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thenidentified which beam loading(s) seemed appropriate for their application and comparedthe deflection of their bridge to each identified type of beam deflection. To complete theanalysis of their beams, students generated traditional slope and deflection diagrams fortheir beams, corresponding to the maximum experimental loads. Full projectdocumentation took the format of a technical report, including theoretical development,test procedure, analysis, experimental results, and appropriate figures.Results and DiscussionBased on the students’ calculations, two groups thought their bridges were staticallydeterminate structures. There was around 14% difference between the theoretical andexperimental deflection values for the beams under concentrated force
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mentors. Follow-up questions were asked as probes to furtherexplore issues mentioned by the interviewee. For the question about from which they had learnedthe most, the interviewer asked, “Please describe the first few weeks of the program when youwere with your mentor/s.” A sample follow-up question would be related to knowledgemanagement systems such as, “What goals did you have for your mentor?” Findings Based on the interview transcripts we came up with five main themes regarding how therelationship between mentors and mentees affect mentees’ self-confidence in teachingelementary students about engineering technology.Identifying areas for improvement The program is designed to have
, which is required for almost all the undergraduate engineeringprograms at MSOE and more than 90% of these students take Chemistry I during their firstquarter immediately following their completion of the Carter Academy program. Previously, thestudent survey feedback was not positive and promising as expected. In addition, it has beennoticed that the “attitude” of students towards learning chemistry was relatively negative atMSOE, partially due to their majors which are mostly in traditional engineering programs, suchas mechanical and electrical engineering. Students studying within these majors generally do notfeel the need to learn chemistry but rather choose to simply pass the required chemistry course(s)to obtain their degree. In another
consider adopting carefully curatedcommunity collaborative projects from the start of engineering education programs and onthroughout, rather than only at the end.References 1. N.W. Klingbeil, R.E. Mercer, K.S. Rattan, M. L. Raymer, and D.B. Reynolds, “Rethinking engineering mathematics education: A model for increased retention, motivation and success in Engineering,” in Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, paper 2465, 2004. 2. S. Cai and W. Grebski, “Improving retention through implementation of ‘toy fun’ projects into fundamental engineering classes,” in Proceedings of the 2011 IAJC-ASEE International Conference, Paper 104, Eng 103, 2011. 3. S. Cai
to its focus on accreditation, ABET defines educational programs by describing thecurriculum requirements for each major. For example, the description provided in Section II:Program Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs [3] for programs containingelectrical and/or electronic(s) or other similar titles is: …prepare graduates to have competence in the following curricular areas: (a) the application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated software, analog and digital electronics, and microcomputers, and engineering standards to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of electrical/electronic(s) systems; (b) the application of natural sciences and mathematics at or
three mainthemes discussed previously, we’ve also learned a good deal about how important up-frontagreements with school district administrators are with respect to locking in PD time and, byextension, being able to successfully implement activities during the school year. A continuousmentoring approach is critical to getting teachers ready to facilitate the activities. Without thedistrict on board to allow that access, we end up playing second fiddle and lose out onimplementation opportunities.References[1] “Next Generation Science Standards.” [Online]. Available: https://www.nestgenscience.org/. [Accessed: 09-Jan-2018].[2] Şe. Yaşar, D. Baker, S. Robinson-Kurpius, S. Krause, and C. Roberts, “Development of a
capstone program will be focused toward increasingstudent engagement to promote project success. This work has reaffirmed that one mechanism toincrease student engagement is through engagement of our faculty. The authors encourage otherinstitutions to consider faculty engagement within their capstone programs and to share theirfindings with the engineering education community.References[1] J. Goldberg, V. Cariapa, G. Corliss, and K. Kaiser, “Benefits of industry involvement in multidisciplinary capstone design courses,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., 2014.[2] J. L. Ray, “Industry-academic partnerships for successful capstone projects,” in Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2003.[3] J. S. Lamancusa, J. L. Zayas, A. L
of the semesterwhen the test was administered. Also, since the goal was to check the applicability of the rubricto assess engineering problem solving skills, we avoided problems that were more complex andrequired more steps. Those complex multi-step problems are currently being analyzed and theirresults are not included in this paper.The four questions analyzed and included in this paper were:Question 3 (equation of a line): A model rocket is fired in a vertical plane and the velocity v(t)is measured as shown in the following figure: V(t) [m/s] T [s] 34.3 0.5 19.6 2.0The velocity satisfies
optionswill continue to play a vital role for increasing access to educators who may not have the time orfunds to attend traditional workshops. While not all educators may feel comfortable with theonline modality, best practices in orientation and instructional design make this a viable optionfor even highly technical content. References[1] F.W. Edney “Professional Development Support for Alternatively Certified and Traditionally Certified Career and Technical Education Teachers,” Ph.D. Dissertation, 2010.[2] G. Bottoms, P. Egelson, H. Sass, J. Uhn and S. Board “Improving the Quality of Career and Technical Alternative Teacher Preparation” 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www.nrccte.org
Learning Outcome (SLO) [e.g., in Malaysia] or Intended Learning Outcome (ILO) [e.g., in the UK]. III. S TRATEGIC V ISION , O BJECTIVES AND O UTCOMES , C URRICULUM AND I NSTRUCTIONAL P LANNINGThis section is organized in the following three subsections: Section III-A (Strategic Vision);Section III-B (Curriculum Planning and Instruction Planning); and Section III-C (Mapping ofOutcomes to Performance Indicators).A. Strategic Vision “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.”—Covey [19] Figure 4
