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Displaying results 361 - 390 of 861 in total
Conference Session
New Electrical ET Course Development
2003 Annual Conference
Biswajit Ray
two-channel digital oscilloscope. A typicallab station is shown in Figure 2 below. The laboratory is also equipped with GPIB/RS-232capable high power (150 V/8 A) dc power supplies for motor control applications includingelectrically controlled motor loading system. Figure 2 Typical laboratory station.The instrumentation and data acquisition specific software and hardware are briefly describedbelow.Software:LabVIEW 6.0 from National Instruments12Data acquisition (DAQ) board: • Model 6024E from National Instruments • High performance multifunction board o 16 single-ended or 8 differential analog input channels, 12 bit resolution, 200 kS/s o 2 analog voltage output channels, 12 bit
Conference Session
Using IT to Enhance Design Education
2003 Annual Conference
Brad Kinsey
Engineering in a Changing World, Arlington, VA, 1996, NSF-96.2. National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators – 1996, Washington, D.C., 1996, NSB-96.3. Bishop J., “Developing Students’ Spatial Ability”, The Science Teacher, vol. 45, 1978, pp. 20-3.4. Sorby, S. and B. Baartmans, “The Development and Assessment of a Course for Enhancing the 3-D Spatial Visualization Skills of First Year Engineering Students”, Journal of Engineering Education, July, 2000, pp. 301-7.5. Hsi, S., M. Linn, and J. Bell “The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Engineering and the Design of Spatial Instruction”, Journal of Engineering Education, April, 1997, pp. 151-8.6. Pleck, M., “Visual Literacy – An Important Aspect of Engineering Design”, Proceedings
Conference Session
Student Chapters - Formulas for Success
2003 Annual Conference
Mark Evans; Eric Lachance; Allen Estes
. The interactionbetween students and practicing professionals who are attacking the challenges of the dayinspires the students to learn. The USMA CE program will continue to integrate the studentchapter activities into the curriculum to the point that the two become inseparable.References1. Henkel, Kenneth; Mow, Maurice; and Anderson, Edward, “Factors for a Successful ASCE Student Chapter”, Conference Proceeding, part of Civil Engineering Education, George k. Wadlin, ed., 1984.2. Shah, Kanti L., “Benefits of an Active ASCE Chapter to an Undergraduate Engineering College”, Conference Proceedings, Education and Continuing Development for the Civil Engineer: Setting the Agenda for the 90’s and Beyond, ASCE, Las Vegas, NV, April 1990.3
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Civil ET
2003 Annual Conference
Maher Murad
) ip s t (s n ec se sh io on oj
Conference Session
ET Design Projects
2003 Annual Conference
Zbigniew Prusak
, while the remaining 77% were minor inventions or repackaged existing solutions4, 5 . So over three quarters of the inventions are not real inventions, they are not even innovativesolutions. Engineer is not a synonym for inventor, but rather for creator 6. However, since forthe most part engineering education does not loose sight of the fact that The Best Solution is TheIdeal Solution, it is definitely worthwhile to teach what steps to take to arrive at The BestSolution.2. Lean Manufacturing Principles and Successful DesignsSince about 1960’s in Japan and late 1980’s in the USA, Lean Manufacturing principlesrevolutionized approach to the entire process of fabricating a product. In its core is a quest forelimination of waste not only on
Conference Session
Teaching Strategies in BME
2003 Annual Conference
Joan Walker
Session 2109 The use of concept mapping as an alternative form of instruction and assessment in a capstone biomedical engineering design course Joan M.T. Walker1, Paul H. King2, & David S. Cordray1 Psychology and Human Development 1/ Biomedical Engineering2 Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN 37203AbstractGrounded in interdisciplinary efforts to improve student learning and professionaldevelopment in the domain of bioengineering, this paper describes the design, use, andevaluation of an alternative form of instruction and assessment in a yearlong seniorbiomedical engineering (BME
Conference Session
A Potpourri of Innovations in Physics
2003 Annual Conference
Mark Kithcart; Legunchim Emmanwori; G. Van Ness Burbach; Dominic Clemence; Caesar Jackson; Guoqing Tang
