.” Dwight D. Eisenhower. We have worked very hard to be proactive and expeditious in this undertaking, which has required constant commitment and hard Page 8.235.7 work from the members of TCAP^3. Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Education v The Conflict Resolution Process – Acknowledge Conflict, Identify the Issue(s), Analyze, Craft a Compromise, Implement, Repeat. When confronted with criticism to Policy Statement 465 or for a particular facet of our approach to communicating the
Changing the Continuing Chilly Campus Climate for Faculty Women: Recommendations Based on a Case Study Mara H. Wasburn Purdue UniversityAbstractA vast body of research conducted in the 1970’s and 1980’s documented a host of problemsconfronted by women faculty at colleges and universities nationwide: their small number, a“chilly campus climate,” low salaries, slow progress toward promotion and tenure, little power orinfluence, and a number of worklife issues. Subsequently, many institutions established policiesto address these inequities. This qualitative case study compares the concerns expressed in 1988by women faculty at “Sycamore
10Ω5WSource + Drain n p n + D VG Substrate G S RS IS R2 10Ω5W [0,100]kWFigure 10. Diagram of Field
Session 2351 A Contribution to Validation of Score Meaning for Felder- Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles Malgorzata S. Zywno Ryerson UniversityAbstractIn 1988, Richard Felder and Linda Silverman developed a learning model that focuses specificallyon aspects of learning styles of engineering students. Three years later, a correspondingpsychometric assessment instrument, the Felder-Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles, wasdeveloped. This paper offers a contribution to an ongoing validation work on the ILS instrument,based on the author’s
). “2000 Open Doors: Report on International Educational Exchanges,” Institute of International Education. New York.Altbach, P. (2002). "Perspectives on International Higher Education," (Resource Review column), Change, 34:3, p. 29.Baecker, R. (Ed.) (1992). Readings in Groupware and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Assisting Human-Human Collaboration, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.Bikson, T. and S.A. Law (1994). “Global Preparedness and Human Resources: College and Corporate Perspective,” Rand Corp.Collier, K., J. Hatfield, S. Howell and D. Larson (1996). A Multi-disciplinary Model for Teaching the Engineering Product Realization Process. 1996 Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.Doerry, E., B. Bero, D
Session 2270 COOL (Computer Outreach Opportunities for Learning) Project James S. Collofello, Joseph E. Urban, Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Faye Navabi, Doris Roman Arizona State UniversityAbstract Although most secondary schools provide some education in computer programming andapplications such as spreadsheets and word processors, they are usually deficient in preparingstudents for careers in software development. The lack of focus on software development topicsand project level experiences fails to dispel the "hacker" mentality and "geek-image" myths mostsecondary school
Session 1139 Teaching Engineering Economy in Engineering Technology Program Gabriel D. Alungbe, Ph.D., P.E. Department of Engineering Technology Central Connecticut State University New Britain, CT 06050-4010AbstractEngineering Economy is one of the most, if not the most, valuable required course(s) offered inmost undergraduate engineering and engineering technology programs. The course is veryimportant because most topics covered in it are used everyday in our personal and
Projects, Prentice Hall, 2003 3. Meredith, J. and Mantel, S. J., Project Management, Wiley, 2003 4. Kaufman, D., Felder, R., Fuller, H. “Accounting for Individual Effort in Cooperative Learning Teams,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 89, no. 2, 2000, pp. 133-140. 5. Kerzner, H., Project Management, International Thomson Publishing, 1995. 6. Kolar, R., Sabatini, D. “Environmental Modeling: A Project Driven, Team Approach to Theory and Application,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 89, no. 2, 2000, pp. 201-207. 7. Michaelsen, L. “Team Learning: A Comprehensive Approach for Harnessing the Power of Small Groups in Higher Education,” To Improve the Academy, vol. 11, 1992, pp. 107-122. 8. Woods, D
Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Education4. ConclusionsThis article presented a simple concept for the improvement of teaching effectiveness under a certaincircumstance such as one for professional studies. With the help of visualization tool and a knowledge-based system, examples used in the class can be selected more applicable for the majority of professionalswho has a variety of work experience, course expectations, and educational backgrounds. Our experimentalso demonstrated the effectiveness of the collaboration between university and industry.Bibliographies1. Deshpande, S. and Hwang, J., “A Real-Time Interactive Virtual Classroom Multimedia Distance
. Page 8.717.6 Strain vs. Deflection 0.0018 0.0016 0.0014 0.0012 0.001 0.0008 Exp. st rain Strain (in/in) Calc. Strain 0.0006 0.0004 0.0002 0 0.01 Calc. Strain 0.02 0.03 Exp. s train 0.04
Relative Y-Position 12 Velocity (m/s) 10 10 8 6 5 4 0 2
. Students determine the As, Af, Ms, Mf temperatures (Figure 6), and the heatof transformation (∆H) for each sample. The students are then asked to discus s and explain thetrends they find.Tensile TestEach group also pulls an as-received wire and their heat-treated wires with a tensile tester togenerate a stress-strain plot. The plateau stress indicates the stress required for the martensitic Page 8.877.4“Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education
