Paper ID #33303Assessing the Effectiveness of Individual Reflections on Video FeedbackDr. Walter W. Schilling Jr., Milwaukee School of Engineering Walter Schilling is a Professor in the Software Engineering program at the Milwaukee School of Engi- neering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He received his B.S.E.E. from Ohio Northern University and M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Toledo. He worked for Ford Motor Company and Visteon as an Embedded Software Engineer for several years prior to returning for doctoral work. He has spent time at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and consulted for multiple embedded
AC 2011-1047: WORK-IN-PROGRESS: COLLABORATIVE AND REFLEC-TIVE LEARNING IN ENGINEERING PROGRAMSNeelam Soundarajan, Ohio State University Dr. Soundarajan is a faculty member in the Computer Sc. & Eng. Dept. at Ohio State. His interests include topics in Software Engineering and Engineering Education. Page 22.1700.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Work-in-Progress: Collaborative and Reflective Learning in Engineering ProgramsAbstractThe importance of well developed team-working skills as well as reflective or metacognitive skillsamong engineering
Paper ID #16805Personal Learning Environments: Analysis of Learning Processes, Reflection,and Identity in an Academic ContextMiss Judith Virginia Gutierrez, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) PhD. Science, Engineering and Technology Education. Postdoctoral Fellow at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.Dr. Frida Diaz Barriga, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) The Mexican researcher and teacher Frida D´ıaz Barriga Arceo serves at the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her academic career includes a degree in Psychology, Mas- ter’s degree in Educational
ofinspections in software industry (i.e. to save rework cost, effort, and time), academia should alsoprioritize training students with early quality assurance skills (i.e. inspections) during SDLC.Therefore, this research reports the results from a practical training experience to help studentsimprove their understanding of inspection which in turn, would improve their inspectionperformance. This paper presents results of an academic study on the effect of reflection(training) technique on thirteen graduate and twenty-six undergraduate students on theirinspection performance. The participants individually inspected two different requirementdocuments using fault-checklist method and recorded faults pre and post reflection. We analyzedthe impact of
particularly focus on what prevents students from being able to integrate and extend the knowledge developed in specific courses in the core curriculum to the more complex, authentic problems and projects they face as professionals. Dr. Koretsky is one of the founding members of the Center for Lifelong STEM Education Research at OSU. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Work-in-Progress: An Online Journal Tool with Feedback for a Learning Assistant Program in EngineeringOverviewThis work-in-progress paper presents the development and pilot implementation of a computer-based reflection tool used in a Learning Assistant (LA) Program in
to make adjustments as needed. Specifically, students who effectively employ metacognitivestrategies, such as reflection and self-assessment, are more likely to master the problem solvingskills that are essential to programming success [3].Writing to learn (WTL) activities promote metacognition in any discipline. Based on the ideathat writing is a visual representation of thinking [4], WTL activities are usually short, low-stakes writing assignments that are designed to promote reflection, analysis, synthesis, anddeeper understanding of course material. When integrated into a problem-solving assignment,such as a programming lab, WTL prompts allow students to think about the choices they aremaking and the reasons for those choices. When
required. A typical problem for the application of the lossless transmission linesimulator is given in Appendix A. The software is not intended as a substitute for theunderstanding gained early in the process by solution of problems using a hand calculator. Theconcepts of load and source impedance matching, wave reflection, and standing wave ratio canbe explored experimentally by students in the setting of the computer keyboard.The concept of using MATLAB for the animation of lumped parameter dynamic systems wasdemonstrated by Watkins et al.2 Recently there have been a number of papers describing thegraphical interpretation of partial differential equations. The transport of pollutants ingroundwater has been described using web-based graphics3 and
to play a more direct role in their personaldevelopment, 2) enable students to link together diverse parts of their learning, including theformal and informal curriculum, and allow for reflection and awareness of learning strategies andneeds, 3) encourage students to create a professional portfolio of their achievements, both fromthe classroom and beyond, with the ability to publicize their achievements as evidence for futureemployers, etc. and 4) offer the academic department a meaningful mechanism for accessingand organizing evidence of student learning. The e-portfolio also serves as a tool to makecommunication between students and advisors more efficient. Figure 1 illustrates the proposedNDeP project. Figure 1
