Paper ID #30845Reflection in Engineering Education: Advancing ConversationsDr. Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education.Kenya Z. Mejia, University of Washington Kenya Z. Mejia is a second year PhD
the author of many books and articles on education. His work broadly centers on K-20 education and the nexus of media, technology, humans, and society. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Reflective Faculty Peer Observation in EngineeringAbstractIt is now widely held that student evaluations of teaching provide an insufficient measure ofteaching effectiveness, particularly when they are the only metric used. One alternative measureis faculty peer observation. We have developed a novel faculty peer observation protocol focusedon self-reflection and formative feedback for STEM faculty. Engineering faculty have found theprotocol helpful and used the method to expand professional networks
Paper ID #28632Increasing Metacognitive Awareness through Reflective Writing:Optimizing Learning in EngineeringDr. Patti Wojahn, New Mexico State University As past Writing Program Administrator and current Interdisciplinary Studies Department Head, I have worked closely with academic departments interested in supporting the writing, communication, and aca- demic abilities of students. For many years, I worked with Integrated Learning Communities for at-risk, entry-level engineering majors, overseeing development and use of a curriculum adapted specifically for this group. I continue to analyze data from research studies
Paper ID #28590Assessment of Reflective and Metacognitive Practices for Electrical andComputer Engineering UndergraduatesDr. Samuel J Dickerson, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Samuel Dickerson is an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engi- neering. His general research interests lie in the area of electronics, circuits and embedded systems and in particular, technologies in those areas that have biomedical applications. He has expertise in the design and simulation of mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems that incorporate the use of both digital and analog electronics, as well as
, the approach becomes collaborativeautoethnography. Collaborative inquiry, in contrast to collaborative autoethnography, is a researchapproach where people pair reflection on practice with action through multiple cycles of reflection,collective sense-making, and action. The combination of these methodologies allowed us to deeply andsystematically explore our own experiences, allowing us to develop a model of professional agencytowards change in engineering education through collaborative sense-making. Throughout this process,data collection included (1) written reflections, (2) weekly meetings, and (3) framework activities.Previous works have described the design and analysis of the written reflections [1], [2] and the weeklymeetings [3]. The
investigates how undergraduate engineering students’learning trajectories evolve over time, from 1st to senior year, along a novice to expert spectrum.We borrow the idea of “learning trajectories” from mathematics education that can paint theevolution of students’ knowledge and skills over time over a set of learning experiences(Clements & Sarama, 2004; Simon, 1995; Sztajn et al., 2012; Corcoran, Mosher & Rogat, 2009;Maloney and Confrey, 2010). Curricula for undergraduate engineering programs can reflect anintended pathway of knowledge construction within a discipline. We intend our study ofindividual students within undergraduate engineering programs can highlight how this mayhappen in situ and how it may compare to a given, prescribed
canmediate the connection between a student’s epistemic metacognitive knowledge and researcheridentity). The DRIEM also represents that an individual’s researcher identity exists with, and isaffected by, their multiple other identities and/or future self. The collaborative, iterative processof developing this model led to identifying four propositions: 1) Researcher identity affects and isaffected by reflection on research actions; 2) Researcher identity is fluid and can dissolve orsolidify; 3) Researcher identity and interest in research are influenced by social contexts; and 4)Students’ researcher identity and perceptions of research are influenced by their initial dispositionsand beliefs about researchers. We further refined the DRIEM and our
or presentations. At Rose-Hulman, Sriram has focused on incorporating reflection, and problem based learning activities in the Software Engineer- ing curriculum. Sriram has been fundamental to the revamp of the entire software engineering program at Rose-Hulman. Sriram is a founding member of the Engineering Design program and continues to serve on the leadership team that has developed innovative ways to integrate Humanities, Science, Math, and Engi- neering curriculum into a studio based education model. In 2015, Sriram was selected as the Outstanding Young Alumni of the year by the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. Sriram serves as a facilitator for MACH, a unique faculty development
