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Displaying results 61 - 87 of 87 in total
Conference Session
Educational Strategies in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shahnaz J. Aly, Western Kentucky University
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are introduced to relevant zoning regulations andbuilding codes. Following this they determine construction type and appropriate structure for thefacility. The project then moves into design development/ construction drawings during whichstudents create site improvement plans, floor plans and reflected ceiling plans, flooring plans,elevations, sections, details (stairs, elevator and washroom), schedules, code compliancedrawings and a cover sheet. The construction drawings contain appropriate room sizes, corridorand stair widths, door sizes, wall types, structural elements, annotation among otherrequirements. Figure 1 & 2 show examples of student work created in AMS 363. Figure 1: Construction Drawings of floor
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beth Huffman, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Kelsey Lee Reker; Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
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undergraduatecourses that build upon pre-requisite content, course-based practice minimizes repetitivetreatment of previous material. Mayo (2004) advocates a balance of fundamental coursetheory with active, case-based instruction so that students not only reflect upon pastexperience to construct new learning, they also share knowledge in a social construct. Thisapproach was a benefit to students in this case study as they learned collaboratively, buildingthe depth of their design aptitude.Readers are encouraged to extrapolate the process and steps of this case study for theirdiscipline specific content areas. While the experiences and projects of this case study maybespecific for design students, the application of exposing students to projects from inception
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dong, Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo; Thomas Leslie, Iowa State University
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asdesign consultants, the instructors describe how this unique course helped foster strongercommunication skills, enhanced small group skills, and introduced students to the total designprocess from site analysis through architectural and structural design.PremiseAs college instructors a primary goal is to prepare students for the future. We do this by, • Teaching critical thinking skills so individuals can become problem solvers • Teaching speaking and writing strategies so individuals can become better communicators • Assigning group projects so individuals learn about group dynamics • Exposing students to problems that reflect real life situations so students can learn from past mistakes and become confident enough
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Arch Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Erich Connell, East Carolina University; David Batie, East Carolina University
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consisted of three full-time, two part-time, three one-time and one full-time reflective moderator. Thirty-one students initially enrolled in the class from fourdifferent universities, however only twenty-two completed the course. The studentsgroups were as large as twelve at one university and as small as two at another.Information technology personnel at each participant faculty members’ university and ahost of technical assistants were needed to manage the complexities of networkingdistance communication systems for the online course. Administrators with vision andtrust approved the course.Machinery – Four of the instructors taught from interactive video conferencingclassrooms with technical support studios and were connected over the Internet
Conference Session
Collaborative Projects in Architectural Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sinead MacNamara, Syracuse University; Robert A. Svetz, Syracuse University
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massing of their on site to begin theabstraction needed for simple computer modeling, and noted key building span andequipment dimensions for drafting to scale.While documenting, students were cautioned to think carefully about what exactly theywere photographing. The aim was not just to document but also to reflect on the degree towhich these elements are visible or hidden, carefully integrated or artlessly stuck on, andlocated by an architectural vision or an engineering necessity, or even both. Studentsrarely show such structure and mechanical elements in studio designs, and yet they mustbe present in any real building. It is our hope that as the students leave our lecture courseson structures and building technology they will begin to take
Conference Session
Architectural Design Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Beth Huffman, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
and building with professional modeling materials in mind,and designing for how each light fixture would be attached to the existing structure. Specialattention was paid to the quality of light, appropriate use of construction materials, and thecraftsmanship of the model and drawings. Additionally, reflectivity, translucency andtransparency were to be considered. Students were permitted to use the following modelingmaterials: foam core, museum board, chip board, bass wood, balsa wood, and vellum. If anyadditional materials were desired to be used, prior instructor approval was required, andmaterials were approved on a case by case basis based on material appropriateness and materialworkability. Overall, if a student wished to use a material
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching in Architectural Engineering
