Learning, and Culture program at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). She holds a master’s degree in Musical Education Research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is currently working as a Research Assistant for an NSF-funded project at UTEP dedicated to broadening the participation of Latinx students in higher edu- cation. c American Society for Engineering Education
iREP-4-PACE program is to engage a cohortof undergraduates from plant/agriculture sciences, chemical sciences, and engineering disciplinesin the research, education of engineering chemicals from plants of high commercial and medicinalvalue. The program will educate the undergraduates in engineering environment friendlychemicals. The year-long program will train students in seeking/learning the interdisciplinaryknowledge, techniques of molecular synthesis of plant-based chemicals and in doing so, it willtrain the students in broadly applicable research methods such as literature review, instrumenttraining, basic statistical analysis, and proposal writing. The article describes the design of theiREP-4-PACE program and activities conducted to
the civiland environmental engineering (CEE) project, and were the only Canadian universities to do so.Nine institutions from the United States also participated. Librarians from each institutionattended training provided by Ithaka S+R at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware inOctober 2017. As all institutions would be following the same protocol, the training included anintroduction to the project methodology, a lecture and hands-on exercises on interviewtechniques, tips on recruitment strategies, instructions and practice for coding interviewtranscripts, and guidance on writing the final report that each institution was expected to do. TheAmerican Society for Civil Engineering (ASCE) was also a project sponsor, as they have
membersafter-school and weekends during the school year. The veteran team members were individualswho have experience competing on VEX high school and college teams and were able to act ascoaches and mentors. The participating students were divided into teams of 10 members for thehigh school division and 12 members for the middle school division. During summer and winterbreak, students were given intensive training three days per week, which provided the necessaryknowledge and skills to increase their capability in both VEX Robotics and robotics engineering.The training course incorporated the working principles of mobile robots, engineering design,computer aided design (CAD) software, mathematics, physics, computer programming, andtechnical writing
course he describes where students are gradedon their individual outcomes. These concepts have been expanded through the rubric used in thecourse described here, which is presented in Appendix A. All technical writing and oralpresentation assignments in the course were ranked using this scale.In addition to this rubric, students provided written critiques for peers during oral presentations,which contributed to student outcome (g). This form, shown in Appendix B, tasked students toindicate what they thought were positive during the presentation (I like…) and then what theythought could be improved (I wish…). This appendix shows a sample critique from a student,with all names and identifying information redacted. Through the course requirement
more willing to meet with instructorsoutside of class [22]. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place,but learning can be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning 3activities [23].Several best practices have been identified for making using of active learning. Prince reportsthat students retain knowledge better when lectures are interspersed with brief periods ofactivity [15]. Simply adding the use of clickers during lecture classes is not perceived as activelearning by students [24]. Butler says that using active learning breaks during lectures can helpstudents retain the concepts being studied [25]. Prince [8] also suggests
strategies, and positive habits of mind.Laurel Whisler, Clemson University Laurel Whisler is Assistant Director and Coordinator of Course Support Programs in Clemson Univer- sity’s Westmoreland Academic Success Program. In this capacity, she provides vision and direction for the Tutoring and Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) programs and provides support to the General Engineer- ing Learning Community. She is also co-developer of Entangled Learning, a framework of rigorously- documented, self-directed collaborative learning. She has an M.A. in Music from The Pennsylvania State University and an M.L.S. from Indiana University.Dr. Elizabeth Anne Stephan, Clemson University Dr. Elizabeth Stephan is the Director of Academics
to teach the course, as well as to incorporate regular faculty feedback into the continuousimprovement process. We can measure the effectiveness of the course improvements due to consistencyin delivery achieved through close peer collaboration as team teachers. The course has scaled up throughteam teaching. The course also builds in year-over-year consistency by incorporating undergraduatestudent mentors and course assistants, who are trained in the assessment methods, after having taken thecourse, so that they can serve as effective Teaching Assistants (TA) in the class to the new first-yearstudents. This has allowed us to offer four identical sections with four different instructors. The course goals are: (I) Create a passion for