. Inaddition, working collaboratively in research projects has enabled them to gain team workingexperience, communication, negotiation and consensus building skills. Preparing project reportsand presenting their research results at conferences have developed and nurtured their writingand presentation skills.References[1] Brown, K., J. McCullough, S. White, N. Veale, and J. Park (2002). “Forward finite-difference modeling ofseismic wave propagation,” the 2002 SPGRE project report, College of Arts and Sciences, North Carolina A&TState University, Greensboro, NC 27411, July, 2002[2] Dhanasar, M. and C.R. Jackson (2002). “Development of the seismic physical modeling facility: data acquisitionmodule,” in Proc. 7th Annual Life and Physical Sciences
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2003 Annual Conference
Lorena Basilio; Frank Claydon; Betty Barr; David Shattuck; Stuart Long; Jennifer Ruchhoeft
, American Society for Engineering Education” Shattuck et al., Summer Camp and Course Workshops for Sophomore Level Electrical and Computer Engineerswe felt that a new and additional effort could help our students even more. We chose to concentrate our efforts on two required courses taken by our students in thesecond semester of their sophomore year. These two courses are Circuit Analysis, andElectromagnetics. (Their formal names and titles are ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis, and ECE 2317Applied Electricity and Magnetism.) Both courses are standard three semester-credit-hour lecturecourses, with three hours of lecture per week, and class sizes that vary from the low 20’s to mid50’s. These courses were chosen because of the low success rate for
Conference Session
Tools of Teaching and Learning
2003 Annual Conference
Saleh Al Hashimi; Colm Mealy; Barbara Olds; Ronald Miller
PI Freshman (A rabic) 60.0 PI Freshman ( English) 50.0 % Students 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0-24.9 25.0-49.9 50.0-74.9 75.0-100.0 % Corre ct Res ponse s Page 8.350.3 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Mechanical ET
2003 Annual Conference
James Turso; David Johnson; Shannon Sweeney
mathematical treatment of mechanical vibrations and experimental analysis.The graphics-based block diagram language of Simulink allows students to ‘build’ thedifferential equation(s) for single-degree-of-freedom, as well as multiple-degree-of-freedom,systems. The Simulink software package includes a wide array of system input functionsincluding step, impulse, random, user defined, and sinusoidally varying. Frequency domainresponse characteristics are easily obtained using Simulink. The use of Matlab, then, provides ameans for the student to develop a dynamic model of, for example, an automobile’s suspensionsystem, and perform sensitivity analyses on several, or all, of the system’s key parameters withvirtually instantaneous results.Matlab, and its
Conference Session
Design for Community
2003 Annual Conference
Susan Lord
, Raleigh, NC, pp. 65-67, 1990.(2) Waterman, A. S., "An Overview of Service-Learning and the Role of Research and Evaluation in Service- Learning Programs," in Service-Applications from the Research Learning, Edited by Alan S. Waterman, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, 1997.(3) Projects that Matter: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Engineering (AAHE’s Series in Service- Learning in the Disciplines), Edmund Tsang, editor, (American Association for Higher Education, Washington, DC), 2000.(4) William Oakes, John Duffy, Thomas Jacobius, Panos Linos, Susan M. Lord, William W. Schultz, and Amy Smith, “Service-Learning In Engineering,” Session F3A, 2002 Frontiers in Education Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
Conference Session
Unique Laboratory Experiments & Programs
2003 Annual Conference
Kelvin Kirby
) established by the Texas A&M S ystem Board of Regents. 2. CM 3 is the permanent organization for C ARR. 3. Establish CARR/CM 3 accounts for Life Cycle Support . 4. Evaluate capital pr oducing capabilities: * Professional Services. * Radiation Testing. * Material Charact erization / Surface Analysis . * Simulation Services. * New Research and Service Opportunities. * Expansion of current capab ilities. * Incorporating special purpose teams. 5. CM 3 as the incubator of Small Business Innovative Re search . (SBIR) initiative. Figure
Conference Session
What's New in Industrial Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Saumitra Mishra; Boris Ramos; Amy Zeng; Arthur Gerstenfeld; Sharon Johnson
