with the students the more standard sensitivityanalysis: change in price of goods, change in price of key raw material(s), change in price ofutilities, change in price of labor. These are the ones sometimes discussed in design textbooks.Ask students if that is all there is to a Financial Operational Model? See what the students answerhere. Get them to understand the sheer power of having the engineering design melded to theeconomics. What does that truly mean? Start to get them to see other types of sensitivities that arenot simply linear changes in slope but can have actual minimum or maximum optimal values.Examples include key design specifications to the product, parameter uncertainty in the modelsfor a piece of equipment such as extent of
Paper ID #28949Work in Progress: Inquiry-Based Learning in Transportation EngineeringDr. Ilgin Guler, The Pennsylvania State University S. Ilgin Guler is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her research interests include multi-modal urban traffic operations and control, intelligent transportation sys- tems, connected and autonomous vehicles and infrastructure management. She received dual B.S. degrees from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey in Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Opera- tions Research. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University
transfer. The classlectures were focused essentially on learning the engineering principles of these subjects andthen solving homework and quiz problems. The problems were clearly defined by the professorand/or textbook. Eventually, engineering students were exposed to ‘pencil and paper” designexercises with predetermined “right” solutions; actual class-related construction work tended tobe limited to small test devices, built by the book.In the 1970’s an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at MIT, WoodieFlowers, recognized that an innovative approach to engineering education would enhance thestudents’ education and he developed a hands-on project centered mechanical engineering designclass. This freshman course was
and develop their own will be integral to theirsuccess as a practicing engineer. Identifying how most first-year students understand intuition isthe first step in achieving this goal.ReferencesCorbin, J. C., Reyna, V. F., Weldon, R. B., & Brainerd, C. J. (2015). How reasoning, judgement, and decision making are colored by gist-based intuition: A fuzzy-trace theory approach. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4(3), 344-355.Cunningham, C. S., Martin, K. M., & Miskioglu, E. (2019, June), Work in Progress: Comparing Creativity and the Perception of Creativity of First-Year and Senior Engineering Students. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, FL.Dreyfus, S. E., & Dreyfus, H. L. (1980). A Five-Stage
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first year seminar, it is important for the cohort to include both studentsinterested in science majors as well as those interested in engineering majors because studentsare in either the School of Engineering or the School of Arts and Sciences. This inclusion allowsstudents to meet peers they would not normally interact with. This cohort model enablesstudents to broaden their perspectives as they potentially encounter students with interestsdifferent from their own.The RISE first year seminar is now offered in the fall and spring semesters, as a year-longopportunity for a cohort of s 25-30 students. The fall semester focuses on academicpreparedness and acclimates students to their college environment by introducing them to facultyand support
. External failure costs are themost significant since they are found by the customer and would likely impact their level ofsatisfaction. Their true impact in the long run is unknown or unknowable [1]. Overall, Juranestimated that unplanned quality-related costs could be as high as 20% of sales [4]Since their inception as a quality management concept in the 1950’s, research on quality costsensued with models developed for optimization. The PAF, which refers to prevention (P),appraisal (A), and failure (F) is the first of such models. The PAF model shows the total qualitycost function as the sum of costs of conformance (P and A) and costs of nonconformance (F) [5].The three functions (cost of conformance, cost of nonconformance and total quality
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cycles are undertaken with accumulated knowledge. Such knowledgecan be gained through experimentation. The purpose of experimentation is to gain the knowledge aboutreducing and controlling variation in the process or the product by determining which process factor(s)significantly impact the outcome [7]. Figure 4: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle For experiments to be run and analyzed efficiently, a scientific approach in planning must befollowed [D]. While one-factor-at-a-time is extensively used in experimentation, design of experiment(DoE) methods, particularly factorial design, have advantages over the one-factor-at-a-time method.These advantages include, but not limited to, the ability to estimate
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versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U S A 116(39):19251–19257. Available at: www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821936116.3. Deslauriers L, Schelew E, Wieman C (2011) Improved learning in a large-enrollment physics class. Science 332(13 May):862–864.4. Foster C, Wigner A, Lande M, Jordan SS (2018) Learning from the parallel pathways of makers to broaden pathways to engineering. International Journal of STEM Education 5(1)Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40594-017-0098-8.5. Jordan S, Lande M (2013) Should makers be the engineers of the future? Frontiers in Education (Oklahoma City, OK), 815–817. Available at: http
educators of K-12 teachers of engineering and their learning needs.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of EngineeringEducation & Centers (ENG/EEC) via grant EEC-1540253. 5 References[1] E. R. Banilower, P. S. Smith, K. G. Malzahn, C. L. Plumley, E. M. Gordon, and M. L. Hayes, “Report of the 2018 NSSM+,” [Online]. Available: http://horizon-research.com/NSSME/wp- content/uploads/2019/06/Report_of_the_2018_NSSME.pdf [accessed January 31, 2020]. [2] NGSS Lead States, Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington: National