totheir academic success. A new Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) is beingdeveloped for the coming year for the mentors. Past mentor assessments have been provided inend of semester presentations and reflections. The SALG will supplement and not replace thepresentation and reflection.CE-MENT Program Components and OperationAt its inception in the first year of the grant, the peer mentor program had seven mentors. Overthe past two-plus years, the program has grown significantly. Currently, there are 25 activementors, many of whom were former mentees. The program is operating on a volunteer basisand credit is not provided to the mentees, so there is a wide range in level of involvement bymentees. On average, this year the mentees had 2
potentialresponses. Each potential response will influence four metrics that record participant behaviorwithin the environment. The first metric is time, represented by a clock that changes as decisionsare made. The other three metrics are safety, personal reputation, and output. Performance onthese metrics is shown by an icon that indicates relative performance (i.e, a smile indicates goodperformance, a frown indicates negative performance, etc.). Within the virtual environment,participants are also given reflection prompts that seek to better understand the conditions thatmight have influenced their decisions. Reflection prompts were designed in alignment withKohlberg’s moral development theory and include pre-conventional, conventional, and post
engineering from Belgrade University, and both M.S.M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Washington.Dr. Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Engineering with Engineers: Fostering Engineering Identity
experiences may be the most effective approach to achieve it and thatprogrammatic initiatives had little impact on development [4]. Despite this growing body ofknowledge, a long road lies ahead before the field reflects a complete, data-driven understandingof engineering leadership development.The Engineering Leadership Identity ProjectSchell and Hughes proposed a multi-staged grounded theory approach [39] to understanding thedevelopment of engineering leadership identity [40]. Their project consists of three stages: aninitial quantitative stage, a subsequent qualitative stage, and a final grounded theory stage. Seetheir literature for a fuller discussion of the project and methods (e.g. [41], [42], [43]). Thiscurrent research is focused on
studio class environment (Koretsky etal., 2018). The LA Program utilizes the three core elements suggested by the Learning AssistantAlliance (Otero, Pollock, & Finklestein, 2010). First, LAs receive pedagogical development in aformal class with their peers in their first term as an LA. Second, LAs meet weekly with theinstructor and the graduate teaching assistants as a member of the instructional team to preparefor active learning in class. Third, LAs facilitate active learning in the class in which they areassigned. Each week in the pedagogy class LAs are posed a specific prompt that connects tospecific reading and asks them to reflect on their learning and practice in writing. This process isintended to help them connect the three program
categories of change:dissemination, reflective, policy and shared vision [12]. The implementation of Scrum intodepartmental operations, encourages engineering department to engage in each of these changestrategies (Table 1) Table 1. Elements of Scrum associated with change strategies (adapted from Henderson, Beach, & Finkelstein, [11]) I. Dissemination Tactic: II. Reflective Tactic: • Scrum training • Daily Scrum • Instructional training • Sprint planning • Internal dissemination of knowledge • Sprint review • Scrum artifacts data share • Sprint retrospective III. Policy Tactic: IV. Shared Vision
observation is impractical. Extensivework shows that student self-reports alone can be unreliable. Students may under- or over-report Commen ted [1]: do you have any citations for self-their degree of misunderstanding based on any number of external factors, or they may legitimately reports?not know the degree of their misunderstandings relative to certain topics. Instead of relying onlyon student self-observations, this study uses a triangulated approach incorporating instructors,teaching assistants, and students each completing a weekly reflection. T he reflection asks aboutthe difficulties or misunderstandings experienced in the classroom during the past week. Theprotocol consists of five items that are tailored to the instructor, T A
theme that emerged involved the impact of training on presentation and communicationtechniques. This theme included reflections on how the participants changed their presentation orhow they communicated with the public. Some examples of this theme included participantstalking about how they planned their presentation or how their presentations andcommunications were received by the public. “I was thinking about a slide presentation. But after Monday’s training I realized that’s probably not a good idea.” – Alena “I definitely was trying to think about how to engage in a way that makes people think about their personal lives, and examples, and pull in some of those pieces.” – Kacey “So I decided to put up 4 pictures