and Engineering website [4]shows the distribution of international students attending higher education institutions within theUnited States in 2018. This graphic tries to illustrate the country or economy of origin for foreignstudents and gives approximate numbers of students from that region. For example, there is more than200,000 Chinese students attending higher education in the United States. This graphic indicates that UShigher education is the system of choice for science and engineering students from around the world. Figure 1: International students enrolled in U. S. higher education institutions, by region, country, or economy of origin: 2018This student selection should be
awareness. We also plan to track student performance infuture semesters as a way to measure transferability of skills learned in SI sessions.References[1] Dawson, P.; van der Meer, J.; Skalicky, J.; Cowley, K. (2014). On the Effectiveness ofSupplemental Instruction: A Systematic Review of Supplemental Instruction and Peer-AssistedStudy Sessions Literature Between 2001 and 2010. Review of Educational Research. 84 (4):609–639[2] Palincsar, A. S. (1986). Metacognitive strategy instruction. Exceptional children, 53(2),118-124[3] Flavell, J. H. (1987) Speculation about the nature and development of metacognition. In F.Weinert & R. Kluwe (Eds.), Metacognition, motivation, and understanding (pp.21 - 29).Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.[4
concept and getting itapproved by faculty advisors is one of the greatest challenges you will ever face as a collegestudent.In the final analysis, this research project was an unqualified success, despite the disappointmentof not having enough time to adequately test the final design.References[1] J. Gowda, "Design and Fabrication of Drone Based Pesticide Sprayer," VTU Belgaum, Karnataka, India, 2018.[2] N. Yogianandh, R. Stopforth and G. Bright, "Development of an UAV for Search & Rescue Applications," in IEEE, Livingstone, Zambia, 2011.[3] H. Vardhan, D. S, S. Arul and P. Aditya, "Development of Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayers," International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 856 - 861
, the project can be used to teach a concept about othermechanical engineering areas. In addition, it has a set of minimum requirements described belowto make sure that it qualifies as a mechatronic project. A. Open Design requirementsAll projects are completed in groups of two students to promote collaboration and interaction.The minimum hardware requirements include one actuator, two different sensors, LEDs, pushbuttons, and a form of display. In addition, the project must be a demonstration of a concept fromany mechanical engineering field(s), such as statics, dynamics, thermal fluids, robotics, ormaterials. The Mechatronics lab provides the students with hardware to meet the minimumrequirements. However, if the students wish to
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experiences, thus raising the questionof how do the literacy definitions and standards apply in these contexts, and leading to theobservation that literacy, in the end, even with definition, can mean a “million things.” From thisarose the concept of terminology and communication, i.e. the effect on conveying information indialects, slang, and insider jargon, as well as the discontinuities involved in how wecommunicate technological and engineering literacy in and through any given language, notingthat translations from one language to another, from one culture to another can be affected bychanges in word meanings and idea constructs and contexts (Remember the 1990’s VWcommercial that featured “Fahrvergnügen.” How did we translate this into English
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, such as effective teamwork, giving and receiving constructive feedback, time management, and peer-learning.Project Description: The project was prepared for the students to experience a hands-on activitywhere they were directly involved with an authentic - industrial design project. This provided anopportunity for the students to explore and research the existing available mechanisms andmachines and to use them in their design challenge. Each cohort had specific constraints to workwith and would develop a unique mechanism; by combining the two mechanisms they could builda machine capable of the requested task(s). The project was designed to expose students to a cross-cohort teamwork, to introduce them the usage of technical tools such as
criteria coding and table was done for all thearticles in this study [22]. Findability 0 no 1 = yes Provided via data archive Persistent identifier (DOI/URN) Findable through search engine On web page Accessibility 0 = no 1 = yes Can the article and data be accessed openly Data download option Interoperability 0=no 1 = yes Information on author(s) provided Information on funding provided Information on data methods/procedures provided Is study part of larger comparative survey Is the study part of a larger longitudinal study Reusability 0 =no 1 = yes
through learning activities” in International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 13 vol. 3, pp. 249-262. July 2012[6] M. L. Sattler, V. C. P. Chen, B. H. Dennis, S. P. Mattingly, K. Rogers, Y. Pearson Weatherton, M. Rani, and K. Kositkanawuth, “Integrating sustainability across the curriculum: Engineering sustainable engineers” in Proceedings of the 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. June, 2012. Available: https://peer.asee.org/21566[7] M. Ashby, E. Brechbühl, T. Vakhitova, and A. Vallejo, “Social Life-Cycle Assessment and Social Impact Audit Tool: A white paper” in ANSYS Granta Design [Online], Available: https://grantadesign.com/teachingresources
overlooked by practitioners and researchers. Additionally, the platform has supportedworkshops organized across the country. Workshops are co-organized with organizations thatoperate large backbone networks connecting research centers and national laboratories, andcolleges and universities conducting teaching and research activities.1. IntroductionGeneral-purpose enterprise networks are capable of transporting basic data, e.g., emails,multimedia, and web content. However, these networks face many challenges when movingpetabytes (PBs) of scientific data, e.g., genomic, climate, imaging, and high-energy physics, [1].As a response, network architects have developed the concept of a Science Demilitarized Zone(Science DMZ or S-DMZ) [2] as parts of a
on the basis of gender and race/ethnicity.There have been fewer studies on peer ratings for international students. Wei et al. [19] found“significant differences in peer rating behavior among international vs. domestic students inthree CATME dimensions: contributing to team’s work, interacting with teammates, andexpecting quality.” (p. 3) However, treating international students as a monolith is likely overlysimplistic due to wide differences among cultures. Wei et al.’s [19] findings were situated withinHofstede’s cultural dimensions and focused on individualism vs collectivism, with theinternational students in their study seemingly predominated by students from China, India, andSouth Korea. The teams may also have been predominated by
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