write a paper for you. Table 1. Examples of behaviors that are considered cheating[1] Copying from another student during a test or quiz Permitting another student to look at your answer during a quiz or exam Copying from an unapproved reference sheet during a closed- book test or quiz Taking an exam for another student Claiming to have handed in an assignment or exam when you did not Copying an old term paper or lab-report from a previous year Copying another student’s homework when it is not permitted by the instructor Submitting or copying homework assignments from previous terms
at The University of Memphis. During those years, he worked in the areas of reading and writing processes, metacognition, self-regulated learning, teacher education, and school and program evaluation. Dr. Hacker moved to the University of Utah in 1999 and has continued his research in the previous areas and has added to them research in the area of the detection of deception. Also at the University of Utah, he served as chair of the Teaching and Learning Department. His publications have appeared in the Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, and Journal of Experimental Education. At both universities, Dr. Hacker has maintained a strong
initiative and translate her passion for STEM into opportunities that will attract, inspire and retain more girls in STEM to make it the new norm. She has also architected SFAz’s enhanced Community College STEM Pathways Guide that has received the national STEMx seal of approval for STEM tools. She integrated the STEM Pathways Guide with the KickStarter processes for improving competitive proposal writing of Community College Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and is currently a co-PI on the HSI ATE Resource Hub. Throughout her career, Ms. Pickering has written robotics software, diagnostic expert systems for space station, manufacturing equipment models, and architected complex IT systems for global collaboration
the course of the semester, the students were expected to submit a project proposal, meetwith the course instructor during office hours to discuss their progress, and bring in drafts oftheir two written deliverables for peer feedback. They received feedback on their design memosfrom other students in the semiconductors course. Their CSR summaries received feedback fromstudents taking the Corporate Social Responsibility course that same semester. The course is anelective that fulfills the humanities and social science graduation requirements forundergraduates. It primarily draws on social science research to develop students’ criticalthinking skills about CSR. Appendix A contains the complete project assignment document. CSR was also
. A meta-analysis of 225 studies in undergraduatescience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses found that “averageexamination scores improved by about 6% in active learning sections, and that students inclasses with traditional lecturing were 1.5 times more likely to fail than were students in classeswith active learning”4.Many student-centered approaches have been introduced to foster active learning. Theapproaches that can be employed to engage a larger number of students include graffiti walls,inside-outside circles, think-pair-shares, quick writes, physical movement, and student responsesystems5. Among them, the use of student response systems (SRSs), also known as audienceresponse systems, personal response systems and
mentoring.Dr. Ronald Hughes, California State University, Bakersfield ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES: (2017-Present) Associate Professor for the STEM Affinity Group, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, California State University, Bakersfield. Duties included teaching responsibilities in Undergraduate Biology. Additional duties included grant writing, manage- ment, and evaluation. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Include teaching and learning cognition skills, informal learning environ- ments and strategies, and science/technology curriculum design/implementation/evaluation.Mrs. Stephanie Salomon, California State University, Bakersfield c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Enhancing
evidence-based writing, and alsoto interacting with stakeholders. In the coach role faculty provide a moderate amount of structure, withweekly assignments and meetings, and considerable formative feedback. Since the problems are usuallyauthentic and impact a client, there is considerable attention to the quality of the result; however thedelegator role is more appropriate than supervisor since learning outcomes emphasize transferrable skillsrather than disciplinary content. Major Project: Nine credit-hour experiences in which students tackle a challenge in their major area ofstudy, typically in small teams. For engineering students, this might be a design project for an industrialsponsor, or it could be related to faculty research. Students
engage with them in professional skill workshops. The S2S program aims to prepare both graduate and undergraduate students with the professional skills they will need after graduation regardless of if they are going into industry or academia. A multitude of skills are covered in the program that address the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for the Tshaped engineer, including but not limited to: information literacy, leadership, teamwork, diversity, time and project management, reflection scientific/written/oral communication, writing, career services, entrepreneurial mindset, and public speaking. To