and for the motion of a system of 1 or 2 rigid accelerations (linear and rotational) of 2 or 3 bodies moving in the plane. (Includes use of interconnected rigid bodies. P1.) R3 – Apply ode45 to solve equations of motion Supplemental Skills (must pass all R skills before S skills improve grade) S1 – Analyze oblique impact between two S1.1 – Analyze oblique impact between two rigid bodies. rigid bodies. S2 – Solve for the kinetics of mass flow S1.2 – Utilize principles of energy and systems. momentum to solve for the motion of a S3 – Determine the angular momentum of a system of 1 or 2 bodies. rigid body moving in 3D
we observed, and was not part of our plannedintervention, yet aligned to it. Students were open to the approach, and the new team membershave been able to productively contribute.As with the design-based research approach, we will continue to iterate on our design, to bettertest ways to help team members value each other’s assets.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.EEC #1544233. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] S. Harvey, “A different perspective: The multiple effects of deep level diversity on group
Paper ID #22551Effective Methods of Engineering Information Literacy: Initial Steps of aSystematic Literature Review and Observations About the LiteratureMargaret Phillips, Purdue University, West Lafayette Margaret Phillips is an Assistant Professor of Library Science and Engineering Information Specialist in the Purdue University Libraries. Her research interests include technical standards and engineering and technology information literacy.Amy S. Van Epps, Harvard University Amy S. Van Epps is Director of Sciences and Engineering Services in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Li- braries at Harvard University. She was recently an associate professor of Library Science and Engineering Librarian at Purdue University. She
development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469-480.3. Austin, R. B. (2017) Reengineering BGSU’s Construction Management Capstone, 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Columbus, OH4. Berg, D., Manib, H.S., Marinakis, Y., Tierneyc, R. and Walsh, S. (2015) An introduction to Management of Technology pedagogy (andragogy). Technological Forecasting & Social Change 100 1–45. Berg, T., Erichsen, M. and Hokstad, L.F. (2016) Stuck at the Threshold, Which strategies do students choose when facing liminality with certain disciples at a business school?6. Chan, S. (2010) Applications of Andragogy in Multi-Disciplined Teaching and Learning, Journal of Adult Education Volume 39, Number 2
University. Prior to that, he was working as a Research Specialist in the Department of Physiology at University of California, San Francisco. He has authored over 85 peer-reviewed publications in journals such as Langmuir, Biomaterials, Journal of Orthopedic Research, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, etc. and has and h-index of 37. He has also presented his work at numerous national and international level conferences. He received his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from University of Illinois at Chicago in 2003, M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago in 2000 and B.E. in Chemical Engineering from M. S. University in India in 1998.Dr. Kimberly Catton P.E., Colorado State University
veterans currently comprise 4% of Americancollege students [6]. ACE credit recommendations have changed to reflect these shifts inmilitary training and academic content. This paper discusses the extent to which changes inmilitary training, specifically that provided by the United States Army, have affected ACE’scredit recommendations at the undergraduate level.IntroductionThe American Council on Education (ACE) is based in Washington, DC. A contractor for theDepartment of Defense, ACE oversees academic evaluation of military courses. According totheir website: “ACE has provided a critical link between the U. S. Department of Defense and higher education and in this role helps our nation’s military members and veterans gain access
. Define scope 3. Map process 4. Verify map 5. ID opportunities for improvement 6. Choose opportunities for examination 7. Form a team(s) to examine individual opportunity(s) and propose new methods or improvements 8. Team tests methods and develops recommendations 9. Team presents recommendations to department and facilitates discussion 10. Implement consensus recommendation 11. Standardize method 12. Document/Map methodThe same group of faculty tackled the second most popular choice of projects from the originalsurvey. This project was selected to improve the student progression processes performed by thefaculty and staff in the COM department. This project would address another problem that wasfrequently
