reading you selected or video you watched b) Summarize what you learned – Yes/no aware of these? Think it will work? Why/why not? c) Dig a little deeper into 1 area of interest discussed in the article (will need to cite 1 or more references you consulted). What did you learn? d) Cite reference(s).Figure 4. Creativity and Innovation homework assignmentThe instructor had some concern about requiring use of the desktop app in case studentsencountered technical problems. However, given the success among the students who tried it,next year the assignment can require all students to explore the Mega City via the app. Studentscan use personal computers and the department can also load the app into the computer lab. Ingeneral, the majority of the
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students, interleaved practice on homework also helped in unit test preparation, butless so than the other practices. Notably, this practice could have been implemented moreeffectively and consistently throughout the semester. For future study, integrating only onepractice per semester would make learning gains associated with the practice more obvious, butmore importantly, asking students to comment specifically on each practice would improve thebreadth of feedback and perspectives.References[1] S. Volk, “Patrik Hultberg: Instructional Design and Cognitive Load Theory | GLCA/GLAA.” cognitive-load-theory/[2] L. A. Baker, “The utility of distributed practice in
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with several definitions. “Reassigned traffic” is “the amount of existing same-267 destination traffic that will immediately transfer from the existing road(s) that the new road is268 designed to relieve.” (p. 30; Emphasis added) This very short-term effect is followed by269 “generated traffic,” which includes induced, converted, and development traffic. The authors270 explain:271 Induced traffic consists of traffic that did not exist previously in any form and which272 results from the construction of the new facility. (p. 31)273 In defining induced traffic, the authors are especially focused on entirely new trips, that is the:274 Extra journeys by existing vehicles as a result of the increased
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engineering self-concept outputs.AcknowledgementsThis study is part of the work that was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusion or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] R. M. Marra, K. A. Rodgers, D. Shen, and B. Bogue, “Women Engineering Students andSelf‐Efficacy: A Multi‐Year, Multi‐Institution Study of Women Engineering StudentSelf‐Efficacy,” J of Engineering Edu, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 27–38, Jan. 2009, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2009.tb01003.x.[2
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long-term goal of this study is to increase the number of flipped lectures gradually and thentransition to fully flipped format. Gathering the evidence based on the student performance hereat Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology would be the greatest proof of the concept forimplementing the flipped format at our university for this course.5 References[1] J. E. Fogarty, "Assessment of flipped classroom in upper-level engineering course," in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.[2] A. Karabulut-Ilgu, S. Yao, P. T. Savolainen, and C. T. Jahren, "A flipped classroom approach to teaching transportation engineering," in 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.[3] A. A. Perez-Mejia, "Call It What
and workforce development. We aregrateful for the valuable inputs we received from professional organizations, particularly theInstitute of Transportation Engineers and the North Carolina Department of Transportation, indesigning the program. We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpfulcomments and suggestions. Finally, we extend our gratitude to the program evaluator, thesupport team at Suitable, and the administrative staff at NCA&T, especially Deborah Hamptonand Nicholas Allen, for their assistance with all program components.7 References 1. Walker, J.L., Chatman, D., Daziano, R., Erhardt, G., Gao, S., Mahmassani, H., Ory, D. et al. Advancing the Science of Travel Demand Forecasting. National
replaced the originalexam grades, regardless if it was better or not. For the fall 2022 semester, the same claims werebeing voiced after the first midterm exam. A paper-based, 75 minute, in-class retake was offeredto replace the score on the first midterm exam.DataThe data available for analysis included the midterm exam grades, the retake grades, and thefinal grades for 252 students from the fall semesters of 2020, 2021, and 2022. Over the 3 years,there were a total of 90 students who opted to take the offered retake exam. The letter gradesachieved on the original midterm exam(s) have been broken down by year and by undergraduate(446) and graduate (546) levels on Table 6. For 2020 and 2022, the grades represent the averagegrade on the first
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for any number of reasons. These interactions go beyond learning communication skills.They reinforce the professional obligation to account for public concerns, needs and desires, andunderstanding of the non-technical impacts of their engineering decisions.Similarly, project teams can interact effectively virtually, but there is no substitute for the “watercooler” discussions around a design problem, and interactions in a conference room when theentire team is developing the design concept and selecting the alternative(s) to pursue further.Some lessons that round out a civil engineer’s professional development must involve face-to-face interactions with their project team, clients, contractors, and the public. ASCE intends tocapture these
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