Figure 3: A plot showing the z-plane annotated for discussing bandpass sampling.dents that allows them to evaluate Equation (1) in a way that promotes exploration and “what if” thinking.A simple m-file that provides this capability is shown in Listing 1, with an example output given in Figure 4for the bandpass signal parameters from Figure 2(a). Listing 1: M ATLAB program to evaluate valid sampling frequencies for bandpass sampling.f u n c t i o n vFs = bp samp ( fu , B )% vFs=bp samp ( f u , B )%% C r e a t e a s e t o f min and max v a l i d s a m p l e f r e q u e n c i e s% f o r bandpass sampling .% For Q= f u / B ,% 2B (Q / n ) <= Fs <= 2B ( ( Q− 1 ) / n −1))% where n i s an i n t e g e r s u c h t h a t 0> bp_samp
anoption. The reason was that programming at the bit level could be cumbersome and it took thestudents a long time to set hardware configurations, timers, interrupts, etc. There was asignificant amount of code and hardware preparation just to get the robot going. Therefore in2009, the controller was changed to the Robotics Connection Serializer that could beprogrammed with Visual C# using MSRS services54, 55. This format was actually moreappropriate because it moved the focus from components to higher level functions and behaviors.The object oriented programming in an IDE afforded the creation of a GUI to make it possible tovisualize the framework of the student‟s work. By changing to this software platform, studentswere able to accomplish more
(16)The linear natural frequencies and mode shapes can be found by assuming solution forms: λ1 ? A sin ∗ s Τ + , λ 2 ? B sin ∗ s Τ + (17)Substituting into equations (16) gives: A 1 − χ / s 2 − B ] /χ _ ? 0 A ] /χ _ − B 1 − χ / s 2 ? 0 (18)For non-zero solutions, the determinant of the coefficients must be zero. This gives a polynomialin s , from which the natural frequencies can be obtained. Equations (18) give the associatedmode shapes
development of achat-bot built on student’s questions and understandings and perceptions of course contentprovides the instructor with a unique look onto the minds of students. With the oversight anddirection of the instructor and with the aid of students a true content specific engineeringartificial intelligence may be created. Through this process we may better understand thecomplex learning process of our students. Page 15.181.12Bibliography1. S. Crown, "Using Web-Based Games to Enhance the Teaching of Engineering Graphics" Proceedings of theIASTED International Conference, Computers and Advanced Technology in Education. Philadelphia, PA. May1999
], which resulted in the need forthis project.Methods A series of gradually more challenging homework assignments were developed for thecomputer architecture course. An overview of each assignment follows.Assignment 1—Introduction to HDL and Utilities As an introductive exercise, students implement basic components using differentdesigning schemes. Knowing how to effectively navigate through these design schemes assistthem in future homework. The following strategies are given to the students:Implement a half adder using dataflow modeling: • Outputs: S-Sum, C-Carry • Inputs: X-Bit 1, Y-Bit-2Use hierarchal and gate-level modeling to implement a full adder: • Outputs: S-Sum, C-Carry • Inputs: X-Bit1, Y-Bit-2, Z-Carry InCreate a
. Further development of the physical model and image processing algorithms shouldmake it possible to control virtual objects from any location in cyber space using a laptop withembedded web-camera.Bibliography1. Bluemel, E., Hintze, A., Schulz, T., Schumann, M., & Stuering, S. (2003). Virtual environments for the training of maintenance and service tasks. In Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, USA, 2001-2007.2 De Lara, J., & Alfonseca, M. (2001). Constructing simulation-based web documents. IEEE MultiMedia, 8, 42- 49.3 Fishwick, P. A. (1996). Web-based simulation: Some personal observations. Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, USA, 772-779.4 Manojlovich, J., Prasithsangaree, P
-Level Diagram.Mnemonic Encoding Operation NOP 0000 Do no operation. Takes 2's complement of the number in NEG 0001 the accumulator. Takes 1's complement of the number in NOT 0010 the accumulator. Rotates the accumulator data one bit to ROR 0011 the right (with wrap-around). Transfers the data from the accumulator OUT 0100 aaaa to the selected output port