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-school, after school and/or on weekend classes. Theparticipants will be middle and/or high school students developing hands-on skills in a variety ofactivities that simulate industry practices to include academic skills and jobreadiness/employability skills when the projects(s) are completed. SKY has been the catalyst inthe promotion and development of engineering projects for the Calera High School engineeringprogram to include creating career paths. Because of the success at Calera, SKY is expanding itsmission to encompass other schools throughout Alabama.The summer of 2017 tour was given by their Mayor Danniel Gaverette on Belfate, Honduras. Itwas impressed that this mayor kept the local school open seven days a week. During the weekdaythe
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mentorship into account, could be performedwith both the research faculty and their graduate students. Sharing their passion for research withtheir graduate students and the public may have an impact especially on traditionallyunderserved or underrepresented populations in STEM, engaging them in a new and interestingway.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1811119. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] B. Fischhoff, “The sciences of science communication,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 110, no. Supplement_3, pp
as evaluator of three NSF grants awarded to New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), College of Engineering and Computer Science. She is recently retired as Associate Professor and Chair of Instructional Technology and Ed- ucational Leadership graduate programs at NYIT School of Education. Dr. McPherson has experience in national and international projects, such Social Media in Education in Abu Dhabi, UAE; Develop- ing Learning Objectives and Assessment Strategies in Curriculum for Cleaner Production for a US State Department project in Latin America; Technology Enriched Instruction Microsoft Teacher Education Ini- tiative Faculty Workshop Series at several locations worldwide, UNESCO meeting in Thailand, S. Korea
computationally simulate the flow before they startdesigning the rest. They were required to study and explore different simulation tools such asSolidworks Flow simulation, Comsol Multiphysics CFD, and Ansys Fluent, all available on campus.The first simulation in Fig 6a shows the flow in the testing chamber is not uniform as the designintention. It varies from bottom to top in the range of 18 to 40 m/s. This velocity variance is caused bythe sharp ninety degree flow direction change. The distance between the test chamber and the ninetydegree angle not long enough to allow the flow to fully develop. Obviously, 45 degree angled turningvanes needed to guide the flow gradually to the test chamber. The next three simulations in Fig 6b, c,and d show how the
Data s Collection Program Design Design Implementation Analysis Design Improvement Evaluation Research Design Research Literature Review Research Documentation Knowledge Question of Learning Design & Publication Creation TheoriesFigure 1. Adapted DBR Process CyclePrevious iterations were focused on how the curricular element would be developed [1] and howstudents and faculty members viewed the
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inclusive communities.AcknowledgementThis work was supported through a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award: NSFIUSE/PFE:RED # 1730576). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] L. Benson, A. Kirn, and C. J. Faber, “CAREER: Student Motivation and Learning in Engineering,” Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. https://peer.asee.org/20152, 2014.[2] G. Crisp, and I. Cruz, “Mentoring college students: A critical review of the literature between 1990 and 2007,” Research in Higher Education, vol. 50, no
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. Developingmodules related to these engineering disciplines would enable students to learn about a broaderrange of career opportunities in engineering. However, including additional modules in a week-long program may limit the time devoted to a meaningful introduction to each discipline.AcknowledgementsThe summer program was supported by the Federal Highway Administration National SummerTransportation Institute program. Authors would like to thank Elizabeth Reed of MissouriDepartment of Transportation and Lauren Paulwell of FHWA for their support of the program.Authors would like to thank Dr. Amanda L. Cox, Dr. John Buerck, Dr. Kyle Mitchell, Prof.Stephen Magoc, and Dr. Ronaldo Luna for their contributions to the program.References[1] S. Ivey, M. Golias
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Decision-Making CompetencyInventory for publication and are examining the relation between it and engineering major choiceand persistence. A prototype Academic Dashboard has been created and we continue to add andimprove functionality. The prototype of the Academic Dashboard will also be user-tested toidentify coding errors and other areas for improvement with the user interface.References[1] M. K. Orr, R. K. Anderson, and M. L. Rucks, “Work in Progress: Developing a Procedure for Identifying Indicators of ‘Overpersistence,’” in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.[2] K. M. Ehlert, M. K. Orr, and S. J. Grigg, “WIP: What’s Your Major? First-Year Engineering
activities, mayadvance inclusion of under-represented populations in engineering pathways.Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. 1744539. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) High. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. 2018. Available online: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/k12 (accessed on 5 December 2018).[2] Capiobianco, B.M., French, B.F., & Diefes-Dux, H.A. (2012). Engineering identity development among pre-adolescent learners
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