student assessment and reflective data, this paper takes a deep dive into lessonslearned, work required, comparisons of didactic approaches, and how students’ assessmentschanged. The first author relates how he, as an old dog and set in using his unlearned teachingmethods, had to learn new tricks in order to survive as an effective instructor during a pandemic.The Quality Matters and the RISE courses prepared the instructor for better online course man-agement, especially for the hybrid fall 2020 term. But the hours required for course managementincreased >10-fold for the fall term over the course as it was previously offered.BR200 used a highly effective interactive synchronous exercise to get naive students fired upabout the biomedical
STEM. 2. Identify how cultural concepts of race, gender, sexuality and disability have shaped scientific thought (and vice versa) through history. 3. Critically evaluate literature regarding ethics and diversity in bioengineering. 4. Analyze how engineers handle implicit bias during research and design processes. 5. Propose approaches to promote ethics and diversity in engineering practice.The honors students attended the same class sessions and completed all assignments as their non-honors peers. In addition, the honors students attended a weekly two-hour discussion section andcompleted additional assignments including weekly readings, written reflections, and a finalpaper on a topic of their choice related to the role of
twoundergraduate student developers of this curriculum participated in the honors program,so they were familiar with the rigors and expectations of honors coursework. Finally, thehonors program awards funding for a student teaching assistant for each course selectedthrough the competitive process.Course Topics and ThemesThroughout the course, students are asked to reflect on who gets to be a scientist orengineer, who defines which questions researchers ask and which problems engineerssolve, who benefits from these solutions, and what role social justice plays in science andengineering practice.Through a social justice lens, we explore the ethical implications involved in howtechnologies impact underrepresented people with specific focus on race, gender
engineeringskills (e.g., computer aided design, manufacturing, and prototype testing) [4].Working in collaborative teams increases critical thinking, test scores, and student engagementwith the material. Additional positive outcomes are increased self-esteem, personal assetidentification, and a gained appreciation of diverse perspectives [5]. Providing students with theopportunity to reflect on key areas of teamwork, such as communication, task management, andcooperation, can increase the effectiveness of team work [6].Research Design and MethodsThis study evaluates the effect of a collaborative prototype design project on students’ learningoutcomes and engagement with course material at a large Hispanic-serving research university inthe Southwest. The
non-prescriptive way tohelp students and faculty consider sustainability, while building their capacity to thinkingin four interconnected ways (systems, values, strategies, future). The framework is at theintersection of several movements within engineering education and is a way to craft anditerate upon learning environments that are challenge-based, real-world and seeded withhooks for independent inquiry and self-reflection (Stibbe and Luna, 2009; NationalResearch Council 2000; Caine et al. 2009; Bybee, 2002; Byrne, 2010; Huntzinger, 2007).Below each of the ways of thinking are reviewed (modified from the SEFT) and pairedwith a pedagogical movement within engineering education.Systems Thinking and Wicked ProblemsSystems Thinking advocates
bias score, and was -1.50 -0.50 0.50 1.50collected on a scale of 0-10. In Pre-course explicit career biasorder to compare these scores oncomparable scales, we generatedan explicit career bias score by Figure 2: Pre-course implicit bias is predicted by explicit bias. Positive values indicate a bias toward engineering over medicine.subtracting their interest inmedicine from their interest in engineering and dividing by 10. Positive values in either scorerepresent a bias toward engineering, while negative scores reflect a bias toward medicine.As a measure of validation of our implicit measure, we
, BME has been recognized as an engineering discipline unique in itspurpose and practice. Early on, BME was recognized for being more deeply aligned withtraditional science, biology in particular, than other engineering disciplines [4]. BME’s uniqueposition is illustrated in the varied structures of BME programs at institutions around the world.BME programs stem from electrical, mechanical, and materials engineering departments andmany programs partner with medical schools [1]. Across different institutions, BME career pathsvary, ranging from medical school, graduate school, the medical device industry, thepharmaceutical industry, and more. The broad interpretation of a BME degree is also reflected instudents’ perceptions of BME. When asked
plotted with error bars representing standard deviation.The qualitative survey results indicated student perceptions on intervention related activities andtheir overall confidence in knowledge gained. For the survey statement “Completion of theequipment specific worksheet helped me feel more confident in equipment specific expertisenecessary to troubleshoot the associated device”, 73% of the students agreed or strongly agreedon its utility (Figure 2). Overall, majority of students recognized the effect of tear down activitiesin improving confidence as reflected by survey results (Figure 2).Because this data is representative of 3 males and 12 females, additional data needs to becollected before any statistically significant difference can be
development for use in Summer 2018. To evaluate the program for the 2018cohort and beyond, we will use both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitativemethod will involve assessing student performance and perception. Entrance surveys, exitsurveys, and course evaluations will be used to collect data. The qualitative method willcomprise interviews with students, course instructors, and internship mentors. Surveys andinterview questions have been developed by working with Northwestern University’s Center forAdvancing Learning & Teaching. The results of the analysis will be then used to reflect on thecurriculum and form a basis for possible future revisions. As the alumni of the program builds,we will conduct follow-up surveys to assess
persuasive argument under pressure, and was a useful skillboth while in college and after graduation. Rubric for Assessing E-Learning Module Outcomes Module: The elevator pitch: advocating for your good ideas Assess each student’s level of attainment of the selected outcomes. Use the following rating: 1. Poor: Shows little or no progress in achieving the outcome 2. Below Average 3. Average: Shows evidence of progress in achieving outcome that reflects a merely acceptable level of mastery. 4. Above Average 5. Outstanding: Shows evidence of progress in achieving outcomes that reflects superior mastery. Student ID Made an Provided a non- Clearly stated a Provided a clear argument for technical
