work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant No. (NSF 1845979). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Support was also provided by Ms. CarolineCarpenter, the President of East Coast Construction Services and Executive Member of thePiedmont Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC).ReferencesAssociation of American Colleges and Universities, “Facts and Figures: The income gaps inhigher education enrollment and completion,” AAC&U News – Insights in Campus Innovationsand Liberal Education, June/July 2018. [Online]. Available:
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Paper ID #31472Exposure of undergraduate research students to entrepreneurialactivities to motivate future research careersProf. Ranji K Vaidyanathan P.E., Oklahoma State University Dr. Ranji Vaidyanathan is presently the Varnadow Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Helmerich Research Center at OSU Tulsa. He was previously the Director of the New Product Develop- ment Center (NPDC) and the Inventors Assistance Service (IAS) at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Vaidyanathan has eighteen U. S. patents and twenty-two pending patent applications. He has de- veloped six different products from concept stage to
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1 month after site visit 11. Office of Assessment distributes narrative report to 1 week after receipt of narrative report Department chair, Dean, and others involved in site visit; department distributes to program faculty and staff and initiates discussions regarding improvement 12. Office of Assessment meets with department chair Before November of next academic year and college dean to discuss recommendations and identify outcome(s) to be added to program’s IE plan. 13. Office of Assessment enters outcomes into IE plan. By December of next academic year 14. Department report on progress of outcomes annually. July 1st (annually)team. A team of 4 to 6 members - 2 to 3 external reviewers (at least
), by a NSF CAREER Award to C.L. (Grant No.DMR-1554435), by a NSF CAREER Award to A.S. (Grant No. DMR-1555153), a NSF Grant toN.H.P (Grant No. DMR-1945482), and by a NSF Grant to P.B. (Grant No. DMR-1709857). Thismaterial is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate ResearchFellowship under Grant No. 1746047. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the National Science Foundation.References [1] K. Thornton, S. Nola, R. Edwin Garcia, M. Asta, and G.B. Olson. Computational materials science and engineering education: A survey of trends and needs. JOM, 61(10):12–17, 2009. [2] R.A. Enrique, K. Thornton
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following potential impediments on their likelihood ofinfluencing the tenure process: • Teaching load requirements, • Expectation of peer-reviewed journal publications, • Service expectations, • Availability of funds for research in their fields • Appreciation for area of research by tenure review committee(s) • Competition within department for funds, • Availability of Teaching Assistants (TA) to assist with grading, • Availability of students to employ as researchers, • Quality of students to employ as researchers, • Availability of faculty mentoring, • Quality of faculty mentoring, • Interdepartmental politics, and • Managing work-life balanceResultsThe responses to the survey were collected
executable and choosing which tools to use. The next phase entailed identifying 3how the executable functioned and how to isolate malicious segments of code. Finally, studentsimplemented and tested their own additional modifications. Most students do not have previous experience with reverse engineering binary executables,so the first step is an exploration of the different tools available for reverse engineering software.A preliminary search reveals both IDA (particularly IDA Pro) and BinaryNinja as the most usedplatforms. Free demo versions are available for both softwares, and these are the ones most usedby students. Once a platform(s) is chosen, students must explore what settings and views
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. Raspberry Pi #1 (located on the robot) read the room information, actuated themotors, and collected and processed images of the warehouse. Raspberry Pi #2, which handledall of the path planning and tweeting to indicate the start and end of the challenge. These are justthree examples of the seven different ways students in the distributed-expertise section stitchedtogether their knowledge to solve the warehouse robot challenge. Figure 4: Three Example System Diagrams for Warehouse Robot ProjectTable 3 below summarizes the solution diversity data based on our qualitative analysis of thefinal project submissions and the availability of examples for each section. These data aredescribed using a none-few-some-many s cale to qualitatively
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developed to further the adoption of energy-saving options in middle- to low-income communities. Example activities for project output 5 (ongoing as of Spring 2020) include:implementing formative research study activities, including interviews and survey(s); development ofmessage maps for specific target audiences (e.g. homeowners, small contractors, etc.); anddevelopment of social marketing promotional materials. Students in Mercer University’s GreenEngineering course are introduced to social marketing and messaging maps, studying numerous casestudies related to the environment, and participating in the development of this project output.Figure 3: an example Message Map developed to promote household energy efficiencyand low-cost solar PV systems
, Recurrent Neural Networks with Python Quick Start Guide: Sequentiallearning and language modeling with TensorFlow, Packt Publishing (2018). ISBN-13: 978-1789132335.[12] Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, 2nd ed.,A Bradford Book (2018). ISBN-13: 978-0262039246.[13] Maxim Lapan, Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On: Apply modern RL methods, withdeep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more, PacktPublishing (2018). ISBN-13: 978-1788834247.[14] François Chollet, Deep Learning with Python, 2nd ed., Manning Publications (2017). ISBN-13: 978-1617294433.