technologists to answer thepersistent workforce needs of the region’s semiconductor industry. The strategy is toconsolidate in a single world-class facility known as the Microelectronics TeachingFactory the hands-on laboratory instruction for all semiconductor students from multiplecampuses throughout the region.Through this project, the partners will develop curriculum and electronic educationalmaterials for use in the Teaching Factory (six units of LabEx1 for A.A.S. degree leveland eight units of LabEx2 for B. S. degree level); develop the content knowledge andtechnical skills of faculty; and provide state-of-the-art technical experiences andworkforce preparation for students.Bibliography1. Lakshmi V. Munukutla and Albert L. McHenry, “Innovative
scores on theLASSI scales. Additional research could help to determine if the students are really notprogressing in their capacity for lifelong learning. Then if the students are truly not getting betterat the skills projected to increase the capacity for lifelong learning, one could further determinewhat interventions might be effective in changing this trend.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grantnumber 9802942. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.The author(s) would like to thank Eric Sandt for offering his freshman engineering
was successful (Figure 2). The nitrification efficiency attained during the testing periodexceeded 97%. Although the pilot unit contained an anoxic tank, compressed air was provided tosatisfy mixing requirements, thus affecting the overall nitrogen removal process. We believe thatthe presence of dissolved oxygen at regular intervals, in the anoxic tank, affected the overallnitrogen removal by hindering denitrification. Figure 2. Pumpkinvine Pilot Plant Nitrogen Level s 70 Influent NH3-N Nitrogen Concentration, (mg/L) 60 Effluent NH3 -N
in communicationsskills and meeting deadlines.Studies done at the University of Houston [1] show that the declining enrollment in theirprogram was directly linked to the student’s awareness that the program offerings did notmeet the local needs. The program was built on a “me too” philosophy, that is, itparalleled other successful programs of the “80”s. The market for their graduatesaturated after a few years because the area is mainly concerned with the petrochemicalindustries and process control. There is limited need for graduates whose knowledgebase is RF and other electronic fields.In addition to technical knowledge and skills, engineering technology graduates areexpected to have significant communication and persuasion skills (both
thefirst ever Mining Engineering course in Pakistan. Its massive expansion and developmentcommenced in 1961 on its transformation into a University. In sixties according to the needs andrequirements of the country, Bachelors degree courses were started in Chemical, Petroleum &Gas, Metallurgical Engineering, Architecture & City and Regional Planning. By 1970's it hadestablished over a score of Master's Degree courses and Ph.D. Degree programs. Due to theincreasing number of students in 1970's Engineering College Taxila and Peshawar were formed toaccommodate them. Later they were given status of Universities, thus establishing a total of threeEngineering Universities, with UET Lahore as the parent University1.In 1961 the University had 36
learning. Through close interaction with teammates,with other students working on different projects, and with the instructor, they worktowards understanding and applying the theory, techniques and skills necessary tocomplete the project; hopefully successfully.References[1] American Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Engineering Accreditation Commission,Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, Baltimore, MD, 2003. (accessed at www.abet.org)[2] Wankat, P. C., and P. S. Oreovicz, Teaching Engineering. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1993.[3] Lyons, J., and E. F. Young, "Developing a Systems Approach to Engineering Problem Solving andDesign of Experiments in a Racecar-Based Laboratory Course", Journal of Engineering Education, pp.109-112, January
exacerbates the already serious problem of the shortage of engineers in the Nationalworkforce. While the number of undergraduate engineering degrees has decreased from roughly85,000 in the mid-1980’s to roughly 60,000 at the turn of the century, the anticipated increase inthe number of engineering positions by 2008 over that existing at the turn of the century isroughly 290,000. Attracting more students (particularly women and minorities) into engineeringand retaining them are critically important concerns. While losing some students fromengineering programs is expected, even desirable, it is important to measure and to evaluate thereasons for migration away from engineering in order to help determine optimum levels ofretention for a given
neutron balance equation and a delayed neutron precursor equation. The neutronmultiplication factor, keff, is converted to a diffference from critical and then normalizedto the fraction of delayed neutrons, B. The resulting is rho in $ is shown in equation 1.Thus, rho equals 1 $ is the prompt critical condition, which should never be approached. Rho($)= (Keff-1)/B (1) The resulting Wicks reactor differential equation that relates neutron population, n(t), Page 8.304.3reactivity, rho(t), external neutron source strength in neutrons per second, s(t), the decayrate of delay neutron precursor atoms, r(1/sec) and neutron life time