paths for each team’s device. Workshopswere allocated for team discussions and group work. Guest lecturers and a field trip to a localmedical device start-up company were incorporated to illustrate real-life applications of theconcepts presented in class. At several points in the 6-week course, students were asked to reflecton the talks or activities to evaluate what they knew before, what they learned, what they foundinteresting, and what they hoped to learn next [2]. This process of self-reflection and evaluationnot only helped students identify topics they had learned but also determined what they wantedto continue studying. These reflections also helped instructors identify how to improve thelessons and better explain the theory to the
. Theauthor will not remain onsite during the entire 10-week program, so the initial on-site meetingswill be replaced with one-on-one video conference mentorship meetings that occur weekly forthe remainder of the summer. Prior to each of these meetings, the student will send an emaildetailing their accomplishments for that week and experimental plans for the upcoming week.Additionally, the student will be asked to share a personal reflection about their time abroad inthis weekly email update.Additional personalized training It is recognized that even with this training program, some students may still strugglewith aspects of their research projects. As such, additional one-on-one training will take place onan individual basis as needed. This
teaching others the skills they have learned, and the beliefthat they have deeper grasp with the fundamentals of engineering and problem solving.ResultsPreliminary data has been gathered for the beginning of the semester survey as well as the mid-yearsurvey. Currently two surveys regarding the opinions and attitude changes of students have beenadministered, where a self-reflection on given questions was answered. The provided questions were splitinto two categories: a technical skills section and a soft skills section. The technical skills sectionconsisted of five questions asking the students’ opinions regarding their own proficiency in soldering,multimeter and power/hand tool usage, circuit diagnosis and device repair. The other category
formats. i. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 7. CATME Team Assessments were beneficial in giving feedback to my team members. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 8. CATME Team Assessments were beneficial in receiving feedback from my team members. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 9. CATME Team Assessments accurately reflected my contributions to the team. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 10. Viewing the CATME Team Assessments helped develop my self-awareness as a member of a team. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly
guidance thatsignificantly strengthened this work.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1830814. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] C. L. McNeely and K. H. Fealing, “Moving the Needle, Raising Consciousness: The Science and Practice of Broadening Participation,” Am. Behav. Sci., vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 551–562, May 2018.[2] L. Smith-Doerr, S. N. Alegria, and T. Sacco, “How Diversity Matters in the US Science and Engineering Workforce: A Critical Review Considering Integration in Teams, Fields, and Organizational Contexts
grades.Survey ResultsTo understand the students’ perception on the usefulness of the intervention, students in theexperimental group were asked to reflect on the modules in terms of their complexity, theireffectiveness as a learning tool and the ease of use of the step-by-step manual associated witheach module. A five-point Likert scale was used to measure the student responses on the threedimensions (Figure 4, n=103).When asked if the modules displayed an appropriate level of complexity, 62% of the studentsagreed or strongly agreed, 22% of the students responded in a neutral manner and 16% of thestudents disagreed or strongly disagreed. While these results suggest that complexity could beincreased in the available modules, it is important to note that
underrepresented groups (4%).Creativity increased over the course of the semester: Our data was accepted to be normallydistributed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. There were no statistically significant beginning-of-semester differences by any assessment between the control and intervention sections byunpaired t-test. Further, the overall scores for end-of-course evaluations did not differ betweenthe semesters (p=0.46; effect size, Cohen’s d=0.02).Regardless of course section, control or intervention, there was a significant improvement by theend of the semester in the fluency, flexibility, and originality aspects of creativity (Table 1).These changes reflect those seen by us in a first-year engineering course with an authentic designexperience [1], though
process by not only identifying needs, but also reflecting on them in thecontext of exploring appropriate solutions.Methods:Program Structure: The CIP is a six week long immersion experience designed to familiarize students withneeds identification as part of the engineering design process. Since 2016, students are placedinto interdisciplinary teams comprised of two BioE (rising seniors) and two IMED (rising secondyear) students. Each week, student teams participate in a Monday workshop (six hours) andspend Tuesday-Friday in clinical immersion (35 hours). This program year, teams spent all sixprogram weeks in a single clinical environment and supplemented their experience with needsidentification by including initial concept exploration
studies may have lesspatience towards changes in instructional methods and may find initial attempts at incorporatingactive learning disorganized [12]. This frustration with perceived disorganization was alsoreflected in the survey comments from older students, including that of the 20-year old studentquoted above. They were more likely to find the active learning sessions, especially those whichdid not include problem-solving exercises, as “busy work” and unnecessary for their success inthe class and may reflect differences in motivational factors and preferred learning environmentsnoted by some researchers [32], [33]. The differences in gender are more puzzling and arecontrary to what has been reported in studies of active learning
know has a correct answer,and I think this made a big impression on the students.”These issues reflect the underlying challenges and misconceptions of the scientific method forstudents who are new to research. Because students are typically given close-ended problems intheir high school courses, where there is a specific “right” answer, it is difficult for them tounderstand that most real life applications of engineering and science are open-ended and thatmultiple solutions can produce the same result. This has been evident in prior research [15],showing that restricted lab procedures in high schools frequently result in moderate learningprocesses, as students do not spend adequate time in sense-making (i.e. making sense of orgiving meaning to