Paper ID #28539the D and F Ionosphere Layers: Why are AM Broadcast Signals Mostly LocalDr. Paul Benjamin Crilly, U.S. Coast Guard Academy Paul Crilly is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the United States Coast Guard Academy. He re- ceived his Ph.D. from New Mexico State University, his M. S. and B.S. degrees at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, all in Electrical Engineering. He was previously an Associate Professor of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering at the University of Tennessee and was a Development Engineer at the Hewlett Packard Company. His areas of interest include laboratory development, antennas
Jan. 29, 2020].[4] D. Litwhiler, “A Two Semester, Multi-Approach Instrumentation Project for Mechanical Engineering Students,” in Proc. of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2015, Seattle, WA, USA, [Online], available [Accessed Jan. 29, 2020].[5] S. Kiefer, “Preparing Mechanical Engineering Students for Senior Design Projects with Electronics Components,” in Proc. of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA, [Online], available [Accessed Jan. 29, 2020].[6] Sill, Robert D., Kim, Sang H., “Accelerometer Shock Sensitivity Calibration Using a Pneumatic Exciter,” 77th Shock and Vibration Symposium, November 2006
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Society for Engineering Education, 2020Undergraduate STEM Students’ Role in Making Technology Decisions forSolving Calculus Questions and the Impact of These Decisions on LearningCalculus 1 Emre Tokgöz, 1Berrak S. Tekalp, 1Elif. N. Tekalp, and 2Hasan A. Tekalp1,,, 1 Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, 065182 Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, 06518 1. IntroductionThere are challenging problems in STEM research that can be solved by using differenttechnologies. STEM students are usually expected to have a good
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process is as follows: • Early-stage discussion between faculty and university/school leaders with the objective of encouraging the free-flow of ideas at this early stage. • Decision process communicated by leaders to faculty with clarity around expected processes of decision making. For example, which groups are active participants in the decision-making process? Which groups will be consulted and will serve in an advisory capacity? What will the feedback loop look like after the decision is made? • Follow-up report after decision making provided by leaders to faculty to explain the rationale for the decision(s) made.Further, the idea of Town Hall is grounded in the principles
to apply concepts presented in lectures. • Combining Analysis and Design: future work is underway to streamline the course and evaluate other programs that teach both analysis and design into one course. We will identify the most critical topics needed for teaching both analysis and design, match the topics with the more interesting case studies, and create new ones in some cases, to continue enhancing student understanding and learning of structural analysis and design. Future work also includes tracking student performance in subsequent and more advanced classes.References[1] S. Singer and K.A. Smith, Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate
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characterized simultaneously by multiplesocial identity categories, these categories are intertwined and linked to each other, there is anelement of power or inequality embedded within each category, and these categories characterizenot only a person’s social identity[s] but also the person’s ever-changing social context. Ourstudy is informed by the concept of intersectionality in two ways: first, as a theory to guide theidentification of constructs and the creation of scale items to probe those constructs and, second,as a methodological approach to analyze data based on the survey respondents’ multipledemographic identities.Diversity in the Engineering Professoriate. A literature review indicated that most studies offaculty diversity aggregate
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:// Students learn touse an oscilloscope, a function generator, and a network analyzer using the Analog Discoverysoftware. The modules are presented in approximate order of increasing complexity. Over thecourse of the semester, students develop the understanding, skills and knowledge to achieve thecourse learning outcomes. Table 1 below lists the topics of the modules and the associatedlearning goals.Table 1. A list of the module topics and their learning goals. Module Topics Learning goal(s) 1 A simple pendulum (lab) Measure the change in pendulum angle with time using a potentiometer as a position sensor; solder components onto a printed
. As such, we are continuing this study into the next academic year,2020/2021, with better research strategies learned from this pilot study.AcknowledgmentMirna Mattjik thanks the Engineering, Design, and Society Division and Megan Sanders thanksthe Trefny Innovative Instruction Center.References[1] J. S. Eccles and A. Wigfield, "Motivational Beliefs, Values and Goals," Annual Review Psychology, vol. 53, pp. 109-131, 2002.[2] E. L. Deci and R. Flaste, Why We Do What We Do, New York: Penguin Group, 1995.[3] "KEEN Engineering Unleashed," Kern Entrepreneurship Engineering Network, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29 01 2020].[4] A. Edmondson, "Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams
designed in the early 1980’s to reduceemissions by monitoring the performance of major engine component. The major component ofthe OBD is the Electronic Control Unit (ECU, Figure 3(a)), which receives inputs from varioussensors and control the actuators. OBDs provide digital trouble codes (DTCs) that can beaccessed via the Digital Link Connector (DLC, Figure 3(b)). (a) Components of OBD (b) OBD-II Port Figure 2. On-board Diagnostics (OBD)The latest version of OBD is OBD-II, which is available on all cars and light trucks built since1996. The OBD-II standard specifies the type of diagnostic connector and its pinout, theelectrical signaling protocols available, and the messaging