supply chain impacts. Students who participated in the TIME WISE exercises in Fall2002 were overwhelmingly positive about the laboratory activities in student evaluations. Wealso found the interaction and exploration required by the labs to be a stimulating and satisfyingteaching experience.Acknowledgement. Partial support for this work was provided by the National ScienceFoundation’s Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Program under grant DUE-0126672.Bibliographic Information[1] Ambrose, S. A. and C. H. Amon, “Systematic Design of a First-Year Mechanical Engineering Course at Carnegie Mellon University,” Journal of Engineering Education, 86, no. 2, 173-181, April 1997
Conference Session
Publicity Elements of Engineering Education
2003 Annual Conference
Julie Staggers; Lynne Slivovsky
the document development cycle to identify and prioritizedocumentation needs and to select final projects for documentation based on degree of need andproject scope, given tight timelines and limited resources. The documentation teams anddeliverables they ultimately produced are detailed in Table 1.Working in teams of 3-5, students planned a documentation set needed by the EPICS team. Thedocumentation set could include one or more documents that fulfilled internal (EPICS)development team needs, or fulfilled the needs of particular EPICS’ end-user group(s). Workingwith EPICS team members, each group of writers identified the most critical needs fordocumentation and developed appropriate documents. The project, detailed in Table 2, consistedof
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Nicole Amare; Charlotte Brammer
how engineering departmentsteach writing and vice versa. Recently, increased communication and cross-disciplinary effortsbetween traditionally disparate departments, such as engineering and English, has helped toalleviate this rift and eliminate stereotypes. However, there is always internal strife as well withindepartments; for example, exactly what is taught in freshman English—specifically how and whycomposition instructors teach writing the way(s) they do—has been a heavily debated topic forthe past ten years in English conferences like the MLA, CCCC, and NCTE, in journals likeCollege English, CCC, and Journal of Advanced Composition (JAC), and in numerous bookssuch as Peter Elbow’s What is English?, Sharon Crowley’s Composition in the
Conference Session
Partnerships in IE Education
2003 Annual Conference
Joan Burtner
the job market especially in the manufacturing industriesof the 21st century. With a goal to link industry more tightly to the engineering school, anundergraduate engineering program may identify two objectives: to improve U. S. technologicalcompetitiveness by creating a substantive, people-based technology transfer relationship betweenindustry and engineering colleges; and to improve the industrial relevance of the undergraduateengineering experience without compromising the teaching of fundamental science andmathematics. These objectives can be achieved through curricula developed by a team ofprofessors who have a strong industrial background, demonstrated teaching ability, significantmanagement experience, good undergraduate and graduate
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum in ET
2003 Annual Conference
Andrew Otieno; Abul Azad; Radha Balamuralikrishna
competency gaps among newly hired graduates. The Next step - Partnership with schools (1997). Manufacturing education for the 21st century. Volume IV. Dearborn, MI: Society of Manufacturing Engineers.3. Jeffries, M. J. (1991). Some aspects of industrial and academic change. Proceedings of the 1991 Conference on Frontiers in Education, West Lafayette, IN.4. Kitto, K. L. (1997). Integrating concurrent engineering into undergraduate design and research experiences. Proceedings of the 1997 Conference on Frontiers in Education, Pittsburgh, PA.5. Kara, S., Kayis, B. & Kaebernick, H. (1997). Resources for new product development in Australia. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 7(3): 237-249.6. Azevedo da Silveira
Conference Session
Teaching Entrepreneurship to Engineers
2003 Annual Conference
Tushar Patil; Ofodike Ezekoye; Justin Cone; Kathy Schmidt, The University of Texas at Austin
interactive “story” with multiple perspectives. In non-linear fashion,students can choose which perspective(s) they wish to focus on, all the while piecing together forthemselves the complex personal relationships that drive business. Page 8.266.9 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education Session 3554For example, the character that represents the marketing cycle, Mary, interacts with nearly everybusiness
Conference Session
International Collaborative Efforts