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James P. Mwangi P.E., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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, one hasto ask some basic questions about the future engineers such as: (1) who are they, (2) what theywill do and where will they do it, (3) why will they do it, and (4) what this implies forengineering education in the United States and elsewhere4. Dunlap5 reported that problem basedlearning (PBL) may help students to experience success, improving their confidence to engage insimilar activities in the future and empowering them to pursue challenges in field. By engagingstudents in learning and problem solving activities that reflect the true nature and requirements ofthe workplace, PBL may help students feel prepared to work effectively in their field. Educatorsseek to provide learning environment that prepares students for life as
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching in Architectural Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sinead C. Mac Namara, Syracuse University; James K. Guest, Johns Hopkins University
Tagged Divisions
opportunityto offer any comments they might have on the educational usefulness of the topologyoptimization tool. The results from this open ended question reflected the students’ initialassumption that they could predetermine form, and their pleasant surprise that theprogram threw up forms that were more interesting than those they might have arrived atalone. They also expressed considerable enthusiasm for using the tool again. Page 25.1363.9 “it can be a tool used while designing, to give and spark further rationale to the
 optimization of form
Conference Session
Curriculum Innovations in Architectural Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gouranga Banik, Southern Polytechnic State University
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to teach ethics as a new instructor. The National Society of ProfessionalEngineers has case material available under the title, “Professional Engineers in Education(NSPE-PEE).” An electronic disc containing eight cases with guidelines is available from theMurdough Center for Engineering Professionalism and Ethics at Texas Tech University, directedby Dr. Jimmie Smith. Dr. Michael S. Pritchard and others.The emphasis of the course will be on promoting thoughtful reflection and problem solvingrather than on role behavior or instilling specific norms. The course can provide the practicalsource of support for engineers in a real world setting providing more guidance than traditionalexercises emphasizing a choice between external whistle blowing
Conference Session
Structural Education Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James B. Guthrie, California Polytechnic State University; Pamalee A. Brady, California Polytechnic State University
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sections of this course, with approximately 90 students, in FallQuarter 2013. It will be taught again in Winter Quarter 2014. Several lessons were learned in theFall Quarter that will be incorporated into the Winter Quarter classes. The primary conclusionwas that we tried to include too much content and that more time needed to be spent on buildingconfiguration issues. This will be addressed in several ways. The calculational content of thecourse will be reduced, somewhat. The intent is to make it more focused and to apply moredirectly to the configuration issues. The Winter Quarter classes will also be reorganizedsomewhat. The Fall Quarter courses were organized into small building and large buildingmodules, reflecting the two original courses
Conference Session
Structural Education Methods
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hector Estrada, University of the Pacific; Luke Lee, University of the Pacific
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. Student comments for this question were positiveregarding the effectiveness of the tools. However, these scores are low compared to those from otherstructural engineering classes the authors teach. This may reflect the fact that this material is moredifficult to grasp compared to material covered in other structural engineering courses.III. Overview of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system seismic analysis (ModalResponse Spectrum Analysis Method)The process for determining the maximum response of a MDOF system to a seismic load basedon the modal response spectrum analysis can be readily performed using a canned structuralanalysis computer program such as RISA 3D. Unfortunately, to properly computationally modela structural system, engineers must
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Gerald Shall, Lawrence Technological University
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have developed a need for patronage, as well asthe related reliance upon idiosyncratic terms and isolated practices can be found in MargaretCrawford’s writing, “Can Architects Be Socially Responsible?” Similar trends, often morepronounced, can be found within the processes used by engineers. SOURCE? MargaretCrawford, “Can Architects Be Socially Responsible?” in Out of Site: A Social Criticism ofArchitecture, edited by Diane Ghirardo (Seattle: Bay Press, 1990): 27-45.ix Jerome Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966),82-83.x Bruner, 25-26.xi Bruner, 72 (emphasis mine).xii “If this meaning is at once accepted, there is no reflective thinking, no genuine judgment.Thought is cut short
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charlie Setterfield, Sinclair Community College; Chad R. Bridgman, Sinclair Community College