Production Economics, vol 62, pp. 87-105, 1999. 2. S. C. Park, A methodology for creating a virtual model for a flexible manufacturing system, Computers in Industry, vol. 56, pp. 734–746, 2005. 3. D. Kotak, S.Wu, M. Fleetwood, H. Tamoto, Agent-based holonic design and operations environment for distributed manufacturing. Computers in Industry, vol. 52, pp. 95-108, 2003. 4. M. Bal, M. Hashemipour, Virtual factory approach for implementation of holonic control in industrial applications: A case study in die-casting industry. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 25(3), pp. 570– 580, 2009. 5. S. Cavalieri, M. Macchi , P. Valckenaers, Benchmarking the performance of manufacturing control
suggested system by incorporating other programming languages suchas C++ and MS Visual Basic.AcknowledgementThis work is funded by the National Science Council in Taiwan, under the “Science Education”Program, Project No. NSC 97-2511-S-218-005-MY2.Bibliography1. Allen Tucker. (2003). A Model Curriculum for K-12 Computer Science. Final Report of the ACM K-12 Education Task Force Curriculum Committee. ACM.2. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., and Cocking, R.R.(2000). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D.C.:National Academy Press.3. Resnick, M. (1995). New paradigms for computing, new paradigms for thinking. In A. diSessa, Hoyles, C., & Noss, R. (Eds.), Computers and Exploratory Learning (pp. 31-43). New York
-DSPTonalityDue to the presence of a large amount of noise in the signal, the original tone of the signal mightget masked. Tonality is a measure of the signal‟s tone-like or noise-like characteristic. TheSpectral Flatness Measure (SFM), defined as the ratio of the geometric mean to the arithmeticmean of the power spectrum, is used to compute the tonality for each frame 4. P(k ) Re2[ X (k )] Im2[ X (k )] (2) GM {P(k)} (3) SFM (dB) 10 log10 AM {P(k)} SFMdB
thecourse professor.3 Description of New Lab Exercises3.1 Lab 1: Binary Arithmetic3.1.1 Key ConceptsThe key concepts addressed in this lab are: • converting between the binary, hexadecimal, and decimal number systems; • addition and subtraction of unsigned and signed 2’s complement numbers along with over- flow detection; • an introduction to the Xilinx and ModelSim software packages; and • the simulation of a design using Xilinx and ModelSim software.3.1.2 Pre-Lab Exercises Page 15.1115.5This pre-lab requires students to complete the addition and subtraction exercises shown in Table 1.Students must use the
) shell and tube, one-shell pass and two tube passes, d) Cross flow, single pass, both fluids unmixed. Fluid 1 as a specific heat of 3500 J/kg-K and a flow rate of 2 kg/s initially at 80 C and needs to be cooled to 50 C. Fluid 2 is water with a flow rate of 2.5 kg/s initially at 15 C. Assume an overall heat transfer coefficient of 2000 W/m2 K. Use to solve this problem. 2. Find the oil flow rate and length of the tubes required to achieve an outlet temperature of 100 C with an initial temperature of 160 C. The heat exchanger is this case is a shell-and-tube with 10 tubes, each 25 mm in diameter, making 8 passes and the other fluid is water initially at 15 C and ending at 85 C flowing at 2.5 kg/s. You
Science Class.Proceedings of the 17th SIGCSE symposium on Computer science education, 138-143.[2] Bergin, S. & Reilly, R. (2005). Programming: factors that influence success. ACM SIGCSEBulletin, Volume 37 – Issue 1, 411-415.[3] Bateman, C.R. (1973) Predicting performance in a basic computer course. Proceedings of theFifth Annual Meeting of American Institute for Decision Sciences, Boston, MA. 130-133.[4] Butcher, D.F., & Muth, W.A. (1985). Predicting performance in an introductory computer sciencecourse. Communications of the ACM, 28, 263-268.[5] Campbell P. F., & McCabe, G. P. (1984). Predicting the success of freshmen in a computerscience major. Commun. ACM, 27(11):1108–1113.[6] B. Cantwell-Wilson & Shrock, S
linked-list simulator.(The names of the students have been changed to preserve their privacy.) Figure 10. Using a form to collect answers to in-class exercisesWhen a student is called to the board towork a problem in a traditionalclassroom, (s)he is often asked to showthe steps in a derivation. The sameeffect can be achieved with a form,where successive questions ask whathappens during successive steps. Figure11 shows a form for collecting thisinformation, and Figure 12 presents theassociated spreadsheet.Note that the last question asks studentswhich row of the classroom they aresitting in. I use this question in myclasses to spot areas of the classroomwhere students are not engaged, and alsoto facilitate competitions among rows