2003 Annual Conference
Thomas Carney; Michael Nolan; James Lampe; Raymond Thompson
Session 2260 A Faculty-Led Global Study Trip for Student Credit Michael S. Nolan, Raymond E. Thompson, Thomas Q. Carney & James E. Lampe Purdue UniversityAbstractThe Aviation Technology (AT) Department of Purdue University is now entering the third year ofan ongoing globalization effort. Activities have included visits to numerous aviation programsaround the world for the purpose of setting up aviation specific Study Abroad opportunities. Thedepartment offered an aviation law course in Oxford, England for Aviation Technology studentsin 2002. The Aviation Management major is now requiring a
Conference Session
Trends in Nuclear Engineering Education I
2003 Annual Conference
Michael Corradini
, 2002)2 Michael L. Corradini, Chair, "The Future of University Nuclear Engineering Programs and UniversityResearch and Training Reactors", Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee Report, U. S.Department of Energy, 2000.3 Gary S. Was and William R. Martin, Ed., Manpower Supply and Demand in the Nuclear Industry (AnnArbor, Michigan: Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization, 1998).4 Neal Todreas, Chair, "A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems", NuclearEnergy Research Advisory Committee Report, U. S. Department of Energy, 20025 The conventional nuclear engineering degree programs consists of 30 credits: Atomic and nuclear physics (3) Reactor physics (3) Radiation effects and
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design
2003 Annual Conference
M.J. (John) Frye; Myron (Ron) Britton
R = 2 + S(H-125)/C where: 2 = value assigned for having a tower to test S = 1, if the tower supports the 20 kg mass S = 0, if the tower does not support the 20 kg mass H = height of the tower, in mm C = number of cards usedLaboratory 3- Brainstorming exercise in groups no larger than 20 students. Week 1, generate as many ideas as possible. 20 ideas receives 3 points, 25 receives 4 points and 30 or more receives 5 points. Week 2, prepare a design recommendation based on the previously generated ideas.- Design a folding sawhorse. The design must be presented in freehand graphic form, on a flip chart page, using a broad nib felt tip pen
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Arch Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Carol Diggelman; Michael McGeen
8.978.10 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering EducationAPPENDIX 4. AE1231 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALSCOURSE SYLLABUS.TEXT: Mamlouk, Michael S. and John P. Zaniewski. 1999 Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2725 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025.COURSE GOALS: The primary goal of this course is to introduce students tomaterials used in the construction industry. Materials include metals (iron and steel,aluminum, copper), inorganics (aggregate, concrete and masonry, glass, gypsum) andmolecular materials (wood, asphalt, plastics
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2003 Annual Conference
Toniann Rotante; Sarah Brem; Norma Hubele; George Runger; Kathryn Kennedy
was about cement. The new problem deals with shampoo. Presentation: The syntax, word choice and order, and symbols used to state the problem. Example: The original problem used the words ‘sample standard deviation’ to express the alternative hypothesis. The new problem replaces the words with the symbol ‘s’. Computation: The type of alternative hypothesis presented. Example: The original problem used the two-sided alternative hypothesis. The new problem uses a one sided alternative hypothesis. Note: a change in the values of the data used in the problem is considered a transfer of 0.The task then became one of generating these problems to ensure that everyone interpreted andapplied the
Conference Session
The Biology Interface
2003 Annual Conference
Mariano Savelski; Stephanie Farrell; Robert Hesketh
the minimum energy required for maintenance of the body ‘s vital functions,and is about 70% of what the body actual measured energy expenditure at rest (resting energyexpenditure, REE). The resting energy expenditure is therefore expected to be 82.2 kcal/h.Comparison of exercise data to resting data reveals that the rate breathing rate is substantially Page 8.289.7faster during exercise, the oxygen concentration of expired air is slightly lower than its restingProceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright 2003, American Society for
Conference Session