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assigned to mentor the student through the semester.The academic component of the internship includes the preparation of various reports thatdocument the student’s role in the company, how they are leveraging networking and growthopportunities and reflection on the internship experience itself.The student is required to coordinate an on-site, face-to-face meeting with their immediatesupervisor and faculty advisor to discuss their progress throughout the internship. The studentintern is required to take meeting notes to document the conversation with a focus onaccomplishments and continuous improvement areas. The faculty advisor uses a preparedgrading rubric for each assignment, reviews and grades the report and reports the correspondinggrades
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber Bartosh, Syracuse University; Bess Krietemeyer, Syracuse University; Sinéad C. Mac Namara, Syracuse University
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reported general interest in resolving technical issues in the designstudio. Less than 30% of students claim that technical concerns are always a priority in their designwork. Figure 7 shows students’ perceptions of how important technical concerns are to their studiofaculty. These results are among the most emphatic in the whole survey. Approximately 15 % ofstudents agree with the statement that “Very few instructors think it is important” and 70% agreethat “Some instructors think it is important, others do not.” These perceptions (regardless ofwhether they are an accurate reflection of their studio instructors’ actual values) elicit concern. Ifa significant majority of students do not get the message from their design faculty that
Conference Session
BIM in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Wu, California State University, Fresno; Ishan Kaushik
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Some design Considerable Good design ProfessionalDesign and random, no criteria design logic logic with space layoutSpace Layout logic or reflected, with a few clearly and design reasoning for have basic good identified concept space layout at layout of designation space all space of space functions functionsAnnotation Little to none Very few Some Quite Comprehensiveof Design annotation annotation annotation complete and accurate was made
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Franca Trubiano, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
materials. This paper has demonstrated in a number of ways, using a varietyof scales and pedagogical questions the benefits accrued in situating material constructions at the Page 11.1303.22center of the design process.Bibliography1. Kenneth Frampton, Studies in Tectonic Culture, The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture (Cambridge, Mass; MIT Press, 1995), Introduction : Reflections on the Scope of the Tectonic, pp. 1-2.2. Ibid., p.1. Frampton attributed the privileging of the spatial to art historian and critic August Schmarsow (1853-1936).3. Ibid.4. Journal of
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Architectural Engineering II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Betz, State University of New York
Tagged Divisions
what direction to start. In many cases, astudent’s initial interpretation may be either naïve, too narrow or too limited based on theirexperience. In some cases they may not have any sense at all of the essence of the problem. Oneoption is for a student to look at several initial starting strategies and use them as part of a multi-pronged dialectical strategy in formulating problem interpretation. The process used by studentsfor problem interpretations is outlined in Diagram 3 below.Diagram 3: Process used for Problem InterpretationRead/Review Reflect, journal, Formal group Start research - Discuss & re-Competition informal discussion & formulate heuristic/ assess problemProgram
Conference Session
Instructional Strategies in AE Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Marsocci; P.K. Raju; Chetan Sankar
Tagged Divisions
this paper are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We thank the faculty membersand students at IIT Madras who provided the data and assistance in conducting this project.1 Chamberlain, J. (2008) “Multidisciplinary design of student projects in developing countries,” 2008 ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, pp. 1-14.2 Hsu, K., Lin, S., Lin, Y., Yeh, S. (2008). “Exploring the Eco-Pedagogy of an Urban Eco-Tourism Hill PathDesign,” 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, pp. 1-11.3 Montgomery, G., Sankar, C.S., and Raju, P.K. (2007). “Design and Implementation of a Case Study and
Conference Session
"Green" Topics in Architectural Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Caribbean countries, and Venezuela worked toward convertingincandescent to fluorescent lighting, and other countries including the UK and Canada have sinceadopted a phase-out of inefficient incandescent lighting14. This global issue was addressed at the2007 IESNA/Cooper Teachers of Lighting Workshop by an international cohort of lightingeducators. This consortium considered methods of incorporating energy efficient lightingmethodology into relevant coursework, transforming traditional lighting design education. Asthese legislative directives are recent and continually evolving, architectural and interior designcurricula must stay abreast of developments to reflect emerging issues in lighting technology.It is pertinent for students to understand
Conference Session
"Green" Topics in Architectural Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University; Jon M. Stevens, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
. However, this requires that true integration of theoretical, practical and self- regulative knowledge takes place.”[3]From this position it can be inferred that a key difference between traditional cooperativeeducation models, full semester formal employment experience, and project based learning liesin the self regulative characteristic of the experience. Self-regulative knowledge has receivedattention from both educational and working-life researchers. Theorists of adult education havetypically discussed it in terms of reflective thinking and theorists of student learning in terms ofmetacognitive skills. [5] Page 22.370.2According to
