expecting to graduate in Spring of 2020. He has been working with high school computer science curriculum and is an advocate for Computer Science classes in all West Virginia schools. Recently, he has been working with middle school students in an after-school program focusing on exposure to STEM topics and experiences.Ms. Isabel Barrio Sanchez, West Virginia University Institute of Technology Isabel Barrio S´anchez is a college student at West Virginia University Institute of Technology. She is currently a Junior pursuing a Mathematics major and Computer Science and Economics minors. She has been working as a middle school and high school mentor for three years. Alongside the Computer Science department at WVU Tech and
Future Prospects,” Encycl. Human-Computer Interact., pp. 211–219, 2005.[10] Y. P. Xin, S., Kastberg, and Y. J., Chen, Conceptual Model-based Problem Solving (COMPS): A Response-to-Intervention Program for Students with Learning Difficulties in Mathematics.National Science Foundation funded project.2015.[11] S. S. Zentall, Students with Mild Exceptionalities (Characteristtics and Applications). 2014.
experiment, as learners have no opportunity to practice theskills they learned from the video. Another approach that holds great potential to enhancelaboratory experience for online education is the use of computer-based modeling and simulation(M&S) tools. Simulation based virtual laboratories emulate lab equipment and configurations inhighly realistic 3D environments and can deliver highly effective learning experiences.Computer-based modeling and simulation has been effectively used to model and simulate awide range of problems in a variety of fields, with particular success in science and engineering.For example, medical students and practitioners can safely perform surgeries on virtual patientsin a simulated environment to enhance their
D ∆t Where, a = 2 - ; b = ; c = ;d = S 2 . ρ∆x 4 ρ∆x 4 ρ∆x 4 ρ∆xEquation (5) provides the displacement of section i of the manipulator at time step j + 1 . Itfollows from this equation that, to obtain the displacements y n -1, j+1 and y n, j+1 , displacements ofthe fictitious points y n + 2, j , y n +1, j and y n +1, j-1 are required. These can be obtained using theboundary conditions related to the
within the VR Framework Low-Angle Vs High Angle Shot Polygon Count Composition Clues for Emotion PosingFinally, putting together all these individual 3D objects and positioning and orienting them helps builddifferent 3D scenes as shown below. The following are some very important results demonstrated from this framework: • A coordinate or coordinates is/are the numerical representation(s) of the location or position of an object. • The origin is typically at the center of the reference coordinate system. However, the origin need not necessarily be at the center of the modeling space. • Different conventions are used by programming language and modeling platforms that are available and used for modeling
Switching over Internet 3. Monitoring Temperature and Humidity over Internet 4. D/C Motor Control over Internet Figure 5: List of Experiments for the Basic IoT Training Module Figure 6: Mobile App Table 3: Function of each component ID S/No Component ID Component Functions 1. Relay C Relay Control for turning on/off the A/C or LED bulb. 2. Motion C
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manufacturing devices were introduced. Why? Why are they so successful? 3. Name as many materials as you can that are used in additive manufacturing. 4. An assembly of five parts is needed. What material (ABS or PLA) would you choose and why to 3D print the parts? 5. When a part fails to print or fails to print properly what may be the cause(s)?PSoC 4 questions are the following. 1. What does the abbreviation PSoC stand for? 2. What processor architecture does the PSoC 4 use and what number of bits is it? 3. To blink an LED on an output pin, what two ways can an output pin be configured on a PSoC 4? 4. Describe the differences between an Arduino Uno and PSoC 4? 5. Why would
Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Utah. He received his B. S. and Ph. D. from the University of Utah and a M. S. from the University of California, San Diego. His teaching responsibilities include the senior unit operations laboratory and freshman design laboratory. His research interests focus on undergraduate education, targeted drug delivery, photobioreactor design, and instrumentation. Page 26.214.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Analysis of Student Interactions with Browser-Based Interactive Simulations
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andWi-Fi systems have to overcome to provide acceptable service, even in more or less benignenvironments.Finally, it is important to note that the I and Q signals can be captured and stored through minormodifications to the LabView VI’s. An instructive exercise is to have the students demodulate areal-world signal using Matlab. For example, suppose an FM signal is captured and stored in aMatlab vector “s” such that the in-phase and quadrature components are represented as the realand imaginary parts. We can extract the signal envelope as “envelope = abs(s)” and theinstantaneous phase as “theta = angle(s)”. Since the FM phase is the integral of the messagesignal, the message signal can be extracted by differentiating the phase using “m = diff