Shared Positions,” JCST, November 1996, pp. 123-124.[9] Vincent Ercolano, “Dual Career Couples,” ASEE Prism, April 1997, pp. 28-32.[10] S.L. Burkett, J.C. Lusth, L.A. Ruhala, R.J. Ruhula, S. Brbsky and B. Hyslop, “Solving the Dual-Career Dilemma: Three Case Studies,” Proceedings of the 1999 Annual ASEE Meeting, 1999.[11] Academic Couples: Problems and Promises, edited by M.A. Ferber and J.W. Loeb, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1997.[12] “Faculty moms: How they do it?”, About Women on Campus, Fall, 1998, pp. 4-5.[13] Robin Wilson, “Timing is Everything: Academe’s Annual Baby Boom,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 25, 1999. pp. A14-A15.[14] Mairin B. Brennan, “Women Chemists Reconsidering Careers at Research
measuring the actual motor speed through aseries of signal conditioning circuits. Three hardware-interrupts and their respective servicesroutines are also created. Working in small teams, students develop individualized approaches tosolving the problem. Page 8.190.3 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering EducationIV. Software Systems TechnologyThe Software Systems Technology (SST) course (ENTC 369) was first offered in the mid1980’s. At this time the faculty recognized that the impact of software on the
Session1353 INTRODUCING DESIGN TO FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES AT WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Mark E. Cambron and Stacy S. Wilson Department of Engineering Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101AbstractThe role of design in an engineering curriculum is a key issue to the success of the program andgraduates. In the Electrical Engineering program at Western Kentucky University, two newcourses have been developed for the first and second years of the program which are focused onteaching design through robotics
in Figure 2 applies under the conditions of this problem.The Reynolds number is calculated. The quantities for substitution are in consistent unitsD = 2 ftN = 90/60 rps = 1.5 rpsµ = 12 × 6.72 × 10-4 = 8.06 × 10-3 lb ft -1 s-1ρ = 93.5 lb ft-3g = 32.17 ft sec-2Thus ρND 2 N Re,mix = = 69,600 µFrom Figure 2, we can then read the power number as NP = 6.0Then the power, in ft lbf s-1, will be N P D 5 N 3 ρ 6 × (2)5 × (1.5)3 × 93.5 P= = = 1,883 gc 32.17Thus, the power requirement is 1883/550 = 3.42 hp (2.55 kW).ConclusionsA reliable online JAVA applet, which can be accessed on the Internet acting as
expected to be completed by graduating (senior standing) Electrical Engineeringstudents. During these thirty two weeks students are expected to undertake major designchallenge(s). Students are encouraged to carry out interdisciplinary projects. This willallow a greater emphasis on team work and a better synthesis of real world projects.Prior to registering for the design sequence students are to meet with their respectiveacademic advisors and complete a graduation application and receive a clearance andpermission for registration. This insures all students registering for senior design courseshave successfully completed all EE/CpE courses leading to the senior year. Senior design I and II are divided into three phases. Phase I (twelve weeks
instead of someone just dictating it to me.” • “I like this way. It encourages thinking and conclusion.” • “I enjoy reasoning through a problem then having the solution explained. I learn the material better this way. It is a refreshing change from simply restating facts the instructor gives you to show understanding of a concept.”Bibliography1. Bloom, B. S. (ed.). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Vol. 1: Cognitive Domain. New York: McKay, 1956.2. Fuhrmann, B. S., and Grasha, A. F. A Practical Handbook for College Teachers. Boston: Little, Brown, 1983.3. Barbara Gross Davis, Tools for Teaching, Jossey-Bass, 1993.4. Chickering, A., and Gamson, Z., "Seven Principles for Good Practice," AAHE Bulletin, 39:3–7, March
28% 46% 24%(3/23)Thermo. (2/23) 35% 40% 19%The scores on all four portions of the exam show a significant decline from 2001, while the scoreson the thermodynamic portion of the test were the lowest of all scores. But only two of the 23questions covered thermodynamics, and one faculty member who teaches the subject argued thatthe questions asked did not represent the material taught in the class. We expect that in the futureif the questions are more closely matched to classroom material, they should show a rise;therefore, in the spring 2003 semester, the instructor(s) responsible for the thermodynamicssequence will design the problem set for the
60 50 Score 40 30 20 10 0 Th i s l er y El i d s Ch ics o Ec ath D ics . c ca M mic at r m lS ist tri om
click on an option button required to indicate a response. After the studenthas responded to all of the questionnaire items, s/he has a chance to review with thepossibility of revising each response. Upon the completion of response review and editing,the student uses a mouse click to initiate activities that culminate in the terminating theapplication. Prior to termination, the application places that student's responses in a folder withRead/Write permissions on Network Neighborhood, where it can be accessed by a companionapplication running on the instructor's office machine.3.3 Logging Student Responses from the QuestionnaireA file containing the responses of a student appears momentarily in a folder of NetworkNeighborhood having
stepless variation ofthe flow rate. The MPYE thus controls the flow rate regard its magnitude and direction.The MPYE valve operates between 0 and 10V. At 5V input, the flow rate is disabled. Asthe voltage input is decreased from 5 to 0V, the flow rate increases in the negativedirection. As the input voltage is increased from 5V to 10V, the flow rate increases in thepositive direction. Figure 4 below illustrates the output of the MPYE proportional controlvalve. The potentiometer outputs a voltage proportional to the position of the slide. Thepotentiometer operates between 0 and 10V. Q(l/s) Q (l/s) 0 Voltage Input