requirement for test velocities from 5.56 m/s to 19.44 m/s.The test section was composed of plywood, except for one viewing panel of Plexiglas. Thecontraction and diffuser were designed as fiberglass. The data acquisition system was not fullydesigned, although some components were suggested.As part of the design effort the team was able to tour the University of Minnesota St. AnthonyFalls Laboratory. It was determined that the boundary layer wind tunnel at the lab had bettercharacteristics than their final design (e.g. test section size) and that it was available for use withminimal cost. Because of this it was decided not to construct the designed tunnel and toreallocate the funds to other experimental approaches. Figure 3: Solid model
. Perhaps the most inspired application of the UbD philosophyconcerns lean manufacturing. This set of manufacturing principles introduced by Toyota in the1970’s [15] has become very important to the industry. Graduates of this program need to bewell versed in it.After thoughtful consideration, it was decided there would be no course on “lean.” A major UbDprinciple is that all topics should somehow connect to the big ideas. Lean manufacturing iscertainly a fundamental idea and all topics in the program should in some way connect to it. Sorather than a course on lean, it was decided lean would be taught in every course.This was not haphazardly implemented. Every element of lean, from simple tools to the majorideas, were listed and then assigned to
shield features CAN V2.0B up to1Mb/s. It uses the Microchip MCP2515 CAN controller and the MCP 2551 transceiver. Astandard 9-way sub-D, used with an OBD-II cable, enables the CAN connection. The shield hasa micro-SD card holder, a serial LCD connector, and a connector for an EM506 GPS module. Ithas a high speed SPI Interface of 10MHz On the shield, there is a reset button, joystick menunavigation control, and two LED indicators. Power can be supplied to Arduino by the sub-D viaa resettable fuse and reverse polarity protection [4].2.4 Triple-Axis Accelerometer BreakoutThe triple-axis accelerometer as shown in Figure 5 is used to determine acceleration forces inlongitude, latitude, and vertical directions within the FSAE car. The accelerometer has
DesigningCollege Courses. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2013.[4] M. Menekse, G. Stump, S. Krause, M. Chi, “Differentiated Overt Learning Activities forEffective Instruction in Engineering Classrooms.”Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 102 (3),pp. 346-374, 2013.[5] – C. Spezia, D. Thomas, “Tool, Techniques and Class Experience with On-DemandMultimedia Content in an Electric Machines Course,” in Proceedings of the 2012 AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. June 10-13, 2012, SanAntonio, Texas, American Society of Engineering Education, 2012.[6] H. Sheybani, G. Javidi, “Teaching an Online Technology Course Through InteractiveMultimedia,” in Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education
Conference, Paper #1134.4. Svinicki, M. and McKeachie, W.J., 2014. McKeachie’s Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers, 14th ed. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA.5. Wankat, P.C. and Oreovicz, F.S., 2015. Teaching Engineering, 2nd ed. Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, IN.6. Jahangiri, L. and Mucciolo, T., 2012. A Guide to Better Teaching: Skills, Advice, and Evaluation for College and University Professors. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, MD.7. Nilson, L.B., 2010. Teaching at its Best, 3rd ed. John Wiley, San Francisco, CA.8. Fink, L.D., Ambrose, S., and Wheeler, D., 2005. “Becoming a Professional Engineering Educator: A New Role for a New Era.” Journal of Engineering
problems Improve problem-solving skills Improve technical writing and communication skillsA similar question for the faculty advisors is “Describe the value of the educational experiencefor your student(s) participating in this competition submission” (ACRP, 2017). The five insightsextracted from the answers of advisors are: Receive educational experience beyond normal classroom curricula Improve communication skills Learn importance of persistence and follow-up Improve the ability to define and solve problems Explore the applicability of sustainabilityThe real-world experience and the opportunity to interact with industry professionals werementioned frequently by the students. Correspondingly, all faculty
keeping track of who is buying from their shop basically, and then they are trying to see how much. Just giving it, you know, a status take of how much each person is buying and what each person is buying, and then sending them ads related to the situation. But, I personally feel that there’s nothing really wrong keeping track of what each person buys from your own shop. However, the privacy part, we can get to that later, but….Rakesh asks if “anyone else feel[s] what Target did wasn’t wrong” and stresses that he doesn’tfind much wrong with anything Target did, framing Target as innocent and having done nothingwrong. Rakesh also describes Target in a way that stresses