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linked-list simulator.(The names of the students have been changed to preserve their privacy.) Figure 10. Using a form to collect answers to in-class exercisesWhen a student is called to the board towork a problem in a traditionalclassroom, (s)he is often asked to showthe steps in a derivation. The sameeffect can be achieved with a form,where successive questions ask whathappens during successive steps. Figure11 shows a form for collecting thisinformation, and Figure 12 presents theassociated spreadsheet.Note that the last question asks studentswhich row of the classroom they aresitting in. I use this question in myclasses to spot areas of the classroomwhere students are not engaged, and alsoto facilitate competitions among rows
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image and video coding.Siew Koay, Prairie View A&M University Dr. S. T. Koay is currently professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prairie View A&M University. His current research interests are analytical modeling for spatial tracking of mobile objects for real time applications, statistical signal processing, modeling and simulation.Yonggao Yang, Prairie View A&M University Yonggao Yang is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Prairie View A&M University in Texas. He joined the CS Department at PVAMU as an Assistant Professor in August 2002 immediately upon receiving a Ph.D. degree in Information Technology & Computer
particular,we are looking for a better motivator to attract students who are struggling and help them in away that they feel more directly addresses their problems.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award0757020 (DUE). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation (NSF).Bibliography[1] T. J. Cortina. An introduction to computer science for non-majors using principles of computation. In SIGCSE’07: Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, pages 218–222, New
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retail price of this new OMAP- Page 22.1118.2based system is $149 (USD),2 while the suggested retail price for the still-available C6713 DSK is$395 (USD). When compared to the TMS320C6713 DSK, this new experimenter kit has several Figure 1: The new LogicPD Zoom OMAP-L138 eXperimenter Kit.changes, and depending upon the intended application these changes may or may not be consid-ered improvements. The OMAP-L138 SoC includes a multi-core processor that contains both aC6748 VLIW digital signal processor and an ARM926EJ-S RISC general purpose processor, bothrunning at 300 MHz. In the experimenter kit configuration, the processor has 64
and frequently with little interaction. This paperdiscusses the potential of BIM for improving collaborative AEC education, and proposes a wayforward for Universities, based on the outcomes of a series of surveys and interviews with arange of industry and academic stakeholders in the AEC professions, examining current andfuture practice in this important area.The need for collaboration in the AEC professionsIn the U.S., approximately eight per cent of the total workforce in 2007 was employed inconstruction and the industry contributed $611 billion, or 4.4 per cent of the gross domesticproduct (GDP) in that year1. Similarly, the construction industry represents approximately six percent of both Australia‟s and the UK‟s GDP2, 3. But despite the
University was designed for intellectuallygifted, highly motivated students entering the School of Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)with a wide range of interests, who desire a more diverse experience across the disciplines. Theprogram seeks to broaden Computer Science Fellows’ backgrounds in their chosen area(s) ofdiversification while preparing them for a graduate studies or for successful careers. TheComputer Science Fellows is a major within the School of Engineering & Computer Sciencewhere fellows are free to create an individualized course of study with the advice of a programdirector who mentors them throughout the entire undergraduate experience. The program hascourse requirements in computer science as well as other core courses
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output slider link 6. As shown in Figures 5 through7, the results across all three are the same. Output Slider Velocity Versus Time 300 200 100 0 -1000.000 0.150 0.300 0.450 0.600 v6 (mm/s) -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 time (sec) Figure 5. Excel Result for Output Slider Velocity versus Time Figure 6. Unigraphics NX7.5 Result for Output Slider Velocity versus Time
-enabled learning contexts, technology-mediated problem solving, applications of dynamic modeling for learning of complex topics, and the impact of epistemic beliefs on learning with technology.Dr. Suzanna Long, Missouri University of Science & Technology Dr. Suzanna Long is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) at Missouri S&T and holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in engineering management, B.S. in physics and in history (University of Missouri-Rolla) and an M.A. in history (University of Missouri-St. Louis). Her research focuses on sustainable infrastructure systems, including sustainability in global supply chains and transportation systems. She is a recognized expert in