systematically check forprogramming errors when reading source code on line-to-line basis.Research methodology: We designed and implemented four different PCR sessions over thecourse of four weeks in one CS2 classroom. During each week, students were given a piece ofcode covering a specific data structure and were asked to review and find errors in the code. Theprovided code pieces were seeded with five categories of errors: initialization/declaration,method call/ definition, array/linkedList/trees/, output and flow of control. We analyzed datagathered from the guided PCR sessions, reflection sessions conducted after each PCR session,work conducted by students (assignments, quizzes, and exams completed as part of the course),and a feedback survey
Report—in depth and discuss its success. The assignment takesplace in a three-week UI course module in a required junior level, communication andengineering design course in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering in theCollege of Engineering at the University of Washington. Outcomes were qualitatively assessedby examining samples of students’ reports versus requirements and students’ reflections on themodule and report assignment. Outcomes have been positive and reveal that students gain anunderstanding of effective UI design and the important role of UI designers, and the impact of UIdesign on society. Educators from a multitude of disciplines that intersect with human computerinteraction can use this assignment in helping
[4].This study follows this line of research and intends to fine-tune the project-based methodology(PBM) in a lab course design under the theoretical framework of self-regulation. We believe thePBM enhanced with some features of self-regulation will not only achieve PBM’s originalpurpose of immersive experience but also empower the students in the sense of becoming activeagents seeking to achieve goals through self-reflection and self-adjustment [8].Under the framework of social cognitive theory of learning mainly driven by Albert Bandura [5,6], people, and not environmental forces, are the predominant causes of their own behavior [9].This personal agency, the potential to control our own behavior, grows out of our skills of self-control and
. Exam scores were improved when measuring studentsability to create use cases, especially clarity and completeness. Student performance was greatlyimproved when writing use cases, especially clarity and completeness which was reflected inimproved projects. Quantitatively, the same mindset objectives were assessed in other coursemodules as part a larger curriculum wide effort in Engineering. The numerical results indicatethat the modules in this course outperformed other modules in the curriculum for most of themindset objectives. Ultimately, the results indicate these types of modules may play an importantrole in entrepreneurial mindset development for computer science students.IntroductionThis paper describes a set of modules designed to
. The team shares knowledge as it designs,builds, and tests the robot and as the team participates in the robot competition. Collectivecompetence acquired by the team in the project is demonstrated through the robot’s performanceat the competition. Collective efficacy reflects the shared beliefs of the students in their team’scapabilities to mobilize the motivation, cognitive resources, and practical activities needed tocope with challenging robotics assignments.The concept of collective efficacy was developed in studies of group performance in workorganizations4,5 as generalization of the concept of self-efficacy that reflects perceived (i.e. basedon real experience) beliefs of the individual in his/her own capabilities to perform the given
. Through this progression they were able to master most if not all of the challengesand learning outcomes.In this paper we will look at some examples of sessions based on these learning blocks and wewill examine if the camp met the expectations of the campers based on pre- and post-activitiesfor particular learning blocks and the end of camp surveys. We will also look at their level ofengagement during activities as well as how formative assessment was built into the campthrough one of the self-reflection pieces that was part of the process.Materials and MethodsThe primary design strategies for our camp were based on the implementation of learning blocks,which were strongly focused on formative assessment strategies, Blooms Taxonomy
ability and skill can be improved through practice and hardwork 7 . Edwards et al. designed and implemented a suite of fifteen indicators to reflect students’progress and effort based on students’ submissions 8 . These indicators span different aspects ofstudents programming activities and measure positive trends of students’ effort. Another exampleeffort is that Goldman developed daily missions tasks based on these indicators in Web-CAT.Students were provided the opportunities to accomplish daily missions tasks to win rewards suchas extra submission energy 11 .Studies indicate that gamification can motivate and engage students in their learning process 20 16 .Especially Toth et al. integrated Role-Playing Game (RPG) elements into computer