a specific time increases their commitment to attend. ≠ Develop an online sign in process to better monitor program utilization. ≠ Develop a privacy policy so users are aware of session recording options.Bibliography1. Avison, D., Baskerville, R., & Myers, M. (2001). Controlling Action Research Projects. Information Technology & People, 14(1), 28-45.2. Bloom, B. S. (1984). The search for methods of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Leadership, 41(8), 4.3. Bork, A. (2000). Learning technology. Educause Review, 35(1), 74-81.4. Chang, S. L. (2004). The roles of mentors in electronic learning environments. AACE Journal, 12(3), 331-342.5. Elden, M., & Chisholm, R. F. (1993
image and video coding.Siew Koay, Prairie View A&M University Dr. S. T. Koay is currently professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prairie View A&M University. His current research interests are analytical modeling for spatial tracking of mobile objects for real time applications, statistical signal processing, modeling and simulation.Yonggao Yang, Prairie View A&M University Yonggao Yang is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Prairie View A&M University in Texas. He joined the CS Department at PVAMU as an Assistant Professor in August 2002 immediately upon receiving a Ph.D. degree in Information Technology & Computer
particular,we are looking for a better motivator to attract students who are struggling and help them in away that they feel more directly addresses their problems.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award0757020 (DUE). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation (NSF).Bibliography[1] T. J. Cortina. An introduction to computer science for non-majors using principles of computation. In SIGCSE’07: Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, pages 218–222, New
signals at2.1Mb/s. [20]. The Bluetooth USB Adapter supports the Microsoft Service Pack 2 Bluetoothstack.Java Software Platform for NXT Page 15.1155.4The NXT needs to have a firmware installed in order to be usable. The default firmware andsoftware, NXT-G, are adequate for normal users. However, for greater flexibility, an alternatefirmware and software system for the NXT, called leJOS NXJ, was adopted for the project. Itinterfaces with the NXT hardware and allows users to program in Java. The PC laptop usedleJOS JVM (Java Virtual Machine) under a Linux operating system. An open source integrateddevelopment environment (IDE) suitable for leJOS NXJ
University was designed for intellectuallygifted, highly motivated students entering the School of Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)with a wide range of interests, who desire a more diverse experience across the disciplines. Theprogram seeks to broaden Computer Science Fellows’ backgrounds in their chosen area(s) ofdiversification while preparing them for a graduate studies or for successful careers. TheComputer Science Fellows is a major within the School of Engineering & Computer Sciencewhere fellows are free to create an individualized course of study with the advice of a programdirector who mentors them throughout the entire undergraduate experience. The program hascourse requirements in computer science as well as other core courses
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needed to betterdetermine optimal methods for utilizing this tool.References1 Camtasia Studio Software, Copyright 1999-2009 TechSmith Corporation, http://www.techsmith.com2 Campbell, C., “On-Line Video-Based Training for Matlab, Mathcad and Maple”, Proceedings of the 2006 ASEEAnnual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education (2006).3 Jackson, A., Jackson, S., and Mehta, M., “Applying the Six Sigma Process when Creating A Modular Six SigmaGreen Belt Program”, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society forEngineering Education (2009).4 Brown, C., Lu, Y.-H., Yale, M., Bennett, D., “On-Line Examinations for Object-Oriented Programming”,Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual
. Sherri S. Frizell is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). Her research interests include human computer interaction, educational technology, and computer science education. She is very involved in activities to promote the academic and career success of women and minorities in computer science and engineering. Dr. Frizell has served as mentor to minority students participating in the Texas A&M University System Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program and the LSAMP Bridges to the Doctorate Program. She is the recipient of the 2009 PVAMU College of Engineering Outstanding Teacher award. Dr
Education. Physics Today,58(11), 2005.3 Hrepic, Z., Rebello, N. S., Zollman, D. A., Remedying Shortcomings of Lecture-Based Physics InstructionThrough Pen-Based, Wireless Computing And DyKnow Software, Page 15.196.84 Cromack, J., Technology and Learning-Centered Education: Research-Based Support for how the Tablet PCEmbodies the Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers inEducation Conference, October 22–25, 2008, Saratoga Springs, NY.5 Chidanandan, A., Ferro, P., Frolik, J
-circuit programmer, and a CEENBoT™ operation manual containing schematics andexample C code. The lab assignments were completed as individual student assignments duringthe last 6 weeks of the 15 week semester course.The labs began with an introduction to controlling the CEENBoT™‘s stepper motors to achievebasic movement, and built upon this by integrating and controlling active sensors. The labobjectives required using bit-level C programming techniques and communication betweenmicrocontrollers to achieve robot control objectives using the integrated sensors. The labsculminated with an assignment that required students to apply the skills and sensors controlled inprevious labs to achieve autonomous wall following with feedback control. The four
tremendous growth to a pointwhere the World Wide Web (WWW) currently supports nearly 600 million virtual world usersworldwide with nearly half of those falling into the up and coming 10-15 year old age group.3Current reports also indicate that nearly 150 virtual world environments in existence today withthat number expected to grow to 900 or more within the next three years.4 The past two decadesthe Web has witnessed a 1990’s era, often referred to as Web 1.0, that focused mostly on read-only content and static HTML-based websites with early websites that were generally notinteractive and Web technologies concentrating mostly on linking documents between the ever-increasing numbers of Web servers.Over the past ten years Web users have shifted gears
for the senior project and on some design for my employer. ≠ KiCad was a powerful tool but required a lot of self learning. A class would have been nice to have… ≠ It was an easy program to use, but seemed to have problems with floating and open points when doing schematics.In question A5 students are asking for more support; in particular, they would like moreappropriate tutorial material and that KiCad be introduced earlier in the curriculum. ≠ It would be nice if there was a tutoring lab for Engineering S/W. ≠ The tutorial on the board layouts and creating the footprints should be improved. ≠ …more components for KiCad and an earlier encounter with it would be helpful.A second survey provides additional
, skills, content, and knowledge contained in the instruction are appropriate for Indiana Academic Standard(s) 2 All components - example samples, explanations, graphic illustrations - are appropriate for a broad spectrum of students in the designated grade level. 3 The level and methods of interaction are effective for teaching. 4 The presentation encourages effective and/or active learning. 5 The instructional technology has a clear and engaging representation/interface. 6 Using this technology has a significant advantage over traditional classroom methods. 7 Scores, reports, diagnostic results
-64.6Barnett, J.E., Di Vesta, F.J., & Rogozinski, J.T. (1981). What is learned in note-taking? Journal of EducationalPsychology, 73, 181-192.7Foos, P.W., Mora, J.J., & Tkacz, S. (1994). Student study techniques and the generation effect. Journal ofEducational Psychology, 86(4), 567-576. Page 15.1249.6
various branch conditions listed in Table 4. The signal name “NATT” is the acronym for“next address if the test result is true” and serves as the target of a branch action, so that a branchis performed by loading the NATT value into the address counter. Address Microstore Test NATT EnA EnD EnL EnN SelMux SelALU KVal Wr 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 8 1 Kval Wr ’0’ I0 S ’1’ I1 Data path control signals Cflag I2 Mux Zflag I3