Conference Session
Architectural Design Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
code related items and details. Thedesign data at this phase are considered “almost final”.These data includes but not limited to: - Occupancy and construction type of all spaces. - Construction details that reflect the relation and connection between building materials and components. - Layout and height of the building. - Number, height and area of floors. - Circulation routes including location, type and size of elevators, stairs and ramps. - Intensive occupant load analysis. - Number, type and size of exit doors. - Travel distances to exit doors and areas of refugee. - Locations, sizes and types of openings in exterior and interior walls. - Level of fire hazards between adjacent spaces. - Topological information
Conference Session
Professional Practice and AEC Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University; Anthony Mutai, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
(formerlyArchitectural Desktop), Autodesk Revit, Bently Architecture, Gehry Technologies (CATIA), andVectorworks Architect. 22The GSA is also promoting a 3D-4D BIM initiative using 4D models to support theunderstanding project phasing. According to the GSA “4D models, which combine a 3D modelwith time, allow Architects, Engineers, contractors, and GSA employees to communicate theproposed project phasing to all stakeholders” 23 (Figure 1.). Specific issues being explored in the3D-4D initiative are spatial program validation, 4D phasing, laser scanning, energy andsustainability, and design validation. This life-cycle approach is reflected in the GSA’scomprehensive definition of BIM: Building Information Modeling is the development and use of a multi-faceted
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morad Rachid Atif , Texas A&M University; Samantha Michele Shields, Texas A&M University ; Debra A. Fowler, Texas A&M University; David E. Claridge P.E., Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, reflective eportfolios and professional development of graduate students related to teaching.Prof. David E. Claridge P.E., Texas A&M University David Claridge is the Director of the Energy Systems Laboratory and the Leland Jordan Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University and a Professional Engineer. He holds a B.S. in Engineering Physics from Walla Walla College and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Stanford University. He is internationally known for his work on energy efficiency. He pioneered development of the process of existing building commissioning which is today generally recognized as THE most cost-effective way to reduce energy use in buildings
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edmond Saliklis, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
of the flow of occupants. Architectural form is also concerned with the sense of space a structure creates, its symbolism and its relationship to its setting”3.Certainly architectural form can lean toward sculptural form as in the case where Page 12.693.2architectural “elements are exaggerated or when forms reflect a nonefficient use ofmaterial just for the sake of emotional impact”4. But architectural form is always at leastsomewhat functional, it is always three dimensional and typically it is client driven. Itmust satisfy the needs of the client and the occupants, yet it also must satisfy artistic andcreative goals of the architect
Conference Session
Structural Education Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith E. Hedges, Drury University
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architectural structures course. Aquantitative analysis of unobtrusive data describes thirty-one second-year architecture studentsstudying in either a traditional associationist-behaviorist course content sequence or a reversecontent parti pris cognitive sequence at an institute of higher education rooted in the liberal arts.The findings indicate that the parti pris pedagogy improves student performance in non-graphical multiple-choice examinations. The educational lessons learned offer reflections in theareas of instruction, content, and student outcomes.Introduction “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” – Albert Einstein.Society thinks of education as a gateway to success, but sometimes education does not reach
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching in Architectural Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kuo Hung Huang, National Taipei University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Conference Session
Collaborative Projects in Architectural Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Nathan Dunn, University of Idaho Integrated Design Lab; Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg; Sherry McKibben, IURDC, University of Idaho
Tagged Divisions
amount of change (AE #3, AE #6) deal with the perceptions ofthe students own discipline as collaborative and their understanding of the integrateddesign process. The small percentage difference does not necessarily reflect a lowlevel of comprehension of that particular question, but that it started with a high overalllevel of understanding.The questions that showed medium to high levels of change more directly addressdesign issues and performance metrics about daylight and energy. These questionsreveal whether or not the students were beginning to understand the complexrelationship between design and performance. Figure 4 shows the results fromimportant individual questions that relate to this particular learning objective organizedfrom most