traditional lecturing with assigned homework andquizzes, with the lab section of the course being the time for modeling projects and the seniordesign project.Learning DesignThe final learning design was developed based on modeling-based learning. The development ofa four-phase process from these frameworks has previously been reported on [citation blindedfor peer review]. The four phases of the modeling process that students used during theirmodeling activities were: (1) planning the model, (2) building the model, (3) evaluating themodel, and (4) reflecting on the model. Table 1 below overviews the tasks that students didduring each phase of the modeling process.Table 1. Overview of learning design for the modeling projects during the course. Phase
somenegative results for over simplification of the problem, model convergence, validation andboundary condition/material property assignment raises concerns. At this time it is difficult toassess the root cause of these deficiencies. The deficiencies are possibly a reflection of ourpractices in second year, a reflection of other supporting courses, a reflection of the quality of theparticular teams and/or a reflection of the capstone design advising that was provided. Furtherassessment of previous and future capstone projects will be conducted to help in the assessmentof the second year initiative. The next evolution in our use of CAD/CAE will be developed inlight of these initial observations of the capstone design projects. The exercise has proven
include reflective statements with their portfolio artifacts. This process ofself-evaluation leads to a higher quality of education2. The ultimate goal of the educationalportfolio is to provide a record of the student’s educational history that emphasizes the learningoutcomes of the student above and beyond the actual diploma while giving the student a greatersense of accomplishment. Traditionally, these portfolios have been paper-based with artifacts stored in folders,binders or other suitable container. With the wide spread use of computers and other technology,the evolution of portfolios from an all-paper to an all-digital format seems natural. Electronicportfolios are still in the early stages of development but many advances have
. CN supports all common browsers and platforms, and is also accessible throughiOS and Android Apps.Although CN includes many of the features of a traditional learning management system (LMS),CN offers several unique benefits, and is quite distinct from typical LMS systems such as Canvasand Blackboard. It is notable that the CN interface highlights student contributions, rather thanfaculty-defined course structure. The bulk of the screen “real estate” is devoted to a running listof students’ posts and reflections on posts. The appearance is similar to a Facebook “wall.”Students and faculty can post freely to this area in a number of formats, including “posts,”“polls,” and “reflections” on previous input. Posts may include images, videos, links
, enhancing overall team performance.The students were told at the outset that those who succeeded in the evaluation would becomearea masters who would be called upon by RST design groups for advice and assistance, and thatarea masters would train other students in mastery areas in succeeding semesters. Studentprojects were graded on the basis of oral seminar reports, a written mid-term report, and a writtenfinal report. Evaluation of the EDE itself was carried out by a post-semester survey.Pre-semester SurveyThis questionnaire asked RST students to reflect on their backgrounds, interests, and confidencelevels in robotics and to identify directions for further work. In this way the survey tried to helpstudents to clarify their plans for future
educational technology tools in STEM classrooms in the pastfew decades. Previous studies have discussed the impact of design, development, and use ofeducational technology tools on creating an interactive learning environment for students.However, in the realm of user experience, limited studies explored the context of technology andstudents’ experiences while interacting with educational technology tools, such as students’perceived ease of use. Accordingly, this work in progress study explores reflections of students’experience while interacting with the most commonly used education technology tools inpostsecondary classrooms. For this study, we recruited thirty undergraduate STEM students fromtwo midwestern educational institutes. Our primary
triggeringdifferent thinking in students to enhance his or her creative thinking. The proposedmodel can thus identify level of creativity and assist both teachers and students.IntroductionIn a highly competitive global market, industries urgently need talented people whocan innovate and engage in self-design. To meet the needs of industry and cultivatetalented workers, engineering education courses in most schools focus on developingstudents’ abilities to collect, analyze, interpret, and apply detailed information, as wellas to create, reflect, and adapt to change. Therefore, engineering education programsshould give importance to how they can equip students with adequate innovationskills.In creativity education, the interpretation and opinions of the