Issues in Multidisciplinary Programs
2003 Annual Conference
Byron Newberry; James Farison
College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) in 1978-79, it was the first engineeringprogram on a campus with an historically strong liberal arts tradition. With no history orreputation in engineering and with the limited resources (laboratories, faculty, student body andtradition) available to a start-up technical program on a largely liberal arts campus, it was virtuallyessential that it began as a broad (rather than specialized) program. According to our currentclassification scheme, it would have been of the primary-philosophical type.The program came under the newly formed Department of Engineering and Computer Science in1980, still in A&S. The 1982-83 Catalog describes the program: “The Bachelor of Science inEngineering Sciences … program
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
John Bell; Scott Fogler
, ( modifications, or "mod"s ), which can then be driven by theHalf-Life game engine[38-42]. Half-Life includes a graphical development and programmingenvironment that allows one to quickly develop new environments, and includes support forsophisticated lighting effects, actions triggered by users' movements, and perhaps mostimportantly for the lab accidents, explosions. It also includes human characters that can beprogrammed to interact with the user, and has the added benefit of being very popular and wellknown within the primary target audience ( college age students ) of the lab simulations. TheHalf-Life development environment also includes a large number of useful components,including radioactive symbols, lab coats, a wide variety of textures, and
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics
2003 Annual Conference
Ed McCaul; Earl Whitlatch; Robert J. Gustafson
); Unclassified (n= 11)Q4) Written responses regarding improving undergraduate programs fell into sevencategories: Specific suggestions for approach (n = 46); Specific suggestions for content (n= 41); Create a specific class on ethics (n = 33); No change suggested or not an issue (n = 13); Distribute instruction across the curriculum (n = 10); Add to existing course(s) or activities (n = 9); Other suggestions (n = 9).BackgroundBased on results of the AY 1998-99 and AY 1999-2000 College of Engineering AlumniSurveys1 and feedback from other sources, the College Outcomes Assessment Committee hassupported a series of targeted studies2,3. For this particular study, a Task Group was
Conference Session
Web Systems and Web Services
2003 Annual Conference
Marcus Huggans; Steve Watkins; Halvard E. Nystrom
used G-LM2 then they lectures over the Administer Post-test used the S-LM3 and material (Quiz 2B) vice versa. contained in the second LM. Administer Post-test Administer Pre-test The instructor (Quiz 3B), Exam 1, (Quiz 3A) lectures over the and Survey to material contained in evaluate overall the third LM. learning and satisfaction
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanics Education
2003 Annual Conference
R.W. Carpick; K.W. Lux; Buck Johnson; Wendy Crone
. Page 8.34.9 “Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education”References1. J. Karoub, “Merrill Lynch Report Bullish on Nanotech as an Investment,” (Small Times, 2001), Vol. 2002.2. M. C. Roco, “A Frontier for Engineering - The Aim of Nanotechnology to Build the Future, Molecule by Molecule,” Mechanical Engineering 123 (1), 52-55 (2001).3. S. J. Fonash, “Nanotechnology in Undergraduate Education Workshop: A Report and Recommendations Based on a Workshop Held on Sept. 11-12, 2002 at the National Science Foundation,” (2002).4. M. Uddin and A. R. Chowdhury, “Integration of Nanotechnology into the
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Arch Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Stan Guidera
Architecture”, Automation in Construction, 11. (2002)10. Johnson, S. “What’s in a Representation, Why Do We Care, and What does it Mean? Examining the Evidence from Psychology”, Automation in Construction, 8. (1998).11. Madrazo, L. “Computers and Architectural Design: Going Beyond the Tool”, Published in Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference?, ACADIA Conference Proceedings. (1998)12. Kilkelly, M. “Off the Page: Object Oriented Construction Drawings”, Published in ACADIA 2000: Eternity, Infinity, and Virtuality, ACADIA Conference Proceedings. (2000).13. Ethier, S. & Ethier, C. “Instant AutoCAD Architectural Desktop”, Prentice Hall. (2000).14. Mondero, J. “Parametric Design: A Review and Some