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, but the efforts to implement distance learning in engineering have notstopped and they are a work in progress.Old Dominion University in Distance Learning.Old Dominion University of Norfolk VA (ODU) is recognized as a pioneer institution in distanceeducation and telecommunication since the mid 1980’s. “Teletechnet”, is a satellite broadcastingsystem implemented and used by ODU since the early 1990’s to deliver courses and degreeprograms to a network of distance locations not only within the continental U.S. but also to USNavy ships and submarines deployed around the globe. At present, ODU delivers distanceeducation using technologies beyond satellite TV transmission. Newly available computer-based and Internet technologies have been
opinions of student abilities, importance of specific skills, andavailability of university resources.IntroductionBeginning in the early 90’s, portfolios have gained popularity in academic settings and morerecently there has been a shift towards electronic portfolios (e-portfolio). “E-portfolios cansupport student advisement, career preparation, and credential documentation; sharing ofteaching philosophies and practices; department and program self-studies; and institutional andprogram accreditation processes.”1 In addition to student benefits, a variety of institutions haveimplemented e-portfolios for the added purpose of assessment and accreditation in support of“lifelong learning,” 2-5 a specific criteria for engineering accreditation through
RoboWaiter: ____ Contestant ___ SupporterContestant details: Robot name(s) ____________________Contest division(s) _____________________Institution _____________________________ Professional or student position _______________________Form of your participation in the RoboWaiter: ____ Curricular ____ ExtracurricularSupporter details: ___ Individual ___ Organization member (specify)___________________________________Forms of support: Current ______________________________ Future__________________________________Your experience with assistive technology & assistive robotics___________________________________________2. GoalsPlease present your view of the goals of the assistive robotics
Administrative Support Coordinator) for recruiting high schoolstudents; the 15 student assistant volunteers for making the discussion boards manageable; JeffZampell for organizing the student assistants and helping create supplemental materials.8. References[1] Cormier, D. (2008). The CCK08 MOOC – Connectivism course, 1/4 way. Dave’s Educational Blog, October 2,2008. Retrieved fromhttp://davecormier.com/edblog/2008/10/02/the-cck08-mooc-connectivism-course-14-way/[2] Parr, C. (2013). MOOC creators criticise courses’ lack of creativity. Times Higher Education, October 17, 2013.Retrieved fromhttps://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/mooc-creators-criticise-courses-lack-of-creativity/2008180.article[3] Leckart, S. (2012). The Stanford Education Experiment
, despite all the efforts during the past years, a 2010 revisit of the2005 report entitled “Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly ApproachingCategory 5”2 stated that the U. S. scientific and technical global competitiveness position hadcontinued to deteriorate in the previous five years (p. 2).Meanwhile, social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook have become important venues forthe young generation to communicate and exchange information. A Pew Research Center report3indicates 93% of young adults (age 18-29) use the Internet and 72% of them use socialnetworking sites. The public conversation online has accumulated large amount of real-time datagenerated in informal settings that can bring valuable insights into students’ college
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platform may be used to create dynamicexams and textbooks in which students can physically interact with exam questions andinstructional examples. This work in progress describes the educational requirements of thesystem and the technical challenges involved in the initial development of the first FLATLABmodule.1 ObjectivesEffective instruction can be Assessment-centered (A), Student-centered (S), or Knowledge-centered (K) 1 , but these models need not be mutually exclusive. In this work in progress, wepropose a visuo-haptic learning platform that integrates these three models into a unified (ASK)paradigm suitable for assessment, study, and teaching.The platform is called FLATLAB, a Focused Learning, Assessment, and Teaching Laboratory
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separate NetworkPolicy interface would alsoenable the system to handle specialized user interfaces; e.g., administrator, instructor. The latterwould be particularly relevant to provide real time statistics on the system to instructors andpotentially empower them to affect the system while it is running.4 System configurationSystem initialization is done through a set of configuration files, among which there should beone root file. This root file is provided as file://, http(s):// or ftp:// URL to the EvoParsons jar. Thisjar represents the server-side component of our project. A few scripts are meant to facilitate Table 1: Components of EvoParsons system and their purpose Interface/class Meaning
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executable and choosing which tools to use. The next phase entailed identifying 3how the executable functioned and how to isolate malicious segments of code. Finally, studentsimplemented and tested their own additional modifications. Most students do not have previous experience with reverse engineering binary executables,so the first step is an exploration of the different tools available for reverse engineering software.A preliminary search reveals both IDA (particularly IDA Pro) and BinaryNinja as the most usedplatforms. Free demo versions are available for both softwares, and these are the ones most usedby students. Once a platform(s) is chosen, students must explore what settings and views
Simulation Conference and acts as the technical coordinator for the conference’s management system.Carolyn Miller, North Carolina State University Carolyn S. Miller is a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. She received her M.S. in Computer Science and worked as a Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories and a Senior Digital Systems Engineer at General Electric before joining NC State University. Ms. Miller teaches introductory computer science classes and focuses on researching and integrating new teaching techniques into the classroom.Tom Miller, North Carolina State University Thomas Kenan Miller, III received the BA degree in Mathematics and
these “survey” results were also found in analyzing student tracking data as shown inthe next section.B. Student Tracking ResultsOn 9/20/07, the first test was given with the following results based on 10: 6, 6.8, 7.5, 7.5, 8.3,8.5, 9, 9, 9.3, and 10 for an overall average of 8.19 and an obvious bi-modal distribution. On10/11/07, the second test was given with the following results based on 10: 3, 4.5, 5, 5, 6.5, 7, 7,7, 8.3, and 9 for an overall average of 6.23 (a drop of 2 points) and still showing an obvious bi-modal distribution. The final course grades were 2 A’s, 1 A-, 1 B, 2 B-’s, 1 C+ and 3 C-’s.Using the Tracking tool from the Blackboard Vista CMS, we computed the amounts of timespent by students perusing different types of files
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enjoy increased functionality, including the ability to collect student responsesin-book and provide integrated feedback through the platform. Data will be collected on theefficacy of the live textbook on student experience in the course. It is expected that thisinnovative textbook will increase student efficiency and improve overall experience in theintroductory coding course.References[1] S. Freeman et al., “Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 23, 2014, pp. 8410–8415., doi:10.1073/pnas.1319030111.
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Society for Engineering Education, 2020Undergraduate STEM Students’ Role in Making Technology Decisions forSolving Calculus Questions and the Impact of These Decisions on LearningCalculus 1 Emre Tokgöz, 1Berrak S. Tekalp, 1Elif. N. Tekalp, and 2Hasan A. Tekalp1 Emre.Tokgoz@qu.edu, 1Berrak.Tekalp@qu.edu, 1Elif.Tekalp@qu.edu, 2Hasan.Tekalp@qu.edu 1 Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, 065182 Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, 06518 1. IntroductionThere are challenging problems in STEM research that can be solved by using differenttechnologies. STEM students are usually expected to have a good
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equipment. We also plan to develop more ROS labs using MATLAB inthe area of multi-robot control and also for low-cost robot manipulators. It is hoped that theseexperiences and strategies will be useful for educators, both undergraduate and K-12, who wishto advance robotics education for students.5. References[1] ROS Wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/[2] Wilkerson, S. A., & Forsyth, J., & Sperbeck, C., & Jones, M., & Lynn, P. D. (2017, June), AStudent Project using Robotic Operating System (ROS) for Undergraduate Research Paperpresented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio.https://peer.asee.org/27515[3] Yousuf, A., & Lehman, W., & Mustafa, M. A., & Hayder, M. M. (2015, June), IntroducingKinematics with