(the final course) can be found in Table 1, reflecting averages across all semestersthat these courses have been offered. Relative to students taking other courses in the College ofEngineering, a higher percentage of Applied Computing students are female andunderrepresented minorities (Engineering: 19% female, 22% URM) [10]. The most popularmajor among Applied Computing students is Psychology, followed by Economics and lesscommon majors such as Sociology, Behavioral Science, Communication Studies, and Business.Additionally, the majority of Applied Computing students have limited or no programmingexperience prior to enrolling in the minor. Via an informal survey given at the beginning ofENGR 120, 68.4% of students report no programming
. Describe contemporary challenges caused by or related to energy resources, such as economic impacts, sociopolitical tensions, and environmental impacts 5. Explain how various methods of both passive (e.g. evaporative cooling) and active (e.g., electric, fuel-powered, heat pumps) heating and cooling in buildings work 6. Analyze how the natural environment (e.g., tree shade, sun angles) and built environment (e.g., windows, insulation) impact heat transfer into and out of buildings, with consideration for cultural and climatic contexts 7. Apply concepts from class to inform decisions about energy consumption or conservation in your everyday lifeThese learning outcomes reflect several salient aspects from our research
support were also used to help students engage more deeply with course materials.Content was managed by a separate instructor who coordinated with the face-to-face instructor to ensurealignment of activities and learning outcomes. Weekly, students were required to post and respond toquestions on the online discussion board, which required them to demonstrate conceptual mastery oftopics (rather than procedural problem solving). In addition, students completed weekly journalsubmissions, which required critical reflection of course preparation, performance, and application to civilengineering. Twice per week the instructor was available for tutoring sessions via an online platform.Sample discussion board questions and journal prompts are provided in
reflect a technocentricmindset that may be a prevailing attitude in other areas of basic sciences, especially when therole of science and scientists is exclusively viewed in context of search for truth about mattersand energy and discoveries about natural phenomena. This approach pays little or no attention tounearthing the truth about the connection between scientific knowledge and the impact ofscientific discoveries on human life. However, a sociotechnical perspective offers an alternativeapproach by connecting technical skills with social impact, as described by Leydens and Lucena[3]. Our motivation for introducing “user innovation” is in part to provide an example forimplementing a science and engineering course based on a sociotechnical
Experimenting Figure 2. Key innovative behaviorsAssessing re-framingWe conducted one pivoting reflection survey in April 2019. With this instrument, we collecteddata on problem framing and re-framing. We analyzed final project reports and projectpresentations from the junior design course (BME390) in spring 2019 for problem framing andre-framing.Data Collection Process/TimelineThe research team collected data on framing and re-framing, innovation tendencies, innovationpotential, and innovation tendencies from 60 – 70 BME undergraduate students betweenFebruary 2019 and December 2019.We designed another ideation workshop in November 2019 in which we asked the students, inpairs, to provide solution ideas on a biomedical
, organizing, and integrating new information.MethodologyAligned with these constructivism principles, the research questions are addressed throughseveral exercises that took place with 130 third-year undergraduate engineering students in acourse called Engineering Design VI, as it is the sixth in an eight-course Design Spine sequence.The assessment tools include concept mapping exercises, in-class market simulation workshops,open-ended written reflections, and surveys, as well as the students’ term project reports. Thesetools are summarized with their connections to one another, the research questions, and theconstructivism principles in Figure 1. Figure 1: Research activities (white boxes) mapped to the research questions (grey boxes) that they
., pre-entryengineering identity); Time 2, reflecting engineering identity at the end of the first semester; andTime 3, reflecting engineering identity at the end of the spring semester.Demographic control variables, including gender, age, and ethnicity, were gathered throughuniversity records.ResultsIn the fall semester, 24 (2.0%) students engaged in research, 7 (0.6%) served as engineeringstudent ambassadors, 6 (0.5%) were peer mentors, 10 (0.8%) engaged in internships, 300(25.0%) participated in student organizations directly related to engineering, and 212 (17.7%)participated in student organizations outside engineering. In the spring semester, 68 (5.7%)students were involved in research, 20 (1.7%) served as engineering student ambassadors