in class, butdo not have the capability of capturing, archiving and annotating student Ink and audiocommentary in a way that allows detailed analysis of cognitive processes and error types thatwas needed for our research.The digital Ink software (MuseInk ©) has a playback function that allows students to replay theirentire problem solution which facilitates review of and reflection on their work. It is believedthat this functionality will help students become more aware of mistakes they made in theprocess, the strategies they used, and how they organize their work in order to identify areas forimprovement. There is also a means for identifying important features within the work byassociating tags at specific points in the solution. This can
based on theradiation patter.Figure 1 shows E- and H-field patterns present in the electromagnetic radiation, anddemonstrate some irregularities in the patterns, and helps the students to relate theory to theexperimental results observed. Had this experiment been performed in an anechoic chamberwhere reflections are eliminated no irregularities will be present. This demonstrates to thestudents the effect of reflections from objects that are present in the laboratory setting.Figure 1. E- and H-fields of a Half-wave (λ/2) DipoleFrom this, the students get to appreciate reflections from objects such as buildings in a reallife application of radio transmission. For this example, students can place objects at differentlocations in the
education, and it isparticularly prevalent in the field of undergraduate engineering education. A strict definition ofcollaborative learning differentiates a collaborative project from one that merely requirescooperation. In collaborative learning, students work in groups to together develop a sharedunderstanding of and solution for an ill-structured problem14. Teachers are redefined as“coaches” helping students to work towards a set of possible open-ended solutions, and studentstake some ownership of their own learning through reflection. Typically, students learn aboutteam skills in addition to course content. Engestrom5 identified three stages that are characteristicof collaborative learning. In his view, for learning to be truly collaborative
critical thinking activities. LCs first cameto our institution, City Tech, through a Title V Grant in 2000 and were adopted by the college in2005. The academic performance of students participating in LCs at City Tech reflects nationaltrends. When compared to the general population at the College, students in LC earn higherGPAs, have higher retention rates, and demonstrate greater satisfaction.In order to complement the community-building efforts within learning community classrooms,we, a cohort of faculty leaders and administrators of City Tech’s First Year LearningCommunities, a program offered through the college’s Office of First Year Programs, developed“Our Stories” digital writing project which extends the student’s network beyond the
. Page 22.532.31 LectureTools ( is freely available to all higher education instructors in the United States and Canada.3. Methods3.1. Design The LectureTools classroom application is built around the hypothesis that students learnbetter when they have opportunities to actively assess their understanding as material is beingpresented, to pose questions and get feedback during lecture, and to reflect on their learningoutside of class. Inherent in this approach is a need to facilitate “Concept Tests,” a series ofquestions posed to students, requiring their responses as either a means to introduce a topic or totest their understanding. LectureTools promotes this instructional strategy with the expectationthat
, and software developer drive his research exploring how humans can better understand, build, and use software. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Google, Microsoft Research, and the U.S. Department of Defense. Dr. Wallace’s Agile Communicators project, supported by an NSF IUSE award, seeks to build an en- hanced curriculum for computing programs that emphasizes inquiry, critique and reflection, grounded in authentic software development settings. Tools in this project include process oriented guided inquiry learning, automated feedback to students through an intelligent tutoring system, case studies in software communication, and guided reflective exercises on team communication. As part
computerprogramming course. The skills learned in such freshman level courses are being iterated andexpanded on in subsequent courses in these curricula in order to create a ‘computational thinkingthread’. One unforeseen consequence of the computer based modeling course was an increase inthe student’s problem solving ability. This study explores the role that computing has onstudent’s problem solving abilities and tries to quantify its impact. Students in several freshmanand senior level engineering courses across different disciplines were asked to solve a commonproblem solving task as well as reflect on the process they used to solve the problem. Thestudent’s solutions were scored using a protocol based on Wolcott’s ‘Steps for better thinkingrubric’ The
coding) and soft skills (such as problemconcept interpretation. solving and teamwork). Lastly, using these results, volunteers can enhance future opportunities. • Students were asked to reflect on their learning individually to provide an Individual indication of their progress interest level, and content knowledge. This was Reflection done through drawings, worksheets, and surveys. Conclusions & Future Work