internalizingand effectively communicating insights from these experiences later. We conjecture thatproviding an engineering problem typology and reflection framework as context for studentexperiences will improve students’ ability to internalize and communicate the professionalrelevance of those experiences. In this NSF PFE:RIEF sponsored research project we are usingmixed-methods to collect pre / post data on students’ engineering epistemological beliefs, writtenreflections that consider the professional aspects of engineering projects, mock interviews, andgroup problem-solving discussions. Between the pre / post data collection, an intervention takesplace; students participate in a professionally relevant project experience (engineeringintramural) with
At the culmination of the 5-week program, a focus group and exit survey were used togather descriptive and interpretive information on the students’ feelings of self-efficacy,valuation of engineering knowledge and skills, and engineering identities. The exit surveycontained items developed by Walton and Liles [15] and Walton et al. [3] to measureEngineering Values, Self-efficacy, and Identity. The Engineering Values Scale (EVS), contains8 items arranged on a 7 point Likert scale. The items assess both general and specific aspects ofthe field of engineering with higher scores reflecting greater valuation. The Engineering Self-Efficacy Scale (ESES), contains 14 items arranged on a 7 point Likert scale. The items assess ageneral form of self
the “spiral approach” for course redesign.Lessons learned from previous semesters are incorporated into any needed redesign and/orrefinements of the HIPs as part of the process for updating each course syllabus each semester.Two courses serve as examples to demonstrate how to implement HIPs in basic STEMengineering courses.IntroductionKuh asserts that college degrees are valued by society and empower the individual; however,persistence and completion of the degree is reflective of the quality of the learning experience[1]. To strengthen academic success, faculty development in effective teaching strategies, suchas High-Impact Educational Practices (HIPs), is needed [2]. HIPs ensure that students haveaccess to well-designed, engaging academic
context and works on the smaller componentsof it, we then experience the process of problem-solving. Climbing the mountain requires bothlinear and non-linear approaches that promote higher order thinking and critical skills. Thecomplexity of the problem encourages us to think reflectively and critically. The dynamic learningenvironment poses challenges but also opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.Finally, when the mountain has been climbed and we have safely returned to our base camp, weevaluate our mountain climbing experience, analyzing our successes and difficulties, and drawinglessons that can be applied to similar challenges in the future.This is the process we encouraged our research experiences for undergraduates (REU
, resulted in astatewide survey for distribution at all coalition campuses in Fall 2019.Significant issues with deployment of the survey resulted in response rate that was below ouracceptable threshold for inferential statistical analysis, both for overall number of completeresponses (n = 542) and for distribution of responses along demographic characteristics such asinstitutional affiliation, major, and racial/ethnic identity. Descriptive analysis of relevant variablesfrom the survey supports that the themes identified in the focus groups are all reflected in thesurvey responses. The survey will be re-administered in Fall 2020 with new distributionguidelines to obtain the desired response rate.Although we cannot quantify the extent to which the
participants felt were important in solving a complex problem, aswell as their understanding of what it means to have a systems perspective, both personally andhow they perceived it to be defined in their field, company, and/or educational context. Focusingon participants’ lived experiences likely facilitated deep reflection, rich detail, and greateraccuracy, in contrast to general questions about systems thinking which may only yield vague orsuperficial responses that may not reflect participants’ experiences in practice [18], [19].Data Analysis. Two trained coders initially coded interviews based on a codebook developedinductively by the study team. This coding scheme was primarily descriptive, flaggingparticipants’ responses to different study
and diversificationof the engineering education community and bridge the gap between research and practice. Thecurrent work describes an effort to assess the needs of both mentors and mentees in EER andpreliminary work to build community for the NSF PFE: RIEF program.MethodInstitutional Review Board approval was obtained for the study. In the fall of 2019, a briefsurvey was distributed to current and past RIEF grant awardees (PIs and co-PIs that wereidentified from the NSF award database). In addition to providing background information abouttheir project (role, current or completed project), participants were asked to reflect on thefollowing questions: • What support from the RIEF community would benefit you and your work? • What